
Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by BloodxXxDark, Aug 26, 2009.

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  1. BloodxXxDark Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 13, 2009
    Wonderland ~
    Is there anybody who belives we are NOT Alone???? that somehow...somewhere else....there is another life form...watching us???? Aliens,if you will,have been up for discussion ever scince....perhaps the rozwell New Mexico incident and perhaps (and probably) even before.I,Myself,Am a beliver of such beings-HOPING that there is another species of a kind-perhaps even at a higher level of intelligance then us humans-out there in the final frontier.Violent,destructive creatures plotting the end of the human race??? I certainly hope not,I try to belive that such creatures have learned from us taht violence shall get you absolutley no where.-Aliens.....Aliens....we have never actaully had REAL evidence of any....the closest evidence we have is an image of an Alien otopsy that could possibly be a hoax.....that is...it WILL be our only evidence until this TRIVIAL Event happens.A few years ago my cousin wesley was telling me of a program he was observing about a phsycic....PERDICTING the future....he said that the phsycic perdicted that in the year 2010 Aliens will come to the earth and make it a better place....she said that the aliens would be a greyish purplish couler,and had the power to give you a bad headache if you attempted anything on them....now if this WERE to happen I think it would be EXTRODINARY...unfortunatly...I'm not buying the phsycic thing...It's TOO Good to be true...and perhaps to UNREAL to be true...I asked my aunt if my cousin REALLY saw a phsycic talk about such matters and she answered me by saying she TOO was watching the program,and he told me no lies....non the less....The perdiction....is somthing I'd LIKE to belive....but unfortunatley seems to well guessed to be true.....but if this even comes to reality....we can only hope she is correct when she says they want to make the world a BETTER place.
  2. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Aliens exist.

    On the sci-fi movie scale? No. More like microscopic scale. This has been proven I believe.
  3. BloodxXxDark Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 13, 2009
    Wonderland ~
    are you talking about the life forms they discovered on the moon?-such as the tiny worms that roam around in the craters???
  4. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    On Mars as well, yes. I don't think living conditions are good enough on any other planet to sustain more than that honestly.
  5. BloodxXxDark Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 13, 2009
    Wonderland ~
    Quite true,I understand why you would presume that...but on this discussion I'm more up for debating the extraterestrials as you called them "On teh sci-fi scale" x3-The ones that are said to be human like....in a deformed way xD.-Considering your thoughts,I find that quite agreeable on a scientific scale-presumming the conditions of other planets...though...you never know what has EVOLVED to endure such weather
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Firstly, this alleged visitation that you spoke about, how the heck is that a good thing? They come along, change the planet and if you try and fight back then they cause you pain? Sounds more like an invasion than something more positive.

    Secondly, I do believe in life on other planets. Maybe not in this solar system, but with the huge size of space and the universe, the chances that this is the only planet capable of carrying life like this are very, very, slim. For sure life forms on other planets out there won't be exactly like us, nor will their planets be an exact copy of how Earth is, but to assume that there is no chance of another planet(s) SOMEWHERE out there is really narrow minded.

    That being said, do I think that said beings wander around the universe looking for people to abduct and probe? No, I don't. Nor do I believe this whole idea that if there was other life then it would be more advanced than us and would have already come to visit multiple times making contact. For one thing we haven't gone out there and made contact so how can we make that assumption that they must? Plus why does being alien mean that they HAVE to be more advanced?

    The media and hollywood have given society a really warped view on what aliens should be like that the idea of anything other is hard to conceive.

    Added to this is the fact that we assume that a planet has to be like ours to sustain life, it is entirely possible that somewhere out there a different species (or multiple species) has developed and adapated to the conditions in a different atmosphere.

    I guess what I am trying to get at is, nobody can say for certain either way, we do not know enough about what is out there.
  7. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    There is an absolute certainty in my mind that some form of extraterrestrial life exists, and an at least 99% chance that at least some of it is intelligent. I mean, we have charted anywhere from 100-125 billion galaxies in this universe, depending on which author you read, each of those galaxies containing, on average, a billion stars, any of those stars potentially containing anywhere from 1-10+ planets, with life potentially being able to develop based on lines and chemicals we may no nothing about (think silicon, think gas beings, think energy beings, think aliens living in gas giants, etc).

    That said, are we likely to meet an extraterrestrial intelligence? Not likely. I would guess that there are about 1-2 intelligent races per galaxy, as intelligence is an incredibly hard thing to develop, compared to simply life. Also, if we meet them, we might not even recognize them as intelligent. What if we met a race that communicated telepathically, and had no need for technology, language, or anything we might recognize as culture? Or perhaps an intelligent race developing inside the clouds of a gas giant? They wouldn't be able to build cities, or make tools, yet they still could be intelligent.

    It is far more likely that we will find anything from simple plant life or bacterial forms to larger animals, but no intelligence. That's just statistics for you.

    ^It's a little complex, and no one knows what numbers to plug into it, but this is the equation to determine the probability of extraterrestrial intelligence in our own galaxy.

    Why would they be human-like, considering the VAST number of planets, most uninhabitable to us, where other types of life could have developed, under different evolutionary pressures than on Earth? It is pure terracentrism to assume that aliens will be like us.
  8. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    Wouldn't it be interesting to find out that other species exist apart from us?Wouldn't the "Extraterestrials" call us aliens? What would they think about our behaviour & diet? What would they think?

    You study galaxies & planets and you learn that there are billions of galaxies apart from our own. There is a possibility that some other life form does exist. However, there could be nothing at all. Or, if humans could travel far enough we could reach a parallel universe. The complete opposite.

    Backtoextraterestrials. Erm, the possibility of actually meeting life forms like ourselves is highly unlikely. Hollywood excels at brainwashing. Aliens aren't that awesome if they're deciding to take over the world and torture us all. Use us as slaves and wipe the human race from the face of the Earth. In no way is this a good thing.

    It may seem to some that we know a lot. When in actual fact we don't. Not as much as we'd like to know anyway. There are no certain things about the Universe. It's massive.
  9. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I'd just like to point out that although I do know that they may not be human like, the fact that humans have evolved on earth and can survive in so many conditions shows how resiliant this particular type of life is and so may mean that "humanoid" life may be more likely than say quadroped life.
  10. Ah eff. Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 10, 2009
    Plank Epoch.
    I believe we're not alone. Especially since no one has proved otherwise. The diameter of the observable universe, keyword observable, is 93 billion light years. I believe that other forms of life definitely exist out there. Some may even be a bit similar to us, but that is unlikely unless there are places out there that display conditions which resemble those on Earth. I think we're better off as we are though, being oblivious I mean. We can't even coincide with the people living on this very planet. I doubt mankind could deal with running into some extra terrestrials.
  11. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    Aliens almost certainly exist somewhere. But as previously stated, they likely won't be humanoid, or in any form we could comprehend. But no matter where-ever they are or how advanced, I highly doubt we will ever get any kind of contact from them. The distances are simply too great. Even if they had access to light-speed travel (Not possible, but if) it would take millions of years to reach us, by which point they will have run out of food/fuel/space and died on their ship.

    It amuses me sometimes to think of an alien on some planet asking the exact same questions.
  12. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I'm open to the possibility of aliens. Our planet's ability to keep life forms has come to be due to a number of beneficial circumstances, our distance to the sun for example. It's needless to say that this may have happened more than once in the universe though. It's all a matter of chance.

    Who says they are necessarily hostile? I can think of a bushel of other reasons for wanting to visit civillizations on other planets without forcing the residents into anything.
  13. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    The fact that as the OP said
    is what led me to say what I did.

    For sure there multiple reasons for visiting, but the above quote in reference to the suggestion of a visit in 20120 can be interpreted as, do what they say because if you act against them you'll get hurt.
  14. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Just because we can survive on our own planet does not mean we would be able to survive anywhere else. For instance, on a heavier-gravity planet (say, 5 g's or more), you might need an extra set of legs to balance yourself, or a thicker bone structure, or something along those lines. On a light-gravity planet, flying beings might be the norm, and the intelligences there may look more like birds. Or, as I mentioned, in a gas giant, the aliens could look like balloons floating through the atmosphere. Our planet is far from being the norm in the universe. We are merely a small blue speck orbiting an insignificant star in a far-flung arm of an average-sized galaxy. We seriously need to give up this terracentric attitude, or anything that does meet us may consider us to be the worst racists they've ever seen.
  15. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Makes sense. I didn't read the OP because it's an ugly text wall but I see what you mean now. The OP doesn't even specify if they'd make Earth a better place for us or for them.
  16. krayzie Lionhart

    Mar 24, 2008
    man theres more life out there for sure
    but the universe is huge so i dought that nay one is watchin us or anything but theres more life forms out there

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    This universe is too big for us to be the only planet with living beings on it.

    So i belive it and since i know barely anything i will not contribute to the aargument here <<>><<
  18. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Its ok, I had to read it a few times in order to make it make sense in my mind.

  19. Xyam> Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 7, 2009
    Wherever i want to be...
    i believe in aliens.. they are so cool
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