KH-Vids: Your Ultimate Source for KH Media

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York


    Hey everyone, here's a shocking surprise that the whole team has been working on for months. I've been giving hints to certain members that a surprise wold be shown on KHV very shortly. I'm not sure if you guys thought that it meant a new layout, but surprise anyway. This new forum layout is presented with a dark theme, which showcases KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days, which supports the release in North America and Europe. There are some cool new additions to the dark layout. If you look at our top navigation, it's been customized with a professional and easy way of navigating yourself around thanks to our admin Identity Theft [RVR]. The layout has been planned for months, which was designed by Misty. Misty has done an amazing job of capturing Days with a dark theme. If you guys checked out my profile in the last couple of months, you may have gotten the hint, but it wasn't that obvious so I didn't expect many members to understand. Identity Theft has been working on the layout for about a month or two, trying to code the whole entire skin for you guys, so without him this couldn't even be possible. By the way, I've also updated our Twitter account, so please follow us now.

    Make sure you guys check out more of the exciting features and enjoy your stay at KH-Vids. The fandub production will be released later this week with the cast that I've picked for Birth By Sleep. Also, we are only days away from the Tokyo Game Show and release of KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days. Please stick with us for the latest. Thanks and take care guys.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Sep 21, 2009.

    1. Wing
      Awesome, cant wait to see it! thanks mike
    2. Mr. Pumpkin
      Mr. Pumpkin
      I do not know why, but your happy talk made me all happy and I want to see the fan dub even more now, and I am getting excited about KH358/2 Days. All because of your post. Thanks Mike.
    3. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      As, I navigate around the site, it seems to switch back to the old skin. /: I can screen shot if needed.

      Edit: NVM, I figured out what I was doing.
    4. Bond of Flame
      Bond of Flame
      So that was why I couldn't log in for a sec.
      Well, I like this, I can get used to it :)
    5. shmilo
      Awsome :3 love it But just wondering is there any way to change back to the old skin?

      and i hope we get a bbs skin on the bbs release :D
    6. The Twin
      The Twin
      *sniff sniff*'s beautiful...
    7. DemyxPlaysMySitar
      Possibly one of the coolest things I may have EVER seen! :D
    8. Mike
      There is a switch back to the old one.
      It's on the bottom. Drop the menu down to Funky 2.
    9. Lord Knight Xiron
      Lord Knight Xiron
      It's finally back to dark!

      The white was too bright for my taste.
    10. cstar
      Yay! now I can wake up at 5 in the morning without the color hurting my eyes!

      thank you so much :lolface:
    11. xemsai-superfan
    12. the muffin man
      the muffin man
      I'm not sure but I don't think I'll be using it. It hurts my eyes and it has a few coding errors.
    13. dragonkid_ofhearts
      when i saw this i was like omg cool nice work
    14. WaveK89
      Super Special Awesome Sauce

      Well, I must say this is a surprise, and I like surprises. The Website looks awesome, and I love the banner.
    15. 007
      about time
      I think it's worth the wait
    16. darkshadowxyz
      Holy carp, this looks intensely awesome!! (yes I realize I spelt crap the wrong way it was intentional)

      Congratz and thanks to Misty and Identity Theft for making and completing such a great, eyepopping skin! Oh gee, I wonder what the BBS one would look like, if there was one...

      *starts imagining*

      Anyways, this looks awesome, I'm gunna use this for now on.

      Again, thanks and gratz to Misty and Identity Theft for this awesome skin. =D

      EDIT: LOL I just noticed my signature blends in with the backround, gotta change the font colour. This isn't a problem, I just found it funny. =D
    17. khfreak123
      omgomgomg i luv it.
    18. Spike
      It looks great, guys. Thanks a lot.
    19. Sabby
      YAY I love it. You guys rock. Misty my love =D <3 LOL
      When I clicked KHV... I actually thought I clicked the wrong site for a second xD