Kingdom Hearts: Apocalypse ~ Volume 1 - Space

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Zexion of the Twilight, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Great Chapter, continue posting please:).
  2. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Chapter 35 - The Ed, Al, and Winry Adventurers - Al's Solo Special, Underworld Edition Part 2

    The trio goes through the green door, seeing only fog. Thanatos jumps into the fog first. "Don't be fooled, the ground is several inches below the-."

    Al jumps in, but loses his balence mid-air and falls flat on his face. "I should really listen 'till people are done talking...."

    Shiva giggles in pleasure, decending successfully. "Boys will be boys."

    After what seemed to be a maze, they reached that place where the seal of the Underworld Colisseum originally was.

    "As you can see, nothing. There hasn't been heartless since the last sealing of the worlds." Thanatos leads them back to the entrance.

    A large growl then echoed through the Underworld, two more followed in the first's wake.

    Chapter 35 - The Organization Misfits - Bear Hug

    The three are beamed off in a strange red room. "Uhh, ok? I now see how weird this place is." commented Axel, dusting himself off.

    They entered the room with two cans, one with an orange label and one with a blue. Demyx picked up the teddy bear sitting on the chair. "Oh, Xemnas must've been talking about this one!" He then proceeded to hug it.

    "Alright, weirdo, let's think about this." Zexion drinks one of the cans and turns miniature.

    Demyx picked up mini Zexion by his hood. "Aww, look! It's little Zexy."

    Zexion blasted Demyx's face with an ice spell, distracting the Melodious Nocturne long enough to escape his grasp. "Drink, now!"

    The Dynamic Duo both do so, shrinking to Zexion's size. Interestingly, the teddy bear shrunk as well.

    Chapter 35 - The Oblivion Conspericy - Reporting to the Superior

    Xemnas appears on the screen in front of Marluxia. "So, I expect you had quite the adventure?"

    "You could say that...." Larxene giggled in delight as she polished her daggers.

    Vexen scooted away from Larxene a little. "Superior, we took care of a Captain Hook with the help of several of the inhabitants of the world."

    "Anyway, the atmosphere was too tense, so we couldn't stop and smell the roses." joked Marluxia.

    "A typical flower joke, Marluxia, report back to Headquarters immediently." ordered Xemnas, with minor urgency in his voice.
  3. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Lol, that was funny when Vexen scooted away from Larxene.XD

    My poor story.;_:
  4. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

  5. Jade Rhade King's Apprentice

    Oct 24, 2006
    Center of the Universe
    ...I suppose I could do that. Oh, first official Xell fangirl speaking here... you know, I should make a signature that says that. What does Xell look like? Is he just a paler version of L whom I love?
  6. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Basically L with a pen for a weapon.
  7. Jade Rhade King's Apprentice

    Oct 24, 2006
    Center of the Universe
    JUSTICE! I'm going to make myself a Xell signature... eventually. When I get around to it.

    Oh right, the story?'s good, I guess. =P
  8. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Why'd you yell 'Justice', anyway?
  9. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    I´m too a little confused about this.
  10. Jade Rhade King's Apprentice

    Oct 24, 2006
    Center of the Universe
    "Justice"... there's a guy at my school who is the greatest Republican conservative capitalist (similar to me xD), and he adopted the word "justice" to be pretty much the equivalent of "awesome-er than Jade Rhade"... "justice" is one. "America!" is another.
  11. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    "Zexion of the Twilight" is also another choice! *gets beaten by the rusty spoonblade* OK! Ok! I was joking!
  12. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Two things:

    1) When is the next chapter?

    2) Why is Xell is the same as L? The nobodies are supposed to be at least a little different from their somebodies.
  13. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    1) Oh, I have more than enough right now....

    2) I was too lazy to note any distinct features, I was too busy making twenty chapters!
  14. Jade Rhade King's Apprentice

    Oct 24, 2006
    Center of the Universe
    Because I didn't beat Zott over the head enough when he was doing the character development... it's a bit late now. >_< But I'm sure Zott in his almighty-author-ness will be adding in more personality details as this story progress. (*prods with poker*)

    Look! I make pretty while my Internet was down yesterday.
  15. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 36 - The Ed, Al, and Winry Adventurers - Al's Solo Special, Underworld Edition Part 3

    "Oh, it's Cerberus. I have to care for him in his doghouse, alright?" Thanatos jumps on the boat. "Through that blue door, it's a straight path, so don't worry about getting lost!"

    "Alright, thanks Mister Thanatos!" Al and Shiva go through the blue door and all the way to the throne room.

    In the Throne Room, there is a cloaked figure taking a nap on the table.

    Shiva pokes the figure with her stone-cold fingers. "Wake up, sleepy-head!"

    "Gah!" The figure immediently got up, though the voice was strikingly farmiliar to Al. "Oh, Ed, I've been expecting you. Hey, shrimp, have you gotten more taller and handsome since the last time I saw you?"

    "I'm Alphonse, you must be refering to my brother." He drew Dyrnwyrn, whose blade then blazed with fire.

    Shiva also summoned a spear made of ice. "And in answer to your question, yes, he has."

    "Shiva! Don't say that!" Al tightened his gloves.

    "Oh, Al! Forgive me, you're wearing the same outfit he did." The cloaked one got out several darts. "I told Mustang to send his regards, but I guess you'll have to do."

    Thanatos walk into the Throne Room, seeing the three. "Oh, an intruder? We can't have that!" The replacement God of the Underworld calls on his scythe.

    "Three against one? Now, that's unfair." The figure takes off his hood, revealing the grinning face of Maes Hughes. "Alphonse, I'm back!" he cried out with the tone of voice like that of insanity.

    "No, no! You can't-" Al was interupted.

    "I am here, it's a matter of fact." Hughes takes out a piece of Red Stone. "Al, you know what this is." He throws it out.

    "And just what're you doing?" asked Thanatos, staring at the crazed look on Maes' face.

    The whole Underworld was engulfed with a red glow. "Oh, only passing by." Hughes opened a Dark Corridor and left through it. The red glow dissappeared soon after.

    Thanatos looked everywhere. "Oh, no, all of the souls are gone!"

    Shiva and Al turned to Thanatos. "What?!" the two shouted together.

    Chapter 36 - The Organization Misfits - The Corrupt Court of Cards

    The three walk into the court where the Queen of Hearts is napping. Two guards block their path. "No one may enter the court unless on trial or seek audience with the Queen!"

    The Queen of Hearts then wakes up. "How dare you strangers interupt my beauty sleep, OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!" demanded the woman.

    "That must be the Queen of Hearts, she's instantly recognizable." commented Zexion.

    Axel knocks several cards away with his charakams. "A bunch of cards? How sad, watch 'em burn!"

    Demyx blasts a couple of cards away as well using bubbles. "Try playing Poker with soggy cards!" He then proceeds to hug the teddy bear.

    Zexion just walks up to the Queen and smacks her unconcious with his book. "There, plain and simple."

    "Is she dead?" asked a card soldier.

    "No, she'll live, but she'll be mad." responded Zexion. "By the way, have you seen a girl in a blue dress and blonde hair?"

    "Oh, might you be refering to me?" asked a voice coming from the cage.

    "Hey, cards, lower the cage and open it!" demanded Axel, lighting his charakams on fire in a threatening way.

    "Y-yes, sirs!" The Card Soldiers lowered the cage and broke it open.

    A girl in a blue dress and blonde hair that matched exactly with the picture stepped out. "My name is Alice, a pleasure to meet you all."

    Chapter 36 - The Dudes' Night Out - Going Home

    The camp has been filled with Dusks, managed by Dusks, and protected by Dusks.

    "Hey, guys!" shouted Xigbar. "We've got a message from Xemnas!"

    Luxord look at the screen. "......... Poker night, this Saturday. Hey, I wanna g-"

    Lexaeus knocked Luxord's head with a frying pan. "No! The main part of the message, the red part!"

    All team members report to HQ.

    "Oh, well, let's go!" Luxord opens a Dark Corridor to the Gummi Ship.

    Xigbar flips a switch, turning on the Anti-Heartless Field Generator. "Alright, move out!"

    The team of three runs inside the Dark Corridor, closing it behind them.

    Chapter 36 - The Nobody Party - Vacation

    Namine is drawing when her cellphone rings. "Hello?" she asks.

    "Read the text message." answers a distorted voice.

    Namine reads the text message:

    All team members report to HQ.

    "Roxas! Travis! Come on over!" Namine yelled with glee.

    Kixur woke up and fell off the computer's chair. "Wha? Wha?"

    Roxas drops the book he's reading. "Page 147, right, I'm coming!"

    They both run into Namine's room. "What is it?!" they frantically ask.

    "We're to go back to Headquarters." she said with a smile on her face.

    "Yes!" cheered Roxas.

    "Finally, a vacation from this world!" Kixur opened a Dark Corridor to the Gummi Ship, which all three entered.

    Chapter 36 - The Special Provision for Kira - The Call to War

    Xell's cellphone rings. "Hello?" he answers with his mouth full, still using that weird way to pick up a phone.

    "Report back to HQ!" shouts Saix. "Bring along the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee as well!"

    Xell recieves a text message with the names of those comprising the committee as well as their pictures. "Leon? The one whom Greiver is fighting?" He cals Greiver back inside of him and drags Leon through the Dark Corridor with him back to Ansem's Lab.

    "Hey, let go of me!" shouted Leon, struggling against Xell.

    "Oh, there you are." Light rolled his eyes. "I guess you recieved the call as well?"

    "Exactly," answered Xell. "I brought one of the committee members here as well."

    "Good, we've got 'em all!" yelled Misa.

    "They're flying using their own ship, we should go now." L reminded everyone. "The call was quite urgent-sounding."

    "In fact, the shinigami are already onboard our Gummi Ship." Matt explained, blowing some bubbles all the while.

    Suddenly, an earthquake threw all of them against the wall. "What the hell?! It knocked my chocolate onto the ground!" complained Mello.

    "It is dangerous here, I suggest that we go now." suggested Near.

    Xell opens two Dark Corridors to their seperate Gummi Ships.
  16. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    I wonder what is going to happen next.
  17. Jade Rhade King's Apprentice

    Oct 24, 2006
    Center of the Universe
    I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW! ...but I'm not going to tell you, because Zott will eat me if I do. Anyway, not sure if I liked the use of the red for the text messages, but it's the author's decision.
  18. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Awsome! :cheers:
  19. Jade Rhade King's Apprentice

    Oct 24, 2006
    Center of the Universe

    ...get your *** over here with the next chapter, Zott! I know you have them all lined up~!
  20. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Hey, calm down, he surely have other things to do, for example I am making sigs.