Anime/Manga: Divine❃Rose

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Maka Albarn, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Zephyr saw no reason to respond to Yukyo once the small group of cats had appeared and rubbed up against him. He did smirk though at the evidence that had conveniently shown itself. He was however surprised by Yukyo's sudden outburst of fish and how casually Thea said she wanted to ride on a yacht. Sometimes he forgot that she was rich. "I appreciate the concern, but I'm fine." He assured Gavin, then glance over to the pet sitting mission. It sounded easy enough and an easy mission would be appreciated right now. "If that's the case, we can take that mission off your hands." He offered.

    As there was nothing urgent that needed her attention, Maira had just been lingering around up until Lakoda had run into her. Even though the charm had done the job of greeting her, she still attempted to figure out Lakoda signing it to her. She never picked it up despite her many attempts at trying to do so. Alas, the attempts ended with little success. "Hmm, she should be in her office last I checked. What mission did you choose?"
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2018
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    There was a tug on Shawn's jacket. When he turned around, there would be... Thea? There was two of them?!


    "I'll still go on the pet-sitting mission with you!" she exclaimed and then clutched on his clothes while blinking up at him with big, innocent eyes. "Pwetty pweaaaaase?" She then looked at Gavin and Zephyr with a big smile. "You can come too!" Other Thea looked over to the Thea talking to Yukyo and waved a little. She then smirked and closed her eyes, smoke going around her before she grew a couple of feet and stood a little taller than Shawn. There was a hint of a smell of roses and violets, making the woman seem rather alluring for some reason.

    "Ah, that was fun," the tall blonde said with a mischievous smile. "But seriously," she rested her arm on Shawn's shoulder, leaning comfortably close to him. "I'm bored. I wouldn't mind tagging along and get out of the Guild Hall for a while..."


    Lakoda hestitated for a moment, debating whether or not to tell Maria what was going on. After some thought, Lakoda didn't see a reason not to trust her. Maria, like Everette, had been with her in the beginning. Although the girl never learned how to sign, she enjoyed reading Lakoda's notes she wrote to her and the conversations they would have through that. Maria was patient to sit for hours on end to have a slow chat with her to make sure she didn't feel alone. "This might be the monster that took my voice," her charm said for her as she handed the job to Maria to look over. "The very reason why I kept having horrible nightmares all those years while in the guild and why I can't talk or make a sound. Conrad and Everette want to go with me." It was a known fact for guild members that had been here the longest that Conrad had been on monster hunting missions ever since his arrival in the guild. Sometimes it was to follow on a hunch of a possible description of the hag, other times it was to help others out. "We're going to check it out. This is the closest any job came to describing the hag."
  3. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    Zephyr had said he was fine but he could not help but feel something was off. "It just that you did not train this morning and I was concerned." If Zephyr did not want to talk there was not much he could do about it. "Well if you want to train or do something or simply talk I am here for that." Shawn had offered to go on the pet sitting mission with Thea and shorty after Zephyr said he was going to go. Shorty after that Nagata flirted with Shawn and wanted to go too. With so many people wanted to go on pet sitting he was not sure what to do. He walked away slightly watching whatever was going to happen unfold.
  4. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    With Everette on board they had a solid team to do this especially since Everette understood what he was getting at. His extra experience and the skills of a well-trained and experienced mage would be very helpful on a mission like this. The man didn't even hesitate when answering and Conrad appreciated that, the willingness to help her was nice to see but Conrad hadn't doubted for a moment that Everette would help them out given the fact he had gone out of his way to find a working charm for her. Lakoda hadn't doubted for a minute that he himself would come along to do this with her. And Lakoda hugged Everette first and then hugged him, Conrad wrapped his arms around her to hug. "It's nothing." Conrad said as he hugged her. When she left he was left with Everette. "Thanks for helping us Everette, you hit the nail on the head by saying your experience will do well on this mission, I figured extra man power couldn't hurt not on a mission this important." Conrad said kindly. "I think between the three of us we ought to be able to pull this off. Just like our last one."
  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Wrapping his arms around her, Everette embraced Lakoda in a big hug as she thanked him and hugged Conrad too. "No need to thank me, I am always happy to help." Just as they had always been happy to help when he found himself confused and forgetful after stressful day. "I look forward to working with you again." He said as he placed a hand on Conrads shoulder for a moment before moving past. "I hadn't planned on going out today, so let me gather my things, I will meet back in just a moment." Everette said, eyeing the breakfast table at the same time. If he went out on a mission without eating, surely Sam would murder him for it when he inevitably found out thanks to whatever spies he must have had reporting to him.

    Grabbing a danish from the table, Everette then retreated to his room to gather his thins that he might need, all the while stuffing his face with the danish, and glancing over a book of new combat maneuvers. He knew it would be easier to just watch someone else do them, but since becoming S-class he found asking people to train him a little harder when he usually was supposed to be someone people looked up to. Still he did his best with what he had. Slinging a small pack over his shoulder Everette then rushed out to meet Lakoda and Conrad, ready to head off whenever Lakoda was.
  6. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 4.png
    Nagata had transformed back into her self, asking them if she can join them, while she was being her usually self. He moved slightly away so her arm was no longer leaning on him. Nagata always seemed to be like this so it was to no big deal with her acting this way. Everyone sure was used to her well strangeness by now. It could be useful to have an illusionist to have on this mission if hydra claw showed up again. "Sure why not", what do you guys think?" he asked Gavin and Zephyr.
  7. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    The sudden appearance of another Thea, rather Nagata, was surprising for a bit until the reveal itself had been made. He had forgotten that Nagata could actually do that with her magic. Zephyr didn't have much to add beyond a simple shrug to Shawn's question.
    "If she wants to, she can." And she did state that she wanted to come along with them. Keeping that in mind, Zephyr noted who actually would be tagging along. Nagata, Shawn, Gavin and myself, that makes four. That was an interesting composition for a group. He nodded in affirmation and said, "That leaves letting Midarah know about this."

    Maira had taken the job and almost instantly the laidback smile on her face faded. Between the key points on the mission and what Lakoda had told her, it was easy to see what she was referring to. In fact, it wasn't surprising to hear that both Conrad and Everette were going along with her. The two of them had been with her for just as long as she had, possibly even longer. Maira then proceeded to smile, then placed a hand on her shoulder. "Count me in, let's get your voice back."
  8. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    With Zephyr more or less to himself right now he figured that it was time to go find Midarah and let her know the mission they were heading out on. Nagata, Shawn, and Zephyr were going on a mission. it seemed like this was going to be a interesting mission. "We should go then." The then begain to walk with the group towards where Midarah typically was at.
  9. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Yukyo kept thinking about the fish he would encounter on this job. His train of thought had been interrupted when Thea had spoke. "Huh?" "Hmmm. Is the boat going to be big? Like Daddies Yacht? That might be nice? It might be relaxing too." He was a little lost but tried to keep up his smile. So she's a rich girl....greaattttt...Thea had asked Yukyo something a bit odd but he wasn't too surprised. "Hmmm. Can you turn into something fuzzy that I can ride there? Like a bear? That would be really cool!" He sighed as he rubbed his temples for a moment. "Ummm I rather not....I literally spent my wagon ride back as a cat.....Wait....I probably should've kept quiet about that......welp." He scratched his head before Thea called out to him again, only this time she was near Shawn. "Huh?.......Wait a second....Why are there two Theas??" Before Yukyo could say anything else the scent of roses and violets wafted through the air. A woman had rested her arm on Shawn's shoulder. His expression was blank as he put his hat back on as he approached the woman. "I do beg your pardon, milady. I believe we never met. My name is Yukyo. Yukyo Alvaric. What might yours be beautiful lady?"
  10. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Well that was no fun and now Yukyo was walking away from her, heading for Nagata after she turned out of her form that looked like Thea. Letting out a sigh Thea marched over. "Nagata stop distracting him. Come on Yukyo we have to talk to Master Midarah and get approval to go on this mission. I don't want to wait around any longer." Thea nagged as she grabbed Yukyo's hand and tried to drag him away despite her much smaller form. She was getting impatient and didn't want to wait for the only person going on this mission with her to flirt with the girl who was way out of his league.
  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "My, such a brave and handsome fellow," Nagata cooed to Yukyo. "My name is Nagata... It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance... I'm sure it's a name you'll want to forget, eventually." She then looked to the boys and stretched her arms above her head, causing her midriff to show a bit before she lowered her arms and rolled her shoulders. "To Master Midarah we go? I'll follow you," she said as she walked off with them.

    ~~Smallish Timeskip~~


    Master Midarah approved the mission and sent them on their way. It didn't take long for the group to get to the farm. The farmer, Mr. Marroc, greeted them all with a smile and a warm handshake with dirty hands (which Negata politely refused to touch). He then lead them to the back to meet the pet they were to be sitting. There, standing before the group, was a rainbow, buffed out, six feet tall, alpaca. It seemed to look at them with harsh judgement as it chewed its alpha.


    "This here is Fluffkins," the farmer introduced. "She's a one of a kind Horned Rainbow Mastiff Alpaca. She needs her wool groomed everyday with a special perfume to help her smell good," Mr. Marroc walked over to a large cabinent next to the pen, opening it to reveal sheers, a large rose colored perfume bottle with a hand pump, brushes and combs, and a huge nail file, and tools to clean out the hoofs. "Her hooves have to be cleaned and shined everyday, fed these here treats," he pointed to a bag next to the cabinet that had rainbow star-shaped pellets in them, "played with (mostly chase and playing with that large ball there), massaged, and have gourmet food handmade every day with various herbs and hay," he finished, pointing to a huge pile of fresh hay and a few barrels mixed with various good smelling herbs. "Her wool has magical properties that can change color to what the wearer wants, deflect most harmful magic, and keep the wearer dry, cool, or warm depending on the weather. Only way it can be at its prime is putting all of the extra effort to take care of her to make sure she stays happy." He patted his special pet on the nose, which made the alpaca close her eyes and nuzzle into the farmer. "I'll be sure to leave written instructions here. I should be back in three days... This is the first time I'm leavin' this girl behind. Y-you sure you can handle all of this? She can be mighty stubborn, but once she warms up she's sweet as apple pie."


    Lakoda gave Maria a sudden hug. She knew people would be her support when the time came, but she was still grateful to their help. She let go after a moment and smiled broadly. "I will go tell Master Midarah that we're taking this job. We're planning to leave soon. Meet us in an hour."

    ------------Time Skip to a Little Later that Day-----------


    Conrad, Everett, Maria and Lakoda journeyed about four to five hours, most of it by carriage ride and one point a ferry. After the ferry, they walked on foot to New Cresthill where the job was posted. The group walked through what it seemed like a tunnel of trees with thick brush on either side of them. Some wild black berry bushes grew here and there on the side of the road, which Lakoda would probably take a bite of any other day. Her stomach was churning, eyes darting back and forth between the walls of trees. Perhaps it was the mission in mind that was making her feel so antsy all of the sudden, the memories long ago trying to reach the forefront of her mind.

    Soon the group passed over a babbling brook, and came on the village of New Cresthill. It was a gorgeous setup with rows of cottages, stone and wooden fences, and greenery all around. The smell of freshly baked bread wafted in the air along with the smell of grass, running water, and farm animals. A girl with a gaggle of geese walked past the group, using a river reed to keep them in line as she walked to a pond nearby, a donkey pulled cart carried barrels of apples and sacks of berries. The village was bustling with life, so much so it almost looked like nothing was wrong.

    Lakoda stayed close to her comrades, looking at the people that gave them curious looks but still greeted them with a wave or a nod. They wandered in what it seemed like the village center with a well and various shops set up. Some in wagons, others in actual buildings. Sellers were calling out their wares to anyone who past by, trying to get anyone's attention.
    "Perhaps we should ask around for Levimu Drove," Lakoda's charm piped up. "Since the job came from them..."
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2018
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    The town was quaint and lively, a nice break from the last he had gone to. Everyone seemed friendly and there was no clear sign of problem so far, which only mean that things wouldn't be as cut and dry as he would hope, not that things ever were with this guild. "Well asking around can't be too hard." Everette pulled out a few jewels from his pocket and spun them in his hand before walking over to one of the many market stalls, this one seeming to be selling candy. "Excuse me, may I have a bag of toffee bon bons, and one of salt water taffy?" Everette handed over the money and while the shop keep got him what he had asked for he continued with casual conversation. "While I am here, my friends and I were asked to come here and take a job, but we don't know where to find the guy who has the job for us. You wouldn't happen to know where we can find a Mr. Levimu Drove, would you?"
  13. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    Master Midarah approved the mission and sent them on their way. It didn't take long for the group to get to the farm. The farmer, Mr. Marroc, greeted them when they got to Marroc's farm. He then followed Mr. Marroc to the back to meet the pet they were to be sitting. There, standing before the group, was a rainbow, buffed out, six feet tall, alpaca. It was not every day that one could see a rainbow colored alpaca. Mr. Marroc then said, 'she's a one of a kind Horned Rainbow Mastiff Alpaca. She needs her wool groomed everyday with a special perfume to help her smell good.' He wonder why an alpaca needed to smell good but decided not to say anything. 'Her wool has magical properties that can change color to what the wearer wants, deflect most harmful magic, and keep the wearer dry, cool, or warm depending on the weather,' the farmer continued. Well that was good to know that the wool was magical. 'Y-you sure you can handle all of this? She can be mighty stubborn, but once she warms up she's sweet as apple pie.' "I have a bird as a pet that seems to have some sort of magical thing going on." He could not be sure what it was he just always felt better with Storm around. "Has anyone ever tried and alpaca nap Fluffkins? Or tried to take Fluffkins' wool? It has to be worth something and I am sure someone wants to get there hands on the wool." He looked around the farm for anything that could be used to keep Fluffkins safe if the need arrived. If worse came to worse they could always magic up the place. Then something else came to mind that would be helpful to know. "Is Fluffkins afraid of anything? Sights, sounds, smells anything that you can thing of." He knew that having this information would be helpful.
  14. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Yukyo was radiating with his usual charms as the woman cooed at him. "I try my best sometimes. Other's usually pure instinct." He smiled at the woman before she introduced herself. "My name is Nagata... It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance... I'm sure it's a name you'll want to forget, eventually." He picked up her hand before shaking it gently. "With a beautiful name like that.....I rather not forget." Yukyo's tail swished baack and forth slowly as Yukyo spoke again. "If you're not busy later, why don't you and I ha- HEYY!!" All of a sudden, he felt some tugging him back away from Nagata. "Nagata stop distracting him. Come on Yukyo we have to talk to Master Midarah and get approval to go on this mission. I don't want to wait around any longer." "HEY!! Hold on!!! I was in the middle of a conversation!!" He tried to pry his hand away from Thea but she would not let go. "Damn kid has a good grip." He whispered to himself. He looked back at Nagata before yelling out. "Hope I..uh.. see you around!!" Yukyo followed the child as he sighed in disappointment. "Ever heard the saying 'Patience is a virtue'? Look it up." He dropped his head as Thea continued to pull him.
  15. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Likewise." Conrad said as Everette placed a hands on his shoulder, the mention of packing things reminded Conrad that he too hadn't exactly planned to go out today and Lakoda had caught him a little by surprise. He left for his own room and gather his things as Lakoda had gone to Midarah to get the mission approved. With an ease of familiarity he gathered the things he might need in the field and quickly grabbed something to eat, he'd eat along the way as they travelled it was easier that way and they could get going sooner. He waited for the others to arrive and they all headed for the village that had sent out the request for help. Conrad ate during the carriage ride and when they walked Conrad stayed beside Lakoda, in a way to remind her that she didn't have to do this on her own.

    Arriving in the village made Conrad smile a little bit, it looked significantly better than the last village he had been in for a mission, it even looked rather pleasant were it not for the threat of the Hag being out here somewhere. The fresh apples looked delicious and the smell of fresh bread made Conrad feel a little warm and fuzzy inside causing him to smile. He listened to the name mentioned by Lakoda and as Everette headed for one of the shopkeeps Conrad figured asking one of the people browsing the Market Stalls. He approached a lady, Conrad would hazard a guess that she were a farmers wife but he could be wrong, but at the bery least if she were a local it didn't matter that he was. "
    Excuse me, Madam would you be so kind to help a stranger out? I am a mage and my friends and I were here about a job and we are looking for Levimu Drove, would you perhaps know where we may find this fine gentleman, so that we might help your lovely village?" Conrad asked, showing the Guild Mark on his hand when mentioning the Guild, as he spoke he tried to remind himself that this village was dealing with the monstrosity that had destroyed Lakoda's life, and that at first glance it looked nice there was a monster nearby with all the consequences.
  16. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 4.png
    They finally arrived with Gavin asking all the questions, one of witch was if someone could or would use Flukkins as a pillow. " Where do you want her at night or us?" He was secretly hoping they wouldn't have to stay up for three days or sleep outside, although that last point didn't really matter as he could make a big cover like building with his magic or at the very lest they could hand make something out of some random tree or something. With what happened on his last mission it helped to expected the unexpected, he wouldn't be surprised if the dark guild showed up out of nowhere for the alpaca. Or if the alpaca was a mage or something it probably had wool magic if he had to guess.
  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    From the moment they had arrived at the farm, Zephyr had his attention focused on the Alpaca. Yes, seeing a rainbow alpaca or just an alpaca, in general, would've been both odd and new for him to see in the first place. Didn't change his odd track record with animals. Dogs outright hated him, cats seemed to like him and most other normal animals treated him the same as any other person. Normally an alpaca would be in the same category, but a rainbow alpaca might be different. That was why Zephyr had been keeping a close eye on it.

    The alpaca, on the other hand, had been glaring at everyone the moment they had arrived. Who were these plebians to gawk at her amazing fur, especially this blonde hair boy. Getting all close to her and just staring at him. Why she had half a mind to just up and kick up. She would have something for that later. Now she just kept on watching the party as they talked to the farmer.

    Maira was quick to take in a breath of the fresh village air. The atmosphere here seemed different and was something he enjoyed. If only they had actually been here for fun and games, she might've taken the time to enjoy all this a bit longer. They were on a job and information gathering was the first thing to do, so Maira had strolled over to another market stall which, unless the candy selling one that Everette had walked to, was selling trinkets and such. "Oh, that one looks nice, how much is it?" Her eye had caught sight of a necklace that was adorned with a singular jewel in its center.
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Pet Sitting

    "Well she ain't a fan of spiders. But who is? And she don't like cabbage. I guess it's the smell," he said as he scratched his cheek. "And no one has tried to bother ol' Fluffkins. That's why I trust to leave her with mages. Wish I could take her along, but I wouldn't be able to pay much attention to her like she likes while I'm selling the crops at market. And you guys can sleep here outside, or in my cottage. There's a guest bedroom in there. And a comfy couch you can make into a bed."

    Lost Voices

    "Heh? Mr. Levimu Drove? Oh, you young whippersnappers are here for that one job, eh?" The old man kept the pipe in his mouth while he made up the bags of candy for Everette. "Terrible it is... We just had another attack yesterday. Poor family... Lost one of them boys. One of them miraculously survived. Mr. Drove should be with him now at his family's place. Just up the road here at the inn. Family don't feel safe out on the farm anymore..." The old man shook his head and clicked his tongue. "Poor souls." He then looked to Maria, since he was also selling jewelry along with candy and smiled. "That one there will cost ya 10,000 Jewels. The jewels come from Starfall Mine. Apparently a beast was guarding the jewels. Why, they twinkle like stars don't they? And that'll be 1,000 jewels for the candy young man. 500 jewels each bag."

    The woman that Conrad approached did happen to be the Farmer's wife. She looked tired, maybe a bit ragged. "You don't need to flatter me, son," she said as she turned to him with a basket of food on her hips. "Funny you asked me. He's with my boy right now just up the road. We were attacked last night by the beast that seems to be prowling in the woods. I can take you to him if you need to speak with him," she said with a sigh.



    Master Midarah approved the mission for Yukyo and Thea to head out. She was a bit skeptic since it was just the two of them, and Thea had barely recovered from the last mission. Nonetheless, she let them go, knowing that Yukyo would keep an eye on Thea. When the two arrived at the docks, it was almost noon and there were many impressive ships to behold. They were to keep an eye out for Paul Tater, the master baiter. He was the one that gave them the job and that was who they needed to look for.

    Last edited: Nov 11, 2018
  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    After taking the candy and handing over the jewels Everette gave a quick look to Maira almost like to tell her to hurry up a bit before turning back towards where Lakoda waited for them. He tossed her the bag of salt water taffy, taking a bon bon for himself as he looked up the road, getting a general feel for where they had to go. "So the gentleman over there said we should be able to find our man in the in up the way there. Apparently there was an attack just last night and a family lost a kid. It doesn't sound good the way things have been going here so we better get this figured out quick." After just coming back from a mission where he watched a little girl almost die, he had enough with things hurting children It was unfair and they needed to stop it however they could. He had seen enough children hurt he didn't want to see more if he could help it, but he knew that it was unavoidable. "When Conrad and Maira finish, we should head up to the inn, I am sure that they will be glad to see us."

    The docks were busy and most of the ships were nothing like the yacht that she had remembered her father owning. Thea had no clue what the man giving out the quest was supposed to look like, but not with the patience to walk around asking everyone nicely, she just started walking down the dock calling out, "Paul Taters? Hello? We are here from Divine Rose! Where are you?" It might not have been the most polite way to get peoples attention, but Thea was certain it would be effective. Someone would at least hear here and point her in the right direction.
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    After a bit of Thea's yelling, a deep baritone voice boomed out, "I'm right here!" there was a pause when they both looked around in different directions to look for the source of the voice and he shouted, "No not that way. Right here. No! To the left! Gah! Behind you! KID, LOOK DOWN!"

    When they finally turned to look at them, they looked very agitated.


    "Poseidon's shoes, are your perception skills normally this bad?"

    Paul began to look at the two curiously and skeptically and rubbed his chin, "A shame... they could only afford t' send twoya? Mmm, hopefully it's quality for lack of quantity." he began to walk past the two and said, "C'mon. We gotta get goin' else we'll miss the best o'the catches. Hope ya got yer boatin gloves and didn't eat a heavy meal. I've got potatoes at the boat if ya didn't eat yet." they kept walking without a care or even checking to see if they followed. He had a large fishing rod he was holding and walking with, carrying it with no sweat despite the size being a problem.