Fandub Dream Drop Distance: Special Trailer - Fandub Production (COMPLETED)

Discussion in 'Community News & Projects' started by Mike, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. hlmactiii Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 13, 2007
    Here I am! Lol, but yes, Maggy's absolutely right, practice whenever you can, different pitches and accents. You can't just act the character, you have to BE the character; put your mind into that situation, as if you're actually there, actually sharing that character's conflict and emotion. Giving up will never fix anything; Take an hour or two, completely separate yourself from any distractions, and work on the character. Right down their motives, their actions; connect with the character and share their feelings as if they were your own. It's impossible to master any character unless you give time to connect with them! (I'm not crazy, I swear! XP) Listen, and receive. Take the emotion and pitch the real actors use and copy them. And the real key to getting into character is loving the character: you have to enjoy being the character in order to present them well. Play TWEWY some more, watch Tron Legacy a couple hundred times haha. If you enjoy these characters and you WANT to be them, then you're on the right track, and you just can't rush into recording without practice first. You'll get there, I know it. ;)

    I'll get to doing a critique soon when I have more time, but there is something I have to note (and I don't mean to offend anyone by this), but there needs to be some consistent casting here, similar to the real world. Overall, I enjoyed Llave de Espada's sound, but Zekkai was perfectly fine playing Sora as well! If there was a scheduling conflict or you (Mike) had a good reason that he wasn't doing a good job, then it's acceptable to replace him; then the part would go to the understudy (greater_bloo)! It's really not fair to promise a role to someone when you can't keep that promise, even an understudy role. Once casting is done, it should be done, otherwise what's the point in holding auditions? I'm sorry if I sound bitter, but it's just proper edict to respect your cast, especially if you want to use them again in the future. That's all.

    As I said, critique will come soon. Thanks for another great opportunity Mike!
  2. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    There were a lot of conflicts with this project. I actually recorded a podcast with Llave and some other members and I heard his voice as Sora and I was blown away. At any rate, I do apologize for all the confusion. Zekkai wasn't able to send his lines on time and Llave happened to be in a call with me when it happened, so I told him the next video he could be in it. I really get excited to give members a chance and not think about the consequences so I apologize to Greater_bloo, Llave and you...

    Edit: On second thought with all the confusion and everything going on, I'm going to take a break from this project. I feel a lot went wrong between my self as a voice actor and a producer. I'm not going to be able to continue to run this if I can't even do it right.
  3. hlmactiii Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 13, 2007
    It's ok Mike, everyone makes mistakes! If you love this project, you should stick with it, no matter what complications arise. It shows great courage to be able to produce a professional-looking video when all these conflicts are arising. If you really don't have the heart anymore, then I understand because it's a lot of hard work. But if you need any help editing or casting, please let me know, because I'm here to help you! We're all in this together. (HSM pun not intended!)
  4. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    I feel pretty bad too. I should have known there was an understudy. So my sincerest apologies greater_bloo.

    Like hlmactiii said, Don't worry about it Mike. Part of the reason I wanted to do these fandubs is because of you man. You're always doing a great job, and it seems like you're always having a swell time!

    I understand if you need a break, we all do once in a while. But don't give into despair, we all make mistakes. I really like what you do and I hope you continue to do what you love best. It really gave me a newfound respect for voice acting.
  5. NemesisPrime Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 4, 2011
    The World That Never Was
    Hey, we all need a break at some point but practice or you'll get rusty! Trust me on that!

    I look forward to any of your projects and don't give in to despair! Don't let the darkness in. We all have times were we just get out of wack, you'll straighten out!
  6. greater_bloo Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 25, 2007
    In a world covered by endless water.
    Hmm...sure I was bit upset about that at first, I mean it would've been proper to at least message me if Zekkai didn't send his lines in time but I forgive you. You were probably just trying to open up voice acting to some new members and those are not bad intentions at all (in fact if it weren't for that mind set I probably wouldn't have continued voice acting, like I said before you Mike kept me in this hobby). I mean Llave mentioned he was just getting into voice acting he doesn't really need this drama for his first roles if I were in his shoes I probably would be kinda afraid of doing anything else related to voice acting.
    Also Llave you didn't do anything wrong, in fact I think I may have been a bit biased in my critique of your Sora. You did well I can see why Mike was blown away by you especially since you're just getting into voice acting! I feel you have an interesting future as a voice actor if you continue with it.

    No hard feelings Mike and Llave! :D

    As for you taking a break Mike, sure everyone needs one, especially right now. I don't know about you Mike but for me I have exams and projects to work on at school (might also be why Zekkai didn't get the lines in in the first place). But don't get too comfortable, one thing I know about breaks is that if you stay in there too long you may never want to come back.
  7. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    I'm sure I won't...I'm just upset.
  8. NemesisPrime Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 4, 2011
    The World That Never Was
    Hey, if your looking for someone to talk to I'm available.
  9. nickoboyzx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 9, 2011
    road betwwen light and darkness

    i though i was gonna same with quansimodo voice and geppeto

    but oh well, worth of a try

  10. phoenixkh93 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 13, 2011
    I think you did a really fantastic job :) It may be tough but no one could pull it off like you do! I think everyone agrees that these fan dubs are really top notch, amazing quality and just really enjoyable to watch! Don't give up hope!
  11. james7171999 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 13, 2011
    I really need to get a 3DS because this game is gonna be awesome!
  12. NewKidaye Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 14, 2007
    I really enjoyed recording and seeing this production, and can't wait for the next one!
  13. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I have to say, I really liked how this came out, though I haven't been following the KHV Fandubs for a long time.

    Roxas/Ventus, Mickey, and Sora were freaking spot-on :D

    Xemnas sounded pretty good for such a hard voice to imitate in my opinion. Axel could sound a little more...I dunno, sneaky? But still really well done. A lot of great voice-acting in this video.

    For improvements, I'd say Sam (from Tron) sounded completely different from the movie, Riku sounded kinda bland, Frollo (from Notre Dame) sounded over-acted. Still, overall great job.