Anime/Manga: Divine❃Rose

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Maka Albarn, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Everette rolled his eyes as at Sam as he complained about Yukyo stealing his breakfast. For one of the most meticulous organized guild members, Samuel was certainly weird sometimes. It got a bit of a chuckle from Everette either way, and at least it was now an excuse to get Sam out of the medical room and actually socializing. Plus he even admitted to not eating properly. Everette huffed a sigh. "You really need to take better care of yourself if you are going to be taking care of others. Can't have you passing out when doing a healing because you didn't eat enough." The boy pointed out as he lead them into the mess hall.

    The mess hall was filled with most of the members, many sitting around chatting over food, some looking at the job board. Everette glanced up to the second floor where S-class missions were usually posted, though there were none to be had that day.
    "I don't know, maybe I will just have to stick around and bug you today with whatever you decide to do. Or maybe I will do a simple mission just for the fun of it. We will have to see. I don't want to take the well paying jobs from the members who could use the extra money to pay rent this month." Being S-class came with perks, he often got paid a lot for his quests, so had some extra money sitting around when he needed it, he could afford to skip out on missions now and then.

    Giving a quick wave to Midarah as he passed, Everette moved to filling his second plate with breakfast and grabbing a coffee. He then found a seat at an empty table, hoping Sam would join him. It would be good for him to sit out here every once and a while. While Everette understand it was noisy and distracting, sometimes good conversations came out of being available for people. On top of that between Sam and himself they had been a part of the guild for a lot longer than most, meaning they should also be there for anyone with questions when Midarah got busy. After all he couldn't expect their guild master to do everything herself.

    Finishing her lesson with Lakoda, the girl suggested they went to get breakfast. While it was a good idea, Thea barely started for the breakfast when she noticed that a cat-man ran through the guild hall and out the window. Thea knew who it was but she still giggled curious of what he was up to. Instead of going for breakfast she chased him to the window just in time for a bird to come in. "Don't be mean Yukyo, you will scare the birds!" Thea called out to him, assuming Yukyo just scared the bird so much it flew inside. Meanwhile Midarah was mentioning something about a new job posting.

    While Thea knew that she should look into taking a job so she could afford to buy a new dress, she was more curious about what Yukyo was doing. Sitting on the window sill herself she looked out a Yukyo.
    "So what are you doing today?" She asked him eyeing his cat ears, trying to resist the urge to reach out and touch them.
  2. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 3.png

    He fished his toast as things around him happened. Then Thea was now done with music. "I have yet to look at the board, although I intended to do so after breakfast, I have been neglecting the rent a little bit and hoped to rectify that today, nothing has caught my eye yet though. Want to come with?" Conrad had said. "I think everyone will want to help the sick people, and I think I'll stick with my first choice." he replied. He saw Conrad reply to Lakoda in sign language, while Thea ran off. "Can you teach me that " he asked both Conrad and Lakoda, as he attempted to mimic what Conrad signed moments ago.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "I get out for fresh air quite often, my dear. There's no need for me to go on a job to do that." What was with her younger guildmates sassing her about how she took care of herself lately? Still, it amused her. "Artemis always stays here with me," Master Midarah replied in response to Gavin's comment about her rabbit joining a quest. "Mmm, they may seem like friends, but you cannot assume things based on observations alone, now can you?" She smiled to herself as she stroked Artemis' fur and watched the flames dance in the fire. She was happy to hear that Gavin had a plan of action to go ask others as soon as breakfast was nearly over and nodded her head. "That sounds like a plan to me..." She then saw Everett come in the room fully and waved to him in a friendly manner before sitting back in her chair. She had her own plans to follow after breakfast and knew everyone would be just fine for now.

    Lakoda shrugged her shoulders to Conrad's question about what quest she was thinking about going on. She couldn't really decide as she often went on the easier ones with those she didn't know so well, and only difficult ones with those she trusted the most. She was good on rent as far as she knew. She was either asked by someone else to go, or tagged along with Conrad when he asked. Lakoda looked to Shawn as he tried to copy what Conrad had signed earlier and smiled to herself. It was a good attempt, but it was nonsense to her. "Only if you wish," Lakoda's charm said as she tilted her head with a small smile. The girl kept her hands in her lap, suddenly feeling self-conscious of herself and signing freely. She found interest in her food and picked at it, trying to stay busy with it so she didn't have to talk or sign for a moment.

    Sam chuckled as he listened to his friend. "True, can't be hogging all the good ones now." He nodded to the master as he followed after Everett and grabbed his own plate of breakfast; two eggs, two sausages, three bacon, a bagel, and some blue berries and strawberries with a glass of milk. He sighed out as he sat down heavily in a chair next to Everett, and then protectively hovered over his tray when he realized he didn't know where the cat was. "Seems like everyone is here, except for the cat," Samuel muttered to himself as he took a big bite out of his cream cheese bagel. He eyed the job board across the room, seeing that a new mission had been put up recently and raised his eyebrow at it. He would have to go check it out after he ate most of his breakfast least he received a scolding from Mama Everett for not eating enough.

  4. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    Gavin was sitting there for some time when something came to him. "No way, no way!" He sounded excited like he just thought of something. He could not believe he did not think of it before. Like how could he have missed such a detail. It did not matter now. Gavin just smiled when Midarah said, 'I get out for fresh air quite often, my dear. There's no need for me to go on a job to do that.' He guessed so, he was not going to say anything on it. It was not really his place to push it too much. "I guess not. It is just that they do seem to spend time together that is all", he responded to Midarah regarding the friendship thing. Sure they might have spent time together but that did not mean much. He would just have to find out on his own. "Now if you excuse me I will be on my way." He left Midarah to what ever she was doing before he came along.

    He walked pased the two and back to were everyone was siting. Then he made his way to where his room was. He did not take a good look at it as he had to get down his idea before he forgot it. He took some paper and a pencil from a desk in his room. He then made his way back to the guildhall with paper in hand. He then made his way to the job board and copied the job details for A Price Unpaid down on the paper. He then took a empty seat near Zephyr at one of the the tables and started writing down anything he could think of. For some reason there was something about that flute. As he wrote ideas came to his head. Anything that he could think of he put it on the paper.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018
  5. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Zephyr told him he would go with his first thought, Shawn too didn't want to come with him. Lakoda was the only person he had asked who didn't seem to entirely refuse his offer. "Yeah that's fair enough Zephyr. I mean if I can't find anyone else to join me I might join you on that mission." He noticed that Shawn had tried mimicking his signing and asked whether they could teach him that too. It would be a long proces to teach it. It had taken Conrad the better part of his member ship of the Guild to reach this level and even then he sometimes still made mistakes or had to think about words he didn't use often. He remembered how one time during the lessons he had made such a big mistake in signing that it resulted in Lakoda turning bright red and explaining what he had said before continuing to laugh, it was the first time he had heard that sound, he didn't hear it often, but he had heard it a few times.

    Well it'll take quite some time and dedication to learn." Conrad simply said, Lakoda seemed to be up for it, but that hardly surprised him. When he was still learning he had practiced almost daily even when Lakoda wasn't teaching him. He noticed the way Lakoda was picking at her food and felt a little guilty, he smiled a little to her, as a way of saying it was alright. If he asked she probably would come along with him to go on the mission, but judging from her body language it didn't seem like a good idea to press the issue right now. He had really wanted her along or he wouldn't have asked her in the first place. If she still wanted to come along he wouldn't stop her at all and welcome her aboard. For now however he'd try his luck with the other guild members, after all he hadn't asked everyone yet and now that he thought about it, he knew just the guy to ask. Conrad politely excused himself from Zephyr, Shawn and Lakoda before leaving his empty plate in the designated area and then going past the Job board to check the details on the job he had set his sights on, copying the details to a piece of paper and joined Everett and Samuel at their table.

    Good morning" He greeted them and then glancing at the loaded plate in front of Samuel and smiled a little. "Enjoy your breakfast, Samuel. I know I am a little bit early with this as you haven't even had your breakfast yet and I apologise for it, but there's this new job that has been put up, and I figured you might be interested in it Samuel. Would you give me and whoever else may join us a hand with this mission?" He said placing the piece of paper on the table so that Samuel could have a look at the details for the job, as their healer it would be beneficial if he came along with the group that was going to execute the mission.
  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Everette chucked watching how Sam sat over his food, protecting it. "I think you are safe, I doubt Yukyo would try the same thing twice... And if he does, well he will have me to deal with." Everette assured Samuel. It wasn't like Everette would do much besides perhaps scolding Yukyo, maybe placing him in a maze of mirrors to keep him distracted for a while. The worst part about that plan was that Yukyo wouldn't be distracted trying to escape, he would be admiring himself in those mirrors. The thought entertained Everette a fair amount, as he tried to hide the smile from his face when Conrad walked up to them.

    Looking over at the other boy who sat at the table, he seemed to be talking to Samuel about a job. Everette's eyes darted down to the plate of food in front of Sam, then back to his face, a silent command that he better still eat. It wasn't that Conrad was trying to discourage Samuel from eating, but he knew how distracted Samuel could get. Everette leaned over and glanced at the mission details before shrugging.
    "Looks interesting. Perhaps I will tag along... If you don't mind of course. Not much in the way of S-class missions right now." Everette commented. He didn't want anyone to feel like they had to take him along, but he wouldn't mind going on a mission.
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Lakoda glanced over to see Gavin sitting at a table close by, and then saw that Conrad left the table to go ask others to do a mission with him. She smiled and waved goodbye to him and then worked up the courage to glance at Shawn. “Sign language looks easy, but it’s hard to learn,” she said through her charm, keeping her lips closed as she smiled kindly at Shawn. “There’s a lot of memorizing and lots of practice involved. I can teach you a little bit though. This is ‘Breakfast Time’.” She made her fingers squish together with her thumb on her right hand as if she was grabbing something to eat and then brought it to her lips. She then lowered her hand and placed her left hand on her right forearm, just below the elbow, bringing it up once more before dropping it and pointing to her right wrist like there was an invisible watch there. “Breakfast time.” She finished up her own food and then nodded to the two boys sitting at the table. "If you need someone to go on a quest with you, let me know if I can help. I'm pretty easy going. You can either find me in my room, or back here in a bit." With that, she took her empty breakfast plate to the kitchen and then headed out to go to her room.

    The new mission interested Sam enough, but he couldn't stop eating. But then again, Conrad said to enjoy his breakfast. He looked over the mission details, slowing down his eating as he read the paper that Conrad written out. Sick people...? A few died already? He frowned deeply and swallowed down his chewed food. Everette already responded that he would go too, which made the young man feel more at ease. "It sounds like my type of mission... Sure. I'll go with you." He offered Conrad a small smile, and then almost felt the glare from Everette as he stopped eating. He shoveled in more food, politely of course, and ate what he had grabbed. "They say it's a plague, but hopefully it isn't contagious... If that's the case, we might be in some trouble. I never heard anything like it before though... We won't know the nature of it until we get there. Are you okay with that?" he asked his comrades at the table, mostly referring the question to Conrad. He wasn't trying to discourage him from choosing the said mission; only to make him aware of the risks that could be there waiting for them.

  8. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 3.png

    Lakoda looked at him and said.Sign language looks easy, but it’s hard to learn, There’s a lot of memorizing and lots of practice involved. I can teach you a little bit though. This is ‘Breakfast Time’.” She made her fingers squish together with her thumb on her right hand as if she was grabbing something to eat and then brought it to her lips. She then lowered her hand and placed her left hand on her right forearm, just below the elbow, bringing it up once more before dropping it and pointing to her right wrist like there was an invisible watch there.Breakfast time.then said "If you need someone to go on a quest with you, let me know if I can help. I'm pretty easy going. You can either find me in my room, or back here in a bit." That was nice of her. "it would be nice to go on a mission with you, and I do want to learn sign language, perhaps it will make us closer friends, and I'll practice between missions. he said with a smile. He watched as she left. He then got up thinking maybe he ask Thea or Yukyo if they want to go on the mission with him, he saw them standing together and decided to walk over to them. Thinking about the mission he wondered if there was more to it then a simple cake delivery.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
  9. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Conrad didn't expect Everette to join him on this mission at all, it was a welcome surprise though, Conrad would never object to anyone coming along on a mission with him, the more the merrier and it would provide more perspectives on something and better split the burden should it come to combat. "I don't mind at all, I'd be happy to have you along, Everette. The more the merrier, you know." Conrad said to the S-class mage, he doubted that even if he didn't want the S-class along and told him not to come with his words would hold any authority, not that it mattered right now. Samuel had looked through the details of the mission while having slowed down his eating, when he said it was his kind of mission Conrad smiled a little, he had been right. Samuel then raised something Conrad himself hadn't thought of himself. If any of them got sick then they couldn't return to the Guild or if they did be quarantined and if this plague was as bad as they said it wouldn't be pleasant... Conrad thought about it for a moment, they had to atleast try helping these people, if they failed then so be it, they knew what they signed up for. He looked at Samuel "It's a risk we will have to take. I'll be honest I hadn't thought about the posibility until you said it, but these people are asking for our help, we ought to try and help them." Conrad said, knowing full well the risk they were about to take could be damning them.
  10. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Yukyo looked back and heard Little Thea call out to the young man. "So what are you doing today?" Yukyo tipped his hat a bit before opening his mouth. "Well well well! If it isn't Little Thea! And a good morning to you as well!" He put his hat back on his head put his jacket across his shoulders. "Probably look at the mission board, tease Sam and Everette a little, walk around town. My usual morning routine." He looked back inside and eyed the mission board. He patted Thea's head and walked back inside and made his way to the mission board. "Speaking of which...I should actually take a look at it." He walked up to the mission board and began examining it. He looked over the missions and saw a mission concerning a delivery. "Cake Delivery huh? Sounds interesting." Yukyo turned around and saw Everette and Sam. An idea had struck him at that moment. He began making his way out. As he went past the two, he immediately turned into a cat and jumped on both of their heads. He jumped off and began running to the exit. He reverted back and turned to the two and shouted. "Morning boys! Hope that woke you up! I'm just gonna head out for a stroll! Don't miss me too much boys!!" Yukyo stuck out his tongue and walked out making his way into town.

    Yukyo walked into town greeting the townspeople that he walked by. He went up to orange stand and greeted the old woman and her cat. "
    Morning Beautiful Miss and you tough kitty!" The old woman smiled as her cat began purring as Yukyo petted her. "Good morning Yukyo! Not causing any trouble this morning are you?" The cat looked up to the young man before she spoke to him "What have you been doing this time?" Yukyo sighed as he placed his hands on his hips. "I feel hurt. I've done nothing wrong this morning. I'm innocent I tell ya! And please ladies, feel free to give me a nickname! No need to be formal with me! I insist!" The old woman laughed before giving him some oranges. "Alright then! Have a good day Kyo!" Yukyo grabbed the small bag and gave her a smile. "You're too kind! Can I actually pay for this today?" The old woman wove her hand away as she smiled. "I'll take that as a no. But at least allow me to give you both this!" Yukyo reached into his coat pockets and pulled out two roses. He gave them to both the woman and cat as he said his goodbyes and walked back to the hall. "I swear that old woman is too kind. Her and that little kitty." With his oranges in hand, he walked back to the hall.
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Zephyr nodded at Conrad's response as he watched his friend walk away. While he had noticed Gavin sitting next to him, Zephyr didn't do much beside offer him a quick wave to show that he had acknowledge him before turning away and looking down at the bracelet he wore on his left wrist. According to his sister it was a gift to him from his father who had worn something similar like this. Said similarities lied within the winged sword emblem that also hide his guild mark. Zephyr knew nothing about it or what it was supposed to mean. Asking about it had only given him the answer that it had been in his family for years. Considering how little he truly knew about his ancestors and all that, not at all a helpful answer.

    At the very least it made a nice good luck charm for him and luck was something that Zephyr desperately needed at times.
    If only you'd stuck around to tell me about this yourself dad.
  12. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    Gavin as he was writing and glanced up every so often. Conrad left shortly after he got there. He wondered what that was about, but just kept on working on putting down notes. Soon Lakoda was going on about Sign language and how hard it could be. He had somehow been able to pick up some of the basics but by no means was as good as Conrad. Shortly after Lakoda said, 'If you need someone to go on a quest with you, let me know if I can help. I'm pretty easy going. You can either find me in my room, or back here in a bit.' He would keep that in mind as he worked on the paper ans continued to write anything he could think of down. Soon Shawn left leaving him with Zephyr.

    He had to ask someone to go with him on a mission and seeing as Zephyr was there he thought why not. Zephyr did seem like he was deep in thought. "Are you aright?" After some time, he looked down at the paper, and then he looked back up, from the list on the paper he had. He then pushed another paper over for Zephyr to see, with the details for the job, A Price Unpaid he had copied down. "What do you think of this mission? I am thinking about going on this mission and maybe you would like to come with me?", he asked. He did not see the harm of asking Zephyr as he was sitting there. If he said no he had another person in mind. While he waited for Zephyr to answer he looked down at the notes he had made on the paper that was still in front of him. He was reading over the notes simply to see if he missed anything.
  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    The conversation with Yukyo was short lived. More of a greeting before he was taking off to do his own thing once more. Thea was left sitting on the window sill staring outside for a moment as Yukyo went back in. She supposed that she herself needed to take a look at the job board as well and see what she could do that. With a bit of a sigh, Thea stood up and turned back inside to everyone talking, just in time to see Yukyo jump on Sam and Everette's heads. She giggled a little bit at that, of course he couldn't miss his chance to do something like that.

    Walking through the hall she made her way back to the board and glanced at it. The one with the most jewels caught her attention and she ripped it down to get a closer look at it. A Price Unpaid.. but she needed at least two other people to go with her. Thea thought about who to ask, before shrugging.
    "Hey everyone! Who wants to go on this mission with me?" She called out as loud as she could as she waved the paper in the air waiting to see who would come rushing to her aid... or rather, who wouldn't. She was the adorable child of the guild she was sure lots of people would love to come with her.

    Him, Conrad, and Sam, it was sure to make a good team for this mission. However before he said much more Yukyo jumped on his head and Everette scowled. "Hey!" But before he could say much more the man was gone. Turning back to his team "Whatever is going on it must be more than a normal virus, meaning it likely won't spread like a normal one either. We will just be careful, and if either of you start feeling sick, we won't continue, I won't let you risk your lives." Everette scolded a bit, especially to Sam. Samuel had been his best friend since he arrived at the guild, he didn't want to lose him.

    Thea then started to yell out and Everette tensed. He was worried about how she was going around picking out a team and kept an eye in her direction. If some good members of the guild didn't join her soon, he might just have to leave Sam and Conrads group to make sure Thea was okay. After all she was a point of concern for the guild so he wanted to make sure that she was safe.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2018
  14. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    It was nice what Shawn said to her before she left the room. She hadn't really connected with anyone besides Conrad, and there was an exception for Everette as well. Conrad, because he was willing to learn sign language and talk with her that way. Everette, because he was one of the first to be her friends here in the guild when she had healed after the night of her horrible ordeal that made her mute in the first place. She smiled as she walked to her room and grabbed her sketchbook off her nightstand before venturing back downstairs, going over to where Shawn was. "Is anyone else going to go on this Cake Delivery job with us?" She asked as she held her sketchbook close to her.

    Samuel was surprised with Conrad's bravery, yet it made him smile to himself. He was about to eat the last bit of his bagel when he felt some paws hop on him. He cried out and then covered his plate protectively, growling at the cat-man as he ventured away from him. "Miiiiine..." Soon he was gone, and Samuel sighed out in relief as he completed his meal for the day. He then glanced at Everette and pushed his glasses up his nose. "If anyone of us starts to feel sick, then I'll help in any way I can before we pull the plug and call it quits... Let's agree that if we get past the first stage of the illness and it doesn't get better, we'll get out. Seems like it comes in four stages... If we start throwing up and have chills, or the rash begins to spread, we get out. It seems like the fever is the part that nearly kills, or does kill them." He heard little Thea calling out and smiled as he kept a careful eye on her. "Ah... gotta admire that enthusiasm sometimes. Hey Thea!" he called to the little girl, "did you eat any breakfast?" He nodded towards the breakfast area, knowing that the little girl could be forgetful sometimes. "Eat some toast... Anyways, we're going to have to bring our own things; food, water, tents, so forth. If a village is in crisis, the last thing they could do is provide us with what we need. When should we set out?"
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    "Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah I'm fine." Zephyr said. Despite knowing that Gavin had take a seat next to him, he wasn't expecting anyone to directly address him. So he was a bit surprised, but was able to compose himself when the piece of paper was passed over to him. He looked over the paper and quickly noticed that what was written on being the same as the mission he had his eyes on. Convenient for him as he knew Midarah wouldn't be too fond of him trying to take the mission on by himself. "Sure, I don't mind tagging along."

    The loud yellings of a little girl was as easily heard as it was spotting Thea waving some paper in the air. It had to have been a job that she wanted wanted to do.
    "I'll be right back." He told Gavin, then getting up and striding over towards Thea. "Mind if I tag along." Zephyr said to the little girl.
  16. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    As they were talking about the details of their mission, Yukyo hopped over the heads of the two people sitting on the opposite side of the table from him. Conrad couldn't surpress his smile at the sight of the cat hopping over their heads and telling them they shouldn't miss him too much. Conrad felt kind of lucky that he was left out of the teasing. They quickly got back to the mission at hand, Everette told them that as soon as either of them got sick they would turn back. He understood the sentiment as an S-class he would be held accountable if it would go wrong. "Understood." Conrad said, then looking over to Thea as she called the attention to herself by requesting help with a mission. While he didn't mind helping her he wasn't going to switch teams to help her out this time, there were enough people left to do it. "Yeah she has quite the spirit, doesn't she?" Conrad said in response to Samuel's remark about her enthousiasm.

    Turning his attention back to the matter at hand Samuel explained that they should bring their own resources as they might be hard to come by in the afflicted village, he also gave some insight into how the sickness might develop. Conrad really didn't want to think of what would happen should he catch the disease or any of his team mates for that matter. He put himself at ease reminding himself that Samuel was there to help them should they get sick and well it had only killed children and elderly people, not people in the prime of their lives. When Samuel asked them when they ought to set off. "
    Well first we ought to get clearance from Midarah to go, I myself need to grab some things from my room, we could get the supplies on our way out of town, so really we could get going in fifteen to thirty minutes if it's on me." Conrad said, he'd need to get his rapier, he never left without it, it had been a gift from his father when he turned eighteen and Conrad cherished it as one of the few mementos he had of his family, he didn't feel comfortable to be on a mission without it. While he could go and visit them still, unlike some of his guild mates, he missed them at times. He'd be sure to visit them again soon.
  17. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    Gavin just sat there for a moment when Zephyr said he was fine. Zephyr then said that he would not mind going along. That was when Thea did some aloud yellings 'Hey everyone! Who wants to go on this mission with me?' He just smiled hoping that it was the Cake Delivery. Now that he had one person all he need was a second. He knew just who to ask. Lakoda, with her Sound Magic would probably be the best person to come along considering that the mission its self, had to do with an enchanted flute that made sound. Before he could go ask Lakoda Zephyr ran off towards Thea. Was Zephyr going to take Thea with them? He let out a sigh and with no option but to follow Zephyr he went after him,picking up his notes before he left.

    He made his way over to Zephyr just as he said, 'Mind if I tag along.' He noticed that Thea had the job for A Price Unpaid. Why could it not be the cake delivery? What was Zephyr thinking? He wonderd if Zephyr was sure about this. It just screamed bad idea. He thought it might be best to clarify what he was thinking. "You want to take Thea on a mission where Children have gone missing?" he said, voicing his concern. It just did not seem like a good idea. "It is just that if Thea does go missing it will be on us. I just rather not lose a guild mate", he said with his voice full of concern. He was just concerned about Thea's safety.
  18. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 3.png

    He watched as Yukyo walked up to the mission board and latter said "Cake Delivery huh? Sounds interesting." He saw him turned into a cat and jump on Everette and Sam head. "wait" he started to say but it was to late Yukyo was gone so he couldn't say anything about the cake delivery mission. He then herd Thea say "Hey everyone! Who wants to go on this mission with me?" Seeing her waving around a paper. He then herd Gaven say "You want to take Thea on a mission where Children have gone missing?" oh no, he thought, not the flute mission. He then noticed Lakoda had come back asking "Is anyone else going to go on this Cake Delivery job with us?" While she was holding a sketchbook. "Yukyo said something about cake delivery but he disappeared, what do you think of that" he said nodding his head over to Thea. "Apparently she wants to go on the flute mission with the missing children, also what is with the sketchbook.?" he asked out of curiosity. "Thanks for coming with me".
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2018
  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    As Thea waved the paper around, first no one came, but Samuel did tell her that she had to eat. She had kind of forgotten about that, though as it was mentioned her stomach growled, right on cue. "Okay Samuel! I will! Just after I get a team to come with me on this mission. I promise!" She shouted back at the older boy who often seemed to look after her when he could. Thea did appreciate his concern for her even though at times it could feel a bit much. Soon after Zephyr then came up, actually acknowledging her request for a team. Thea beamed as he asked if he could tag along. "Of course! I would love to have you along Zephyr!" Thea exclaimed. There really wasn't many people in the guild that she wouldn't want coming with her.

    Gavin approached soon after Zephyr offered to tag along, asking if Zephyr was bringing her along.
    "Bringing me along? You would be tagging along. See I got the quest, I am making the team. Not that I mind though. I would love to have you join us." Thea declared completely oblivious to the fact that they could have been talking about the mission without taking the slip with them, and she wasn't necessarily the first to look at it. Gavin proceeded to express concern for her going and Thea didn't look too impressed. "I can take care of myself. I am not a child. Besides I have been practicing, watch!" Thea summoned a ribbon of fire to her hand and started weaving the red flames between her finger tips, before sending it up into a small firework like explosion. "See I have been getting better!" She pointed out before her stomach growled again.

    "Lets head out soon... but first Samuel said I had to eat. I will be right back!" The ran off and grabbed herself an apple and a muffin from the breakfast table, running back to the two boys as she ate the muffin as fast as she could, getting crumbs everywhere. She wanted to leave soon, so she had to eat fast.

    "Fine, agreed." Everette crossed his arms. He knew what Samuel was saying was logical. They couldn't run away too fast, that would just be stupid and not helpful to anyone, but he was still concerned with the safety of his guild mates. Thea started to call out for partners for her mission and Everette smiled. She never did change. Always the same enthusiasm and she never liked to go choose her own team mates, she always let them come to her. It was something he didn't see often and he loved it, just brought some life into the guild.... not that this place wasn't lively enough as it was. Everette laughed as Samuel lectured her about breakfast. "Look who is talking, if I remember correctly, I had to drag you out here to get a proper breakfast."

    The topic quickly changed back to their mission on hand and a suggestion of bringing their own supplies.
    "That isn't a bad idea. There is a good chance that it isn't someone strong out to harm them, or else they wouldn't resort to making people sick, meaning we are probably no better indoors than out in our own tent. May as well make ourselves low impact while we are there." Everette agreed. As time to go was drawing near Conrad mentioned going to collect stuff and clear the mission. "I will let you and Sam handle basic supplies. I clear us to go on the mission but I will go tell Midarah where we are since I won't be around the guild hall today. We head out in fifteen." Everette instructed as he turned and made his way over to Midarah to inform her of the plan.
  20. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    "She can handle herself." Zephyr said as Thea maneuvered her flames through her finger. "Besides that' why we're going with her, to make sure nothing happens." Gavin's concerns were understandable and it wasn't like he wanted to throw her into harms way despite how nonchalant he may have sounded, but they couldn't baby her. Thea was still a member of their guild. If it were to come down it, they would simply back her up. Zephyr watched the crumbs fall to the ground after Thea scarfed down the muffin. "I take it you're ready now then?"