Anime Hamatora The Animation

Discussion in 'Anime and Manga' started by Ghost, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Ghost King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2012

    ANN Plot Summary:
    "Minimum" - a special inborn power found in a limited number of human beings, known as "minimum holders." In Yokohama, the detective team Hamatora, formed by two minimum holders named Nice and Murasaki, comes across information connected to a serial killer being pursued by their old friend Art. It turns out all the victims are minimum holders like them. Unwillingly at first, the two detectives become involved in the investigation.

    Promotional Video

    No one made a thread for this show yet and I really liked it so I decided to do it. You know, just in case any one else decided to watch it.

    I watched the first episode and it was good enough to make me want to watch the second episode. All the characters are pretty interesting and the each have their weird little quirks (or maybe that's just me). But it' turning out to be a good anime, I'll keep watching it and hope it becomes something big.
  2. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    I've been accompanying This since the first episode, It's generally well made, sometimes the comic scenes should be more well polished and I feel like they aren't giving decent descriptions of what happens in order for minimums to take place, but I'm sure they will fix that, the anime has lots of potential and is worth the weekly watch.
  3. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Kid you not, I saw this title and thought, HAMTARO??? Then I realized I was wrong and got sad then looked at everything. Seems decent enough. I'll put it on my tobewatched list.
  4. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    When I first saw the title I thought hamataro from bleach but. This really doesn't look half bad I've been meaning to check it out but I've had other stuff to watch but this will definitely go on my list to watch. The main character looks a lot like Enma from KHR to be honest.