Community Happy New Years!

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Plums, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Hey everyone, this may be a bit late at night for most (and the next day for some), but just want to pop by and wish you all a hearty welcome into the new year! It's pretty safe to say the site has gone through a lot the past year, between the Forum Rearrange, lots of new and old faces popping up, and the change from vBulletin to XenForo. But even through all of that, we made it to a brand new year. What it holds for us is pretty much anyone's guess, but I'm confident that we'll make the best of it, and have a n even greater year together (even without KH3).

    Anyway, if you're wondering about those Resolutions we did, they've been collected and compiled! As an addition (and because I wanted to try out the new system for it), they're in a Prezi for you to zoom in and look at! The purpose was for you and others to see what kind of resolutions floating around the site, and encourage each other and hopefully motivate yourself to fulfilling them.

    In addition, we also have upcoming announcements for events and so on that will be happening in the New Year (as we know currently):

    Upcoming Events Launch Date Contact for Questions
    Audio Archive (Updates) Updated Late December with Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Soundtracks! Misty
    KHV's Top 10 #2 Results December 31st, 2012 Krowley and/or Mike
    KH-Vids Top 10 #3 December 31st, 2012 Krowley and/or Mike
    Dress Up Contest Round XV This Week! Jack ❄ (Saxima)
    Signature of the Week #90* This Week! Ienzo
    Literate Beans: Cafe Session January 4th, 2013 Clawtooth, Chevalier, Plums and/or Stardust
    KH-Vids - Voice Acting Show January 5th, 2013 Mike
    KH-Vids Top 5 Announcement January 5th, 2013 Stardust
    KH-Vids Idol #4 - Lines Due January 5th, 2013 (January 3rd if Amethyst is mixing!) Amethyst
    Premium Primetime with Kitty January 5th, 2013 Fate Testarossa, Plums and/or Oerba Yun Fang (to get her to send in her POOP)
    Traditional Art of the Month #6 Voting* Mid-January Ienzo
    KH-Vids Top 5 Mid-January Stardust
    Wonderland Mid-February Chevalier and/or Stardust

    *If you have any ideas for themes for Traditional Art of the Month or Signature of the Week, please visit the Traditional Art of the Month Ideas Thread and/or the Signature of the Week Ideas Thread!

    Furthermore, be sure to get your KHV 2012 Anniversary Pin before time's up. Thanks you for a great year, and hoping for an even better one!
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Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Plums, Jan 1, 2013.

    1. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      asdfghjkl; that Prezi is the cutest thing evur.

      Let's all do our best in reaching our resolutions, and in helping each other reach our resolutions!
    2. Technic☆Kitty
      I saw a lot of great resolutions in there ^^ hope everyone reaches their goals and fulfills their resolutions this year ^^

      Cheers to a new year! And to a new start!
    3. kingdomheartsgeek
      Its a pain in the you know what to read those presitations on my phone
    4. ShibuyaGato
      Those are some great resolutions

      And that voice acting show looks interesting. Happy new year to everyone, and I look forward to hogging more pins more great events~
    5. 61
      My favorite one is the last one, about enjoying life more.

      Definitely something I could work towards as well.
    6. Splodge
      Happy New Year ever body.
    7. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      My resolution is so cheesy.

      Y did I go with it

      Dis lyf...
    8. Ienzo
      Whoever wants to stop talking about toes... I salute you. My Dad won't shut up about feet XD GO ON GUYS! I didn't put one up but I saw a lot of resolutions that I could relate to and so I hope you all achieve them and do all you can and get all the help you need in reaching your goals.

      My resolution is probably to get into university and improve my artwork- I plan on drawing a lot and looking at how my drawing improves throughout these 12 months.
    9. The Twin
      The Twin
      Y'know, I had never hard of Prezi before until this. Very snazzy and very well done. Loved reading those resolutions. I didn't submit one because I wasn't sure what to send in anyway.

      Also yay Wonderland is coming back! That was fun last year.
    10. PrincessKairixXx
      That is the only Prezi I have ever willingly read xD It sounds like I have a lot in common with some of you...especially the person who wants to improve their art and lose weight xD I'm totally with you there.
    11. Itachilives
      Great resolutions and hooray for Prezi lol.
    12. Loxare
      Oh, so that's what a Prezi is. I'd wondered... Anyways, good luck with the resolutions guys! I hope you all meet your goals!!!

      Also, DAMN seven hours late for the pin!!! T-T