Forum Wars - Civil War

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xannytoes, Dec 30, 2015.

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  1. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    David's pov:

    David Banner.png

    This was beginning to look grim. Their attacks did noting at all. It was probably better to live and fight another day then continue this. There was someone who could teleport people away. This was a neat trick and he knew of the magic it involved. The other attacks were absorbed in some form or another. Everyone was fighting someone, well everyone but him. That was when Jayce Reaver wanted a surrender. That was not going to happen today or any day not after what his people did to his family. "How could I forgive you after what you did." There was angry in his eyes. This battle was lost. He did not see a way they could win. This battle maybe over but the war would continue. He saw that they were outnumbered he was not sure how this happened considering he just arrived here. That was when Carissa pointed her crossbow at the ceiling and fired. Carissa wanted them to follow her. Well with that shot towards the ceiling hopefully it would kill the demigod. He knew it would not be that easy. There seemed to be someone injured. He watched them do something stupid and use an attack. Well there was no saving them now. He ran after Carissa once he saw the man could not be saved. He was right behind her now. "What is the plan now," he asked.

    Sophia's pov:

    Sophia Hamerkop banner.png

    Sophia Hamerkop was walking at an unknown location and arrived at a big ship that was the Valiant, Jayce Reaver's ship. She had been out travailing exploreing the land and just got back from her travails. The land was a sight to see. The demigod have done some good things they seemed to be helping. She wondered if she would find her brother. He did not know about her, but she knew about him. It was a dangerous game that was being played. The ship seemed to be empty from where she was. This was odd. Jayce was gone. Maybe it had something to do with the tower. She put her hand to her earpiece.
    "Jayce, this is Sophia Hamerkop reporting in. Where is everyone at?"
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Rose had stayed far enough back in the shadows to end up behind the fire. Now however the Shards seemed to be moving back. Rose had sat back a little too long, and now it was time to do something. The girl crept through the shadows and passed her own side. Some may have noticed her, but she didn't care. She would get to the damn shards and put an end to them all here and now. Though as the ceiling began to crumble due to the explosive shot at it. There was another man attempting to attack them as well, so Rose couldn't come out of hiding yet, though it would have been helpful for avoiding falling debris. If only she could find a way to cut them off further up. Unfortunately she didn't know the tower well and had no way of gaining the advantage now. Instead she would have to settle for the shadows, following quietly and blending into what was around her in order to keep close to them until they stopped. Of course if people were paying close attention they would see a blur moving to avoid something, her chameleon ability not fast enough to keep up with her movements all the time. Rose just had to hope they were too focused on the demi-gods to look in the shadows around them.

    During Aster's day dreaming he ended up falling asleep. Apparently the battle was that uneventful. He missed his chance to do anything really at that point.
    (Aster rolled a 0)

    Bet Kill Count.
    Aster: 20​
  3. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    Zahariel merely laughed at the request of the demon, he had sensed the darkness within him as soon as the man had set a foot on the battlefield. The lackeys of Demi-gods suggesting honourable combat, that was just asking for betrayal and heresy, Demi-gods had shown themselves incapable of honour. Demons were even worse. When Jayce demanded a surrender he couldn't help but laughing at the man even more. "You expect me to trust a lackey of one of the mongrels that call themselves Demi-gods who have proven themselves untrustworthy time and time again. More so how can I trust in an honourable duel when these children are around who are throwing a fit when they are not having their way? Not to even speak about yourself, a being of darkness. I have lived for far too long to not see through your poorly hid intentions." Zahariel spoke, his deep voice sounding as if it came from all around and not his person. He knew full well all could hear him. The moment Carissa pulled the trigger Zahariel sprung into motion far faster than could be expected from a man his size, a smile crept on his face, he was no mere man after all. He ran after Carissa and Obamakrytox and attempted to slash across Jayce's torso as he ran past, not fully focussing on the attempt and afterwards put Dies Irae back into it's sheath. He didn't go at full speed and kept an eye around him and something caught his eyes. "Come out, come out, where ever you are." He spoke again the deep voice sounding as if it came from all around. He had noticed a figure in the shadows, cleverly concealed he had to admit. But not done quite well enough to avoid his attention. He swung up his leg and jumped, turning mid-air with his left arm out, the red eyes peering from underneath the hood and made a motion as if he were throwing a baseball and yet another torrent of fire came into existance going straight for Rose, the flames passing to Zahariel's left as he finished his spin, landing and running once more. It could have been a Shard member but he didn't care enough to try and figure it out.

    OoC: I had requested a roll for the detection of Rose which Zahariel passed (rolled 1 - 10 result was a 7 passing was 6+)

    The Andaran Prince had been firing rapidly hitting several Hammers and continued to do so until the rifle ran out of ammunition. The blood price had been collected. And the Hammer soldiers had probably never heard of a sharpshooter before as he had remained undetected. However by the looks of it things were going to be over rather quickly, he should be getting away, while the rifle was out of ammo and therefor just dead weight he didn't discard it but kept it around. He slung it around the shoulder and switched to his assault rifle, keeping it handy as he crawled down the mound he had been laying on and out of sight of the hammers. He once more set off into the wasteland trying to make his way around the place without being spotted. However he seemed to be caught in the well of a singularity drawn towards it once more. Again he happened upon the giant metal construct and froze was it just a bad day or was he doing something wrong, forgetting about one of the lessons of the Andaran Warrior. He had covered their retreat, which would most-likely have gone unnoticed. He remained frozen, unable to think of what to do, while he did still hold his assault rifle in hands he had no intention of using it, even outright doubting that the bullets would be effective in the first place. He slowly but surely lowered himself, bending his knees keeping his feet on the ground and made himself a smaller target putting his rifle down in front of him and keeping his hands, palms up and opened in a bit of a defensive stance. Like an animal that got cornered. He had no idea whether these people had any relation to the warring factions but it never hurt to be careful and if it really was necesarry he always had his dagger with him the original intent of the stance being lure them close and nail them, but right now he used it to gauge their intentions
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  4. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    After Lucien wanted to go into a tussle with this guy, the god man person thing decided to start talking. As his echoing, and quite condescending, voice started to ring throughout the room, an increasingly annoyed and confused expression formed on Lucien's face. As he continued to not only insult Jayce, but also Lucien's own trustworthiness based solely on his heritage alone, the young demon boy's face became far more pissed off and fed up with this guys attitude. "Dude, it's a yes or no question. I don't need a report on it." As was obvious based on the way he was talking, the divine being had decided to just zoidberg his way out of the area after trying to just sort of cut at the demigod leader in passing. Letting out a sigh of disappointment, Lucien couldn't help but feel a bit underwhelmed by the whole situation. Here it was, his chance to finally fight someone in pvp, and not just deal with a punch of NPC grunts. But of course, the one person he ran into had to be a giant prick. And you know, the circumstances they were found in didn't exactly warrant an actual fight, but that was besides the point.

    Seeming a tad defeated, despite the fact that they really just had a sort of overwhelming victory, Lucien started to run after the members of the Shards of Hope in order to actually get some action in. However, there was something a bit strange about the whole thing. The god man that had talked down before to him had seemed to just stop in his tracks, and got ready to launch an attack of his own. Well that was a bit annoying, though Lucien soon realized that the attack wasn't actually a result of him trying to stop any pursuers, rather, just one. Seeing the shimmer light himself, he understood just who was his target, and Lucien could only sigh once again as he realized that he would have to be a "team player" and "help a brother out" rather than actually trying to go into a probably 4 vs 1 scenario. Reaching his hand out, Lucien grabbed the invisible head of Rose as he said, in a complete monotone, "I'm helping." He then pulled back and tossed her a bit back, not gently slightest, as he then took the entire brunt of the flames. Seemingly pretty unfazed by the whole thing, to end his daring heroics Lucien simply said, "saved."

    (ooc: So, in order to find Rose I did the same test as Vlad did. Roll from 1-10 where 6+ is success. I rolled a 10, so I think I succeeded.)
  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    It seemed that her abilities failed her this time as a man spotted her and proceeded to throw a fire ball at her, in an over the top, fancy fashion. Rose was ready to dodge the ability herself when she felt a hand on her head that threw her to the side, away from the fire ball. This however caused her chameleon ability to fail her, though it wasn't much use in combat anyways. "Well looks like I have been spotted. Oops." Rose said, though her tone didn't sound concerned at all. Instead she sounded almost excited, like the fun was just beginning. "You know, when you play with fire, you are going to get burned." Rose said as she took off running towards the group. She might not be able to catch up as easily, but she could outlast them, she knew that for a fact. Her eyes were rimmed with red as she ran, both blades in hand. Slowly Rose lost herself to the killing calm. They were all going to die soon.

    A direct assault was not Rose's strength, but she had no fear. She would do whatever she had to in order to protect Jayce and fulfill his mission. She would do whatever it took, these Shards would not escape her. Though she wore next to no armour she felt herself safe, it provided for easier, more quick movements. Her only thoughts however were not on her safety, only simply about killing those she was in the midst of trying to catch up to.
  6. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    "You cannot let her get away, get Carissa!" Anthem heard his mistress's command from his earpiece. With an affirmative chime Anthem continued the pursuit. Parts of the building were falling from above, debris from the explosive round, but the armoured man used the sheer momentum of his charge to dive through and emerge on the other side. With a heavy thump Anthem landed on the ground beyond the collapse and hastily got himself back up agin. Chaos surrounded, a fateful battle that would decide the future of this war. Slowly, Anthem continued the pursuit, he was not quick but he was determined and consistant. The dramatic music of his battle tune echoed throughout the halls, spurring on his allies, accompanied by the general chaotic sounds of battle. Through the debris and dust Anthem focused on one figure, the fleeing huntress. Anthem would not fail his mistress.

    It had been a long time ago that the twins Anthem and Reqiuem had met Ashleigh Reaver, but it was a day they would never forget. The two warriors in matching armour had been searching for the young woman, after all, she was the legacy of their last master; Nighthawk himself. They had had no idea what they would do once they found her, they were mute. But they had incredibly extended lifespans and searched for something to do with it. When they did meet Ashleigh she was originally cold and distant, but still they followed. She eventually grew to become comfortable with their constant companionship, and in an unusually kind move, repaid them. With one spell, one application of her harmonic magic, the Knighthawks could once more express themselves. She could not give them back their voices, but she gave them something more powerful than words. She gave them music.
  7. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    Carissa looked behind her. Everyone was running, with the exception of Zahariel who was distracting a couple of opponents. He squinted. One of them looked familiar... Like... Aster! Her eyes opened wide in alarm. Zahariel better not kill her. Wait, he's not here. Even if she does die, Aster will never know any different. However, there were more immediate problems. The armoured man, one of the Knighthawks, was chasing her down at this present time and he showed no sign of giving up. The ceiling had fully collapsed now, cutting off the rest but that still meant that three of them were trapped on their side, one of which being this armoured pursuer. Normally, this would be a problem, however now that they were slightly numerically superior she wasn't as worried. Also, she had a counter. She reached into her quivers and recovered one of her Armour-Piercing bolts and drew forth a second one. She loaded the first, stopped, aimed and fired one at the Knighthawk's leg and loaded the second one, firing it at his arm to cripple his fighting ability if he caught up. She was agile enough to dodge but she didn't fancy her chances.

    Carissa Kill Count: 32


    Corruption Rating: 22%

    "You should take that lance out, you'll only blunt the edge and rust the weapon doing that." He pointed out. Kalak did not advance. Instead, the Demi-God took a couple of steps back. He would deal with this from range. Getting close was impractical at the moment, meaning that it was a better idea for him to deal with this from a distance. He summoned forth his magic and reached into his memory of forging weapons. The material took form in the air around him. The sound of the forge rang in his head, called forth by the process of remaking a weapon. The first took shape, a long spear in a spiralling pattern of black and white. He then replicated the weapon above him twice. He positioned the three to strike from different angles, then fired them towards the lone man in front of him. Blocking all three would be difficult, nigh on impossible. He made sure to aim one towards the weapon so that if he did move it, it would expose his body. This human would die, and swiftly. He didn't have time for his attitude.
  8. Droda Moogle Assistant

    Dec 29, 2015
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    Throda raised his shield and blocked the scythe. The juggernaut grunted as the explosion knocked him back. His short legs were of no aid in a retreat. Not much of a dwarf was useful in a retreat, whether the dwarf in question was fleeing or his enemy was. No, chasing was for taller, more lightly armoured people.

    Throda frowned, a victory was won, but Carissa was making a speedy exit.
    "Reaver, have we captured all of this tower? Er, specifically the part that shoots flying objects?"
    Hammer soldiers were covering all ground exits, the only place left for the Shards to run to was the air. If this tower was designed to shoot down all aircraft... Poetic justice seemed to be right around the corner.
  9. Xannytoes Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2014

    Ceiling collapsing. Shards in retreat. Attacks flying in from everywhere. The pure, chilling and downright exciting throes of chaos had fallen upon them, and Jayce was loving every second of it. To Anthem's singing, the Demi God danced. To the left of a falling piece of ceiling. His hand twirled and eviscerated another portion of rock which tried to crush him. A scythe came at him from nowhere, the explosion the weapon produced resulting in a few additional burns to his armour.

    You'll have to do better tha-


    Jayce fumbled backwards, clutching his now bleeding chest. That damned Ancient God. Catching him unawares in the midst of the moment. Impressively cowardly. Shaking off the pain which came with such a strike, he vaguely heard Theodosia's questioning of God Slaying magic, and Throda asking about the status of the tower.

    "After them," Jayce managed to speak, "if we can make it to the weapon, we can shoot them down and put an end to this mess for good."

    His surviving soldiers, without forgetting to salute, raced down the corridor to catch the retreating Shards and to take control of the weapon. He signalled for the others to join the chase.

    "I'll be right behind you," Jayce promised, "just need to take care of this nasty cut."

    With that said, Jayce flipped out his pistol and fired several shots down the corridor, aiming to gun down the Ancient God and/or Carissa before they got too far away. ​
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    "This lance won't wear out so easily." Reitan took noticed when his opponent took a step back opposed to closing the distance between them. Seeing the three spears appear before him was an eye catcher, but he now wasn't the time to be somewhat impressed by things. Reitan tightened his grip on his lance as the weapons flew towards him. "Imperial Lance Third Stance - Susano-O." His lance took on a green glow before a cyclone of wind erupted from the ground, completely surrounding Reitan. The ferocity of the winds would be more than enough to keep the spears from hitting their mark, so Reitan lifted his weapon from the ground and slowly twirled it in a circular motion, a white orb appearing as he did this. Once five orbs had appeared in front of him, he stopped twirling his weapon and held it up into the air. "Imperial Lance Second Stance - Tsukuyomi." The lance was aimed towards were the demi god was and the five orb flew out through the cyclone as it died out towards him.
  11. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    Timothy heard the woman's cries but had no idea what to do. For a moment Timothy looked around flustered. What could it do? How could it save his master? It had no clue... Suddenly though a figure arrived, it was the same man from before! He looked kind of important, maybe he could help them! "Greetings once again!" Timothy called "Would you like some tea? My mistress is looking for a safe place away from here, do you know of such a place?"
  12. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    He managed to block the three lances unfortunately and had replied with an attack of his own. He seemed to utilise primarily a set of stances, and was silly enough to declare each one as he used them. That meant that it would be easy to predict each of the attacks he would unleash based on the stance that he used. One was a ferocious wind and the second employed the generation and firing of these green orbs. They posed him little trouble and he effortlessly parried the five away with Duskfall. His current combat style seemed to indicate staying fairly still and casting various spells. The lance probably had some close combat utility, however it would not be easy given the sheer size of the weapon. However, there was a fairly obvious weakness. It was a thrusting weapon meaning that it had an incredibly easy to comprehend point of attack. Not to mention that the weapon could be easily kept in check. The only problem he foresaw was the use of other stances that were hitherto unknown, but he was willing to take a bet. The wound was a concern, but the battle wouldn't be too stressful he believed.
    "Am I meant to be impressed?" Kalak sneered, advancing on Reitan with Duskfall in both hands. "Your moves are very pretty, but that's about it." Kalak sped up his advance, rushing into Reitan's guard. Once he was close, it was checkmate.
  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada

    Aster woke up from his nap. The war was still going on, so perhaps it was time to actually bother and do something. He got up slowly and looked around. In the distance he spotted a horse. It wasn't long before Aster was running for the horse and jumping on from behind it. Startling the horse he began to buck and trow him off, but Aster, being the master horseman he imagined he was, held on. Soon enough he calmed the horse well enough to ride it.

    Lance in hand, and mounted on a somewhat rideable horse, Aster charged into battle. He waited till the right second to put his lance down in order to skewer as many people as he could with it. The first circle he got two, but the second one he hit three. It seemed no one was prepared for mounted warfare. That was just another win for Aster.

    Bet Kill Count
    Aster: 25
    Given Carissa had stopped to shoot some bolts at some other guy that she could care less about, Rose decided it was a good time to try to take the girl out. She had no beef with Carissa herself, but imagine the praise she would get if it was her blade that took the demi-god killer out. With that in the back of her mind, Rose took a moment to slow and lose peoples focus on her, as soon as Carissa aimed her cross bow, Rose went after her again. Knowing Cross bows took a while to reload, it was the perfect time to. She couldn't attack back until after Rose had reached her, and then what good was a long range weapon.

    A smirk appeared across Rose's lips as she reached Carissa's side. She pulled a blade out as she went for a strike.
    "Here lies Carissa, demi-god killer." Rose whispered in a soft devious tone. She hoped it was the last words Carissa ever heard, the words on her own grave stone. With that she tried to begin her famous sword combo on Carissa.
  14. AdamusImperator Moogle Assistant

    Dec 28, 2015
    Adamsville, Primoria, Empire of Adammia
    So, it seemed that he was being taken to the airship of one of the factions in this war. It was somewhere to start, Vincent supposed. Hopefully this wouldn't be some sort of trap. He noted with bemusement the rather odd lady - some sort of peace negotiator? - who was also being taken back to the airship. She seemed to have come out of nowhere, but then again so had he from these people's perspectives, so that was fair enough. After some walking, the airship loomed ahead of them. Guards appeared to be stationed by the entrance to the airship, and Vincent glanced at the woman who seemed to be in charge, waiting to see where they would be led next.
  15. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    Carissa saw Rose coming after she revealed herself. She was in the midst of trying to reload. Visible alarm appeared on her face as the woman with twin swords rushed her. She wasn't prepared. She evaluated her options. Her best choice was to retreat, obviously. She wasn't a close range fighter. She could see the sword movements that previously she had only seen perhaps once, and that was from a distance. A commanding officer at one of the few battles that they had lost. It seemed that she was a sign of bad luck when it came to their victories. The Huntress drew one of her knives and parried one of the blades away, losing the weapon in the process and leaped backwards to get some distance, taking advantage of the fact that in order to strike in her co-ordinated fashion, Rose had to move slower. She didn't dare try a shot, not at this range so she sufficed herself with running. Which, she later noted, caused her to be moved away from Jayce's bullets. If Rose hadn't intervened and changed her direction, she'd be a dead woman. She was also one dagger short at the moment, but that was worth her life.
    "You're not getting me today you *****!" Carissa hissed. "Onamakritos, David! Take this insolent woman down, but be careful! I want her alive!" She now had more reason to catch this one alive. For the trouble she was causing her, the so called Black Rose was going to be picked, thorns and all.
  16. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    David's pov:

    David Banner.png

    He kept on moving. He had to. There was a moment he heard shots of a gun, but he had to keep moving. There should be far enough away for the gun fire not to do much of anything. At one moment he could hear the gun fire hitting the various thing made out of different things. He would be ready for anything. That was when he noticed a women taking out her blades. She was only paying attention to Carissa and that would be her down fall. He watched this women grow increasingly closer to Carissa. He could not let Carissa die and with this women's attention on Carissa now was his chance to strike. He reach out with his dark magic aiming for her legs. He was hoping to trip her up. He then followed up with a arcing spell aimed towards the women's hands and arms. He came up with a plan rather quickly and if it worked then that was good. He would not let the same mistake fall on him that fell onto this women. He was always taking in his surroundings. Carissa then said she wanted this women alive that was attacking her. He did not get the point, but he would do what Carissa asked. "Roger." It was time to take the torn down. Now all he had to was wait for his plan to unfold.

    Sophia's pov:

    Sophia Hamerkop banner.png

    She had her hand on the earpiece. After a few moments on nothing she got static. She thought about trying to contact Jayce Reaver again, but there was probably a reason that she could not contact him. She stood there for a moment. Then it hit her she should contact someone else. The only problem was that she had no idea who to contact when Jayce did not answer. She guessed that for now she would wait for something to happen.
  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    "You can be impressed if you want to be, makes no difference to me." It had taken a bit longer than planned, but the demi god was running at him. Instead of moving away or even running towards him, Reitan instead fired off another volley of orbs towards Kalak. Since he knew full well that the attack was going to be deflected, moments after the attack was launched, Reitan changed his stance so that his lance was aimed towards the oncoming demi god. Using his legs, he propelled himself forward. To some this probably seemed like a questionable act, but Reitan had something in mind and so far the pieces were falling into place.
  18. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    Carissa Kill Count: 32 (+5 for successful capture)

    Rolled 1-10. We decided that success was a 3+ due to numerical advantage and Garrett's solid plan. Rolled a four (Phew XD)

    Hammerkop made himself useful. Whatever his magic was, it saved her life in that moment. Rose's feet were swept out from beneath her and she fell forwards. She didn't waste any time taking her chance. She loaded a Paralysis bolt into her crossbow and fired it straight at her, Rose's resistance crumbled, her body now unable to react to what her brain demanded of her. The Huntress grabbed Rose and hoisted her up in front of her, using her as a meat shield. She struggled to load in a standard bolt by hanging her crossbow off her hand, placing the bolt in the hand on the arm around Rose's neck and then pushing the bolt in. She fell back, crossbow aimed towards the advancing members of the order.

    "David, Onamakritos, use your magic. Collapse the ceiling to cover our escape. After that, we're abandoning Sky Tower. Zahariel will sort himself out." The Huntress ordered. As much as she'd have liked to work him into plans, the Ancient God was far, far too unpredictable to factor into anything. Not to mention that insane amount of autonomy he was granted. Not that, she supposed, anything Jaden could have done would have stopped him. This way, it least it looked like Zahariel had Jaden's permission.


    Corruption Rating: 25%

    Another volley of orbs came at him as he advanced. Kalak swept Duskfall up in a wide arc and parried them away, however he spotted the man finally move. In alarm, Kalak sidestepped and slammed the Zweihander diagonally down to deflect the lance. It seemed that he was going to be a problematic one after all. However, there was an opportunity for an opening of his own. Kalak generated another trio of Shadow Lances and fired them, arcing them around in three different directions. One from above, one from his left side and one from his right. He had a plan to make an opening in this Lancer's defences and by the name of his grandfather, he would do it.
  19. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    David's pov:

    David Banner.png

    He watched as his attack worked. The women attacking Carissa fell forwards. Carissa then asked him to Collapse the ceiling. He kind of had the idea himself. If they could not take sky tower then it was better to have it destroyed. "I was thinking the same thing." With that he threw a dark arcing spell at the ceiling.
  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    The woman had deflected her attack but was now down a weapon, that would still work in Rose's favour. As much as she would have loved to finish it off then and there, a little longer battle was not ever a bad thing. Carissa tried to run from it, however Rose was not about to let her. With Blood Rage set in, all that Rose could think about was killing Carissa.That being said it ended up working to a disadvantage here. Because she had been in the state for so long and got so focused on killing, she failed to observe everything around her. She had failed to notice David.

    Rose was about to charge at Carissa as she felt her feet being pulled out from under her by an unknown force. Before Rose could do anything about it she was falling. Rose hit the ground but she was well on her way to recovering and being back on her feet when an arrow pierced her shoulder and her entire body froze up. A paralysis arrow, of course. Even still Rose tried to fight back, despite the fact that her body wouldn't react at all, her mind demanded it. The more she tried the more angry she got. Blood rage was not wearing off any time soon it seemed and the fact that she couldn't fight didn't help anything.

    Rose didn't have any choice but to give in as Carissa picked her up off the ground. Her body wouldn't obey. Her duel blades slipped from her hands as her body was lifted from the ground. Rose could still see everything that was going on around her, hear every word that was being said. She might be able to use that to an advantage later. As soon as she could move she would find a way to escape, kill Carissa, and return to Jayce. But that had to wait till she could move, for now she was helpless and she hated it.

    Aster continued his assault on horse back. He enjoyed it a lot. It was definitely an efficient way of cleaning up. Aster took another sweep of the battle field on the now, much more calm, yet still wild horse. He took the horses wild, unpredictable behavior as an advantage. As long as he could hang on and aim his lance then it would be the hammer heads at a loss. Soon enough four more went down. "That is another four for Aster and I haven't even seen Car in a while. There is no chance I am going to lose now." Aster said with a slight smirk as he rode in another circle, letting the wind blow his magnificent hair back.

    Bet kill count
    Aster: 29
    Rng just hates me.​
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