There was a bomb threat in school. We aren't allowed to leave unless our parent comes to get us, and my parents are out of town for today. Wat do
Made it out, got brought home by my aunt, since my mom knew what was up before I did and made a call. Now my only worry is my sister... She's on lockdown at her school and we can't go get her
I'm sorry to hear that Hot ;-; stay safe! Don't worry though, I'm sure they'll be fine- they are taking care of your sister :3
Amaury, you seriously don't think that someone insane enough to threaten a school with a bomb in the first place is sane enough to NOT target ALL the schools, do you? While it wasn't a direct threat, obviously there is a risk.
Wow, that sucks man. Hopefully your sister will be fine. With all the stuff that's been going on this week in the news, it's good to be cautious, but don't over exert yourself. I'm sure your sis wouldn't want that.