Kingdom Hearts: III (New Scans?)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 27, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    The new issue of Dengeki is going on sale later this week. The issue contains a new interview with Nomura. Apparently the interview will contain some information on Kingdom Hearts: III.

    Nomura Interview: Topics being Covered
    Once all three titles are complete, Sora will be shown.
    » Coded was apparently made through Disney.
    » Birth by Sleep is in bad planing. They hope that the game will be released by the end of this year.
    » Birth by Sleep is the only title out of the three with the most volume and voice acting.
    » Birth by Sleep may prelude to Kingdom Hearts: III.
    » The new chapter for Coded is being released June 3rd.

    In other news, the KINGDOM HEARTS: Piano Collection is now available to purchase.
    The link below will direct you to the product on PlayAsia.

    Source: FF7AC Reunion & Heart Station
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, May 27, 2009.

    1. Kenni-Chan
      So much information is coming out these days... Oh well, good to know, thanks Mike. <3
    2. Xeitr The False Image
      Xeitr The False Image
      cant wait for the interview makes me feel like we're getting somewhere instead of still being like...3-4 more years till
    3. Toshi
      "Bad planning" my ass.
    4. Moe Money
      Moe Money
      c'mon i been waitin to play a kingdom hearts game since kh2 came out
      i played the game more than 50 times
      they need to finish bbs quick
    5. Hakurei Reimu
      Hakurei Reimu
      Strange how we'd get info about KH3 before BBS is out. :/
    6. Firechakram
      I hope they release KH3 on another console, other than just the PS3. I don't have one. And not as many people own a Ps3 as much as a Ps2. I think if its only for the PS3, it wont sell very well.
    7. Missingheart

      That's a shame. I was hoping 258/2 dyas would be having a lot of speech cutscenes.

      Nevermind. It's going to be a GREAT game!!!
    8. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Oh, this is so exciting! 8D So, once Coded, Days, and BBS are all done...we'll see something new of Sora? A new look maybe? For KH3? It's great to know that it's even a possibility that BBS will be a prelude to Kingdom Hearts III, because I've definitely been looking forward to this kind of information.

      Thanks, Mike!
    9. 007
      thanx mike.
      with all the excitement of Days coming out, some of us are forgetting about BBS (which is really the only creative storyline) so it's good to hear more information on it, even though "bad planning" is bullshit.
    10. The Graceful Assassin
      The Graceful Assassin
      Wow...never thought KH3 would even be announced. I wonder whats in store for us...
    11. D*Reeves
      I think Sony is gonna try and keep it as an exclusive since it will make allot of people to buy a PS3. Thats why they went for Final Fantasy Versus XIII as an exclusive (made by the KH team:D) since it seems its more hardcore Final Fantasy then FFXIII wich will make more people buy a PS3.
      And who knows when the time comes sony made a price cut and much more people got one by then
    12. Egypt
      Thank for the info.
    13. Ultimecia
      vith all the voice acting and wait put into it BBS better be good xD
    14. Zeonark
      About fucking time.

      It's been HOW many years since KH2 came out? He better get some explaining done and released some information right now.

      If this game goes on the PS3, I'm killing someone. Thanks for the info Mike.
    15. willi_211191
      Kingdom Hearts III !?

      *overflowing emotions* *nosebleed* *Overheating*

      *too much to process*

      Im so happy right now! *cries
    16. EvilMan_89
      if i'm not mistaken it's not up to Sony, it's up to Square Enix.

      anyways, i wonder what they mean with "bad planning". it makes it sounds like there will be delays with the game being released.
    17. Mike
      They are talking about a solid release date.
      They are not sure of one, but they are trying to put the game out by the end of the year.
    18. Blueman
      But the graphics would be amazing. =)
    19. key dragon
      key dragon
      Meh I always new BBS would lead up to something for KH#. It's about time Kairi gets to kick butt in a game.:)