
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Daenerys Targaryen, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Do you support gay/lesbo pride?
    Are you a homophobe?
    Any comments?

    I am a supporter of gay pride[ i am definately not lesbian] but i am not discusted or disturbed by how people of the same sex can love each other..what are your thoughts...

  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I think it's pointless.
    Homophobia is something that is learned. A learned association, if you will.
    It isn't wrong at all. I don't know why anyone would find it wrong in any way. Any kind of fear isn't necessarily good, but it isn't wrong. Sometimes you can't help something like homophobia; but, you can work yourself through it.
  3. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i believe it's like the new racism. tho it might not be "new" but it's getting more attention now. it's just discmination, people will come around and stop hating eventually just like racism ALOT less prelevant like before. but let me get one thing straight: is homophobia the fear of homosexual ppl? that's what the key words would suggest but i'm not 100% sure
  4. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008

    In a sum, my religion doesn't really 'support' gay/lesbian marriage. .

    However, I will never stop gays or lesbians from loving/marrying each other. It is their choice what they do, and I'm fine with that.

    I will accept the gay and lesbian community as much as I can. I refuse to discriminate against them.
  5. Mari Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 30, 2006
    Bay Area
    It's not that they have a choice. Some people just can't help but be a lesbian, gay or bisexual. Love hits people in unexpected ways.
  6. Allstargamer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 10, 2008
    15 degrees off Cool.
  7. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    Well personally I find that it isn't repulsive or disgusting or anything but I just cant help but be kindof freaked out if i see 2 women or 2 men together. Im not saying its bad or anything its just kinda weird. please dont judge me for that.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    I don't support gay/lesbian 'Pride' anymore than I support straight 'Pride'. I know I am straight and that's just how I am but I also don't need a parade or any colors or to declare I'm straight either all the time. I'm confident in that and don't feel 'threatened' by gays in any way. There's no reason to. If I get hit on by a gay person (which I have been) it is uncomfortable but so is being hit on by some girl I have no interest in that is persistent. I learned to just be straight up and say in either case that I'm not interested and that's usually enough to get it to someone that's not the way I swing. So, I'm kind of 'sick' of some gay movements that make like all straights are bad, but really I have nothing against someone being gay at all.

    The only thing I think I would get mad at someone for really is 'cheating'. I see no reason for anyone to cheat on someone in this day and age where if you are married you can divorce if the zeal of it is over, and men and women can break up with each other etc. There just isn't an excuse for it, including for gays to hide in a closet anymore and be with someone to have a cover, which I still see happening even in the news with some political guy who did that.

    So, no, I don't support gay or straight 'pride' as I think it's just arrogant on either side, but I do support people being themselves since we are all attracted to different things. Some people are attracted to blonds or tanned people or ethnic appearances etc. The same can be said about gender too. It's an attraction and it only causes harm to prejudiced people anymore that feel 'threatened' by it. As long as no one is being hurt but these prejudiced dorks who think that they have a right to tell others who they can sleep with based on their own perceptions or religion, well I say go for it.

    Also, I support gay marriage as I do have gay friends and see that the couples I do know care for each other greatly and after reading up on all of the troubles gay people have with situations of life, I think it's only fair. Marriage has changed and if people want it to be sacred, then let it mean something sacred called two people who love each other deeply and want to be committed can do it. The thought people have to marry for any other reason anymore just seems ludicrous, to include the reason of having children. If two people love each other enough to devote their lives to one another, that's special.

    Homophobia is wrong, in a nutshell. Any 'phobia' is usually 'wrong' if you think about it because it is an exaggerated fear which usually is not very well founded to have. However, it alone isn't what makes people -hate- homosexuals or do bad things to them. It's a fear.
  9. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    I am not a homophobe. I am not gay, nor do I actually know anyone who is, but I do not openly support it. I don't condemn it, either. I see nothing wrong with that choice people make, and if it's genetic, well, that's not their fault.
  10. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    homophobia is wrong...but its to be expected. Mankind is generally afraid of what they do not get or what it's different than them. It makes them feel insecure.

    I myself am not homophobic. I'm not gay, but if people think differently than I do, ill let them be.
  11. GenerationVIII Destiny Islands Resident

    May 30, 2008
    In my pretty rose-covered coffin...
    i'm not homophobic... i'm bi so yeah... i believe homophobia is wrong but there's nothing you can do... my parents are homophobes...
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    A phobia is an irrational fear, that is one that there is no grounds in which to have it. Vertigo is another, there is no reason to fear heights (it's hitting the ground you need to worry about ; ) )
    It being irrational means that it is a "wrong" mindset to have, but it is possible to get out of it. I'm sure that many homophobes would be good people if they managed to work out of their irrational fear.

    As for gay/lesbian pride, I think that it is mostly a remnant from days gone by when coming out was taboo and people would be physically assaulted. A bit like with the Civil Rights movement. It was biased one way and then after the marches and parades etc it had swung around to be biased the other way (and now it's almost impossible not to be racist to someone, no matter how hard you try ._. ) Sometimes I think that it does get too extreme, such as the story in Australia where straight people were banned from a gay bar.

    However, if there hadn't been the problem in the first place there wouldn't be this problem now *coughreligioncough*
  13. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    im not homophobic.. i am not scared of my house lol

    I dont think homophobia is wrong if two people of the same sex really do love each other they shouldnt care what homophobes think

    as for gay/lesbian pride i dont really support it but mybe that just cause im different
  14. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    I dont support gay/lesbo's at all..I just stay out of things that dont really involve me.

    I dont hate gays/lesbo's..it just kinda freaks me out.I wasnt born to love men so I would never understand how you can.
  15. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    I think we should just accept gay/lesbian relationships in society, you'll only be condemned if you're rude about it. Love is a beautiful thing, no matter if the couple is of the same or opposite sex.
  16. GenerationVIII Destiny Islands Resident

    May 30, 2008
    In my pretty rose-covered coffin...
    I agree...

    It's still love... Even if it grosses you out it's just how some of us (me included) are... Deal with it...
  17. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I have a lot of homosexual friends, actually. I had to get over my fear of lesbians though...I had nothing against any orientation until my first year of middle school when this girl kept calling me her girlfriend and eventually summoned up the courage to push me against the locker and kiss me. I was scarred...But I'm finally okay with it. I don’t think anyone should be told who to love. Let love be love. People need to worry about themselves…
  18. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    to thell you the truth, i'm not. do i think it's wrong? yes i do. when i see it like on tv, i just change it.i'm a man, and i think i was put on here to have a baby, raise him/her, and keep the blood line going.
  19. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Wait, you've not being clear here.

    Are you talking about homophobia or homosexuality?
  20. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    I have a big problem with the word 'homophobia' because people don't understand it's true meaning.

    REAL Homophobia is the phobia of things that are the same being together, like you feel uncomfortable when opposites don't fit, hence the prefix homo-. The opposite would be heterophobia, fear of opposites together. Although, in the HOMOSEXUAL sense, it refers to being uncomfortable when there are to men or to women together in a sexual orientated way. I can't really say 'relationship' because everyone has a relationship with same sex people: friends, enemies, ect.

    Looking at it that way, Homophobia is natural, just like any other phobia. I myself have a slight phobia of complete darkness, and that's natural, tons of people are like that. You guys are seeing it as, "Oh it's love, blah blah blah, people don't like that blah blah," when it's just simple as being afraid of the dark. There are some people who don't like homosexuality some much, they commit hate crimes and such. That's NOT homophobia, it's more anti-homosexual, against it, STRONGLY AGAINST it. You don't see people everyday trying to get rid of complete darkness or destroy the entire species of spiders, do you?

    In the end, no. I don't have a problem with Homophobia, since it's only a fear and they have a right to fear it. I do have a problem if it goes BEYOND homophobia and turns into a hate crime or such, just because you don't like same sex couple.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, ~~Namine~~, but it had to be said.