Fallout: New york

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Tyrant Valvatorez, Mar 13, 2011.

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  1. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    War.......war never changes, in the year of 2077, the whole world fell to chaos as the nuclear Holocaust occurred, but that dose not mean it is the end of the world, people took cover in underground safety, known as Vaults, after the bombs fell, all that welcomed them was the hardships of the Wasteland, in New York city in Vault 40, the rules are, when people come of age, they must leave the Vault, and find life in the wasteland, you are one of the hundreds of people, that have just left the Vault, it is here that you must choose your own path, or go alone, like New Vegas, certain factions are trying to take over New York City, you may side with these factions, or you may go alone, and make New York independent from any faction. You choose your own path, this is everyone's story.
    Rules: You must keep this related to Fallout, NO GOING OFF TOPIC, NO MAKING YOUR OWN THINGS THAT WHERE NEVER IN ANY FALLOUT GAMES! If you have never played any Fallout game, than this RP is not for you! (plus you should be ashamed of yourself for never playing a Fallout game)
    If you are going out of character than before you speak, you MUST type OCC:. An example of this would be, OCC: This right here is an example, I am acting like myself, and am not in character.
    You cannot kill other players in this RP, kill what ever you damn well please, but do not go nuts and start killing each other.
    You cannot immediately join a faction, it takes time and a couple of quests to join them
    You are aloud to betray a faction for another one

    Getting that out of the way here are your factions:

    New California Republic (NCR)- A group who support old American democracy and freedom, though they may look like saints, they have done some terrible things in the past, and any land they take over, a lot of citizens have complained that their taxes and way's of living are unfair.

    The Brotherhood of Steel- A group who support making an American utopia by collecting old pre-war technology, though they may be making a better life, they are NOT nice at ALL to locals or those who are not with the Brotherhood, it may take a while to get there trust, but having there trust if full of advantages. They do not have a good relationship with almost ANY faction

    The Enclave- The so called "true American government" they are really pure evil, all they want is to kill anyone who dose not look suitable for there world they are trying to make. They have a excellent organized army and have excellent weapons and armor. They despise the Brotherhood and NCR, but have somewhat good relations with Caesar's Legion

    Caesar's Legion- A group of thugs, killers, slavers, anything you can think about combined together to take over all of the wasteland, they seem to bless their leader, Caesar a lot, if anyone dose not follow their orders, their dead, or will be hanged on a cross, they HATE NCR and the Brotherhood, but have somewhat good relations with the Enclave.

    Independent New York City- You and a couple of friends have decided they have had enough with all of these factions wanting to take over, and try to make New York independent from any of them, it will be hard to go after them, but together you can accomplish anything!

    Before starting, please give a tag to introduce your character, remember, you grew up in Vault 40, and this is your first time out in the Wastes!

    I'll start with my tag, than you guys give yours, and I'm going to give someone the honers of starting the RP, because I'm nice like that :3

    Name: Chance
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Description: Chance is renegade like, but dose it for good reasons, he simply hates evil, simply because down in the Vault he was always picked on, he believes that going out into the wastes will finally give him the chance to prove himself!

    Strength: 6/10
    Perception: 5/10
    Endurance: 4/10
    Charisma: 5/10
    Intelligence: 8/10
    Agility: 4/10
    Luck: 6/10

    And without further ado, I give someone else the honer to give their tag, and begin FALLOUT: New York, have fun ;-D
  2. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    Not a single reply on this RP? Son I am dissipoint....
  3. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    I might think about doing it, I'm not an RP man, but I'll consider it. The only problem with it is that you shouldn't have the NCR, or Caeser's Legion in it. Good story though, finally a Fallout RP.
  4. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Name: Demetrio
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Description: Demetrio is uncommonly smart and quite good with tech in general he only has a few problems. first of he is not good with people and is a poor leader at best because he is usually disliked for his arrogance although his intellect is high and he can find hundreds of ways out of problems his overall brittleness and lack of fighting ability make him a poor direct fighter. unlike others he stayed in the vault a bit longer due to his skill with the machines but left of his own accord when he was offended in an argument.


    Strength: 5/10
    Perception: 10/10
    Endurance: 4/10
    Charisma: 1/10
    Intelligence: 10/10
    Agility: 4/10
    Luck: 8/10

    OOC: hows this for a character?
  5. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    OCC: Thats great as a character! I'll start first *ahem*

    Chance walked around a huge empty lane, he encountered a couple of Farrel Ghouls but they where not hard to kill, he was looking for a place called Time Square, apparently there seemed to be civilization there free of NCR control. He kept wondering around the long road until he encountered a ambush of raiders, they didn't shoot immediately for some odd reason, a whole bunch of folks say that they don't care who you are, as long as your dead thats all that matters to them. "Well well well what have we here?" said on raider he looked at his Vault suit, "nother one of those Vault dwellers! Lets make a deal buddy, hand over all your weapons and ammo and we'll just walk away" Chance thought to himself "what a stupid decision to make, if all my weapons are taken away than I stand no chance against more harmful things in the wasteland, secondly I should never trust these guys, they don't really look like the negotiable type". Chance laughed "I'll give something to you, your death, and I want your head as a decoration!" He got out his double barrel shot gun and shot the first raider, his head exploded into a million guts, he got shot a couple of times, but that could not slow him down, he shot the second raider, and the third, fourth, fifth, and finally that was all that was left. He gave a smile but looked down at his body, he was wounded pretty badly, nothing a few Stimpacks could fix, but he needed to find a doctor, he was crippled pretty badly from the fight "I need to get to Time Square faster" He thought and tried to run as fast as he could.
  6. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio walked on from the vault doors "I suppose it was time for me to depart let them figure their own machines out" he continued walking along an old road before he found an old laser pistol on the ground "what's this..... looks like the old one i had in the vault" he examined it and finally picked it up "it's busted but i think i can fix it if i found another" he heard something walking behind him he drew his switchblade and looked back "hmm?" it was a small radroach it looked harmless enough so he just ignored it and walked onwards "seems like a town should be further on soon"
  7. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    Chance looked at his Pip-boy, it would take a while to get to Time Square, but he wouldn't give up he came up to a town called goodsheds, the town welcomed him well. "Welcome to goodsheds, names Jimmy Crisgo, just act normal and obey all the rules and you should be fine" this guy didn't seem like the talking type so Chance went around until he found the local doctor, "Sure I can heal your broken limbs he said, for a few caps" Chance didn't have any caps whatsoever, but he was pretty good at convincing people "come on buddy, I just came out of the Vault, I don't have any caps at all, even if I did, I would have to do favors for people, I would do a favor for you but I can't in this condition, give me this one for free and with some info on Time Square and I promise you I will do you a favor back!" the doctor sighed "well......he said......I guess I could spare it for free alright its a deal, now just hold still, this won't take long" after a while Chance felt good as new "Ok.....well you said you had a favor for me to do, so what would that be" the doctor spoke "a couple of days ago a boy was kidnapped by some people, we don't know who these people are but all we care about is getting the boy back, you think you could do that for us?" Chance smiled to himself and thought "a kidnapping, shouldn't be too bad, probably just some Super Mutants" "ok its a deal" he said "hold on for a sec son" said the doctor "you might want to take these, just in case you cripple yourself again" as he gave Chance some doctor bags, Chance nodded "ok than, best be off!" He said as he took off.
  8. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio walked on his road to find a town it looked gutted from the inside out. the only thing he noticed was a few bodies held up on crosses he suddenly felt a machete pointed at him. a serious voice came from behind him "who are you and what are you doing in Caesar's town" Demetrio looked stumped "My name is Demetrio I came from vault 40 not to far from here and who's is this Caesar you speak of" the legionary put his blade down "search him...." he was searched and they found nothing of value on him "so if what you speak is true why come here instead of anywhere else" Demetrio replied calmly "I did not have any idea where I was going I simply followed the road and wound up here." The legionary asked with a frown "do you have any skills that are useful?" Demetrio nodded " well I was the best doctor and machinist in the vault and I'm not a terrible shot to say the least." The legionary looked at him "well you have some value then.... come" the legionary led Demetrio to a wounded centurion "well you say you are a doctor then fix him" Demetrio asked "do you have any clean cloth and a piece of wood?" The legionary handed him a thick stick and a piece of crimson cloth "here...." Demetrio popped the man's arm back in place and made a makeshift cast for him "he will be fine he just needs to not use his left arm for a few days until the bones start fusing back then no strenuous activity for a few weeks." the legionary nodded "well you were atleast telling the truth about knowing some basic doctoring. come with me Caesar's representitive will wish to speak with you."
  9. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    Chance looked at his map, apparently the boy was somewhere in Grand Central Station, it was not that far from here, he smiled as he walked down the lone empty roads of the wasteland once again......
  10. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    Demetrio walked into the tent where Caesar's representative was waiting. The centurian looked at Demetrio with interest "well you have done the legion a great service profligate.... now I'll do one for you" he tossed demetrio a small necklace with a symbol on it "this is the mark of Caesar although you are not in the legion consider this a first step. while you have this you are under the protection of the legion and are allowed to stay in the camp as my personal doctor now...." he turned to his praetorian "get his things and return them and also fetch him something proper to wear" the praetorian said nothing but quickly left and returned with Demetrio's few weapons and a bright crimson labcoat the praetorian finally spoke "put the coat on". Demetrio nodded and thanked the Centurian for the generousity and put the coat on. The Centurian spoke again once he noticed Demetrio had a laser pistol "do you know how to use those things" Demetrio calmly replied "yes but it is missing some parts if i had another one i could fix it." the Centurian smiled back at him "well lucky you i have one and i need it fixed can you do it." Demetrio nodded and before any words were said a praetorian returned with the pistol and handed it to him. Demetrio took apart one pistol and within a few moments had the legion one repaired fully. he handed it to the Centurian "here it is fixed now". The Centurian smiled with a bit of greed he knew that his new doctor would go quite far in his hands "bring in that slave boy who betrayed me." The praetorian waked outside and came back with two low-ranking legionaires with a slave in chains. The Centurian took aim at the boy and with one shot tore his head clean from his shoulders with the laser beam, he smiled with smug satisfaction "well you did a good job with my favorite weapon now I believe there is another group who would benefit from your skills so I will recommend you to them when they return but first welcome my new Legate, that's right you are now a legioniare and not just any but you are my personal right hand until i state otherwise." Demetrio was slightly shocked but he figured out why he was so important quickly doctor were a rare commodity in legion territory especially those skilled with technology and to have such a skilled person in legion land was a blessing for them.
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