
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Claryssa, Oct 18, 2006.

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  1. Claryssa Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 9, 2006
    In my own little world.
    Because we need a fantasy RP here. XP

    This role-play idea was created by a friend of mine, but I got his permission to borrow the general idea.

    Long ago, there was a planet called Geonigma. It was a place of peace and prosperity, protected by the four guardians. The guardians each controlled an element; Fire, earth, water, and wind. There is one other element understood in this world. That is, life. This element is held by one chosen by the guardians, but only with the guardian’s power can they control it. When the guardians are not needed they rest for long periods of time. They only awaken when they are called. To call them, one must first find the current wielder of the staff of Geonigma. There is only one staff, but sometimes people try to make money by selling fake staffs.
    People are led from the path when the staff does not wish to be found. Now it is time for someone to save Geonigma once again. Chaos has broken out since the high priest, holder of the final element, has become sick with power. He wishes to control all elements. To do this, he must first destroy the guardians. The staff which calls them is the only weapon that can truly injure them.
    Some people have noticed this corruption, and others don't believe the world was ever peaceful. Now these two kinds of people must join together to find the staff, rally the guardians, and save Geonigma.

    Now you must choose, good or evil?


    1. NO godmoding or power playing!
    2. Romance is allowed, just keep it clean.
    3. Be at least Semi-Literate. (Also I'd prefer if you posted in past-tense third-person. Less confusion if everyone is in the same tense and pov.)
    4. No chatspeak withing the roleplaying.
    5. Do not ignore people, if another character is talking to your character, at least acknowlege that your character is ignoring or doesn't notice the other character. Yes, that means reading every single post.
    6. The most important rule: Have Fun! :D


    Character Name (First AND last, unless a guardian):
    Age (Keep it reasonable.... the guardians are as old as Geonigma itself):
    History (Make it interesting.... don't make it a sob sob, cry cry kind of history, if I get more then two of those I think I'd die):
    Role(You can be a guardian, but there are only four):



    Fire: Available
    Water: Available
    Wind: Available
    Earth: Available

    Other Roles​

    Staff Weilder: Available
    High Priest [Villain, Holder of the Final Element]: Available
    All Others: Always Open

    I'll put my character up when I decide who I'm going to be. Hopefully this gets some positive responses.:)
  2. Pixie Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 12, 2006
    This looks fun, I'll join! :D

    Character Name ~ Kayari
    Age ~ As old as Geonigma
    Gender ~ Female
    Appearance ~ Long blond hair, and blue eyes. Kinda looks like this. (Uses magic to mask her age, to make her look like a 14 year old)
    Personality ~ She has very extreme moods. Like if she is happy, she'll be really hyper and practically bounce off the walls.
    History ~ Kayari was abandoned as a baby; for her parents thought that she was going to die form a deadly illness the have almost kill everyone in their village. Left off in the forest to die, Kayari was found by an old stray female wolf that took Kayari under her wing. Later on Kayari became healthier and over come the deadly illness. She had also over time become one with nature and learned many secrets form it. (The rest of the history depends on how she got to Geonigma, if she as already living there or whatever…)
    Role ~ Guardian (Earth)
    Race ~ Gaurdian of Geonigma
    Occupation ~ Gaurdian of Earth
  3. Claryssa Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 9, 2006
    In my own little world.
    Yay! Someone signed up~!:D

    A little more history on the Geonigma Guardians, they are actually part of the being that created Geonigma. The essence was split into five pieces, Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Life. Life is the only one passed among humans and that is what makes the High Priest the High Priest, s/he controls that element. The Guardians' race would probably be Gaurdian of Geonigma, and occupation would Gaurdian of {Insert Element Here}
  4. Pixie Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 12, 2006
    Ok! But can you be a part of the being that created Geonigma even if you were born on a different world? (Like magic... O.O)
  5. Claryssa Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 9, 2006
    In my own little world.
    Yeah, I'd think said being could have been part of a different world, you just never know.
  6. kurouxingusu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 29, 2006
    I LIVE?!?!?!?
    ooo this looks like fun:D
    Character name:Kazeshan
    Age: as old as geonigma itself
    Gender: female (of course)
    Appearance:grey hair(shes not old looking ppl) light blue eyes(blind to everyone but herself)mostly wears black and white looks kinda like[​IMG]except with light blue eyes(dnt look creepy)
    History: Kazeshan has been giving to others for as long as she can remember. She has the ability to heal almost any wound. Most of the time she tries to avoid fights because she can lock up in the middle unless to fight is the only way. Kazeshan never knew her parents and doesn't hav a family. She keeps on searching for the answer. a while ago when she first discovered her healing powers the first thing she healed was a strange white hawk, its been with her ever since. She uses a staff in combat but its not "the" staff k. even tho shes blind she can still tell between 2 dif colors and has super hearing and sense of touch& smell. She can also contorl her on sensibility ex.-lower or raise hearing/touch/smell ability to fit the situation.
    Role: Guardian
    Race: Guardian of Geonigma
    Occupation: Guardian of the wind
  7. RPGgamer Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2006
    between dark and light
    WOw, sounds like fun.

    Name: Sel
    Age: As old as Geonigma
    Gender: girl (no duh)
    Appearence: Blond hair, blue eyes
    Personality: Thinks before doing, silent
    HIstory: Helps take care of Geonigma.
    Role: Guardian (water)
    Race: Guardian of Geonigma
    Occupation: Guardian of Water

    Really hope it hasn't died yet. lol
  8. Dark Lancer Moogle Assistant

    Feb 16, 2007
    Hiding in your closet waiting for you to find me
    Character Name-(Unknown title{you'll find out later})Dark Lancer
    Age:????dont know but when designed was created at age 20
    Appearance:look at my avatar
    Personality:Quiet, shy timid, hates all living things
    History:Belongs to a secrect rebellious group trained and created there, only exisance is to retrive the staff for leaders own power and use. Now that she has been sent to retrive the staff she has gained the power of inner sight.Once she has reached her purpose the group will then terminate her along with the rest of the assassins before her.
    Race:Artificial Ice Elf {AKA was made in a lab}
  9. KeybladewarriorNexus1993 Destiny Islands Resident

    Character Name: Jon Long
    Appearance:A goth human with white highlights in his black hair/Dragon(Black)/Member of the Huntsclan
    History:A dragon that was born into the Hunts clan.Now he lives in Geonigma to protect Magical creature
    Race: Dragon
  10. Dark Lancer Moogle Assistant

    Feb 16, 2007
    Hiding in your closet waiting for you to find me
    can we start?
  11. danm36 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 4, 2007
    Daisuke's body
    Character Name: Halmera Xegroth
    Age: 27
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Like Xenahort from Kingdom Hearts but with a few differences, long black airship-pilot coat,fair slightly tanned skin, blue-green eyes, holds two Katyanas strapped to the side of his waist.
    Personality: Kind and would help most people. He is smart though and can tell if a person is lying, most of the time.
    History: 'Born on a airship, lived on a airship and will die on a airship' is his motto and that is practicly his whole life. He was a trader and a battler in the many battle rings in various villages in Geonigma. His parents have left him when he was 17 and he now thinks they died (He isn't that bothered)
    Role: Soldier
    Race: Human
    Occupation: Trading, gladiator battles and helping people
  12. Dreamers gaze Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 6, 2007
    In my pretty castle in the magical clouds
    Character Name: Kyo
    Age: ?????
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Queit, dislikes being in love and all emotions
    History: Kyo has been alone his whole life and it will always be that way. He was kicked out of the safty of his village because he was a vampire and not human like the rest of the preists. Now hes searching his place in life before its too late.
    Role: Staff weilder
    Race: Vampire
    Occupation: Drifting around

    Quickly Kyo runs past Dark Lancer as she noticed him.
  13. Dark Lancer Moogle Assistant

    Feb 16, 2007
    Hiding in your closet waiting for you to find me
    She noticed him but didnt recall knowing him so she went off into a small village.
  14. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    ( I hope I can still join)

    Character Name: Donella
    Age: As old as the forest of Geonigma
    Gender: Female
    Personality: She is very kind but can have a temper at times, her jealousy can sometimes get the best of her.
    History: Donella, as a wood fairy, was born when the forest was born. She knows every part of the forest and can talk with forest animals and trees. She can also preform vast quantities of magic ( don't judge her by her size.)
    Role: Unknown
    Race: Wood Fairy
    Occupation: Protecting the forest from evil and helping whomever is in need.
  15. danm36 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 4, 2007
    Daisuke's body
    A airship appeared on the horizon. It was small. Its envelope was a shade of dark red. The cabin was small with an engine on each side. It flew above Donella and the running Kyo before it landed in a nearby field. Halmera Xegroth stepped out, the hilts of his Katyanas glinting in the sunlight. Dark Lancer walked towards him. Jon Long went into a Armour stall in the village
  16. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Donella flys quickly over to Halmera Xegroth. She was very excited for reasons she didn't know, maybe it was because she hadn't seen an airship for a very long time, considering she lived in the forest for most of her life and the trees usually covered the sky.
    She buzzed around the airship, surveying it. She buzzed back over to Halmera Xegroth. " Hi," she said fast. Circling him twice. "I'm Donella" " AH AH AHHHH CHOOOOO!" she sneezed and a puff of little sparkles came out.
    " Sorry," she said.
    Just then Dark Lancer comes over and looks at her kind of weird. Donella buzzes over to her and circles her too.
  17. danm36 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 4, 2007
    Daisuke's body
    "Greetings" he said but she was gone. Dark Lancer walked over and studied Halmera.
    "What brings you here" she asked
    "I came here to look for more people. The villages up north are a bit underdeveloped as the low ammount of people but I heard more people are arrriving, hopefully," He replied. "I feel a bit weird," He said.
    "It might have been that 'pixie dust' or whatever" She said.
    Halmera noticed an sparkle in the distance as Donella sneezed on Jon Long. Halmera looked back but Dark Lancer had gone.
    "Ahh well" he said and he walked towards the amature battle areana.
  18. Dark Lancer Moogle Assistant

    Feb 16, 2007
    Hiding in your closet waiting for you to find me
    Mysteriously a girl passed the both of you ignoring you.
  19. kairigirl22 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 10, 2007
    Hangin with Teru, giggling over Kurosaki
    Donella follows Halmera into the battle arena. She quitely goes over to an unlit lantern and sits on it. Watching him.
  20. danm36 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 4, 2007
    Daisuke's body
    Halmera walked up to the battle receptionist.
    "You can't bring class 1, 2 or three weapons" he said
    "Eh?" Then Halmera noticed that the receptionist was looking at his swords
    "Oh them, they are for protection. I will use staffs agains the begginers and amatures"
    "Good" Replied the receptionist who glanced up. Noticing the little wood fairy.
    "That pixie with you?" He asked
    "Pixie, where!?!?" replied Halmera and he turned around and noticed Donella on the lamp. She smiled.
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