Harry Potter Series [General Discussion Thread]

Discussion in 'Literature' started by Marluxia55, May 30, 2007.


Did The Last Book Of Harry Potter Satisfy you or not ?

  1. Yes it did

    42 vote(s)
  2. Maybe

    18 vote(s)
  3. No

    8 vote(s)
  4. havent read it

    9 vote(s)
  1. FrostFire15 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 17, 2007
    World that never was
    I really am angry about the part about Lupin, Tonks, and Fred dying. To me that was rushed.

    I was thinking about the entire book, and I think that as the book went on and on, she seemed to make it go faster and faster until it was really... weird.
  2. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    :/ liked it, sucky ending tho. I re read it 3 times and got really annoyed xD

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    Who names thier kid scorpius? :/
  4. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    why do guy f*cking hate the epilouge?
    My favourite part was the kiss between ron and Hermy.
  5. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    Obviously Draco. XD

    I think that it was incredibly satisfying. It tied up most of the loose ends that she left open in the past 6 books. If anything, she could have made it more eventful in the time that they were going around in the tents hunting horcruxes. But I can hardly complain. It was nearly flawless.

    Yeah, the Ron/Hermione kiss made me giggle.

  6. huiju Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 23, 2007
    an undisclosed location
    eh....yeah i think..except it probably would've made more sense for neville to kill bellatrix instead..(read the series to understand)that was the only unsatisfaction i had.
  7. Darkcloud Word of advice: Let the wookie win. He's Chuck N

    Dec 6, 2006
    Meh, I was just glad the ending was better than the last two.
  8. Very Berry Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 19, 2007
    In a house i hope
    i don't know cuz i wasn't sure what to expect but i was pretty surprised by the outcome its a maybe cuz i'm back and forth about it :)
  9. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    oh geez. everyone who knows me knows I hate cliches.

    why the hell kisses during a BATTLE????????????

    and a nice memorial would have been nice, but NOOOOO we get some crappy train ride...
  10. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Ah... I was so-so about the final book.

    Yes it tied up some loose ends, but bloody hell the whole book was like rollercoaster ride. First I was a bit un-happy with all who died. Second, that epilogue... was very cheesy. :/ I was expecting better from Rowling. Third, I almost stopped reading the book... thinking Harry was going to die; I was starting to get royaly pissed. Fourth, the whole odd relationship between Harry and Ginny through-out the book; I thought she really over did the 'drama' in that. It was like a damn 'flip-flop' politician.

    And finally.... she puts Ron and Heromine together. It's about time! They had so much sexual tension you could cut it with a knife.

    [/end rant]
  11. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    Agreed - this was a very good closure of something as big as HP has become, just imagine how horribly challenging it must have been to write an ending that is good? There's always going to be people who hates something so meh.

    One thing I really loved was that Harry didn't destroy every single horcrux by himself ( that'd be meh.. >> ), but also the others got to do that. Ron and Neville really had my attention..
  12. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    it was sad with the twins - first geoge loses his ear.. then fred dies
  13. rikufanattic Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 25, 2007
    in the sunny state
    I don't know I mean when I got the seventh book and I was estatic to read it, and then at the end I was just... pfffft. I'm not lying that's the sound I made when I read the last word of the epilogue.

    The whole thing was nice, but I just didn't like the epilogue bit too much. Plus I wasn't a fan of the shipping she did... That's why there's the epilogue I suppose to start with the new generation.

    I'm sort of still upset of the fact of how many people died in the story. I think it was over 30 deaths in total.

    She did a great job don't get me wrong, heck she's like almost my idol when it comes to writing, but really why kill the people we like?!

    Okay that's enough... I really did like Neville in this one though I was rooting for him all the way.
  14. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Major Spoilers!

    Considering that she had written the epilogue LONG BEFORE she even wrote the final book, she had to somehow make it all work out like that. But yeah, the epilogue ALMOST ended on a good note. We get to see the main characters one last time.

    And then there was also the whole thing about Rowling changing the plot to save one character, but killed off two others. Seriously, I wasn't expecting Percy of all people to actually live through this!

    Highlight for more spoilers:

    Also, why the *insert curse word here* is Umbridge still alive? And still in the Ministry? I was expecting a few centaurs to stomp on her sorry...anyway, she should've died back in the sixth book.

    Moody's death was almost unexpected. He was one of the best Aurors and he went down fighting. Mundungus, though...there are no words to describe how much I wanted to give him a swirlie...

    The final battle was epic. I definitely give Rowling kudos and a cookie for that one. I could almost see Harry with his hair flying and his robe fluttering behind him as he blasted everyone of the Death Eaters in sight to get to Voldy. Then his Shield Charm...I saw the massive shockwave that caused.

    I agree on the Neville/Bellatrix point. He SHOULD'VE been the one to finish her off. But, no, he gets stuck destroying a Horcrux. Killing a snake the same way Harry did.

    The Ron/Hermione bit made me laugh. I was all like, "It's about freakin' time! Now finish making out already!"

    The whole Harry/Ginny relationship thing...I seriously never expected them to end up together. Not even when I read the Half-Blood Prince. Kinda makes you wonder how they'll play that out in the movie...

    And finding out that Harry was the true master of the Deathly Hallows...The cloak, I'm surprised that it protected him for so long. Of course, he did get beat up by Draco in the beginning of the sixth book.

    But, Snape/Lily? Never expected that to happen.

    Pettigrew? Was expecting him to die at least an honorable death or something.

    Lupin and Tonks...Didn't expect them to end up together and have a kid. Sad that they died. And thus finishes off the Marauders...

    Bill and Fleur's kid named after Victor Krum? I was wondering how ol' bushy brow would play into all of this...

    And what do you know? Crabbe can actually talk. Too bad he was more dangerous than Draco. Ah well, he got what was coming to him.

    Shame the twins didn't live through this unscathed. I was expecting them to bring in their Shield Charmed outfits! Would've saved a lot more lives if they had brought that merchandise at least.

    The Felix Felicius...why couldn't they have at least brought that back into play?

    The only thing I didn't get is...Rowling said that a character that had never done magic the entire series would finally use magic. Who was it?

    But, why oh why, did it take so long for Ron to learn how to drive a car?! Even Harry figured out how to drive, right? And I'm glad they had their kids and all, but did it have to end so far in the future? Rowling should've had Harry/Ginny make out at least one more time in the ending.

    I wonder who's going to be playing their future selves in the movies...
  15. Darkaeroga Traverse Town Homebody

    HARRY POTTER! Finally , A book I want!

    PLEASE DONT TELL ME ANYTHING INSIDE THE BOOK...IM REALLY INTO IT AND I DONT WANT ANYONE TO SPOIL IT , IF YOU DO , I WILL SLAP YOU , Lol kidding , But im very serious about the spoiling part so please dont do it , Please.

    Hey , guys...I'm not a BIG fan of reading but I like it...sometimes....although theres time I just dont know what im doing just sitting there not knowing a clue of what I have just read. Im into fantesy , not any kind of fantesy , A fantesy that is original , not like lockness monsters or anything. I love the magical and wizard thing , its been a dream of mine to be a wizard since I was 3 , and I still dream of it. I want a book magical...but original in this century...not the previous one.I don't want books with like lets say spells like ummm...turning people into fruits , I want action and a little drama and romance in between a tad.Theres alot more i want to say....but i know you already think I have to high of expectations but thats just how i am...get over it!
    I picked up a book Called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone (sorcerous stone)...I quite liked it too.It was sad at the begenning and a little cheerful and then became just the best book Ive picked.I am currently reading the 2nd book...
    Im planing on reading all the books of it in 5 months (it probobly would take me less but I want enough time).

    Please tell me if you know other books like this...this the first time i really am grabbed inside the book.

    Yes I know its famous and I picked it up this late...well dont blame me.The movies are also fantastic also I read the book first then watch it...
    I know there alot mistakes in here but i didnt have time to go over it....and I love these books...J.K rowling , YOU ROCK!
  16. Kaiionel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 4, 2007
    In my imagination
    You are speaking to a person whose life has been touched by the magic of the Harry Potter series for six years. :) They are amazing, and if you continue to read the series, you will fall in love with it even more than you already have. They really are difficult to put down (I read the seventh one in under forty eight hours) but yeah, JKR has a gift. She keeps you sucked in from the beginning till the very end, and I'm still obsessed with it. It's an addiction, and it may even turn you onto reading other books. So yes, DEFINITELY finish the series, though I'm guessing you were planning on doing that anyway.
  17. Darkaeroga Traverse Town Homebody

    Yes i was but thanks for supporting me anyway ^_^ .
  18. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    hells yeah those books are awesome.. i've read and reread them at least lik 40 times :P(yes hat is an over exageration)
  19. Darkaeroga Traverse Town Homebody

    Wow its that good ^^ now im defenatly going to read it.....
  20. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I know how you feel! GRAWH.

    Harry Potter is my favorite series. Number one on my list. It always has been, and it always will be. Ever since I picked it up way back in...3rd grade, I've been automatically HOOKED. My last name's been replaced with 'Potter', I've been named the honors of being the most addicted Harry Potter fan in my elementary/middle school (I'm pretty sure the same title goes for my current school now) and instead of dressing up as a wizard/witch at the seventh Harry Potter party, I went as a very obsessed fangirl (I didn't need to act AT ALL.) When someone mentions the name 'Harry' or 'Potter' or both in the same sentence, I start squealing my head off and burn off all the sugar I had for breakfast. It's some hardcore win. Harry Potter is a WONDERFUL piece of work, J.K Rowling is a goddess, and GOD IT'S A ****ING GOOD SERIES. Anyone here who thinks otherwise will have to listen to my (And a bunch of my other friends') rants.

    The only thing that seriously peeves me off is those damn Christians who try and snap you out of the apparent "madness" and get you down "to good Earth". Oh my ****ing GOD. I have been ranted at by people who are Bible-freaks, and keep saying that I'm going to go to freakin' Hell if I don't stop. I even told one that I didn't give a ****ing damn about what God felt about me reading this series, and that Harry Potter is my religion, and I'd rather burn a Bible than not get my ****ing daily dose of Harry Potter. (It is, I'm serious. Screw Christianity, I love Harry Potterism.) She told me I'm the biggest sinner she's seen. Another title I proudly hold. *Note that I wasn't really trying to diss anyone's religion here. ^^; If not...oh well.*

    The movies are great, too. But I heard, unfortunately, that all the actors were going to stop after the 6th movie was released. If they do, I will send hate mail to EVERY actor and the director until they change their mind. And people say that those movies suck. Psh, they suck my ***. I think the movies are as great as the books themselves. (And Daniel Radcliffe is so fawking HOT. I hate how the gave him half a buzz cut though in the OOTP. He looked a lot better with long hair. Few, I'm getting steamed just thinking about it. XD)

    I would find it quite hard to start the series so late, though. O_o It must be tough avoiding all the spoilers and crap out there. People can't get their mouth shut. But don't worry, I keep my mouth shut...unless you want a few spoilers.

    Harry Potter's different than your other magiky type of book. It has action and suspense, a tad bit of romance in the last book (That was kinda a spoiler, don't look there. It's not really super revealing, though.)...and yeah. It's a fight against good and evil. (I suggest that the Bible-freaks read this last sentence.)

    To put it simple...

    Harry Potter > Life itself. ...Is that the greater than sign? O_o It's supposed to be.