If you owned KHV

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I have been feeling rather disliked lately. Novelty gone, nothing to care for now... I hope that is not the case...
  2. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I dislike your ideals and your views on general people. It reminds me of oppression.
    But you, I do not dislike per say, just occasionally rub me the right and wrong way, depends on what you have to say.
  3. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Oh good.

    He has this strange and very idiotic misconception that everyone on KHV is growing to dislike him. He was very depressed about it last night, and I had to put up with that.

  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    ...I'd make people use only one color for their posts.
  5. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    . . .

    I'd ban Bueno for being a big fat poopy face. :c
  6. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I am a moral nihilist, but that is not to say that I am without morality. What separates it is that I acknowledge that it is a personal preference and that it has no meaning if I cease to exist.

    I choose not to care about things that are not useful to me. I accept that when I do something for someone, I do so because that makes me feel better. If I did not profit from doing it, then I would not do it. If I cannot help someone, then it is useless to care about them. It will cause stress that will not change the outcome. I decide who I care for very carefully for this and other reasons.

    What is it about my ideals that you do not like? Specifics...

  7. ♥♦♣♠∟uxord♥♦♣♠ Banned

    Jul 19, 2007
    Code Vault
    Aww I could never dislike Makaze. He has to much fun with him and the people around him to dislike. Besides I couldn't dislike a fan of my only good story.​
  8. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    The biggest problem I find is maybe not your views as such, but how you express yourself. It seems so disconnected, and though I don't wish to make you feel sad or depressed, I just feel like your on the sidelines saying stuff that makes people feel offended or hurt when I want to feel you mingling in a positive way.

    If all your looking for is immediate gratification when you talk people, then people will not easily trust you or talk to you. The mysterious and different nature you display is what keeps people interested in you, but that's only a short period and doesn't last. With Saxima, Sforzato, Laria, you've grasped deeper relationships from your greater positive interactions with each of them, I just wish you'd expand that positive thinking to other people more, become more openly social. If you want to get people to see you in a better light, sometimes you have to think of deferred gratification and work at it more.

    I've seen enough of elitism, selfish desires belief systems and CHOOSING to not care that makes me detest that path. It's a lonely and self destructive path, and it can taint others, and create schisms in their relationships.

    I just want to SEE a happier Makaze instead of a Makaze telling me what he feels. It reminds me of an Elcor.
  9. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    Turn it into a porn site.
  10. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    I like this idea.
  11. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
  12. I would bann alot of you, luxord not one of them,but all in all things wiuld be unexplicable, people detting sucked int othe world of khv literally and more chaos would ensue
  13. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    i would make misty admin
  14. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I find it really hard to be happy around people who would vote to have me and my friends harmed. Read: Maybe one in thirty people do not pose a direct threat to me and my livelihood, and that number is if I am lucky.

    No, I cannot agree to disagree. No, it will not help to lighten up. I cannot accept that people like this exist, and worse, that they make up the majority of people. You know what happens if I lighten up; if I am any less intimidating? They patronize me, tell me that hurting others is the mature way to do things, and that I will see it their way when I go out "into the real world".

    I am distanced by others. If I am not to be taken seriously then I will adjust until my level of stress matches the results. If the results remain the same, then my level of stress must go down to remain efficient. So I stop caring for most of the race. I prefer this to killing myself because I care so much and yet it does nothing.

    It does not pay to be moderate. To allow some harm because it is easier to conform. No, that would be worse than being an outcast or inferior according to others—I would be editing my own convictions to make things easier on me, and I would hate myself for it, which is much worse than anything others could do.

    From my point of view, it is the world that needs to lighten up. I can be happy when I can speak to someone without the fear that they would support my being in a cell. Everyone around me is so violent—they would make the distinction that they would harm be by telling a government to, but this is no different—that I could never feel completely at ease while a large group of people was around me. I feel the pressure of this violent atmosphere when I talk to almost any given person, where I live especially but also online and even on this site. Paying or voting for violence where I am from across the country changes nothing.

    One may be calm, but the threat that their opinion presents creates a very tangible tension. I will say it very clearly for anyone who reads this. Voting or willingly paying for someone else to harm me and my friends is equivalent to doing it yourself, and if you do these things you are threatening us with violence yourself. It does not matter if we have not met if your opinion can change the circumstances where I live. It is hard to get past that. I think the only society that I would be at peace in is one full of anarchists; people who did not pose a tangible threat to anyone around them and believed that the only justifiable way to enforce their own prejudices is to not interact with me.

    Being the only one with my non-violent sensibilities on this site, the only person who would claim to be an anarchist and know the definition, I could not count the number of people who have come against me like I am a foolish child. Tried to make me sound ridiculous, call me an idealist and say that what I want "would never work". Tell me, can you think of a reason to say that? Isn't that akin to telling an inventor, "you are wasting your time"? Akin to bullying, that is, and there can be no profit in it for the one who hears it—none at all. And that is this site itself. Imagine what it is like elsewhere.

    Call me dramatic, find me whining. Believe it is not as bad as I make it out to be. If you believe that I am too serious or too guarded, then you—all of you as a collective, not an individual—need to calm down regarding your policies, not just your attitudes at a specific time. I will not forgive you because of one instance of goodness when you will vote for hundreds of instances of harm in the next election or ballot. I can be distracted. I can speak of entertainment and play games. I can like the same films as the violent and get along with people about things that have no bearing on my life. But it does not and cannot last. This tension permeates all other interactions and can come up at any time.

    It is possible that I may be killed by these violent sensibilities, either at the hands of someone who does not like my pervasive and aggressive advocacy of non-violence or at the hands of the police that they hired to do it for them. I cannot feel safe peacefully demonstrating because of them.

    My philosophy is a philosophy of peace—of sitting back, thinking about things, and discussing at great length before even considering arresting someone, let alone shooting. There was a time when I was hopeful, when I thought that people as a whole valued peace more than subjective justice.

    I was happy before I realized just how big my opposition was.

    Nice guys finish last? No, no. They get beaten down by the mob and riot police.


    Ah, I feel a lot better now that I have said that.

    Please note that replying in a negative manner will only be helping my point about my views being looked down on by a vast majority. I do not expect everyone to agree with me, so shut up about that. I am not rationalizing or whining. I am explaining why I choose to be the way I am. It is easier to stop caring about most of the race than feel inferior because all but a handful of them believe that I am.

    I will choose the most efficient path to my goals every time.

    Maybe I can relax after expressing myself this way, but I doubt it. I expect you guys (most of those that would speak) to come down on me with "Shut up", "No one cares", "You don't have it that hard so quit whining" or the like.

    Fuck that noise...
  15. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    For what it's worth Makaze, if it's worth anything to you at all, I like you very much and I frankly could not imagine this place without you. You keep this place very interesting and it is a delight to talk to you.
  16. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I've not heard that type of raving till I hear myself saying it.

    To think that all you see is everyone with a knife to stab you in the back and few to trust. Hell, I wanna hug you for that and tell you it'll be alright.

    You confuse me, you sound like you're paranoid, and plunging into a darkness, with ideas of jail or death... God that reminds me of days I'd rather not remember... You seem to be trying to reason your ideas with some form or idea of anarchism, and have given up hope on people for being more then.

    As much as I wish I could take that away, I know I can't, that those thoughts are you're and should be yours. But the pain they give, I wish you didn't have to have that, no one deserves those deep abandoning darkness. I only hope you strong enough for it, and that you don't have to stay in it alone.

    Gah, infuriating to see yourself in a younger form, I know what shadowjak felt now. How funny it is, history forever repeating itself in a loop of infinity.
  17. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    It's sad, because making the forum 100% about a children's video game would remove almost all of the immaturity.
    There's a lot of it in this thread for example.
  18. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Hugging me will not change the circumstances, but I appreciate the thought even if I do not like it when people get attention this way. To all of the rest of you, know that it is now intentional. They openly choose to be threats to me and others.

    It is not that I have given up, but that anarchism is the only consistent way to hold my beliefs. If I had more faith in the average man, why would I suddenly think that they need to be governed by other people? Wouldn't I think that they didn't need any law enforcement at all, not even private defense? Anarchism is not a last resort when you have given up, it is the ultimate conclusion for the non-violent individual. A non-violent person will agree with anarchists regardless of how much stock they put in an existing system, though all hierarchies tend towards tyranny. If you believe that all interactions should be consensual according to all parties involved, then you will become an anarchist or change to accept random aggression in some instances.

    I am an anarchist because it is the logical conclusion of my beliefs. It is no less possible than any other system. The only impediment to an anarchist society is people claiming that it will not work. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Person A feels that anarchism is ethically, economically and morally sound but that Persons B, C and D will never agree or hold to the bargain.

    Person B feels that anarchism is ethically, economically and morally sound but that Persons A, C and D will never agree or hold to the bargain.

    Person C feels that anarchism is ethically, economically and morally sound but that Persons A, B and D will never agree or hold to the bargain.

    Person D feels that anarchism is ethically, economically and morally sound but that Persons A, B and C will never agree or hold to the bargain.​

    Nearly every single person I have met who was willing to discuss the subject has come to this conclusion. Persons A-D represent these people. They each have different reasons for why it will never happen, but they all conclude that they must pay a government to oppress people because other people would not agree that anarchism is a good idea. Then I come along as Person E.

    Person E sees that Persons A, B, C and D all feel that anarchism is a good idea and that they would all hold to the bargain, and explains that the only thing holding them back is their insistence that it will not work. E reasons that in claiming that it will not work, they make sure that it will not work, and that that is the only thing stopping them.​

    This is the position I find myself in.

    You might not have noticed it, but the way you referenced anarchism was insulting. You treated it as an extremist view that was not to be taken seriously except by those not in their right mind, exactly like the people I was speaking of in my original post. Please be aware that you were doing this if it was not your intention.
  19. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    So much tl;dr in this thread now.

    And I'm pretty sure if the forum was only used for discussing the Kingdom Hearts games, there'd be like, at most 1/10th the amount of active users around. The games don't exactly come out that often (at least, the ones that matter)
  20. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    Perhaps .