Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Garxena, Dec 18, 2009.

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  1. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Introduction/Background information:
    Children grow up; it's just part of how life flows. But there are many stories, wonderful tales, of a boy and his friends who never grew up. In London, near to a large clock tower, there were three houses. One of those houses belonged to the Darlings at one time. There were some folk who wondered why the Darlings' daughter, Wendy, had stayed in that house her whole life with her family, and then her daughter, Jane, had done the same thing. What was so special about that house that made them want no other? Jane's children, especially her daughter, Rebecca, often asked themselves this question. Rebecca was Jane's youngest child. She had an older brother, Thomas, but she was still lonely at home. Her neighbors and friends, William and David, were very close to her age and in the same year of schooling. They enjoyed playing games together. Their favorite thing to do was live out the adventurous stories that Wendy and Jane told to Rebecca. The three friends always argued over who was the villain, Captain Hook, and who was the young hero, Peter Pan. It almost always turned out that Rebecca was Peter and William was Hook. David, being more passive than the other two, was just happy to be a part of the adventure. At school, the three would talk of how amazing it would be if Neverland truly existed; Rebecca especially wished this. Her father had left their family, saying there was "too much nonsense in this house for anyone to live properly." But there was one thing he'd said to Rebecca that made her both upset and guilty. She'd been talking to Jane of her make-believe adventures; Thomas had left the room when the talk started. Her father had finally had enough of Rebecca's foolish talk and had told her to grow up. That was the night that Jane and her husband had fought and decided to separate. Rebecca had heard the whole thing. After that, she stopped playing with William and David. But each night, before she would crawl into bed, she would stand at the window and say, "I do believe in fairies, and I will always believe in you, Peter Pan." William and David thought she'd given up on being the fun-loving girl they knew so well. The boys continued their games. None knew that Rebecca was going to get the chance to see the reality behind the stories.

    Peter Pan- Garxena
    (tinker fairy)Tinker Bell- Garxena (it's necessary)
    (light fairy)Iredessa-
    (garden fairy)Rosseta-
    (water fairy)Silvermist-Friendly_Heartless
    (animal fairy)Fawn- Garxena
    (pixie dust keeper)Terence- Garxena (temp)
    (queen of Pixie Hollow)Queen Clarion-
    (fast-flying fairy)Vidia-
    (head Tinker fairy)Fairy Mary-
    Minister of Spring-
    Minister of Fall-
    (hare)Slightly- Princess_of_hearts
    (raccoons)The Twins, Harry and Terry-
    (skunk)Tootles- Friendly_Heartless
    (white wolf?)Curly-
    Captain James T. Hook- mrsbaggins
    Smee- Friendly_Heartless
    Alf Mason-
    Bill Jukes-
    John Darling-
    Michael Darling-
    Wendy Moira Angela Darling-
    (Wendy's husband)Edward-
    (Jane's little brother)Danny-
    Rebecca- Princess_of_hearts
    David- mrsbaggins
    Nana 3-

    1) This is only partially based on Disney's 1953 version of Peter Pan. It's also based on the 2003 Australian-filmed Peter Pan. There will be some blood.
    2) Let's try to keep it under or around PG-13.
    3) I don't want this thread to have a lot of rules, so just use your head, AND USE PROPER GRAMMAR.

    The young boy had watched her for nearly two months now. He felt as though he knew her inside and out, but it seemed there was more for him to learn. Girls always had secrets, didn’t they? He’d watched her play with her friends, watched how they’d turn a city street into a forest or lagoon, watched how the girl had so many times defeated “Captain Hook.” The boy took pride in how famous he’d become. He liked to see how the girl showed no fear in the face of danger. Though the most that danger ever was happened to be an oncoming car and the girl running in front of it with no warning. The boy always got a laugh out of the girl’s friends’ worried calls; he knew that she didn’t care.
    But one day, after the boy had come back from his home to watch the girl again, he found that she wasn’t playing anymore. She stayed in her room and read books or drew in her sketch book. The boy frowned upon this. What happened to the girl that ran in the streets and swung a wooden sword? He’d only been gone a few days. But the girl’s behavior didn’t change over the next few days. The boy then decided that if he was going to get any answers to the girl’s new set of mind, he’d have to ask her herself.
    So he waited for night to fall. He watched as another girl he knew, a woman now, tucked the girl and her brother into their beds and told them a story. The boy grinned when he heard the tale of his games with Hook. He very much enjoyed listening to stories, especially if they were about him. The time seemed to pass much quicker when he was enraptured in a story. It didn’t feel like very long before the woman got up, kissed the children goodnight, shut the light, and closed the door behind her.
    The boy’s grin turned to a frown when he looked to his small, glittering companion. He listened to her for a moment, and then turned his attention back to the girl through the window. She was now turning onto her side, snug under her covers and eyes already closed. A small gasp of disapproval left the boy’s mouth; her back was to the window!
    The boy had seen enough. This girl was growing up too fast and too suddenly. He wouldn’t let that pass as long as he could help it. A gentle request to her, along with some convincing, and the boy’s companion got the window open. Quietly as he could manage, he floated through the window and touched his feet to the ground in the middle of the room. He surveyed his surroundings with a smirk. This was the room where he’d finally caught his shadow for good. This was the room where he’d taught the sleeping girl’s grandmother and her two brothers how to fly. And this was the room where he would now give the sleeping girl the chance to experience what her mother and grandmother had.
    The boy was distracted from his thoughts by his tiny, glistening friend. She tugged his hair and spoke in his ear.
    “Shh, Tink,” the boy hushed. His voice was smooth and playful, the voice of a very adventurous boy. “I just want to find out what’s going on with her.”
    With no more objections from his friend, the boy tip-toed over to the bed of the sleeping girl; he looked over his shoulder to make sure that her brother was still sleeping. Convinced that he was, the boy turned his attention to the girl.
    He was still a bit unsure of what he was doing. So when the girl turned over in her bed and faced him, the boy shot up to the ceiling and stayed pressed there for a moment until he was sure the girl was still in her slumber. While his friend laughed at his cat-like reaction, the boy let out a relieved sigh. His eyes bowed to the floor and he saw his shadow. He stuck his tongue out at it and floated back down.
    Something the boy landed on squeaked. He quickly drew up his foot and searched for the source of the noise. He found a stuffed duck returning his gaze with glassy, black eyes. This boy’s friend sat on his shoulder and spoke to him in his ear.
    “Shh, Tink,” the boy repeated, more forcefully this time. “We don’t want to wake her up.”
    “You’ve done that already.”
    The boy started at the girl’s sleepy voice. He turned his attention to her and saw she was sitting up, rubbing her eyes. She’d only just woken and she sound like… a grown up. The boy’s friend made an especially rude noise to the girl, resulting in the boy grabbing her and holding her behind his back.
    “Don’t you know what time–” the girl’s sentence cut short when she became aware of who was standing in her room. She blinked and rubbed her eyes again to be sure she was awake. She’d dreamt of this boy before. “Peter Pan?”
    “The one and only,” the boy replied with pride, his hands on his hips.
    “Tinker Bell?” the girl had noticed the fairy fly onto the boy’s shoulder. The fairy stood up, turned around, and sat back down.
    “Don’t mind her,” Peter began. “She gets this way around other girls all the time.”
    “Not to be rude, but why are you here?” the girl asked. She was plainly curious and intrigued, as she was now sitting straight up and looked fully awake.
    “I wanted to ask you something,” Peter answered. He lightly jumped up and tucked his legs underneath himself. It looked as though he was sitting on the floor, but he was in midair. “What’s your name?”
    “What about him?”
    “That’s my older brother, Thomas.”
    “Why don’t you play with your friends anymore?” Peter waited with more interest for the answer to this question. The girl hesitated with that answer. It was still hard for her to believe that she was actually talking to Peter Pan at all.
    “Well, I have other things to do. I’m needed more for help and I’ve got my school work to focus on.”
    Peter’s mouth dropped open. Tinker Bell slowly turned her head to look over her shoulder at Rebecca. The boy shook his head both with sadness and disappointment.
    “Those things don’t sound fun at all,” he commented. He untucked his legs and flew, on his stomach, towards the girl. “Don’t you miss games?” He rested his chin on his palms as he spoke. The girl got off her bed and crossed to the other side of the room. She was uncomfortable with a strange boy in her room – one she only knew through stories – and she knew it was improper to be alone with a boy no matter how well they knew each other. She felt a soft wind brush her back. Peter had landed behind her.
    He couldn’t just leave now. She was upset, it was plain to see. Anyone who gave her a glance could tell that she didn’t want to grow up. Peter could see it in her eyes when he spoke of games that those games were what she truly loved, not books or school work. That had set his mind.
    “Come away with me,” he whispered, his mouth close to her ear. “Come away to Neverland.”
  2. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    woah, no rules? *gasp* heehee, i can't wait to start this one :)
  3. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Oh my goodness! How could I forget about rules?! D: I shall put them up right away!
  4. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    ooh i am so excited!!! i will be an evil, smexy, awesome villain! rawr!!
  5. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    We just need David and William. Or I could do them for now if no one else wants to.
  6. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    yes yes! take them temporarily so we can start this! :D
  7. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    You're the first post, silly! :D
  8. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    OOC: ooooh! yays! i'm so excited! i hardly know what to do! maybe i should write something? yah, i'll do that.

    BIC: Rebecca shivered and wrapped her arms around herself. She self conciously chewed her bottom lip, imagining all that her mother's and grandmother's tales of Neverland and Peter Pan had told her. Flying, sword fights, the lost boys, fairys; it was almost too much for her new 'grown up' mind to rebuke. "What about..." she half heartedly tried to find a reason in her heart she would rather stay in her room, safe and sound and boring forever. "I mean," she began again, setting her shoulders back stiffly. "how shall we get there." Beneath a firmly set serious expression she had learned from her father (when she was in trouble) a special smile was hiding and a lost sparkle returned to her eyes.
  9. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Peter grinned; he had her now. He'd learned that no one could resist flying. "You fly, of course." he replied to the girl. "You just think happy thoughts, and they lift you into the air." As he spoke, the boy twirled upwards and sat upside-down on the ceiling. With a wave of his hand, he finished, "It's easy."
  10. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Rebecca watched excitedly, imagining flying over the city, "Okey, so just think something happy..." she said thoughtfully to herself, trying to pinpoint a good thought. After a few moments of thinking she looked down to her feet and realized she was still on the ground. "Isn't there something we're forgetting?" she asked him.
  11. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "All it takes it a little faith, and trust, and- oh! Something I forgot." Rememberance flashed in Peter's eyes. "Tink! Where'd you get to, Tink?"
    In response, a series of very disgruntled chimes came from atop a wall-lamp behind Rebecca.
    "Don't be that way, Tink," Peter floated back to the floor and crossed his arms.
    More chimes answered, ones that related a fierce temper.
    The boy glided over to the pixie and held out his hand for her. It took a moment of silent communication between the two before the fairy flitted onto his palm. "That's the spirit," Chuckled the boy. He turned around to face the girl. There was only the slightest bit of confusion that he could see on her face.
    "Pixie dust. That's the last thing," Peter explained. He lightly rose into the air and flew until he was over Rebecca's head. Holding Tinker Bell by her wings, he gave her a playful, crooked smile.
    Tinker Bell wriggled free and sharply shook her finger in Peter's face, causing him to hold his hands up in surrender. The two knew each other too well. The fairy glowered at the girl, gathered up a swirling ball of pixie dust in her hand and promptly chucked it in Rebecca's face. Tinker Bell gave Rebecca a very thorough coating of pixie dust throughout the girl's hair before she decided she was done with her.
    "Alright, try again," Peter was anxious to see if this girl would take as many tries to fly as her mother or grandmother.
  12. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Rebecca coughed for a breif moment as a good amount of pixie dust had ended up in her lungs. Then she closed her eyes and a slow smile appeared on her lips as she played back all the stories she'd ever heard about Neverland. She opened her eyes with a start as something knocked her in the head. Rubbing her head and looking up she realized she was face to face with her very own ceiling. A tinkling laugh fell from her mouth and she flipped backwards, clutching her stomach. "i'm flying!" she declared, spreading her arms and letting her feet dangle beneath her as if she was standing on air.
  13. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Peter laughed with Rebecca. He was very happy to see that she could stay aloft with just a couple tries. Though, he had to admit to himself, it was much more amusing and funny to watch Jane try time and time again to fly. That had been a good day, but those times were gone now; he had Rebecca this time.
    "Are you ready?" Peter asked, gliding out the still open window, followed by Tinker Bell. "It's the second star to the right, and straight on till morning."

    A young boy, with tousled, sun yellow hair and fair blue eyes, stood at his window. He was leaning out, smiling at the moon, dreaming of a make-believe place he longed to go to. But his smile vanished when he thought of the day that had passed. He and his friend still played their games, but they weren't as fun without Rebecca. It seemed that he would never live up to the way she played Peter Pan. Just when the boy was turning to go to bed at last, he was a silouette floating outside his neighbor's window -- Rebecca's window. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He could barely believe what he was seeing. Was David truly looking at Peter Pan himself?
  14. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    "Second to the left and straight on to morning!" Rebecca echoed in her own crowing voice. She was rapidly loosing her restraints and wanted to fly out the window without a worry for the huge drop below. She followed Peter through the air and with her first step out of the window she did a swift spin, just to prove she could.
  15. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Rebecca," David's astonished whisper traveled through the night air. He leaned forward against the window sill, hardly able to stand.

    Peter's boyish laugh shown with joy. He liked the guts of this new girl. But Tinker Bell stopped his laughter, pulling on his ear. At his query, she told him there was someone watching. Peter turned around to find a boy leaning out his window, staring at the flying figures. Peter's mechiveous smile returned.
    "That's your friend, isn't it?" he asked Rebecca.
  16. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Rebecca turn in mid-air so that she was looking at the neighboring window. "oh David!" she flew to his window and held the sill he was leaning on. "It's Peter Pan, he's for real! and Tinker Bell, can you believe it? He's asked me to go to Neverland like Mama and Grandma did." she beamed at her friend, waiting for what she assumed would be a delighted reply.
  17. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    David didn't get a chance to reply; Tinker Bell had come right up to his face to inspect him. He giggled as the fairy flitted around his head. Looking back at Rebecca, he said, "That's really great. Can... can I come too?"

    The wind lightly sighed as Peter came over to the window. His eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets when he saw Tinker Bell sitting on the boy's shoulder. She was being... friendly? There must have been something about this boy that she liked. Peter folded his arms. He didn't like the idea of sharing Tinker Bell. She'd always been jealous of the others he brought back to Neverland; he'd never had to worry about her liking any of them. Sure, there were the Lost Boys, but they were family, and they never really hung out with her like Peter did.
    Dirty feet touched down on the window sill; Peter's troubled thoughts could not keep him in the air. He looked over to see the yellow haired boy staring at him. The marvel in the boy's eyes swiped away any worries about Tinker Bell. Peter loved how famous he'd become and how people now looked at him like a king. And in a way, he was a king; the king of Neverland.
    Tinker Bell twittered away from David to speak into Peter's ear. She didn't mind David coming along. Her point being that Peter had Rebecca as his guest to Neverland, so she should get a guest too.
  18. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Rebecca looked from David to Peter. "Can he?" she asked Peter, her wide eyes meeting his hopefully. "He's a great sword fighter and he's very loyal and even Tinker Bell likes him." she counted off these good features on her finger tips, adding the part about Tinker Bell as she knew how the pixie looked at her and from her mother and grand mother's stories that the little woman was not taken with many people.
  19. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    "Very well," Peter agreed at last, his hands on his hips in fists. "You can come with us. But you've got to follow orders."

    David nodded enthusiastically. He was going to Neverland! He smiled thankfully at Tinker Bell and Rebecca. Then he asked, with a little nerve in his timid voice, "So is it really like the stories? How we fly?"

    Peter grinned. "If you've been listening to Wendy and Jane, then it sure is!" He jumped off the window sill, let himself fall a bit just to scare David, and then rose up to the roof's height. With a spin and a twirl, he was back, face-to-face with David. Tinker Bell gave him a jingling applause.

    David thought long and hard of what his happy thought could be. He was so concentrated on it that he didn't notice Tinker Bell start to pace around his head and toss little balls of pixie dust at him. Then he decided on his happy thought: being in Neverland and going on adventures. What could be more exciting to or more dreampt of by any kid? His slippered feet began to rise off his floor.
    "Whoa!" David had looked down and gotten a bit frightened. He didn't think he'd fly so easily. He flopped back down to the floor.

    Tinker Bell had to laugh, a mixture of chimes and bells that combined with Peter's chuckle.
    "You're going to have to be brave if you want to fly," Peter said between his chuckles.
  20. Princess_of_hearts Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 31, 2007
    Oh, here and there
    Rebecca held out her hands to David. "Here, this way you won't ever fall." she said encouraging, although she was giggling alittle from his fall. She knew David could do it, he just needed confidence.
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