Digital Art Holy Mother Of God

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Cody, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Guys, stop flaming each other or you all get a warning, especially you Dorian.

    Chaser, you aren't quite getting the point of critisism. "Being mean" as you put it is pointing out the flaws of a sig so BK can improve for next time. If you only pointed out the good things, then how would anyone improve? BK doesn't feel "sad" crappy", or "bad", he feels frustaerated, as most people do when they try hard at something and come to find that it's not really as good as they once thought. Every artist has that problem, I know I do after I'm done with almost every sig I make. People need to calm down around here and stop being so anti-flame and anti-spam. Sure, it is up to you members to behave, but it's up to us mods to inforce the rules. Chaser, if you saw a problem, don't point it out int he thread, pm us the problem and we'll figure it out.

    Am I clear to everyone?
  2. Lawliet Merlin's Housekeeper

    Yeah, you're clear. I was clearly defending myself, although I did flame a bit. -is sorry to chaser and TBK-

    -Shutting up now-
  3. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    Chill. The sig is fine, but my personal opinion is: Layers mean nothing. Appearance is what counts man. Don't think about effects and layers, think about what is visually pleasing to the eye. Thats the best advice a fellow artist can give.
  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Low quality stock FTL. D:

    Don't like the textures much. Work on lighting more on this one. New stock plz?
  5. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    What is it about TBK's sigs that there's always some sort of argument going on? >_> Anyway.

    A pretty decent sig, though not a personal fav compared to the previous ones I've seen you post. Muuuuuch prefer V1!

    Nice going though ;D
  6. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    It is really pretty ^-^
    But you should make it a little brighter : )
  7. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    Just google for the stock along the lines of "King Mickey KH2"