Insert Timey-Wimey Neutron Flow of Coolness Here {Doctor Who RP}

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by . : tale_wind, Feb 25, 2012.

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  1. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Ten leaned back when she resumed bouncing around. He decided it would be best for him to get to another part of the room, and walked off as calmly as he could manage, trying not to show how embarrassed he was.

    She noticed that Ten was walking off in a bit of a hurry. She looked at his face and saw something that made her crack and start laughing.

    "Oh... oh god."

    She took breaths in between words.

    "Your face... you... you're blushing! A-ha ha ha ha hah!"

    "It's not funny."

    He put on as serious a face as he could manage and looked on at his dear friend. She looked like she was about to roll on the floor laughing out loud, which didn't make him feel any better about himself.
  2. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Alize simply burst out laughing as Ten hurried off, stopping bouncing for a moment, "Did I do something wrong?" She asked as she watched him, "I was only having a bit of fun." She tilted her head slightly as she worked out what was going on before spinning round as she heard the Master speak and laughing at what he said, "Oh Blondie, you do have a knack for making me laugh. And you like it? Oh, thankyou." Before he could respond, she'd bounced over to right next to him, leaned forward on tip toes and kissed him on the cheek. She shut her eyes as she did so and she hadn't even considered if being the species she was would effect anything but she didn't let that bother her. Even if it did affect anything, she'd only felt a slight tingling sensation in her lips on her end.


    Luke frowned, this wasn't going as well as he'd hoped. "Um hello? Sorry if I'm interupting anything but can someone please explain what's going on at your end?" With a bit of luck, he'd actually get an answer this time. The bits of conversation he was hearing weren't making much sense.
  3. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Kathy just face palmed and responded to Carrie and Luke, since no one else was. "Sorry, there is some explorartion of the feminine figure going on right now while we wait to land in Vegas. If this Master doesn't hurry up and take us there then I may be forced to take us there myself." She giggled. "Is anything interesting happening on your end?"

    John turned to Kathy and smiled "Why don't we get some music? We are in a disco after all."

    "Disco is such old school speak. Gosh Daaaaaaad. It's just 'dancing' now."
  4. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    "Wait what?" said Carrie into the headset. She sighed and shook her head "Never Mind.... Well Rory, The Doctor and I are in the Tardis, heading for Vegas. (OOC: Right?) And its taking a bit longer the usually (*coughTaleCough)"
  5. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Ten scratched the back of his head awkwardly, knowing he was probably blushing more now than he had been before. He turned towards Kathy and John, which was also away from a still giggling Cat, and tried to keep calm.

    "Well, yeah, that's about it."

    He said to the group back at the Torchwood hub. He looked on at John when he talked about getting some music on and smiled.

    "Well, I don't know exactly how this theme would work in terms of music, but I'm all for the idea."

    "Pretty much."

    She spoke into her headset, trying to keep her composure. She couldn't help but laugh at seeing the Doctor so vulnerable and... human. When she overheard talk of music, she smiled and walked over to the group by the console.

    "Well, if there's any room for a wi-fi connection or bluetooth link, we can make a playlist from my iPod."

    She pulled it out from her pockets--ever since an incident back when she'd first met the Doctor, she's always carried it on her person, along with headphones--and searched around for a USB port of some kind.

    "I just don't know how many of you would share my... taste in music."
  6. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Tech was still on a high from everything as the others talked but she span around from kissing the Master to look at them, "I think you'll find that I landed her in Vegas a while ago, check the door if you don't believe me. It's just I wanted time to change and then everyone was a bit preoccupied so I didn't tell you. Smooth landing though since none of you noticed." She grinned and clicked her fingers, causing music from Cat's playlist to start playing. "I've connected your iPod to the TARDIS, so just use that to change the music. Or everyone else just ask me if you don't like her music." She shrugged and returned her gaze to the Master.
  7. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Ten looked on at Alize, surprised by such a smooth landing. He almost wanted to pout at such a dull entry, but he kept himself from doing so.

    "Well, that's quite impressive."

    He smiled at her and turned to Cat, tempted to take her iPod from her and change the music. He wasn't too fond of the song that had come on.

    She smiled, glad that there hadn't been a need to hold onto something in their landing. She could really get used to this sort of peaceful descent into their usual madness. She turned toward the console when Makes Me Wonder came on from her iPod and she was very tempted to start singing along. She stopped herself, remembering that they were here to stop universe-bending paradoxes and stuff. She saw that the Doctor was agitated and plugged her headphones in, putting one in her free ear and sticking the other in her pocket. This caused it to stop playing on the console.


    He smiled.

    "Much. Thank you."

    She turned the volume down on it and spoke to the other two teams.

    "Alright guys, we're here. Whenever you're ready, we'll be waiting."
  8. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Nine currently had no idea why everything seemed to have stopped, and so he sipped the banana daiquiri that Ten hadn't made, but he somehow had anyway.
    "This is good, you know." he said, to anyone in proximity. "Really banana-y. Bananarific, in fact."


    The Master was spacing out like everyone else until he was kissed on the cheek by Alize, which seemed to trigger another surge of whatever in him, his skin going transparent for a second before going normal again. True to form, Alize seemed to have missed it due to shutting her eyes, but she likely felt something as it happened.
    "What the hell are we still doing here then?" he asked, knowing that their TARDIS had landed in Vegas during the whole commotion. "Don't we have a planet to do something proactive about?"
  9. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Alize laughed, "Oh yeah, come on, let's go save the world." She said as she bounded over to the door, a huge grin spread across her face. The planet may not be where she was from originally but she'd been hiding there a long time and had come to love it. She'd hate to see it destroyed and if it did she had no where to go. She felt a moments sadness wash over her as she felt a little...homesick? Her grin returned almost immediatly as she reached the door. Earth might be good but it was a tad boring for someone like her, nothing was a challenge anymore, and this was some much needed fun. She opened the door to reveal they were in a backalley, out of the way, but all around them were the sights and sounds of Los Vegas. "This will be fun" She said, giving the Master a smile that unbeknownst to her could even be described as flirtatious.
  10. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Ten looked at the Master with a smile growing on his face. He was beginning to enjoy working with the Master as opposed to going against him, and he hoped that they would get to do this again in the future.

    "No idea. Let's go."

    He walked over to the door, looking forward to the bright lights and excitement of Las Vegas, though they found themselves in a dark back alley. His smile faded just a bit, but he took a look around and saw that they weren't far from a casino. It was pretty old, with parts of the neon sign flickering on and off, but it was a good enough place to start investigating.

    "Uh, Doctor?"

    He looked behind him to see Cat poking her head out the TARDIS door.

    "You might want this..."

    He saw her walk out slowly, seeing that she had his old timey-wimey detector in her hand.

    "Ah, the old timey-wimey detector!"

    "Yeah, I figured you'd want it."

    She smiled and saw his excitement.

    "Do you want to see if it still goes 'ding' when there's stuff?"

    He smiled.

    "Oh yes!"
  11. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Tech placed her hand on her hip as she stepped out of the TARDIS and into Los Vegas. She could already feel all the energy flowing all around her, yes, she could have a lot of fun here. However she paused, remembering the reason she was on Earth, she knew she'd got to be careful. If she wasn't then she might be discovered and the consequences of that didn't bare thinking about. She was much better off simply sticking with the current group, where she could still have fun without giving herself away. She looked back at the TARDIS, seeing for the first time that the appearence it was stuck on was a red telephone box. She raised a slight eyebrow but thought nothing off it, it wasn't too bad.

    "So then, you said you wanted our help. What with? What's the problem and what do you need us to do?" She asked the group that had interupted her time with Blondie. They didn't seem too bad now, but still she wouldn't mind ditching them and just going off with the Master.
  12. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Ten heard her question and, still holding on to his timey-wimey detector, walked up beside her.

    "Well, we've lost nine or ten versions of my TARDIS in the timestream and were hoping to find one of them here. Now that we know you've got a TARDIS of your own, we figured that the two of you could help us."

    He smiled at Alize.

    "Though I assume that you won't be declining an offer for adventure anytime soon."

    He heard a faint ding come from his hand and he pointed the detector out towards the casino.

    She had run up beside him and they both looked at each other as they heard a familiar VWORP VWORP faintly in the distance.

    "What do you know, the thing still works."

    She smiled and they began to run.

    "Come on!"

    Regardless of whatever happened, she would always love the running.

    {I figure this would be a good place to introduce Amy, though I can always play her if DT isn't up to it.}
  13. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    She took a moment to steady herself. One minute she was hearing the TARDIS’s siren go off in her sleep and the next she was in the middle of a run-down casino.

    Oh, well this is just perfect…

    She looked around and saw that the place was fairly empty. Aside from three or four drunkards at a broken Blackjack table, there wasn’t a soul in sight. She wondered if her being here was the result of something that the Doctor had done and whether or not Melody, er, River was involved in some way.

    “Hey there, pretty lady.â€

    She saw that one of the drunkards -- specifically the one at the end of the table in a white suit and hat with black pinstripes and a purple kerchief in his suit pocket -- had gotten up, somehow, with a bottle still in his hand.

    “Funny seeing such a cute little thing in a place like this.â€

    His words were slurred and he took another drink from the bottle after finishing that last sentence. Amy looked on in disgust.

    “O-ho, I wouldn’t go there if I were you.â€

    She took a step back and the drunkards started laughing.

    “Oh boys, I think we got us a funny one!â€

    One by one, they all got up from their seats and started to hobble towards her. She looked around, seeing that the only exit was behind them. She was running out of room to back away, but she figured that they would probably collapse before they could get close.

    She was wrong. They had pushed past most of the tables and there were only a few feet left between them and her.

    “Boss, I dun think she likes it.â€

    “Shut it, Rocco! All the ladies love me.â€

    She wanted to scoff, but she wasn’t able to. She wondered if she would even be able to get out of a situation like this when suddenly she heard a faint noise.

    “Huh? Wu wazzat?â€

    “I dunno boss. Sounds like some engine.â€

    Amy smiled; she would recognize that noise anywhere. She looked around as the broken down casino started to fade and was replaced with… wait, this wasn’t right. The place looked like it had been taken over by some alien marine biologist. There were huge beams(?) of… coral(?) and the inside was smaller than she remembered. Still, she was glad to be away from those drunken freaks, though her peace of mind was short-lived as she heard screaming come fromutside.

    OOC: Thanks for the post, Cat. ^^
  14. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Kathy bounded out the TARDIS and quickly followed the others, she had no idea what was going on but she was excited! John slowly followed as they were led to a casino like building. "Oh look, fancy seeing a casino here." Kathy said in a jokey manner, she didn't care about the severity of the situation, this was fun.

    "So we are looking for... what exactly?" John was actually unsure for once in his life... this feeling was new.
  15. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    lol, you're welcome

    Ten pushed through the door and it flew off its hinges. The sudden thud caught the attention of a bunch of drunk men.

    What is this, The Godfather with drunk gamblers?

    She thought to herself as these men seemed to stare at her.

    " 'ey boss, the kid's kinda pretty."

    She looked at him, disgusted and surprised.

    "Excuse me?"

    "Ya know, Vinnie, yer right about tha'. She dun look half bad."

    Ten stepped up in front of Cat, putting his arms in the air.

    "Now hold on, boys. There's no need to cause trouble."

    Their 'boss' stepped up in front of his group and smiled, throwing his empty bottle on the ground.

    "Oh? And who says there isn't? You come onto my turf, stop us from flirting with a pretty little lady and break down our door while we're trying to talk to another... what's yer name?"

    "Oh, I'm the Doctor."

    "Heh. Well Doc, I think it's time for you to retire."

    "Oh shut up! You ass-holes are too drunk to do anything."

    She chimed in after seeing how filthy and disgusting these pigs were. She had seen the familiar blue Police Box when they first stepped in and she was sure that the Doctor had noticed it as well.

    "Well lookie here, this pretty face has a voice."

    He began to walk over towards the group.

    She chuckled.


    She reappeared behind the group, grabbed the bottle that had been dropped earlier, and knocked out one of the two cronies.

    They heard the glass shatter and the man collapse. They turned around suddenly and she threw the broken end that she had been gripping onto a broken-down table.

    "And even if you were sober, there's no way in hell that you'd be able to take me on."

    She gave a cocky smile and let the drunks get mad and charge her.

    "Urrrgh... Vinnie, take 'er! I'll get the others."

    "Er, boss..."

    "Don't ask questions, just do it! Or are you just that stupid?"

    "Well, I wouldn't exactly be calling him stupid if I were you."

    "What're y-"

    When he turned to the exit, he saw that everyone was gone. A door slammed back behind Cat and the TARDIS's VWORPing started up again.

    She waved mockingly and smiled.

    "Have a nice day."

    With that, she dashed for the door. When she got inside, Ten pulled a lever and they began to travel to another part of the city altogether.

    "Well, that went well."


    He smiled and walked over to the mysterious ginger that he didn't recognize.

    "And now, I believe introductions are in order. I'm the Doctor, and you are...?"
  16. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Alize grinned as they explained what was going on, "Ah okay. And of course not, that sounds like fun-" She replied, however before she could say any more they turned began to run off somewhere, "Wait...fine then" She quickly rushed back into the TARDIS, "Hey, Blondie, you coming or not? You don't want to miss out on all the fun stuff, do you?" She wanted to have fun but she had a feeling it would be so much better with him around, she carefully took his hand in her slender gloved hand and led him out of the TARDIS, coming out in time to see the Cat and the Doctor enter a building. "Come on, I guess we'd better catch them up." She began to run, which she soon discovered wasn't the easiest thing with heels and an uneven ground. Although she also was taller with longer legs than she was used to so she still made a decent pace and she kept checking that Blondie was still with her.

    She reached the building and decided to enter with a flourish, "Let's get the party started in here! Hope we didn't miss too mu-." She broke off as she became aware of what was going on. There appeared to be several drunkards in the room, who didn't look too friendly although they were a bit worse for wear. On the other side of the room ten and Cat were quickly heading towards...her eyes widened as she registered what it was. Another TARDIS, for something she had thought had all been destroyed this morning, she was certainly seeing a lot of them around. Even more odd, it was a police box, almost identical to their TARDIS only blue. This day was certainly getting strange. She glanced at the master, unsure what to do. Those drunkards were giving her looks she seriously didn't like and ten seemed to want them to get over to the TARDIS fast. Should they make a run for it or return to their TARDIS?
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