Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    Hey everyone,

    With all the exciting news going on, can it get any better? The question can be answered with a yes.

    Another title from the KINGDOM HEARTS series titled as "KINGDOM HEARTS 3D" has been announced today at the Nintendo convention during E3 2010.

    This is a title that is exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS.




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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 15, 2010.

    1. Gelatinous Ghost
      Gelatinous Ghost
      Looks nice. Looks like Nintendo has found yet another way to coerce me into buying another one of their systems. F***. ​
    2. Ansem59
      I'm personally not sure about this title. Where could it possibly fit in, story wise? I'm sure they'll find a way, but still... I have my concerns.
    3. Egypt
      I can't wait to here more about this game it looks really nice.
    4. silverhikari

      Well, in a way, it is KH3. xD Titles are everything to Square.

      (sigh) To bad I'm gonna have to buy a Nintendo 3DS to play it. Aw well.
    5. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Seems to be a lot like the original KH. But maybe it will include Riku's story this time around. Since you see him being controlled.
    6. Mako Tsunami
      Mako Tsunami
      Not getting this. I'll stick to the PS2 one, kthx.
    7. Invader Jack
      Invader Jack
      I'm sure it'll be fine; Nomura knows exactly what he's doing, and I'm sure whatever is in this game will be crucial to understanding the plot of KH3, as with all the other side stories thus far. They all connect in some way. It's interesting though that we only needed one side story (which wasn't even a side story--it still followed Sora and Riku, and was in chronological order) before we got to KH2, and now we're up to...four side stories, and maybe even more to come for all we know, before hearing anything about KH3... But yeah, I see why you would wonder about where it could fit in to the overall story, because I'm wondering about that myself. It just looks like another KH Coded to me, what with it backtracking to KH1 again. Of course, in the first screenshot, we do see the Nobody that Roxas fights at the beginning of KH2... Quite intriguing... Well, we'll see where it goes, I guess. :\

      Hey, you know something I just realized? In the first screenshot, where Sora is in his fighting stance, he's holding his Keyblade upside down! It's not how he normally holds it. That's odd... Could there be some significance there? Also, no Disney characters appear in any of these screenshots. That's probably nothing, but I'm still kind of wondering why they're not being featured at this time.

      I agree. *shakes fist* Nintendo, I think you already have enough darn money to last you a thousand lifetimes! Would you mind NOT sucking the life out of us for a little while? Thanks!
    8. SpazticFantaztic >:3
      SpazticFantaztic >:3
      Seems like KH3 but with a D at the end. As in Spy Kids 3D.
    9. Arch
      This honestly looks like it'd be something like Re:Coded. KH Sora and can't be after the the first game can it? This is getting confusing. I don't like this idea since these might be the same old worlds.><
    10. KirbyKoot401
      Now I'm going to have to buy the 3DS. It just looks too glossy for me. I hope this isn't a remake (even though that'd be pretty sweet), but idk where this is going to fit in the storyline. I was hoping to see some more BBS
    11. Paopu
      Exclusive?! Damn you Nintendo! I don't have another reason to buy the 3DS... I don't think it'll be worth it. We don't even know what this title is about. I don't see it being KH3 in disguise, especially since they are wearing their KH1 outfits. *straps on an RPG and walks to Nintendo's headquarters* Damn them all.
    12. Bloodios
      Well...its worth will be determine in a couple more years...along with the worth of N3DS...
    13. greater_bloo
      greater_bloo this the reason why Nomura went to E3?
      lol gah this game just messes up my chronological order of things i mean Sora and Riku have their KH1 clothes but there's a Nobody for some reason in Traverse Town...
      in an unrelated note i hope they bring back Traverse Town in Kingdom Hearts 3 lol IF IT EVER SHOWS UP!
    14. Egypt
      I would love to get this game but I hope it don't come out to soon.
    15. khfreak123

      I got the PSP for BBS now i have to get this thing!

      Why square... WHY!
    16. Marxaeus
      Despite wanting this game, (it's KH, why wouldn't i?), I have a feeling that Squeenix will want to cut ties with Nintendo. A couple of years ago Nintendo were busy as work making great consoles that people cherished. But nowadays they're making so many different variations of one console that I can't help but feel they're running themselves into the ground. Just look at the amount of different variations of the Nintendo DS. Even though I want this game I will absolutely not go out and buy a console for one game.
    17. EvilMan_89
      huh, looks like a remake of KH1. which isn't a horrible idea but i wish it were on a console system.

      EDIT: wait, it can't be a remake, there's a Nobody in Traverse Town.
    18. Fearless
      I hope they do what they did with FFXIII Agito. It was originaly supposed to be on mobile phones, but they ended up changing it to PSP.
      Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll change this to regular DS? That would be amazing ._.

      Speaking of which, I wonder if they'll announce anything about Versus and Agito...
    19. chainxsalama
      They can't make this title on the regular ds because the regular ds can't emulate the graphics the 3DS emulates HOWEVER I have figured out where this title will fit in the time line. If anyone here has understood the story of Kingdom Hearts Re:coded you will see that Kingdom Hearts 3D is either a prequel to Kingdom Hearts Re:coded or a sequel to Kingdom Hearts Re:coded both however leading up to the future title Kingdom Hearts 3 as Nomura has already said Kingdom Hearts 3's release date will determine on how well Final Fantasy XIII Versus does. I could explain to you how this title fits if you want however it will make perfect sense if you have understood the story of Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. after understanding Kingdom Hearts Re:coded go look at the 3 leaked images of Kingdom Hearts 3D you will understand everything perfectly.