In The Times Of Fairy Tails

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Calxiyn, Oct 24, 2014.

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  1. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Drosselmayer's Mansion
    Sara banner.png

    Sara's pov:
    "You don't know."
    there was sadness in her voice.
    "I would like to show you what happens. Sometimes I feel like it has a mind of its own."
    There was not anything else to say. Getting help for her bow was not looking good.
    It was dumb, in fact why would anyonewould help her.
    shyness returned to her.
    I was right she thought sadly. No one will help in this world and why should I let them. The last person that helped me ended up dead. I do not want to repeat that with Alessia.

    Perhaps I should leave Alessia to her thoughts. She went to staring at her bow. What else was there to do.
  2. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Gaius leaned against the side of the boat as Dale began his huge response. After he was done, Gaius wasn't even riled up. The guy was clearly covering something, and he made it sound like he wasn't really annoyed but it was damn obvious he was. "Eh, you're pretty predictable man, insult your ego and you feel the need to defend yourself. You say you ain't pissed but if you weren't you would've just let it slide. What do you think is worse, the new guy that claims he is great but has recently joined going down twice and having the strength to get up again, or the guy who has been part of the guild for presumably years, always gives off this attitude he's better than everyone else, but gets downed once and feels the need to inflate his own ego? Or maybe what's worst about it is the fact that the guy that's meant to be the leader of this mission, the mature one, feels the need to prove he's better than me? Afraid I'm gonna kick your ass and make ya look bad or somethin? You need to chill out man" Gaius said calmly. He wasn't trying to provoke Dale, he was just trying to figure out why Dale had a need to make himself seem like the best thing ever. He'd maintained a calm demeanour throughout his response, and he didn't even turn to look at the ice mage, instead simply watching the waves as they made their way to the island.

    Caleb shrugged his shoulders at Lucia's question. "Hasn't really been much of a reason to say anything. People seem opinionated enough to keep things flowing, so there isn't a point to it unless they try something that'll screw things over horribly. Most people seem to be in favour of helping the princess learn magic, helping her make her decision, but I don't think that's what we should be doing. It should be her own choice, not influenced by anybody, but she still has to respect her parents' wishes. Personally, I think we should have just stayed out of the thing altogether" Caleb responded.

    Skadi giggled a little bit herself at Thea's response. The girl was so cute, so innocent, how had she gotten tangled up with Ezekiel? "That is a very pretty dress, and I would love to play dollies with you sometime. I used to play with them all the time when I was a little girl myself. I had all kinds, but I have no idea where they would be now. Buuuut, you know what I can do? I use ice magic, and I learned how to make things with it" Skadi began, focusing just a little more on the nutcracker and finishing a near-perfect replica. She sat it gently on the ground next to her. "So, if you want, I could probably make you some pretty ice sculptures for the houses of your dollies. Do you think they would like that?" she asked with a smile.
  3. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Galuna Island


    Calxiyn crossed her arms. She hated how everyone was fighting like this. It made her really angry that her Guild Mates couldn't get along. She wouldn't join in, and inside looked off at the waves. She sighed heavily, but once she saw the mystical Galuna Island in sight, she quickly changed the conversation. "Land ho!" Calxiyn yelled, she was now sitting at the very tip of the boat, her legs danging. "Wait that's weird, the top of the mountain, is it glowing?" She didn't get to finish before the boat halted quickly, making her fly forward. She fell onto the sand. "Ow." She muttered, holding her head and dusting herself off. "Owwwwww ow ow ow. I think I just twisted my ankle." She said, not bothering to get up.


    "Sorry Lass, didn't mean to dock that hard. This is as far as I go. Good luck."
  4. larlar9800 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014

    The boat jolted a little bit as the captain docked it.
    Be more careful next time, Therity thought, a tad annoyed. The girl Calxiyn somehow flew off the boat and onto the island, where she complained of a hurt ancle. Rolling her eyes at the drama, Therity shot a jolt of magic (cure) at her to heal her. Injured team mates before they left the ship wouldn't be a good thing, especially on this high class of a mission. Looking up at the mountain, she saw that it indeed was glowing at the top. That's probably where the curse originated, and probably where we have to go, she assumed silently. Ignoring the rest of the guild, she walked off of the boat and up to the edge of the forest. Light filtered through the trees near the beach, but the farther in she looked, the darker it got. Lovely. She turned around and waited for the rest of them to leave the boat so they could get on with their mission.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  5. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Galuna Island

    Ander baner.png

    Ander's pov:
    All of this talk was making him hungry.
    so what better then to just go into the kitchen of the boat. Not wanting to take Bobo's food he asked the man if he could have his cast-iron skillet after he said yes he took it and out it in his bag.
    At least this way he would make something on the road.
    Looking at the mountain the glow of something was on it. If this was the curse they should head that way it was better then finding the people of the island just for them to tell the group that what the light was. "I think we should head for that mountain. If that light is indeed the curse then we should not waste any time and head that way. Getting rid of the curse is top priority." What do you think?"

    In a sense this was faster they could fix the curse then find the people latter. it was not like the people were going to go any were.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Amidst the discussion of what they were going to do once they got to the island, Gaius and Dale continued to go back and back with each other. It was starting to get old since he wasn't sure what point that they were trying to prove. Through his barely paying attention, all that he got out of what the two were saying was mostly about the fight with Ezekiel. So since basically tried to say out of it.

    "Land ho!"

    Moving to the front of the boat, Calxiyn had declared that they'd found land. Moments before landing face first (?) onto the sand, due to the sudden jolt the boat had taken. There went Veilen's plan of being the first one to set foot on the island. Least he could be the second - Therity jacked from him. Third it is then! Ander took that as well. Fine, he'll be the fourth one to step foot on the island. Getting off the of boat, he looked toward Were Calxiyn had pointed before she fell. "Maybe that's were the curse originated or something." It sounded legit, so it must be legit. Anyway, he crouched down next to Calxiyn. "Need any help getting up or was the cure spell good enough?"
  7. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    "Oh really, Gaius?" Dale asked, turning to face the idiot in front of him. He had his arms folded and glared. He was angry now. Hypocrite! ****ing hypocrite! "If it wasn't too late I'd get rid of you now. All you seem to want is to rile me up, question me and my leadership here and generally be a nuisance! I'd reply to you, but I have little breath to waste on a hypocrite like you. Now do us all a favour and be silent. You lower the intelligence of everyone around." The boat docked roughly, but Dale stayed securely standing. He walked briskly to the edge of the boat and jumped lithely on to the stand. He looked around and saw Cal lying there on the ground rather uselessly complaining of a twisted ankle. Dale sighed. How did you even do that?
    "If it's that bad I'll heal it." Dale said rather bluntly. "I've got better healing magic than anyone else here and it should get you up on your feet." He had observed the light on the mountain and planned to move out and investigate it, but first he had to make sure that she was able to stand. They were going to move out as a team or not at all. They couldn't have any weaknesses right now this was S-Class.
    "Unless you do it Therity very well. In that case, can you stand Cal? If not, then I can heal you further."
  8. larlar9800 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014

    Therity bristled with irritation. Was Dale trying to imply that her healing powers weren't good enough? She considered turning around and giving him a death stare, but decided against it. Getting angry over something that simple would be fruitless. Plus, Therity knew her powers, and the unless Calxiyn's freaking foot had fallen off, then she would be fine.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  9. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Charlotte had started to listen to all of the responses that her teammates had to offer about their plan of action. They all more or less seemed to agree on the same general concept of their plan, and she nodded saying, "aye," in response to what Ra had to say about them overcoming the mission. However, this could only be followed up with a sigh as she looked to both of the two. Gaius asking who was better or worse in this situation was essentially a moot point. They were equally terrible and they needed to come to at least some sort of understanding or else the tension between the both of them would only manage to harm the mission in general. Truth be told, Charlotte had felt that the two of them were exactly the same, the only difference between the two was in how they stroked their ego. Dale's response was a less than favorable one as well, but there was not much that could be done about it at this point. When Calxiyn had fallen off the boat after they landed, this team only seemed to be falling apart faster than *insert witty metaphor here*. After her leg was healed she extended out her hand to the girl and said,
    "do you need help getting up?" It was then that she turned towards Ander and said, "we have no idea what that light is actually indicative of, and recklessly charging into their would not be the wisest course of action. We should stick to the original plan and look for the civilization Bobo had come from. Any objections?"
  10. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Ra had started to listen to all of the responses that his teammates had to offer about their plan of action. They all more or less seemed to agree on the same general concept of their plan, However, this could only be followed up with a sigh as he looked to both of the two. Gaius asking who was better or worse in this situation was essentially a moot point. They were equally terrible and they needed to come to at least some sort of understanding or else the tension between the both of them would only manage to harm the mission in general. Truth be told, Ra had felt that the two of them were exactly the same, the only difference between the two was in how they stroked their ego. Dale's response was a less than favorable one as well, but there was not much that could be done about it at this point. When Calxiyn had fallen off the boat after they landed, this team only seemed to be falling apart faster than *insert witty metaphor here*. After her leg was healed he extended out his hand to the girl and said, "do you need help getting up?"It was then that he turned towards Ander and said, "we have no idea what that light is actually indicative of, and recklessly charging into their would not be the wisest course of action. We should stick to the original plan and look for the civilization Bobo had come from. Any objections?"

    Strangely enough, Charlotte had done exactly the same thing. Hm. Must be some sort of mental connection between teammates.
  11. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Galuna Island
    Ander baner.png

    Ander's pov:
    Dale commit was dumb "I've got better healing magic than anyone else here"
    Pleese, Ander spent his life healing people helping them, he did not think he had more experience then him.
    He decided not to say to say anything. Instead forced on what Charlotte said. "Maybe. The less time the curse is here the better. information should help on this."

    They could splight up, but that may not be a go idea ether. He then turned to Ra. He saying the same thing Charlotte said 2 seconds earlyer was not at all helpful. But he did not say anything there was no reason to. There was difference in suggesting to go up there and doing it. How dumb was ra to think he would just go up there willynelly. Of course you would have a plan. Doing so other wise was just plan dumb. He turned back to Charlotte. Sticking to the first plan was a good start.
    "none here Charlotte."
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  12. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Lucia pondered on Caleb's response for a bit, thinking about how to leave it to just the princess. It wasn't like they were actively going out of there way to teach her magic and interfere with her parent's wishe- okay, they weren't. Their really respect stressing group leader, however, seemed to think it was a good idea. Nevertheless, she was still conveying her will onto them about what she wanted.
    "I don't think we're really influencing her decision that much. That being said, being free and learning magic doesn't seem like something she truly wants. Still, I think we should help her out if at all possible, but I'm not really sure what the logistics behind directly disobeying your clientele is." Tapping her foot and thinking harder on this, she eventually let out a groan, falling onto her back onto the snow saying, "it's no use. I can't think of a good answer for this problem." It was then that one of the other thus far silent guild members walked over to her and said hello. Sitting upright she gave a slight wave saying, "yo. What's up?"
  13. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Including himself, about four people had asked if Calxiyn need help getting up. If this was an attempt to garner attention, then it worked quite well to say the least. Dale had offered help in his own arrogant sounding way while Ra and Charlotte had said the exact same thing. Weird. Despite that he had no objections to either of their plans. Mainly because they were the exact same thing. "Sounds good to me. Hopefully the civilization can shed some light of what that light is." The potential pun was completely unintentional.
  14. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014

    Amanda Quition banner.png
    Amanda's Pov: Someone actually was talking to her was she dreaming. Maybe or maybe she got lucky. "nothing" maybe she should leave she didn't want to be a bother. "I just thought I should talk to someone sorry if I'm bothering you" she said shyly.
  15. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    Galuna Island

    Calxiyn blushed embarrassed. "Y-you guys don't need to make such a big deal over little me." She stood up. "I'm fine, really." She smiled at Ra, Velien and Charlotte. "Thank you very much Therity, I feel much better." She laughed. She threw her Keyblade into the air, and it turned into a pink gilder. "Alright, I'm going to take to the sky, and see if I'm able to find the town from a birds eye view, alright?" She told them, now turning very serious. She climbed onto it and flew into the air, disappearing up high into the clouds.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
  16. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    As the girl picked herself up, she looked slightly perplexed for a second. She had felt as though Ra was imitating her every move and mimicking her every word. She was even under the impression that his thought process had gone exactly the same. This was certainly odd development and though she was wary of what this development would be indicative of, she brushed it off for the moment. She was then even more perplexed as Calxiyn's already interesting weapon suddenly turned into a vehicle and flew off into the distance. She blinked a few times before turning back to the rest of the people with a puzzled look on her face. "Did anyone else know it could do that?" She then suddenly worried for the fate of the girl, as a boat docking had managed to sprain her ankle. Lord only knows what landing with that vehicle would do to her. She then looked back to everyone else and said, "I suppose we should start our own search at this moment. Let us stick to the shore so that we're easy to spot when our aerodynamic friend makes her return. Any objections?"

    Lucia was interested when the girl responded with the single word answer of "nothing." Rarely ever did nothing mean nothing. Even more so when it came to sarcastic females. Tsk. Women am I right? Regardless, she then continued on with what she was saying and Lucia shrugged saying, "nah you're not really bothering anyone." She then pointed at the boy next to her and said, "me and Caleb here were just talking about the mission and our thoughts on it, that's all really."
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
  17. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Thea was so excited that Skadi agreed to play dollies with her! No one ever would play dollies with her, not since her parents died. However as the thought about it a quizzical look crossed Thea's face before she yelled out. "Oh no!" Thea cried out looking upset. "All my dollies are in my room with Magus Ascension! I can't get them." Thea looked on the verge of crying before continuing. "I can't play with your ice stuff. It will melt! I am a fire mage i might hurt you!" Thea began to sniffle as tears welled in her eyes. She was still uncertain about a lot of things. "I don't have good control over my magic. Ezekiel has been helping teach me control and I am a lot better than when he found me but I am still not good." Thea explained.
    Silvia opened her mouth about to say something in attempts to reassure Alessia and help her as Caliborn had been helping her but before she could say or do anything Sara started talking more and suddenly Silvia didn't feel welcome over there. Quietly the girl slipped away from them not wanting to bother them any more. Looking around the room and saw Skadi talking to the new girl, she didn't want to interrupt that either, afraid of getting the same vibe from them. Then there was Beucette, someone Silvia knew to stay far away from, that left Jack, but what would she say to him? There was nothing for her to say which left her in an awkward position of just standing there looking around, not doing a damn thing. Well this was boring, but expected from Silvia.
  18. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Skadi sat down on the ground in front of Thea now. "You remind me of what my friend Gaius was like as a kid, kind of. See, he's always been real sure of himself, convinced he's the strongest guy around. He was even like that as a kid, but he was convinced he was so strong that people should keep away from him. He always thought that he'd hurt people by accident, that he was so good at fighting he would do it accidentally or something. He practiced every day and night, and I've never once heard of him losing control" Skadi Wynter explained, recounting the story.

    "Magic is kind of tough to control sometimes. If you can't think straight, you can't do it properly, and it'll get out of control. The trick is though, that you remember why you're using it. If you're using it for fun, remember the fun times you've had with it and you'll be okay, if you're using it to protect people, then think of all the happy times you've had with the people you wanna protect. You seem like a smart girl, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it, and even if you don't then you'll have people to help you out with it" Skadi said, doing her best to calm the little girl down.

    She thought for a moment. The dolls were at Magus Asension, and people probably didn't want her going back there..but they'd defeated the guild members and their master, what would be the harm of it? "Tell you what. Right after this mission, Thea, We'll go and take you dress shopping, just for a bit of fun. Then after we've done that, we'll go to Magus Ascension and get your dollies, then get mine and we can play with them together. And along the way, I'll help you learn to control your magic. We'll work on it together, and I'll help you be so strong that even Evanora will be impressed. Sound fun?" Skadi asked, giving a friendly smile at the end of her statement, as well as holding out her hand to the girl.
  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Thea, still crying followed Skadi's lead and sat down, arranging her dress nicely around her like she always did. Growing up she was always taught proper manners and etiquette and if anything stuck with her it was how to sit in one of her extravagant gowns that she often wore. She didn't have to wear them most of the time, only when her parents had important people over for dinner, but they where so pretty, how could she not wear them all the time? Any how as Skadi went to tell the story Thea's tears stopped for the moment, interested in the story that was about to be told. Thea was apart of a guild, hand had been for many years, she knew magic and knew how to use it against people, but she was still a child in many way, she still loved stories, reading them or listening to them. It didn't really matter what it was, if someone started to tell a story she would stop and listen, at least until she had decided for certain if it bored her or not.

    As Skadi finished her story and the speech that came after it Thea began to cry once again, this time far harder than before.
    "Y-y-you don't understand." The girl managed to get out between sniffles and sobs. "I hurt the people I tried to protect! I can't do it! Ezekiel told me when I got enough power then my magic would submit to me fully and I wouldn't have to worry any more.... T-t-thats why I helped him." The girl went on to explain with nearly incomprehensible words due to her sobs. "I don't have full control... I nearly hurt myself earlier today when I awoke in a panic. It took so much for me not to burn everything down and it was hurting me..." She continued shaking slightly, it was clear she was scared of herself. Her powers scared her, the idea of losing control of them.

    Skadi also brought up the idea of going dress shopping and then to get her dolls.
    "N-no we can't get my dolls. There is still a lot of bad people in that guild. They never liked me." Thea took a couple deep breaths trying to calm her sobs. "I just... I just have to wait till I get the dollies Evanora promised I would get." She said doing her best to seem like that would be okay, and it would be except for the fact she didn't want to wait to play dollies, she wanted to do it as soon as they got back to the guild hall. She wanted to do something to make everything feel better after the scary day she had just had.
  20. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    As Thea explained her situation, Skadi felt a crushing wave of guilty overcome her. This was her fault that the girl was crying, by trying to help she may have actually made things worse. She couldn't give up though, if she did she may never overcome this and would have lost a friend before she'd really made one. The smile on the girl's face faded away quickly as she shifted herself around on the ground so rather than sitting in front of Thea she sat next to her. "You know, I never really knew my parents that well" she said.

    "My folks were always busy. Constantly working, never having time for their only daughter. But, even through all that, I still loved them. I cared about them more than anything, and to this day I still miss them. A horrible woman came after my family. Why us I'll never know, maybe it was chance, maybe she had some sort of vendetta I never knew about. This woman destroyed my house, left it burning with everything and everyone inside. A young Skadi Wynter left a loving, happy family, and came back to nothing but a pile of ashes. They couldn't save a single thing. All I had left were the clothes on my back" Skadi explained, a single tear going down her cheek as she spoke. She turned her head and looked straight at Thea.

    "That woman's name was Yana Aegrum. She took everything from me, and all because she just plain wanted to. There are horrible people in this world, Thea, and I can tell you're not one of them. I already grew up as a sad, depressed child, I don't want you to go through that too. I'm not going to let another person suffer the same way I did. I don't care if there are bad people in your guild, I don't care that Evanora would prefer we wait, I'm going to get your dollies back the moment I can. That's a promise" the ice mage said, a forced grin appearing on her face as she spoke. She had to be strong for others aswell, not just herself.
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