Forum Wars - Civil War

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xannytoes, Dec 30, 2015.

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  1. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    Zahariel stood ever watchful of the events advising movement of troops to lower officers, it was rather clear he the battle they were fighting was a losing one, the Hammers were inside the tower and two soldiers had just reached them to inform them the enemy was on their way. Carissa seemed to have completely forgotten about him, did she even know who he was? No matter he always had a habit of melting into the background. He could feel the darkness approach, the treasonous Demi-gods were here. He had been keeping his wings hidden away, not that they would do him much good anyway in the state they were in. He followed Carissa and the others his light footsteps hardly making a noise. Zahariel placed his back to the wall near one of the corners and drew Dies Irae any other moment he would admire the craftsmanship of his brethren. He looked towards Carissa who was standing beside him and nodded showing he was ready, even at this close a distance the hood would obscure most of his features, his long black hair flowing from underneath. The Huntress had just fired a of bolt into the hallway. He moved around her placing himself in the middle of the hallway and since he wasn't a flipping anime character he didn't shout out the name of the ability he was going to use and followed up the bolt sent by Carissa with the power of his Flames of Fury, sending the flames down the hallway as he merely turned back and put his back against the wall, holding Dies Irae at the ready.
  2. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    Lots of people had arrived to take Sky Tower, Anthem barely acknowledged their presence. The order from his mistress was help the infiltrators, and that is what he would do. Soon enough they were bombarded from the few forces guarding the Tower. Anthem, being heavily armoured and disposable (at least compared to the others), strode slightly ahead of the others. But as he watched avidly the Knighthawk caught a glimpse of their target, Carissa the Huntress, peeking out from behind a wall and firing a shot aimed straight at Jayce Reaver. Although technically Anthem only answered to Ashleigh, Jayce was his mistress's cousin. With a dramatic chime Anthem broke step and valiantly attempted to block the whoosing bolt which sailed through the air towards The Cousin's heart...[DOUBLEPOST=1452623687][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Timothy was delighted by his master's ecstatic reaction to their escape "Thank you kindly, a pleasure to serve you Ms. Kala" Then she asked the question. For a moment Timothy just stood confused. "Does not compute?" it stated electronically, its voice slipping out of the posh British into computerised speech. "I do not understand what you mean. Not... like... people?" for a moment memories stirred in the back of its hard drive, memories locked away. It tried repeating the words but they had no meaning to Timothy. "I... like... people..." the blue lights in Timothy's eyes dimmed and its whole body sagged. The constant noise that usually was emitted by the machinery within stopped, and was replaced with silence. The spark of life and energy within the brass structure was gone. Suddenly, after about a second, a motor kicked in again and with a whirring noise Timothy slowly restarted. The eyes filled with a happy glow again and it looked down upon Kala while making little happy beeping noises "A pleasure to serve you Ms. Kala" Timothy stated in its normal eloquent manner. "How can I be of service?"
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  3. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    She had broken it. Oh god, the one thing that had talked to her in years, and she had broken it. Kala hadn't realized how much she had missed speaking with someone other then her own self. "Don't go!" She cried, throwing herself at the hunk of metal. It wasn't as squishy as a person, but that was okay. That meant she couldn't kill it either. Or so she hoped. Just as she threw her arms as best she could around Timothy, the machine suddenly whirred back to life. "How can I be of service?"

    "Um." She opened her mouth to reply, to ask what had happened, and stopped. Maybe there was a rule...rules existed for other people. Kept them from doing things. Maybe Timothy had rules. Maybe it would be okay to ask about those. "Are there things you can't do? Or can' about?"

    She didn't want her newfound friend to disappear just as quickly as he had come.

    Veera rubbed her eyes and yawned before stepping onto the floor. The scent of horse, well, her horse, was strong. Dammit, she had been left behind. Well, couldn't blame Ashleigh. It wasn't her fault that Veera had gone a little overboard, and needed to sleep it off. Grabbing her swords, she buckled the belt they were attached to around her waist, stretched, and set off, brushing the hair from her eyes. The hair on the back of her neck started to rise as electric excitement began to course through her veins. Battle. Oh how she thrived off it. The blood and heat and sweat that was the product of such unions between two sides was one of...ah hell, who was she kidding? It was the second reason she lived. The first was her pack.

    Speaking of..she put her mind to the taste, inhaling gently and wrinkling her nose in distaste before following the scent trail. It wasn't exactly hard, what with the horse. Up ahead, she could see the
    figure, seated on the back of the animal. But Requiem was not at her side. Her ears caught the sound of footsteps, a separate party. Well, this was about to get interesting. Or perhaps it already was. Veera remained where she was, arms folded across her chest. If Ashleigh needed her, she could be there in seconds. For now, she would let the other woman handle this.

    But wait. Why must she face the danger alone? Are you a coward? Are you scared? Alpha fairly pranced around the back of her mind, and Veera could imagine the wolf's teeth were bared. YOU are the Alpha. YOU are the protector. Be the wolf. Protect your pack. You wouldn't want me to show you how it's done, would you?

    No, no one wanted that. Veera massaged her temple, a low growl in the back of her throat. Fine. She stalked out, hair swirling behind her as she went to
    Ashleigh's side, staring at the new comer, a woman, and the figure that Ashleigh had focused on, a man, with equal hostility. She was careful not to touch Symphony as she put a hand on her sword hilt. "Who are these people?" she asked Ashleigh, never taking her eyes off either one of them.

    Ah, there was
    Requiem. Standing in front, protecting Ashleigh. Good. She focused most of her venomous look on the woman now. The soothing that tried to penetrate her mind only made her more wary. If she had fur, her hackles would have been raised.
  4. Xannytoes Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2014

    Like a great tidal wave smashing down upon the sands, Jayce felt it.

    Power. Power beyond anything he'd experienced in a long time. How hadn't he sensed it before? Had it been hidden from his mind's eye? Lurking in the corner, waiting to strike? Perhaps, perhaps not. Either way, as they'd grown closer to the control room, it had struck Jayce like a mighty blow from Throda's hammer. So much so he'd stalled temporarily in the hallway, attempting to shake his mind of what he'd just experienced.

    The woosh of Carissa's crossbow bolt brought him back to his senses, and only the timely intervention from Anthem stopped him from receiving a nasty injury. Great. Now he owed his pesky cousin more than he liked. He'd settle up with her later though. Right now, he had trouble in the form of a firestorm heading his way.

    He missed a glance at the figure who'd launched the attack, but he had no doubt the so-called powerful figure had been the one to launch the assault. Either way, Jayce now had the annoying problem of escaping a crispy death. No matter. He had just the technique for it.

    "EVERYONE! BEHIND ME!" Jayce yelled, stepping in front of Anthem. Time for the young Demi God to take a hit. Placing his arm forward, Jayce cast his next spell.

    "Demi God Technique - Arm Shield!"

    Immediately, a golden shield apparated into existence, after Jayce's body had relinquished the necessary energy. Holding this new defense in front of him, Jayce braced himself for the attack, which struck swiftly against his shield. He was pushed back slightly, and the shield did nothing to repel the heat spilling onto his face and arm. At one point, he feared he wouldn't be able to hold out...

    But at last, the flames dispelled and the group was safe to move on. Jayce briefly examined the shield, noting it could probably survive one last hit before breaking. A useful technique, but limited in what it could actually do. Still, it would suffice.

    "Move forward! Let's put an end to these Shard scum once and for all!"

    The Demi God led the charge onward, the thought of putting a bullet between Carissa's eyes pushing him further and further.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Well Aster sat and waited the battle out, not wanting to get too sweaty, he imagined the time he would spend with Carissa later. It would be bitter sweet if she won, but if he won.... Everything would be good, so good, and so sweet. He let his imagination wander, however there was always those pesky people who wanted to fight. However the two people running towards him didn't get too far. Aster yawned and flicked his wrist. A fire ball came from Aster's hand and smashed into the two, killing them on the spot. He then calmed back down and continued his day dream.

    Bet Kill Count
    Carissa: 25 (I don't think she went up, but I don't know. Damn it Al for not making that clear. It is all your fault, shut up don't question it. I am going to blame you even if it really isn't your fault at all.)
    Aster: 20
    Rose quickly caught up to where Jayce and the others were. It seemed that they were head to head with some of the shards, one of which was known for killing demi-gods. It should prove to be an interesting fight, Rose had to keep on her toes, but for now she had to keep to the shadows. She was there for backup when needed, and even if she wasn't, despite Throda's belief, surprise was her best friend. If she kept the element of surprise on her side then she might just be able to finish the The Huntress quickly and easily. A small smile spread across Rose's face, under her mask. The idea of taking out Carissa was quite a pleasant one. Now if she could only find her idiot of a brother as well, then she could paint the tower in both of their blood.

    For now from the shadows Rose watched as Jayce shadowed people. She watched and waited. Patience was a virtue, and one well practiced for Rose. Either an order was given or the opportunity presented itself, then she would step into battle, but until that point she would stay concealed in the shadows and with her ability. As long as Jayce didn't die in this, that was all she cared about. If he was alive then she would be happy. In the end it would be her to take him down, but not till she rose to the top of everything and then made Jayce's death look like the shards, bringing herself to the top position in the Order of the Hammer, unmatched. However until that happened she would be his loyal attack dog and whatever else he wanted her to be.
  6. AdamusImperator Moogle Assistant

    Dec 28, 2015
    Adamsville, Primoria, Empire of Adammia
    Before Vincent could react, he found himself facing down 3 combatants - two women and some nutter wearing very heavy armour. They didn't seem to have guns of any kind, but he was outnumbered and he didn't want to start a fight just yet anyway. He kept one hand ready on his gun, but didn't aim it. He listened to what one of the women was saying. Contested region was certainly one way of putting it. "I am a non-combatant unaffiliated with any faction!" he called in reply. "I am lost and seeking assistance!"
  7. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    David's pov:

    David Banner.png

    David Hamerkop had been in the sky tower some how. (Garrett did not know he could start here so now he was starting here) He had been looking for the demigods. He could not forgive them for what they had done to his family. What they did to his father. He had joined the Shards so he could kill ever last one of those people. They would pay for what they did. The one that he would make surfer the most was Jayce Reaver. His father had told him what Xanatos Reaver did and Jayce was not any better. For the last few weeks to months he was off tracking and killing the demigods he could. He called the base for a report. The video screen turned on as he saw the empty base. There was person sitting there doing nothing. For all this person knew someone could have walked in and got information and have walked out and handed it to Jayce. "Report." In the video call the man just sat there typing away bobbing their head to the music. He did not have time for this. He turned up the speakers. "JIM! Jim when someone speaks to you it is nice to respond." When Jim saw the video of projection of David standing there he fell out of his chair on his butt in surprise the headphone on the ground playing some kind of music. 'Sir I did...' "Not think, you will be lucky if Carissa do not shoot you between the eyes when she finds out." A look of fear went across Jim's face. 'Sir, please do not tell her I have a family to feed'. "Well you should have thought of that before you decided to slack off." He then gave Jim a glare. "Now what is going on?" 'Nothing.' "I call and all you say is nothing!" Some help this guy was. 'Yes, will you tell Carissa what I did?' "No" He lied a smile on his face. 'Thank you'. He ended the video call and began looking around the sky tower that he was already in. There seemed to be a battle going on. That was when he spotted Carissa fighting what could only be Jayce. With that he unleashed a dark energy at Jayce. Going into cover after he did so.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  8. drew_DX Moogle Assistant

    Jan 10, 2016
    Ms. Spooks' PoV: Ms. Spooks looked at everyone in front of her. Perhaps she'd accidentally gotten herself involved in something bad? The one lady who'd appeared seemed to be hostile, although Ms. Spooks hadn't done anything. Perhaps she'd gotten too close. The man put a hand on what looked like a gun, and spoke out that he was unaffiliated with combat. "I am unaffiliated as well! All I've come to do is help settle this argument in whatever means possible! By the looks of you, am I correct in assuming you ARE affiliated in the battle that is taking place? Might I be taken to your leader when they are available? I would like to ask him some questions, so I can better understand the situation and thus better develop some sort of solution? Oh! And how rude of me! I am Ms. Spooks." Ms. Spooks smiled with genuine kindness. She raised her hands in the air to prove she had no weapons on her.
  9. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    Carissa head a thunk as the bolt hit something metallic, and then Jayce's voice echoed down the corridor. He didn't sound in pain at all, and he would. Or at least, a little fazed. She could only assume that the bolt had failed. She cursed. A lot. She could hear them charging down the corridor. The only really good thing about this whole situation was that Zahariel had showed up out of seemingly nowhere as usual. She peered around the corner. They were coming, and Jayce had a shield. Judging by the looks, it had absorbed the wave of fire that her enigmatic ally had sent flaming down the corridor. That needed to be out of the way, as soon as possible. She reached into her quiver and loaded another Explosive Bolt. She would blow that shield off his arm, and maybe take the arm with it if she was lucky. Then, they would be all Zahariel's. And, she remembered, Onamakritos.
    "Once I fire, you send one of your explosive flame blasts down there. Between the three of us, we can wipe them out before they even reach us." The Huntress hissed to the other man. Zahariel would catch on, he was that sort. Jaden had given him an annoying amount of free rein for a reason. She peered around again, aimed the crossbow and fired at Jayce leading the way. We'll have you this time you son of a *****. I'll make sure that this is the last time you screw with the Shards of Hope. And I'll put an end to the hellspawn that was your family. I never knew Aidan. But I know that his reasons were good. You're the spawn of that monster Xanatos. You're a two faced traitor just like him. I wonder if you'll turn on your own people too. I wish it would be that easy!
  10. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015
    Zahariel listened closely to the sounds of his flames going down the corridor there was no screaming like he had silently hoped but knew deep down it wouldn't have been that easy in the first place. The Huntress seemed to have taken note of him and he smiled under his hood, he knew she couldn't take the free reign he had within the Shards of Hope. She had a plan and fired a bolt into the corridor and he caught on rather quickly what she wanted to do. The other bloke with them she asked if he could send some fire into the hallway. Zahariel meanwhile looked into the hallway again and smiled as the Hammers came charging towards them. He'd give them a reason to run. With an elaborate hand gesture ending in his pale fingers closing into a sort of cage and pulling his hands toward him he summoned yet another torrent of his Flames of Fury, but this time not starting from his own position, but from behind the Hammers the flames surging forward. He smiled again as he merely turned back around the corner and glanced at Carissa
  11. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    ▂▃▅▇█▓▒░۩۞۩ ۩۞۩░▒▓█▇▅▃▂Shards of Hope▂▃▅▇█▓▒░۩۞۩ ۩۞۩░▒▓█▇▅▃▂

    "Sounds like a plan, Captain." Onamakritos nodded at Carissa. He didn't have time to argue that plan. "Fire God Slayer Secret Art: Flame God's Explosive Flame." Onamakritos got into his battle stance and a giant black ball of flames was shot out at the enemy, with all of the power he could muster.

    []]] []]] []]] []]]The Order of The Hammer[[[] [[[] [[[] [[[]
    Theodosia saw the Flame's coming at them and attacked quickly. "Dark Écriture: Teleportation." Jayce's and her body both turned into many runes. The runes floated in the air freely until the attacks had stopped. She was sorry for the others who had gotten hit, but this was a service to Jayce as his aid. She couldn't use that every time they were attacked, but she was lucky enough to be able to use it when they were surprised like that.


  12. Droda Moogle Assistant

    Dec 29, 2015
    Throda Bronzebeard's PoV:

    Throda growled as he plunged into the black flames, the heat engulfing the short figure. Enroaching on the Shards, hellfire held strong in his left hand, Throda's foray was paused by a torrent of fire, spewing from behind him. Throda barely turned and raised his shield before the wrathful essence passed over him. His reactions not fast enough, the dwarf made frantic motions to quench the small fire upon his magnificent beard. The only damage was a few singed hairs, enough to drive any dwarf into a startling rage. Throda's eyes filled with the very substance he'd been attacked with. Throda's pace slowed as he reached the end of the hallway.

    He positioned himself on the right side of the three combatants, where (I think) the exit to the battlements were. This tower would either serve the Hammers, or burn. With a powerful yell, Throda swung his hammer straight at the left leg of Onamakritos, then shoving himself forward on his right side, shield bashing the fire magician.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2016
  13. Xannytoes Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2014

    Jayce shuddered as he was temporarily removed from the world, reduced to a mere spectator. Like someone without a registered account on a message board. From up high, he watched flames, dark shadows and explosives befall his companions. Miraculously, many of them were spared Death’s kiss. He had to chuckle as Throda took a fireball and a firewall like a pen takes paper. Huh. He had to work on his comparisons.

    Reappearing into the world, he glumly noted the brave soldiers whose lives had been claimed by Carissa’s explosive bolt. Half of his NPC… I mean, half of his regular soldiers, a good seven of them, blown to bits. The others weren’t looking much better either. Giving them a nod of confidence, Jayce put his world-famous speed to the test and bolted down the hall.

    “CHARGE! ALL OF YOU!” Jayce ordered, pointing out the giant surge of fire coming towards them from the rear.

    In a few quick strides, he’d reached the end, face to face with several mean opponents. Carissa the Huntress, a cloaked figure giving off a tremendous wave of power and the ******* who’d thrown a fireball down the hallway. He decided to focus on the last one, who Throda had given a good bashing with his hammer. Aiming to put one of the fighters down, Jayce leaped forward and crushed his foot into Oriwhateverhisnameis’ already wounded leg, aiming to snap the bone. Not content to stop there, he attempted to roll around the man, firing a couple of rounds towards his turned back.

    “Give up Carissa,” Jayce faced the Huntress, “you’re outnumbered. Surrender and I might just spare your lives.”

    All except hers.​
  14. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Lucien felt confident that everything would probably go in their favor. After all, they had a few juggernaut-esque characters tagging along and were going to go against not the most terrifying of people. Okay, well at least half of their opponents didn't seem terrifying at the least. However, as they sent their other onslaught of attacks, the person who was in charge of front line defense, what with an arm shield and all that stuff, just kind of vanished. Well, not so much vanished as he was forcibly removed from the scene by his aide's teleportation powers...which she apparently had. Dark Ecriture man, I tell ya. If it's not one thing with that magic it's another. Regardless, this put the rest of the team in a bit of a bind, or rather, it would have put the rest of the team in a bind if the rest of the team did not consist of Throda and Lucien.

    While the dwarf man had taken to the front lines to block the incoming god slayer flames, Lucien himself turn to the back of the group and went to block the ancient god flames. Using his body as shield, Lucien simply stood in the path of the flames, allowing them to just collide with his body as he stood his ground. The flames seemed to do a disappointingly low amount of damage to the blue haired man, who now was just swatting the flame away with repeated strikes at the air, in much the same way one would swat the air around a candle to put it out...only with far more force. As the flames had finally ceased, Lucien brushed off his clothing to put out any of the fire that was left on it, and turned to face the rest of the group. Putting his hands in his pockets, he continued walk casually as the group charged into the room where Carissa was holed up in.

    Fire Dale seemed to be a bit busy with two people already ganging up on him, not to mention it'd be a pretty effortless task by Lucien to solo him, so he figured he'd leave that guy as is. Then there was Carissa who just seemed like someone that would be more annoying than anything else to fight, and so there was only one person left to fight...wait no there was two. He had completely forgotten the guy with the bird themed names was even here to begin with, but still, ended up paying him zero attention. So his attention was finally turned to the man who had the presence of an ancient divinity. Taking his hands out of his pockets, he had a pretty nonchalant expression on his face as he said, "well, everyone else seems a bit preoccupied here, and I'm a bit on the bored side." Gesturing to himself he said, "so why don't we dance?"
  15. Relatively Sane Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 28, 2015
    Ashleigh smirked, it seemed she had attracted quite a crowd. And now her companion was accompanying them. However when the woman mentioned meeting her leader she narrowed her eyes and glared down at the kindly woman "You're speaking to Ashleigh Reaver, daughter of Nighthawk, I am one of the major leaders of the Order of the Hammer, how dare you presume I am simply a minion. Although it is true I answer to Jayce, I'm a much better strategist and am probably all you need" turning to Veera she muttered. "I do not know who these people are, Veera. They claim to be unaffiliated. Of course they could just be Shards in disguise..." but something about them, perhaps their surreal and confused manner, convinced her otherwise "hmmm... nevertheless I don't like people skulking around the battlefield. You..." she pointed at the man "...claim to want assisstance, and you..." she pointed at the woman "...need to talk to me. Both of you come back with me to The Valiant, we will discuss more there" with that Symphony began to trot back to the airship. Ashliegh checked back on Anthem and was not suprised to see him in combat along with the main Hammers against the main Shards. The air in front of her shimmered and a holographic battleplan appeared showing the inside of Sky Tower. It seemed they'd done well without her, but nobody was dealing with Carissa, who was possibly the largest threat. Kalak was absent for some reason, Jayce was dealing with the fire mage and the blue guy was dealing with the strange incredibly tall man "Anthem, activate Battle tune, corner Carissa, block off her escapes" she told the Knighthawk, speaking through an earpiece.

    Anthem complied obediently. After the minimal damage the last crossbow bolt had done to the Knighthawk's heavy armour he was probably best suited to face the Huntress. Although the fire had been toasty and heated his armour, causing the Knighthawk some distress. Anthem stopped and a slow drumroll began to build up, rising to a dramatic tune perfect for fighting to. Weilding his polearm the Knighthawk charged towards the huntress...

    "Kill her"

    Were there some things it couldn't talk about? Well there was always the Backup Systems, which... come to think of it Timothy had no idea what they did. "I was built with certain limitations, and there are blocked off areas of my memory banks. For example, I am prohibited from killing a living being. Additionally I am prohibited from making coffee"

    Ransak eventually reached an area close to the airship, the rod was going crazy, it seemed there must be loot in the ship. Ransak just needed to get past the guards. Scurrying ahead Ransak managed to find his way to the exterior of the airship. Sneaking a bit closer, Ransak attempted to listen in to a conversation going on between two guards
    "It's just that we never get invited to all the big battles, I bet they're having an amazing fight right now..."
    "If we were they we'd probably be the unnamed bystanders who get killed"
    "Yeah, you're probably right. You know I used to be an adventurer like those guys, until I took a bullet to the knee"
    "Always the way isn't it, no help for injured soldiers"
    "Yeah... I'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a bellyful of mead right now"
    "I should ask one of those mages to conjure me up a warm bed"
    Ransak edged away, guard conversations quickly got boring, and waited for his opening.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  16. drew_DX Moogle Assistant

    Jan 10, 2016
    Ms. Spooks' PoV: "Oh my, YOU are the daughter of Nighthawk? Please, Ms. Reaver, excuse my impoliteness. I should have assumed from your attire and apparent authority that you were someone of as great of power as you! It is my pleasure to be in your presence, truly." Ms. Spooks bowed. The trick to solving a complicated, messy argument was to truly and honestly befriend both sides, see things from both side's point of views, and then determine a course of action from there. Ashleigh had just given her permission to accompany her back to the Hammer's airship to speak! "Ahh, thank you! I'm honored you'll have me." Ms. Spooks bowed politely, and stepped into line behind Ashleigh. Her visible eye gleamed a bright gold. She was taking the first step to try and solve this long, awful argument and war.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  17. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013
    Carissa Kill Count: 32 (Thanks for the sacrifices Xan)

    Their attack was utterly ineffective. The unassuming woman proved to be a troublesome element, against all of her expectations. Jayce was teleported away, and unharmed. The Dwarf absorbed Onamakritos' flames and Zahariel's fire seemed to do absolutely nothing. Jayce was leading a charge, Throda was heading for the Fire mage and Lucien was engaging Zahariel. Jayce was helping the Dwarf and now, one of the Knighthawks was after her. In short, it didn't look good. The only plus side was that half of Jayce's men had been blown away. The Demi-God demanded a surrender. There would be no surrender here. If they gave up, they would die. If not now, then executed in a Hammer prison cell. That could not be allowed. It was time for a tactical retreat. This battle was lost. She gritted her teeth as she admitted it to herself. This battle was not one that could be won, They were outnumbered, they had breached the tower and it was only the three, now four with the late arrival of assistance. But it wouldn't be enough. No, it was nowhere near enough. Carissa with expert speed reloaded her crossbow and pointed it at the ceiling.
    "Not today, Jayce Reaver." The Huntress spoke, pulling the trigger. She leaped back as the Explosive Bolt sailed towards the ceiling. "Shards, with me!" They had an escape transport further up near the cannon. They'd make it there, get as many as they could out alive and retreat. She dreaded returning to the base. Jaden was not going to be happy with this turn of events, but what other choice did they have?
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    It wouldn't be the first time that someone has told him that his overconfidence would be his undoing, but those people weren't demigods so the phrase was backed up by something this time oppose to other times. Not that that was going to stop Reitan in the slightest. What he did do was shrug his shoulders to what the demigod had said. "Those people aren't a concern of mine, someone else will take care of them." Least that was what he was assuming anyway. Either way, his focus was to be on Kalak and Kalak only.

    Reitan moved his lance from the casual position of over his shoulder to lifting it into the air, twirling it in the air a bit before stabbing it into the ground. "Not going to happen, but you're more than welcome to surrender and walk away now." Whether it be a mortal man or a demi god, Reitan would still find some way to mock them in combat. It was a habit of his. Still he most certainly was going to have to try during this fight, not that the current expression on his face showed that at all.
  19. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Veera narrowed her eyes to slits, then nodded at Ashleigh's words. Better to kill them now. Alpha whispered in her head. Dead wolves can't kill you when your back is turned. Veera shook her head to clear it, and possibly shake Alpha's words out of her mind. She didn't need that, not right now.
    "You heard her. Move." She took a position behind the
    man and woman in order to herd them towards the ship, following Ashleigh. Up ahead, she could see the woman hunched over something in front of her. Perhaps controlling her other Nighthawk, perhaps watching the battle. Veera was anxious to get the taste of blood in her mouth, but she would stay with Ashleigh. There would always be other battles, always other kills to make.


    "Coffee? What's that?" Kala asked, bemused. To be prohibited from doing things...that was a lot like laws. And laws had punishments when they were broken. She knew that much. Well, she wouldn't make her new friend be punished. She would keep him from doing that stuff, because he had been nice to her, and showed her tea, and made sure she didn't break her back falling from the tower. Oh wait..the tower.

    Timothy, I don't know what to do." She sat down, pulling her hood further over her face. "I don't want to live here anymore. There's no life, no food. I'll die here if I don't get out. But how do I get out? I thought the tower would have shade, and food, but people are just killing each other, the silly things. I just want to go to a place that has more life then death."

    Until she spoke the words, she didn't realize how truly sad being here made her, in this desolate wasteland. How alone she had been. Guess she hadn't had time for those thoughts before.
  20. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    ▂▃▅▇█▓▒░۩۞۩ ۩۞۩░▒▓█▇▅▃▂Shards of Hope▂▃▅▇█▓▒░۩۞۩ ۩۞۩░▒▓█▇▅▃▂

    Onamakritos gritted his teeth as Throda had bashed his leg, though he was wearing armor, and as Jayce slammed his foot into it. He wondered how this man could kick metal armor, and wondered what kind of creature he was. But that was easy, a demi-god. Without hesitation, he used the only move that he could at this angle. "Fire God Slayer Secret Art :Flame God's Scythe!" Onamakritos shouted, holding the handle of the enormous scythe and throwing the sharp end at the enemy, having it explode. "Fire God Slayer Secret Art : Flame God's Explosive Flame!" Onamakritos put both of his arms behind him as he run, following Carissa and used it to propel him up the stairs without using the pressure on his leg.


    []]] []]] []]] []]]The Order of The Hammer[[[] [[[] [[[] [[[]
    "Dark Écriture: Barrier!" Theodosia shouted as the room was consumed by the Fire God Slayer's black flames. She only had enough to put a Barrier on herself, but the attack still made her fly backwards. She hit the wall with a thud and put her head in her hand. "Someone with Magic that's used to slay gods?..."

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