Kingdom Hearts II Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ North America

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by fullmetal_otaku, Mar 14, 2007.

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  1. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    We wouldn't need new subs.

    Nomura could just put English subs in KH2FM, then put English subs in Re:CoM as well.

    We'd be all set with the Japanese VO's in CoM, and FM would be in all English.

    Simple. XD
  3. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  4. Nikkster94 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 18, 2007
    im not telling!
    it should come out of states because:

    1.there r alot of people who are big fans of kh outside of japan. if he doesnt bring it out he will lose alot of fans.

    2.this has way more stuff then kh:FM. the only reason that he left it in japan was for japanese people to experience wat the english voice actors sound like and the fact that the american kingdom hearts game had more stuff then the japanese game.(i have no idea how we got more stuff, i just heard this from some guy(and if hes lying i rlly dont least its a reason)) plus kh:fm didnt have very much stuff other then a few new keyblades,3-4 new cutscenes, and newly-colored heartless.

    3.i heard from wikipedia and other kh sites that it might be possible that kh2:FM+ will be released on fall 2007

    4.if nomura didnt bring it out of states he might lose an oppurtunity to get even more money compared from japan.

    5.i think i saw an interview where he said that he was THINKING of putting it out of states, but didnt confirm it. (it was NOT the april fools prank that was made by Xaldin)

    reasons why he wont bring it here:

    1. not alot of people noe about KH2:FM+ and may not buy it since they would be thinking "i alrdy have kh2 y should i buy that?" or something like that... (I SUGGEST WE TELL ALL THE KINGDOM HEARTS FANS THAT WE NOE THAT DONT NOE ABOUT KH2:FM+!) would cost alot of money to ship it here and get english VAs

    3.nomura is an evil EVIL man.:mad:

    Edit: oops wrong thread
  5. Grey_Fox_79 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 29, 2007
  6. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Wasn't that Xaldin's April Fool's joke?

    I don't think releasing FM+ to America is something Nomura would do as an 'experiment'.
  7. Grey_Fox_79 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 29, 2007
    It wasnt from the April Fools interview, it was one on KHInsider.......ugh crap i cant remember when I saw it...I'll go dig it up 4 u guys! brb
  8. abel Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 1, 2007
    Easton, Pennsylvania
    they have to bring it over here, the japanese aren't stupid. Believe me, they will bring it over here, because if they don't, they would loose a lot of money, and, that would be a pretty stupid move. If they don't send it over here, there will probably be disputes.
  9. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Well they didn't bring the first Final Mix over, and there weren't any problems. Fanbase disputes yes, but Square got along just fine.

    International releases are more complicated than you think. Think about that.
  10. abel Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 1, 2007
    Easton, Pennsylvania
    listen you...

    in the first kingdom hearts final mix the only difference was one extra boss fight, two new keyblades, a few new heartless, and a longer secret ending. Hardly worth the money of rebuying kingdom hearts one.

    a lot of people did not play khcom for gba because a lot of people just thought it was a remake of the first game, and some people didn't have a gba. Re: Chain of Memories comes with kh2 final mix + , and sqaure enix knows that a lot of people skipped chain of memories. So, they would be smart to send over kh2 final mix +, and kh2 final mix + has a lot of scenes that were taken out of kh2, plus a lot of extra boss fights. I'm done.
  11. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Actually--it almost costs more money to translate the game, fix it up, send it stateside, and get it into stores than it does to make money once the sale starts.

    Sure, people will buy it (a lot), but Square won't gain much money.

    Their profit wouldn't be TOO high, though it'd be a reasonable number.
  12. abel Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 1, 2007
    Easton, Pennsylvania
    kh2 sold 2,100,000 copies, $50 each and most likely kh2 final mix plus will sell 2 times that amount. That would more than repair the damage for translating,fixing it up, sending it stateside, and getting it into stores.
  13. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Your argument contradicts itself. Because the first Final Mix had less to offer, the production cost is also less, meaning they had better odds of making back money they might lose if they were to bring it to NA.

    KH2:FM+, having so many more extras, costs a crap load of more money to produce, and the chances of making the same returns as they did for KH2 are most likely going to be lower.

    I highly suggest you *read* the last few pages. I really don't want to have to explain myself again.
    Your logic is flawed in that argument. KH2:FM+ is nothing inherently new. People waited 4 years for KH2. And KH2 was a completely new game, and therefore each minute you spent playing it was a new experience. This was why KH2 did very well in the market.

    Final Mix+ does not achieve this, and is instead merely an expansion of a game that has already been made. This is not a product that will somehow *double its sales*. Not every KH2 buyer will want Final Mix+.
  14. jengajam Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Theres a better one that has 7000+

    And look on squares site they might have an email on there
  15. Grey_Fox_79 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 29, 2007
    Ya but thats just for re:CoM....What about KH2FM! WE WANT THAT TOO LOL!!! And, if any of you know, how do you email Square Enix this petition?
  16. jengajam Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    I think its also for final mix but if you find a way to contact square then send both.
  17. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  18. TheRisingSun Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 31, 2007
  19. kanUkeepAsekret Moogle Assistant

    Mar 4, 2007
    In the stars...
    I gotta give it up for the japanese...
    They have officially made the americans jealous. I want it to, but i also have to agree with the others when they say that it would cost more to recustomize the game for america. However, i don't believe it would be as hard as other people make it seem. The reason it took Square to develop KH2FM+ was because they had to create a whole new game (CoM) and create all new scenes for KH2FM. Not to mention how long the extended version of the secret ending took to make, what with all the complicated CGI graphics and such. But, with KH2FM, besides adding the new scenes, it probably didn't take so long to add because they've got the whole basis for the game from the original KH2, therefore, it would not take so long because they already have a profile for the american version, if they decide to translate. All they would have to do is make english subtitles for their new scenes, since most of them don't include voice actors, and put in english subtitles, and then add that to their existing american KH2 game. But, is Square really just about the money? Isn't it really about the gamers' happiness? XD
    My final thoughts for Square is, if they were smart, they would give us KH2FM+, translated, and include a translated version of KHFM the first one. That way we'd get the most up to date version of the whole KH trilogy. Think how many people would purchase that, especially those who missed out on the KH phenomenon the fist go around. Everyone would be at an even keel, and i think square would attract more buyers. It sends the message that their a worldwide company.

    C'mon SQUARE, make the westerner's happy!
  20. jengajam Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 29, 2007
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