And the moral of this story is that the 10.0000 scale sucks. What's the difference between a 7.0483 and a 7.0484?
You are aware that a 10.00 scale means there are 1000 different scores that can be given, right? I see no difference between 503 and 504. In fact, in a normal 10 scale, I don't see the difference between 2, 3, 4 and 5. *Facepalm* Yes, you may have bunny entrails on your ice cream for desert.
One to six means that the thing is horrible. These scores are rarely given out by reviewers. Then there is ten, which is God Tier. Eight/nine mean above average, while seven means that is could go either way and it's nothing special. There, I've layed out the 10 scale. I just think it leaves a lot to be desired for reviews.
In Holland it's 1 to 5,5 = fail. 5,5 to 7 = average. 7 to 8 = good 8 to 9 = very good 10 = awesome duuuud
I know what you mean completely. Nothing in life is worse than seeing a game get a mediocre rating. When I last saw a game get a 5.0 rating, I wanted to gouge my eyes out from the sheer pain I could not unsee. I still live with this burden today. It haunts me even during the happiest of moments.
Oh man I totally know how you feel The other night I dreamt I was tied to a chair, then beaten and raped for 2 months in complete isolation before I finally died of malnourishment But Days getting a 5.0 in one review takes the cake for sure Can't get much scarier than that