I just remembered!

Discussion in 'Introductions & Departures' started by YukiSaxor, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. YukiSaxor Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 29, 2009
    On Stage performing
    This site's url. XD
    I've been struggling to find this account for awhile now after getting hit by nostalgia.

    What I remember the most was working on this fanproject called Kingdom Hearts End of Eternity:

    Along with my terrible voice acting audition for said project:

    I haven't been here since like 2013. lol
    Many of the people I have befriended and met during that time seems to have left.

    There's nothing else I can think of to say except I wish I could edit my profile. (>v<) Not so much into Vocaloid stuff anymore. But I guess I could leave it as is since it shows what I was like back when I last was here?

    Okay! I'm rambling now! Nice to be back here again. ^-^

    I must warn all of you since it has been happening for years.
    About 99% of the time I am NOT talking down to you, think myself superior than you, am angry, upset, "butthurt" or always serious. This is simply my writing style, I know I phrase things quite differently.
    Multiple times I've had to put an audio file to my post to prove to people I am really anything other than my usual bubbly self when it comes to my posts.^-^
    Whenever I am angry or upset, I will admit it.
    Additionally, adding in more emotes as so many have advised me to do, do NOT work. As ^-^ and XD has been taken as sarcasm or mocking the reader sooo many times.

    Thank you for reading and have a nice day!
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017