I really like these. Except the Tidus/Yuna one looks weird to me for some reason and Harry looks a bit blurry. But other than that this is pretty good c:
You really are fixing the blurriness issues of your older ones quite well. :3 For some reason, I REALLY like the Tidus and Yuna one with the black and white heads. Something about the colors that you chose to stand out is very nice, and the bubble effect on the left side compliments that pretty well. The Hermione one looks great. I dunno if it's the really good quality of it, or the way you cropped it, but it's my favorite out of all of them. However, the very last one is a tad bright, and the Luna one could be a bit sharper. Overall, though, very nice set. :3
Thanks :'D Yeah, the Luna one wasnt from a particularly good source D: As soon as I upload them to photobucket the quality seems to get raped in most cases, which sucks. I love the Hermione one too >3
The first three Harry Potter ones seem washed out, but the writing on Ron's is cute :3 I actually like the Luna one, but I would have used smaller text. I love the three from Final Fantasy X (X-2) I don't see any problems with them. Great job!