KH-Vids Podcast Episode #85: Final Fantasy XV Demo

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Wednesday episode because we had some server troubles last night!

    This week @Kairi ♥ joins @Misty, @libregkd, and @Calxiyn to share her experience with the Final Fantasy XV demo that released with the PS4 remaster of Final Fantasy Type-0. We begin, as always, by mentioning what little Kingdom Hearts news and updates we have, which includes speculation on what we'll see later this year at D23 Expo Japan 2015.

    From there we go through the entirety of the demo, which focuses on the main cast of characters saving money to fix their car by hunting down Behemoth. We cover our thoughts on the gameplay, which borrows heavily from the Kingdom Hearts series, technical issues within the demo, our thoughts on the characters and voice acting, the Ramuh summon, and how the demo has helped (or hurt) our feelings about the long-anticipated title.

    Next up, we answer user-submitted questions! @Shu asks us where babies come from, an anonymous sender asks what non-video game franchises we'd like to see enter the gaming medium, and @Graxe teases @Misty about her struggles with Seymour Flux in Final Fantasy X.

    Thanks everyone for listening, and please participate in the podcast by either following the links below or leaving us a comment with your thoughts on the demo and your answers to our user-submitted questions!


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Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Misty, Mar 25, 2015.

    1. Hayabusa
      I played the demo for the Pacific Rim game...still waiting for a good one. I imagine one that uses the first-person perspective, and zooms out for cutscenes so you can see your Jaeger, kind of like how Halo shows Master Chief outside of gameplay.

      AND YEAH, KILL LA KILL x PLATINUM, WHY IS THIS NOT REAL YET. Kamiya did say that he wants to do a Spider-Gwen game so...we'll see?

      I personally await for a game like The Raid, one of the best new martial arts film series I've ever seen. Simply amazing fights. I don't need an amazing story, but it'd very much help. Just give me super good combat gameplay.


      (also eww no more Sword Art Online)