Poor us, we don't get to enjoy anime and manga for a while, this is by far the worst thing the tsunami has done. By. Far.
Not just anime and manga. FF VS XIII has been delayed for 2013. And KH3 has been pushed back to 2015.
This is the only "recent" Earthquake that the majority of my friends actually care about. "Oh man, poor New Ze-- JAPAN? OH DEAR GOD, NOT JAPAN PLEASE NOT JAPAN." I am saddened by this. A friend FB'd "Anime is going to disappear off of the face of the Earth...poor Jayn." It made me want to shoot her. :'c
In all seriousness, yes some shows have been pushed back (the ones currently airing). I heard at least Go Sick and Infinite Stratos were anyways.
............................................................................................................................................... ugh. >.> I... just--..
Great news too! Digimon Xros Wars will not delayed :D ....And that water joke was funny, and a bit too soon too. Sry Trizzle.
Nice to know the human race has it's priorities in order. No one worrying over the Japanese people that are dead, wounded, and potentially facing nuclear fallout and disease. No we worry about our precious anime/manga/video games.