
Discussion in 'Archives' started by Shinichi Izumi, Dec 26, 2011.

  1. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.

    zombie apocalypse story i started due to whip cream and coke at 4 am,

    banner by jayn.


    DAY 3

    I'm sitting on top of a book shelf in a library Shooting them all, at this rate the will probably kill me, it's only a matter of time. Surely they will reach me soon enough and I AM running out of bullets.

    Hi, my name is, Ben, I am 14, I like video games, sports and tons of stuff , or at least I did, before... Well all this, you're probably confused let me start from the beginning.


    DAY 1

    6 PM
    I was with my sister, my dad and my mom buying the groceries, we were always a happy family, It was Christmas eve, we were getting ready to host the family Christmas party, were over 100 members of our family would join together, we were rich, my mom was one of best layers out there, *and in the U.S.A, our Country, it's natural that she would overflow with business, as for my dad, He is the owner of an oil company, however, they both still have time for me and sister, we live in a mansion, so it's natural that getting the groceries takes a long time so we go together, both my parents are loving And comprehensive, we never had problems, as for my sister, meh,*
    We had our differences, like fighting for the Tv remote, bathroom Etc... But we did love each other, she is 17, she showed me video games, music, animes, Memes and lots of other cool stuff she is fanatic about this Disney-square Enix game, Kingdom hearts, she even made an account in some lame fan-site for the game, it was 8 PM, we were at home after we bought the groceries, our cousins and uncles had come and we were played videogames for a few minutes, My mom told us that it was almost time to turn it off, when suddenly one of our uncles, jim, fainted, my dad and his brothers had picked him up and put him in the guest room bed, my mom called a doctor, no one entered the room for 30 minutes, just the time for the doctor to show up, and when he did my dad told him where he was, the doctor opened the door and all of a sudden, Jim Jumped out and bit the doctor in his head! He had a green-blue tone to his skin! And he was growling I was startled and so was everyone! My dad came to stop him, but he tried to punch and hold my dad so my dad left, I was scared I ran down to the basement, to get a shovel or something to hold down Jim, I entered a large (100ft X2) closed and closed the door, after that, I heard a growling come from the other side of the door, so I locked it, with my heart racing, I searched for a weapon or something I was panicking, I tried to push a box out of one of the shelves, the box was heavy, and small, yet dense, wooden angel statues from the box all fell on my head, I Fainted.

    Day 2
    10 AM
    I had woken up, and when I got the courage to do so, I unlocked the door and left the room I saw nothing but a few blood stains on the floor, and I checked the rest of my house, no one was there, however, I would not take any chances, I immediately ran to my absent father’s study, to find his 2 twin berretta 92 guns and 1 box of ammo, he kept them there in case of a emergency, this obviously qualified as one, I was not sure of what was going on, but after what happened to Jim I wanted to be prepared, I left the house, I saw a man, he was walking slowly on the opposite direction, I decided to great him, I walked closer, “hello?” I said to him with a smile, he ran towards me when he saw me, “hello, sir? I know you must be just as scared as I am but are you all-right? Do you know what happened?” he then turned around to show me blood dripping from his mouth and the same green-blue skin tone as Jim, He growled and charged at me, I had no time to get my guns, he was inches away from my face.

    ill tight it up, and continue it, tonight, cnc please, PLEASE.​
  2. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Alright, probably the first thing I noticed here were the run on sentences.There were a lot of commas where there should have been periods instead. It makes the story read as if it were all in one breath, which makes it difficult to pay attention to the details in the story.

    There were also some stray asterisks (which might have been you marking where to put periods, lol) and some random capitalization in the middle of a sentences ("Memes"). Overall though, I'm interested in seeing where this goes (kick all the ass Ben B|).
  3. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Wow, interesting story here.

    I like it. Write more!

    Er, I mean. Kick all the ass Ben!
  4. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    Thanks guys, ill try to prevent run-ons in the future,

    writing continuation now.
  5. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    When all of a sudden, “BANG!” He got shot in the head. I looked to the side to see who or what shot the man, and… it was a teenage girl. The girl was wearing a skirt a little over her knees (like Japanese school girls), and a sleeve-less and small shirt. I was amazed, she was beautiful, and had just saved my life, she then ran towards me. “You shot him?! You just shot him!” I said, She looked at me with a look, that said “Are you Fucking kidding me?” and replied “Hey kid are you ******ed or something? That was not a person. That was a zombie!”. “But… how can? Why did he? Wh.. what’s going on?!” “Here” she handed me an ipod with a playing video, in the video, There was a guy interviewing a very tall man, on a talk show, “so, Andrew Linus, How did you come up with the idea of trying to mutate human cells with chemicals?” the interviewer asked, “Well, I decided to try something new, you see when you mutate certain cells with certain chemicals, you get an astounding result, you can make the cells Faster and more effective, example, if we try to make the blood cells faster, your body will be more resistant, you will be much stronger and Etc…” the Tall scientist said. “Okay, but do they have any other purposes?” the interviewer asked. “Why yes, yes they do, In theory, they can successfully eliminate tumors and diseases. If someone has a tumor or let’s say aids, These “Miracle-Cells” can easily eliminate the bad cells and enhance the ones in need, by simply being injected in to a vein.” the scientist replied “In Theory?” the interviewer asked. Why I have tried these out on plants and animals, but not humans.” The scientist explained, “Okay, but will you? And is it safe?” The scientist gave him a confused look and said “I intend to in a week on the 25th, and the chances of it failing are 0% if they are used correctly”, “And if not?” “Well if they are not used correctly, the effects could be devastating; they could kill the user or worse” “Worse?” “I am not sure, but the results can be terrible, the could give other people the disease, or anything else, I'm not sure, but that's something we will never see *laugh*, there is nothing to fear, and the only ones who will ever create and apply them are me and my more than trust-worthy assistants” the scientist said. “Okay everyone let’s give Mr.Linus some applause!” the host said looking towards the audience.

    Then, she paused the video, and said “that’s the idiot who started all this.” “Ohh I get it now, and those things were zombies!” “yhea, Im Kate” she said extending her hand, “Ben” I said accepting the hand-shake.

    Mkay, ill write more later.
  6. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011

    You know what come in mind in this part of the story?

    Ben will fall in love with Kate. I somehow know this. Don't fool me or I will kill more zombies than she did.
    Reading this remind me I have my Original Work to end, almost in the middle of the story; I'm just too lazy to write/post more. But I will finish the story!

    And you better finish this one too. I'm looking forward for it! =D
  7. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    nope, it wont be that simple, just wait, btw: thanks.
  8. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land
    But I really like it. Well done. xD
  9. though horror novels/story's normally dont interest me, i like this one allot and cant wit for the next segment
  10. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    Thank you both of you, i will post the next chapter(s) soon.
  11. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    Note to plums and wolfie: Yes i know the rules about no new posts in over month, but ive away for a month, cut me some slack...

    okay, i intend to re-write the whole story, new characters, ill change the names, and put it with what i have written on my PC, in the future i will update this thread with the new story, thank you for your patience.
  12. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    I know a lot of you really commented on my story an i am grate full, life has been crazy, so i just let this die :v sorry, i want to re-make the story from the start, so In like a month i will post it again, Also, i will try to make incredibly long chapters per post but only 2 per month.