KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep: Website Update (System Section)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    The official (JP) KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep website has updated on the system section. Another two videos in this section has been added. I do admit that Square-Enix Japan is very persistent with their updates on the official websites for the KINGDOM HEARTS series. Did I mention that the KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days website for North America still has three in complete sections, plus our North American website for KINGDOM HEARTS II is also un complete with it's coming soon section?


    So, when will Europe and North America see a splash page for this title? We are hearing a rumor date right now for May that's been going around the community for the past two or three days now. This is totally un-confirmed for now, so please just be aware.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 14, 2010.

    1. Unknownkid
      I hope it's not May... I mean, it's better than sometime later, but I hope it will be a bit sooner :p.

      And dang, the multiplayer mode sure looks fun, kinda chaotic but fun xD
    2. 5wwia16
      Sweet,can't wait
    3. Wing
      I'd say May is likely accurate, because 358/2 day released 4 months after Japan in the US, i cold see BBS being the same way... either way, its not soon enough!
    4. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Ugh, square really don't care about the western market, do they?
      Dissappointing, in the fact that we potentially have a larger market than Japan, yet they won't jump on that fact by giving us some attention.

      I don't mind May so much, though I think all my final exams are around that time, so I would've like it early. Oh well.
    5. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Make that European. At least U.S got Re:Chain of Memories.

      I'm not in a hurry atm for BBS since i still play days and due to finals i won't be finishing it any time soon so pushing the release date a little works for me. But May is way too long. April would be fine.
    6. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Guess that's true. I would have liked that installment, just to hear the Org english voice actors. I've only learnt recently how of ***** Square are to the western market, with a number of games never published and release dates spanning to around half a year after the original Japanese sale date.
    7. keyblademastergirl
      Their probably just down finishing the kh2 offical site or just forgot about it lol..
    8. AndreaAras26
      Ha, the page have a lot of new stuff since the last time I saw it (considering that the last time was before the release XD)
    9. Shikou
      i really want them to finish the KH 358/2 days website i collect the official wallpapers for KH and im dying to get the north American wallpapers and what else they plan for the download section i only have the square members wallpapers and thats about it for the north American wallpapers i also get them all with all size.

      and i was right we might get KH BBS around the summer time or september
      (like FF 13) and im getting a PSP just for this game i hope it is around may or the summer
    10. sonfon
      I hope its May 3rd or before because thats my Birth-day!