It's 3:15 for me KHV

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Stardust, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    ...And I have an English assignment due tomorrow that I've barely started.

    Well, that isn't true. I have a really basic draft I've been working on and I know how I want the plot to work (it's a creative writing assignment) but... I just can't figure out how to do the real thing.

    My alarm clock normally goes of at 4:50 AM so at this point I doubt I'll be getting any sleep.

    Just thought you should all know, I really miss summer vacation right about now.
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Chose a random anime and summarise the entire episode. I doubt you'll be caught for plagiarism, unless you summarise it badly, or your teacher is an otaku.
  3. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    LOL, I would gladly do that if you can find an anime that follows the exact plot of the play Everyman.
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Ah. That could be problematic.

    If you've already got the plot of the story, what's there to draft?
  5. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    The description of the assignment is pretty vague. I don't know anything about length, and I can't come up with a good style to write it in. Every time I get writing I end up deleting it all because... I hate it >: . I think the main issue for me is just getting a decent beginning down, once I'm able to do that I can write a paper in like a half hour, but I have been working on this since 10 PM and it's just... I don't know. Nothing clicks.

    Creative writing is my least favorite style. I can do essays and reports and WHATEVER but anything that actually requires me to write the story is extremely painful for me to do.
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Agreed. Creative writing's the worst, because you're not really taught HOW to creatively write. I'm taught all sorts of ways of doing essays, but as far as creative writing goes, we're just expected to know it.
  7. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Yeah =/. I just finished a really crappy version of my story that started kinda normal but kinda went into verses that were so choppy it sounded like I was trying to copy the Bible or something, style-wise. It's just that when I think of the word 'fable,' (the assignment is to turn Everyman into one) I think of old Aesop stuff that was written like that, so it just kinda degenerated into mush.

    It's close to two pages double spaced. I guess now I have the basic plot down, but I need to flesh it out, preferably before 5 AM -- that way I won't be in a mad rush to get it done before school.
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    fable |ˈfābəl|
    a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral.

    You've screwed up somewhere. Note the word short. I recommend looking online for an Aesop fable, then in no more than double the same number of words, tell the general plot. Oh, and make sure to have the moral standing out.
  9. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Holy crud, these fables are like a paragraph each, I can't fit all of Everyman into a paragraph! o_o
    I can single space it but I don't think I can condense it any more than I already did in initially writing it. It's just under a page single-spaced. In the assignment it says to write it into "A children's story, fable, or modern short-story," and modern short stories can be up to pages, right? I didn't pick children's story because they generally have pictures on every page and it didn't mention how that should be done, if at all =/.

    This has got to be my least favorite assignment of all time at this point. I have never felt worse about a paper than I do about this one.
  10. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Once upon a time, there was a sinner called Everyman. He had spent his life in the company of friends and material possessions, forgetful of god. Near the end of his life, death appeared to him to take him for judgement at god's hands. Everyman pleaded for time to find those to aid him in his journey, and death agreed. Everyman visits his friend, fellowship, but fellowship refused, offering only women and fine dining. Turning to his family, he found they offered the same. Scared, he turns to Goods, the material possessions he spent his life with. Goods was willing to help, but could not leave Earth's bounds. Frantic, Everyman looked towards Good Deeds, but Good Deeds was tied down by everyman's sin, only able to direct him to Knowledge, who took him to see Confession. Confession liberated Good Deeds from his sins, so Good Deeds was able to help him. Along with Discretion, Beauty, Strength, and the Five Wits, Everyman got blessed by a priest and greeted death and went on his journey. One by one, his companions faded, until only Good Deeds was left to speak for him to god. Thanks to Good Deeds, Everyman was able to shed sins and make the final journey to heaven, while Goods and Fellowship were unable or unwilling to aid him.

    There you go, a fable in under half an hour. It helps that I haven't seen the play and just read a summary of it online.
  11. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007

    >: I want to steal your brainn.
    But uh, I've got mine all together now, and I've just got to print it out and make it look pretty I guess. THEY WANT A COVER AND EVERYTHING. And ugh I thought I was in AP English, aren't we supposed to be ABOVE the whole 'Draw a cover for your story' deal by now?

    Thanks for helping me with this xD.
    Or I guess I should say, thanks for letting me vent all over you and this thread. :>

    The way I figure, even if I screwed this up pretty badly (hopefully not after all of this trouble) she'd at least have to give me SOMETHING for effort.
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Silly Stardust, you really don't get the whole fable thing. When they say they want a cover for a theological work like this, all you have to do is open photoshop/gimp, do a pretty gradient, splotch a few coloured brushes on, stick on a few filters/gradient maps and make a big deal about the symbolism in it. She's an English teacher. She's used to seeing symbolism where there clearly isn't any.
  13. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    xD Oh believe me I'd love to do that, but the instructions make a point to say that I HAVE to draw it and that it HAS to have the main character on it. To give my Everyman an excuse for being around all of the animals in my fable version, I made him a hunter. So I have to draw a stereotypical hunter guy with the boots and hat and crap.

    ...Except I think what I'll do is draw a faded silhouette of a person against the sun, that way my awful art skills won't show so much.
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Symbolism. So make him as ambiguous as possible, because he represents everyone.

    Alternatively, you could draw it, but make it a glowing ball. Say that it's his soul, and it represents him after he's ascended to heaven.

    What I've learnt in English: Symbolism is one large pile of bullcrap. Eating the bullcrap gives you good marks. You can hide some of the real work with even more bullcrap, as no one wants to examine a pile of bullcrap in order to prove that it's bullcrap.
  15. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    xD Right, cool. Suddenly the drawing part seems a lot easier.

    Also, can I quote that last part in my sig? It's amazing.
  16. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Knock yourself out, it's always fun to be seen in a signature.
  17. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Awesome. You're officially in my sig.

    Well that was a fun... Eight hours. Sort of.
    I should've done the fable on myself writing the paper, it really DID drag me through hell.

    You would have been the Good Deeds in my fable, in that case. xD
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Oh yeah. If you did your on the computer, can you upload it? I'd like to see the finished result.

    Now can you please explain why you wake up at 4:30? I try to get up at 5:30 on schooldays, but you put me to shame.

    By the way, tell me later what class you end up falling asleep in. I'm gonna bet on it being history/social studies or science.
  19. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    I didn't, it's not on the computer so I can't, sorry. Because of the drawing thing I just did it all by hand.

    I get up that early because I always feel like I don't have enough time to relax before I have to head off for school. I don't actually leave until around seven. Sometimes it gives me time to do some homework that I was too tired to do the night before (of course not TODAY, TODAY I didn't sleep at all xD).

    And I'll let you know. History is probably a good guess, it's one of my later classes so I'll be all worn out by the time I get there. Last time I was this tired, it was actually math I nearly passed out in.
  20. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand

    That's exactly the same reason I get up at 5:30

    Considering I only have to leave the house at 7:35, I'd say we get roughly the same amount of time messing about before school.

    I dub thee my insomniac buddy.

    Tell me, do you maintain your wake up time over the holidays/weekend?