Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Better quality scans from V-Jump has been posted, which features Snow White and Peter Pan from the new KINGDOM HEARTS title "Birth By Sleep". The scans feature Aqua, Terra and Ven. In one scan, Aqua appears to be with the seven dwarfs. Another new screenshot features Ven and Snow White, who seems to be startled by something. I believe she's startled by the witch and that delicious/tasty red apple. For more on the new screenshots, view the two scans above. That's all for now. We'll keep you informed on the latest.

    Source: KHInsider &
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 19, 2009.

    1. EvilMan_89
      huh, i didn't think that the mirror the Queen spoke to was evil.
    2. willi_211191
      In the first scan, the last 2 pics before the coded one...
      isnt that space paranoids?! sure looks like it. and I know its BBS, since you can see the command menu and the health bar
    3. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      I love the picture of Ven and Tinkerbell. (:
    4. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Aqua vs. The Magic Mirror?
      This I have to see!
    5. Anixe
      Lol, the Queen's Witch form. (Off topic: that thing scared me on the Snow White ride at Disneyland... *shivers*)

      Anyway, the scans are kinda small for me to sort of read but I guess it'll have to do for now. Can't wait to see the Peter Pan world again, without the complicated flying mechanics I hope.
    6. willi_211191
      this really looks like space paranoids to me:
    7. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      Nah it's not. I believe it's called Mirror Arena or something, and it's for the multiplayer mode. It might look like it, but the scan itself says it's an arena for multiplayer. Awesome concept btw.
    8. RockmanDS
      I think this is gonna be the first time we don't get seven years bad luck for breaking a mirror
    9. willi_211191
      ah I see, thanks for clearing that up!
      but yeah, looks awesome!
    10. keyblader of a nobody
      keyblader of a nobody
      as we don't die on that level then I guess we won't have the bad luck for messing with the mirror...

      Now, about the multiplayer... is it going to be Ad-Hoc or Wi-Fi? I would really like WF since most people will import the game but might not have someone to play with.. =[

      but if it supports downloadable multiplayer, then we're golden! (1UMD)
    11. Ultima Wepon
    12. darkshadowxyz
      Okay, so you guys probably know how in Kingdom Hearts 2, you see the Advent Children Cloud (with his AC getup) and AC Tifa? Well, if BBS took place when Sora was about 5/6/7 and he was 15 during KH2, then BBS might have taken place during Crisis Core.

      Let me explain:
      If Sora is 15 during KH2 and is 5/6/7 during BBS, then that means there is a 10/9/8 year difference.
      If FF7 takes place about 5/6 years after Crisis Core (if you played that game you would find out that Cloud and Zack were asleep for 5 years during their stay at Nibelheim) and then Advent children takes place about 2/3 years after FF7, then that adds up to about 7/8 years.
      Lets think back to BBS, which is 10/9/8 years before KH2, and AC.
      That would make it possible for there to be a Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core world in BSS, don't you think?
    13. willi_211191
      That could be actually possible!
      I really hope they could implement that in the game, hell, even Cloud as a 3rd class soldier could appear! they just need to extract the models from the CC game and pass hem over to BBS!
    14. darkshadowxyz
      I know, right?

      Anyways, I heard that the BBS gameplay/models/fighting gameplay will be based on CC and FF Dissidia. =D

      Nope. To have Wi-Fi, Square Enix would have to open up their own server that you can connect to (kinda like the EA Games server and playing NFS games online with other ppl).

      They didn't do that with Dissidia, so why would they do it here. -.-
    15. Xamad
      I always thought those were the pods from END OF THE WORLD...guess not...and I don't think it's space paranoids either...heck I don't think space paranoids even existed yet...
    16. TerraVenAqua10
      Well,Tron was made in the 80's i think, thats about 20-30 years so,yeah
    17. Xamad
      No no, I meant the program hadn't been made yet...this is before Xehanort went and became the king of all darkness and nothingness, so naturally that world didn't actually exist...or so I would assume...