Okay so I'm applying to go to a specialized arts school next year and I was wondering if I could draw some of you guys and put the pictures in my portfolio >> Things in my portfolio so far [all pen sketches]: one ****ing awesome pic of Sora a pic of BB
You're working with the government, aren't you!? Like hell I'll- Sure, I'd help. Are you looking for specifically face shots, full body shots, etc., and how should we give you the pictures?
Mostly Head and shoulder shots please. Thank you guys sooooo much!! I'll take pix when I'm done! I'd rather not give out which school, sorry. Internet stalkers and all. If you could PM them to me, I'd be extremely grateful! Thank you guys so much T-T But yeah, I do mostly portraits with ink pens and acryllic paints [can't spell right now >>]
now now no need to be big *****es over the username Roxas. So anyway, Roxas, would you want just a facial shot, or do you need body? Or if it doesn't matter, then yeah, I can just get you any kind of photo.
DO WANT =D! I'll look through my photos to see if I have some decent ones and I'll pm you with one. :) good luck ! I myself I'm at a college specialized in Arts and let me tell you, not easy to get into that college.
Funny thing is, cameras end up like mirrors I come across. They all end up broken. So no pictures to share.
Thank you guys so much T_T I hate to be so stupid sounding but seriously it means a bunch that you guys are supporting me T_T