control yrself, take only what you neeeeeed from it Alright KHV, let's talk about children. Some things to consider answering: how do you feel about children folk? Do you find them annoying? Adorable? Would you ever consider having any of your own? How do you feel about adopting? I await your responses with bated breath.
I love kids! They can be annoying sometimes, but I think I was annoying like them when I was little too. Also I think I'm a very patient person, I know how to deal with them; yes, they are adorable if you actually know how to deal with them. I'm too young to say about having a child or adopting, but taking this to the just "kid side", I would love to have a little bro, impossible though. I just have 3 younger brother that aren't my blood brothers (I consider them my brothers, I'm 4 months older than them), and the younger brother (5 years) of my "brother". I enjoy stay with him and take care of him.
I find them adorable and annoying. I like them and dislike them in equal measure. That said, I find them much better than adults on average. They are clever and quick to understand while adults' minds have been molded and have dried into a pre-defined shape. I do not think I could ever have a child with a clean conscience because the world is a very threatening place. There are no places safe from negative influences, and a child cannot help but grow up with a lot of negative energy in this world if they survive. I feel that bringing more people into the world is not necessary and that if you can avoid bringing someone to suffer pain, you should. A child who grows up with my sensibilities and without my control would be met with mass hatred and probably be taken away from me by child services. I have known several people to have their children taken away because they were radicals... I would rather the child grow up knowing what freedom is than become an oppressor, but I dislike the kind of hatred they will get for refusing to join the mob. I would not mind adopting a child, but I would have to be entirely sure that the life I would give them would be better than what they were getting, and that they would not regret having been adopted by me. A hard choice to make, to raise a child...
I work with two year olds all day. Sometimes they can get annoying, but other times they can be the cutest things on the planet. And honestly, nothing makes me feel better than coming in to work and hearing tiny voices calling out "Lizzie!" or "Ti-Ti!" or more often than not "Mommy!". Especially with the toddlers, I get such joy out of watching them grow and learn. Watching a child's face as she discovers Oobleck (a mix I make from cornstarch and water that takes on the form of Silly Putty as it's played with) for the first time can be funny, while watching another try to copy your writing style on a MagnaDoodle brings on a whole other set of feels. And at that age everything is new and exciting to them, so even something as boring and mundane as, say, brushing teeth, in the eyes of a toddler becomes a whole other adventure. And the things they GOD. I had this one little girl in my class who was digging in the sandbox when she came over to me with the bucket she had been using, handed it to me, then said, while leaning back a bit "You do this. My back hurts!" Another child I have right now says things in a pseudo-British accent (I think she's South African), so I'll hear "Liz-ZEE! I cahn't reach it!" I originally went to college to get my degree in elementary education, so I could teach the older set, and happened upon this job purely by chance. Now, I'm not so sure I could completely walk away from it, although in a few months I'll have to (and a few of you know why, if you follow me elsewhere)because those early years truly are special.
kids can be VERY annoying but can also be very insightful. i guess i like the ones who aren't obnoxious. but yea, kids can be very adorable sometimes, especially during Halloween. as for having kids of my own, i don't know. i suppose i might, if i ever get to the point that i have passed all my major milestones and don't really have much else going on in my life. i hear having a kid is a good way of never being bored again (though boredom maybe replaced by frustration at times). i don't really see myself adopting. it just doesn't seem to be my thing.
I love kids, but I'm terrible with them. Like, I'm just bad at interacting with them. I have no idea how. I would love to have kids of my own, It'd probably be easier if they were my own. I think it's just because they are other people's kids that makes it awkward for me. And adoption isn't out of the question for me, it just depends on the circumstances.
Children bother me, and yet I do love them. I could not deal with a child everyday, everynight, whenever. Oh no. I would kill them. Myself and babies do not have a wonderful relationship (they see my hair, they pull my hair, they cry, I cry). But toddlers are great. Toddlers love me, for whatever reason. My mother thinks it is because I am not very babying to them, and I treat them like people. And if they annoy me, I say something mean. Ahh yesh. But I love when children hug me, or hold my hand, or just generally be adorable. Strangers in shops are always trying to stop their children from bothering me. I attract children (and old men, but thats another story). Blargh. I like children. But the idea of having them, taking care of them, cleaning up and minding and putting up with them every second of every day....god no. I would be much more content with being, say, an auntie figure. Take the children out, have fun, laugh, then return them. Yesh.
I hate children and they hate me. Mess, clutter, germs.. HAVING SAID THAT I'm on the fence as to whether I want to have a child or not. I only dislike other peoples' children. It would be different if I had my own - I want someone to love me when I get old. Besides, it would be pretty hard to find a partner who also wants to be childfree for the rest of their life; that's kind of a dealbreaker in relationships. I used to be vehemently against having kids, but y'know.. never say never.
MGMT lovin' gurrrl<3 I really do love children, and I'm really good with them. I have also babysat my neighbors for years so you can say I'm used to interacting with kids. I mean of course kids can get really annoying, but you just have to learn to be nice to them and deal with them based on how they're acting. I find some kids to be really cool too. I mean when they begin to go into elementary school they start developing personalities, and fitting into their own skin more so it's easier to deal with them. And I actually enjoy hanging out with my neighbor who is in 4th grade when I babysit him because we talk about Daft Punk and stuff. I guess it also depends on whether they have cool parents or not. I really do want to have children one day. I'm thinking two or three kids because I think it's better for child to have someone to play with rather than be an only child who I'd probably unintentionally spoil (which I'm sorry that tends to happen). I'm not against adoption, but if I did adopt I would adopt my second child. I really would want to have a child of my own and my future husband's.
Kids can be both annoying and fun, but I'm under the impression that I'm more often reminded of the former. I doubt that I will ever want to have kids, but who knows? Right now I'd rather be the cool uncle or family friend than the parent. I would consider adoption if I'd ever want to have kids, and if possible, skip the baby age entirely. For let there be no mistake: I feel ambiguous about kids but I abhor babies.
The general innocence and vocabulary and just their general behaviour can be genuinely enjoyable. I prefer older kids then the really young ones. I'm sick of needy people, so I am sick of needy kids. Working with kids, I just hate the questions that they know the answer to but want reaffirmation on the subject. I tell them they only get three more questions at that point and generally they learn to ask the more important questions in the end. On having them, I see myself as a father. Sometimes I dream of the idea, a bit of hope and dread I think. I would love to see them develop and grow, seeing the choices they make, their likes and dislikes, what they want. A mix of curiosity and pride. I would just hope I can give them the best I can. It would most likely be they become little hell demons, but what's life without a bit of drama? Anyway, I would be fine with adopting really, if I could cope with the situation. I still want a kid I conceived though, someone to pass on the genetic code I suppose. I want some part of me and my memories to be passed down to others, as like a reminder of where they come from biologically, from being descended of a legacy, both disappointing and great, something unique. But I would adopt if I couldn't have kids by the conventional means.
I don't know why, but everybody says that I'm good with children, I don't know why, but I am. I love kids, cause they're awesome. I love playing with my friends' kids. The only thing that can get annoying about them, is their loud screams an cries. It sounds like a small farm animal is being murdered. I have one god daughter right now, and about to have another one. I love that little girl so much, she makes me laugh a lot. And she is adorable in pictures. As for having them, yeah, I would like to have a family one day. I don't want a lot of them, because I would probably end up going postal. I would be fine with maybe 2-3 kids of my own. On adoption. I'm fine with savin the chrins, but their isn't that, "I help give this kid life" feel like you would with your own blood baby. I don't know, I would really have to consider it I guess.