KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep (English Introduction)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    The KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep introduction is now available in high quality with the English version of Simple and Clean. The video was captured in high quality by zaporozan and the audio was edited by myself. It's nothing special, but worth the view if you're interested in watching it with the English version.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jan 16, 2010.

    1. Shiki
      You spelled you're wrong in the description buddy.
    2. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      I didn't even catch that.
      Good eye.

      Anyway, thanks Mike. Kinda makes it feel like BBS is coming a little sooner.
    3. Shiki
      Now you're poking at me D;

      But yes, I do believe they will either A) use this song or B) change the intro slightly to....Something we don't want.
    4. Artist13Namine

      same here T-T SQUARE U'D BETTER HURRY UP!!!!!!!
    5. reptar
      well im putting simple and clean back on my ipod.
    6. Ienzo
      Is it just me or was this version of simple and clean faster?

      It sounds sooooo much better in english... I hope it's not that far off :p
    7. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      It's the Remix version, the same one used in KH1 for its opening sequence.

      I really thought this was the official version, at first, since the editing was very well done, with scenes i've not seen before.
      Much appreciated.
    8. CKFF7
      Not to brag

      But the version I uploaded days ago is way better quality, so if u want to use my video, u have my permission. I know posting links is againt forum rules, but i'm just trying to help those who want a better quality video's the link:
    9. ShibuyaGato
      That was so awesome. I havent seen an opening like that since KH2 (Days and Re:CoM were TOTALLY different from the first 2)! Nomura has really outdone himself in trying to make another title worthy of having the name Kingdom Hearts. It felt like if it were going to be on Ps2 or 3 not PSP. Can Someone plx post a link to download this one too? im dying to have it along with the trailer.
    10. member13fan
      This is so amazing! *keeps watching screen and see Ven* *smiles* I want it! Can't wait till it comes out! The intro was so cool and it makes me think about the first Kingdom Hearts and how the whole thing with Sora and Riku actually began.
    11. Genshie
      Good to see that the project is finally moving forward. No rush though since I doubt we will see the English official version until mid to late Summer at least.
    12. raszero
      A better quality version of mine I did about a week ago ^^;
      Guess that makes mine a bit useless then.
    13. Mizioki
      just letting everyone know out of realizing but..this video used has a complete out of sync from the song to the video.
    14. AndreaAras26
    15. Trussy1000
      Hey thanks for the vid, really nice, just wish it was in English soon