Television Doctor Who

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Zexion of the Twilight, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    So today I was incredibly luck to get to see the very first episode : D I also got autographs from Jenna, Peter and Sam (Danny Pink who will appear later on in the series).

    Anyway, I shall give a spoiler free review of the episode (Firstly because I don't want to spoil it and secondly, I've sworn secrecy to Moffat and the head of BBC Drama Wales xD) but I will say that it is brilliant and you are in for a treat.

    On Peter: he is a very different Doctor to the others but also the same, I would liken him to Tom Baker in his erratic nature, he's got a bit of a comic element as well as his fierce exterior which I feel hides his scared interior. He is a genius but also shows the wear of his years through forgetting stuff. I don't know if it's just this episode but he doesn't seem too hung up about his past like the other brooding Doctor's were. All in all, he is exceptional, I hope his accent doesn't make it hard to watch for some people xD (the sound wasn't as good from my seat so I did miss quite a bit of dialogue).

    On the episode: Wow. Well it starts with a shock and ends wonderfully by making you ask SO MANY QUESTIONS. Yes, that is right, more questions, you can't escape them. They are quite blunt with the fans issues they have raised (i.e. he's old, he's Scottish, he's been in Doctor Who before) and they do it brilliantly.

    The effects are so exceptional, the main bad guy in it is proof of that and it's a cool monster : D

    One more thing: The best scene is the bedroom scene.

    So, only 17 more days to go. I hope you guys are excited : D

    Some photos:
  2. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Wait, you got to see it before all of us? Who wants to join me in the raid against her house??

    At least tell me....was The Doctor a good man?
  3. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    xD Well I will say she didn't ask it in this episode but I suppose that question is up for debate. Steven Moffat is not, he has no mercy xD
  4. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    How is this going to be released anyways? On BBCone, clearly, but will there be a simultaneous internet release? I don't have cable, only internet. I guess I could stream it from another source. Many people will probably upload. Hmmmm...
  5. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    There are always livestreams, and even if you miss that it'll likely be online a few minutes after it's finished airing anyway.
  6. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    My body is not ready. Help.
  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    'Deep Breath' trailer:

  8. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I agree, I'm not a fan of the new Tardis look
  9. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    I'll probably grow to like it. I normally do.
  10. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I love the new TARDIS look, it's much homier-
    the new title sequence is a bit hit and miss though. I like it but the remix of the theme tune just didn't do it for me.
  11. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
  12. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    I'll definitely post specific thoughts on the episode as a whole in here later, but for now I'd just like to drop a few pearls of wisdom that came to me between watching Deep Breath last night and now.
    If you haven't seen the episode yet, I really wouldn't recommend reading them over.


    And it got me thinking. Apart from riling the whole of the Whouffle community, I feel like the writers threw it in as a reminder to all of us who just loved Smith and Tennant. We all talk about how dorky and handsome or hot they are and clearly Moffat knows this. I feel like the whole “I’m not your boyfriend” theme is there to help us move on and remind us that Capaldi’s doctor isn’t going to be that hot, sexy, dorky guy we can all write romantic one-shots about. No. Already Capaldi is much darker than his NuWho counterparts — arguably even darker than Ten’s Time Lord Victorious or Eleven at Demon’s Run — and even if he looks older, he also acts MUCH older than Smith. Matt had the boyish charm of a little kid with the brain of a 1000-year-old, doing his best to act goofy and hide the pain and suffering he always had deep down in his hearts. Peter, however, has already acknowledged that he’s lived a long time and isn’t afraid to let his enemies see that he’s worn down (I need to watch the escape pod showdown scene again to get all the details, but I’m sure you all know where I’m coming from anyway).
    So yes, the Doctor is not your boyfriend, dear Whovian. But that’s because he’s accepting who he is this time around. The War Doctor complained about acting childish in his future, but that was a phase. He’s matured, and as scared as he may be, he’s still going to protect the people he cares about. After all, he is absolutely the same man. [ LINK ]

    And that was everyone’s reaction to Clara. I mean, remember that Deep Breath starts immediately after Time of the Doctor. Maybe ten minutes passed in-between while they crashed and got stuck in a T-Rex’s throat, but it’s more or less right after the regeneration. As soon as they get out of the TARDIS Clara already looks frustrated, but she knows that this is the same guy. And later on in the bedroom scene, she asks Jenny why there are lines on his face when it’s “brand new.” She only replies with “it’s still him, ma’am,” but I feel like she’s missing the point of the question. Vastra says Clara’s used to the “veil” that the Doctor wore and now that it’s lifted she’s refusing to see the real him, and that may be true to a certain degree, but keep in mind that Clara saw Eleven at Christmas three brief times: once when he still looked young, again 300 years later with some noticeable wrinkles and finally much, much later when his hair had gone completely white. It’s not just that she was being selfish. It’s not just that we all need to adjust to having a newer, older Doctor running around saving everyone. It’s that she saw her best friend grow old practically in the blink of an eye. When she goes back into the TARDIS after Eleven’s regeneration has started, she points out that he looks young again and she almost looks like she’s on the brink of tears. That's because she just saw him as an old man who couldn’t even pull a party popper, much less fly the TARDIS. He did what he did to protect her, and he grew old not only to protect the town but also to protect her from the battles that he knew would be fought on Trenzalore.

    Say what you will about Clara, but don’t ever tell me that she was being selfish in asking about the lines. Regeneration is supposed to be a means of cheating death, and for the most part she’d only seen him look young (apart from the War Doctor, but she knew he’d lived a long time in that face), so she was scared that an older face from the get-go meant less time in that body. She was scared to death of what might happen to him, especially in the state he was in at that point in the episode. Don’t ever tell me that she resented his new face. She was scared that she’d see him die sooner than he deserved to. Deep down, the whole time, she was terrified. And let’s face it, wouldn’t you be too? [ LINK ]

    And also I happen to love the new title sequence -- the new theme isn't really up to par for me, but I'll pretty much always hear the theme from 2005 when I see the opening. I also think it's incredible that the team found a fanmade intro sequence and asked the guy to make the real thing. That's just really cool to me.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2014
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Don't have much to add other than I the fact that I really enjoyed Deep Breath. It certainly felt a lot different than the Matt Smith episodes, but that was to be expected, and I accept that. I look forward to seeing more of Capaldi.

    I think the new intro looks nice. Looks like a bit of a mix between a Classic Who intro and the RTD-era Who intro.
  14. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Well, this is well said and I couldn't agree more. I am going to add my spoiler filled view on the episode now after I have watched it a few more times.

    Firstly, I have seen many criticisms about the dinosaur being "pointless" or "just for show" but I have to disagree. Think of the episode without the dinosaur firstly, it doesn't seem right- I liked that big shock of the opening scene as well as giving the town something to ponder over (like Alfie and his wife talking conspiracy theories about it being part of the government) which is kind of representative of the human race- we may see stuff in front of us but deny the proof that's there. Secondly, it's to add something for us to get attached to for it to then be taken away- yes you could have done it with a human but that's over done, I think we feel a bit protective over dinosaurs because they are extinct or we know the horrible fate that they will succumb to. But the third and probably most important reason is that it shows you how long the clockwork droids have been rebuilding themselves for since they know the materials that are in a dinosaur's eye. The dinosaur is also great for kids and this is technically a family show which encomapsses children (people moan about calling it a kids show because it has a lot of adult humour in as well as dealing with important problems).

    Upon rewatching the title sequence I have grown to absolutely love it. I thought the tune was a bit weak to begin with but it's been given a different spacy feel which is quite cool. So I am very happy with it all in all : D I especially love the opening drum bit with all the clockwork- very steampunk.

    I also completely missed the HUGE mystery at the end about whether he was pushed or jumped when I first watched it and I don't know how, I love it and I can't decide which one was lying- we do know that the Doctor does murder people and he does lie (plus the whole "I've made many mistakes" spiel) but still, it could swing the other way, we don't know yet.

    They are obviously going to address the fact that Capaldi has other character's in the Whoniverse which I am incredibly excited for but by the way they have currently worded the question ("Who frowned with this face?" "I don't know where the faces come from.") it seems like there is a reason they pick the faces they do- perhaps they pick them off people they have met in their previous lives for some reason- it would explain why Colin Baker was in WHO before he was the Doctor and it would also give Timelords more backstory about regeneration because it is still a mystery. I mean, when Romana regenerates she picks the face of a woman they met in a previous adventure and the Doctor reacts disgusted ("You can't go about stealing other people's face's" Or something to that effect) and yet he's done it twice. But if it is the case that he picks the faces of people he's met previously then there would be a Tennant character and a Smith character somewhere in the Whoniverse which is where he got 10's, 11's and everyone else's faces from.

    One criticism that I have seen which has bothered me is people moaning about the "unnecessary Lesbian (or lizbian xD) kiss" and yet no one bats an eye when Jack Harkness made out with the Doctor, or the Doctor kissed Rory- is it that men kissing is more accepted than women? Also, it wasn't completely unnecessary as it helped Jenny hold her breath. I think it's also a great step forward in the world of accepting gay rights and incredibly brave on Moffat's behalf.

    Watching the episode again has given me a new light to Peter's Doctor, although he is a bit more "dark" (a word that Capaldi himself questioned but I use it just to encompass his relentless and harsher nature) he is still loving and warm, he loves the human race greatly but I think he has lost the ability to connect properly with them (like he's become more socially inept compared to Smith which must be quite difficult and probably scared him a lot because he thought he might scare Clara off and be left alone again) and isn't overly sensitive to their needs except for "they are dying, they need my help" sort of thing. He's a big softie on the inside I think >:3 He yells, shouts and insults but just because he is insecure, it makes me really want to hug him... but you know, not the best thing to do xD

    I have heard many great theories for who Missy is- my favourite has to be that she's a female Master but we still don't know and I suppose it'll all come out, I also hope they do sort out and explain the Valeyard. I am aware of the fact that if anyone is a mystery in Who then they are automatically connected to the Master xD but still I hope he returns.

    I could write down many more thoughts but I shall leave it at that for the moment- I think next week's episode should be brilliant : D so looking forward to it.
  15. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    On the subject of where he got his face, I have a tiny theory about that. In the Pompeii episode, Karen Gillan played one of the Soothsayers. Later she went on to play Amy Pond but anyways. Regardless of the face that the two characters share an actress in our universe, in Whoniverse, they're two completely different people born in two different places almost two thousand years apart, and somehow they share a face. I think that when Ten saw the Soothsayer he made a mental note of it (because Ten seems like the kind of person to remember every single person he meets, regardless of how brief their meeting. Eleven does too). In his final moments of Eleven, he saw Amy Pond, the Girl who Waited, his best friend who had such a huge impact on his life (she lasted two and a half seasons, beating Rose by half a season. In Whoniverse, she thinks they've been travelling together for about 10 years), the girl he had to leave behind in 1930's New York, who looks exactly like the Soothsayer, and perhaps the regeneration picked a face related to her. He couldn't pick her or Rory (that would be confusing as all get out). Any of the faces he had met during his reign as Eleven would be too recent (despite it being hundreds of years later). What about that Soothsayer lady, who looks very much like Amy? Well, still can't regenerate into that face. Has to be male. Lucius was a bit of a butthead, let's not regenerate into him. Quintus is too young, after that whole shebang with the War Doctor, I think it's time to try an older face again. What about Quintus's dad, Caecilius? He was rather nice, rather eccentric, older, but not elderly. And with rather decent angry eyebrows. This is a good face. And BAM, regeneration takes place, Doctor gets a new-old face.
  16. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I really liked this last episode. With each new version of the Doctor we get an episode early on with the Daleks and get to see that person's reaction to them, and I've got to say that the 12th doctor's reaction was probably the most interesting so far. He had the hate like usual, but at the same time it's like he's just given in to what they were. But at the same time, we got to get a nice view of how the Doctor really is. I like at the end how they went "You are a good Dalek", because thinking on it, they try to kill everything but them, and yet the Doctor has a near infinite hatred of them and tried to kill them always.
  17. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    This is an interesting idea, it would be weird if he did this subconsciously. I always thought that he was a bit of a mix between Rory and Amy- looks like an older Rory but is Socttish like Amy xD I doubt that's the case at all but it would be cool.

    I had a bit of a theory which relates to who Missy is, firstly I don't think we've met her, I think she is a brand new character. Well, my mum had this idea and I quite like it: When the Doctor dies before he regenerates he goes to this 'heaven' and Missy chooses his new face and then when he wakes up he can't remember encountering her but for some reason she she is collecting people in the Doctor's path. It is assumed that she is evil, but she may not be, she may be trying to help the Doctor in some way... or she may be generally evil. I look forward to finding out.

    And on the new episode:

    I have rewatched it a few times and definitely enjoyed it, I loved the concept and the way they built up the characters and killed them with little mercy. I thought it was well balanced between story, character development and monsters. They really did do something new with the daleks which is always welcome and the Doctor's unflexible reaction to them was great- that he was happy that he was right, that he is justified to hating all the daleks if they are all evil and incapable of good. Also, the slap, I loved it. Don't know why, but I wanted to high five Clara xD it was just a brilliant moment of companion strength.

    I thought the "turning the memories back on" this was a bit weird and easily figured out but even with that, I adore this episode.
  18. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    On Robot of Sherwood:

    I quite enjoyed it, mostly for the arguments between the Doctor and Robin Hood. Also, anyone else think the spoon will be the 12th Doctor's 'thing' much like the 3D glasses for 10 and the fez for 11?
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
  19. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
  20. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    This really is gonna tick me off not knowing. Was it really just a friend of Rupert/Danny trying to scare him? Is it related to this whole arc involving the promised land and Missy? Or is it just Moffat being Moffat?