Is Searching For New Affiliates!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Sanya, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006

    Attention members and guests, is once again looking for new partnerships with other Kingdom Hearts and Square Enix communities!

    Requirements for Affiliating with KHV:

    • At least 500 or so unique hits daily
    • Has a lot of original content
    • Must have a unique, clean, and beautiful layout
    • Must be updated regularly
    • Must be about at least one game in the SQUARE-ENIX franchise
    • Must be a domain name or a sub-domain name
    • Must not be on free hosting

    If you meet these requirements and are looking for an opportunity to increase your site's traffic while helping our own, we look forward to getting in contact with you! =)

    If you're interested, please e-mail me at or pm me with the following information:

    • Make sure the subject of the email is named "Affiliation Request"
    • How many unique hits your site receives
    • Your site's name
    • Your site's URL
    • Any additional notes

    If accepted, we will add your website to our Affiliates list on our site's home page (and of course we would expect you to do the same). ^^

    Once again, we look forward to these new partnerships and benefits with you!

    All the best, staff
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Sanya, Jan 17, 2010.

    1. reptar
      hm odd, what brought this on?
    2. kitty_mckechnie
      I didn't know we had any till i scrolled down. It's amazing what you learn it you just scroll down.
    3. Sanya
      A lot of our existing Affiliates no longer exist, so we need to find new ones.
    4. darkshadowxyz
      Why don't you just ask KHinsider or

      Or any other websites that we get our information from like

    5. Mike
      I disagree with that. Although we do use these sites for source when it comes to scans, for the most part our sources are the Japanese blogs, which I clearly translate myself and source in the updates.
    6. Captain Hero
      Captain Hero
      I still think we should affiliate with KHI. They're a very credible site and are somewhat identical to us. I joined there before here. Came here because the layout and flow was a little easier to follow, but still something to consider. As for HeartStation, that's really kind of a toss up. Because the owner of HeartStation is also a dedicated KHI member. Still worth a shot, though.
    7. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      We do
    8. Captain Hero
      Captain Hero
      Well then, don't I just feel ******ed. Amazing what I could have found out by just scrolling down.
    9. Mike
      It's all good. Don't worry about it and as far as Olivia at heartstation, I believe she doesn't work at KHInsider anymore. I mean she still logs on to KHI and might help so often. She's a really cool person.
    10. darkshadowxyz
      Lol, I meant in general. But even so, I didn't see that name there...nor do I know how to get to the affiliates list...LOL

      Really? Lawl, my bad. ^.^
    11. AndreaAras26
      I too thought of KH13, Kingdom Hearts Ultimania or KH Insider but now that I see the Affiliates list I see that they are there ^^;
    12. shurik
      I would say sorasheart or roxasheart but the dude rarely updated so much that someone else bought the url and made them completely diffrent