Anime/Manga: Divine❃Rose

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Maka Albarn, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Alright then." Master Midarah knew better than anyone else that her guild mates were not being completely honest with her, but she couldn't expect them to sit back and wait patiently to be fully recovered. The Master had her own anxieties at well that couldn't be put to rest so easily. As much as she tried to give the Magic Council some credit for when they do intervene, she didn't trust them to give mercy at those who seemed to upset the balance of the magic folk and those who did not have any. Thea, and even two others, were lucky enough that they were not destroyed or imprisoned.

    The young woman stood up from Thea's bed while cradling Artemis carefully in her arms.
    "Meet me downstairs in about fifteen minutes. We will head off to Era as soon as possible..." Era was where the headquarters of the Magic Council was at, and about an hour and a half journey from the Divine Rose Guildhall in Elinpyre. She smiled a little at the two and rubbed Artemis' head. "You've become so much more stronger... I'll see you in a bit." With that, Master Midarah walked out of the Healing Room and headed to the place where they kept the carriages as the magic cars.

    On the way there, she ran into Gavin and smiled warmly.
    "Gavin, so nice to see you." She turned her head back to where she had come and then to the boy. "Your friends want to head to the Magic Council to try to appeal for the release of those who were taken into custody. They will meet me downstairs in about fifteen minutes. I'm sure they will want you to go with them. The more people that can stand up for them, the better... But you do not have to go if you don't want to. Please excuse me, I have to prepare our transportation." With that she nodded to him and then head off to continue her preparations.

    Delivery of Cakes- Shawn, Yukyo, Lakoda

    The maid chuckled and blushed slightly. "My, what charm you have. You may call me Vestele. Come, Lady Erin is waiting for us this way." And with that, the maid began to lead the group through the mansion.


    Lakoda nodded in agreement to Yukyo's statement and then looked left and right of the mansion. The last time she set foot in a fancy place was at Conrad's own house. It amazed her
    every time how people could live like this. She was used to traveling on the road all the time and having very little luxury such as this.
    The group was soon lead to a fancy looking living room all set up and decorated for a baby shower. There were women of all shapes and sizes in fancy clothing, some holding fans while others had large hats, giggling and talking amongst themselves as soft piano music played in the background. There were a pile of gifts stacked neatly in one corner of the room, and a lady in a red dress who was heavily pregnant, sitting in comfy chair by the gifts. Some ladies were speaking to her briefly, but other than that, she was focused on the room and the party. She held her head high, having a perfect poise yet her hand strayed to her enlarged stomach as she rubbed it gently.

    Vestele led the group right to the woman sitting in the chair, bowing lowly. "Lady Erin, these are the mages you have asked for."

    Lady Erin smiled and nodded her head to the group. "Welcome to my home. Please forgive me for not standing up to greet you. I'm really supposed to be on bed rest right now, but I couldn't take another day being cooped up." She nervously chuckled while placing a hand on her stomach. "I wanted to thank you for bringing the wonderful treats. I hope it wasn't too much trouble. Madam Madeleine is a dear friend of mine and it means so much to me someone would help her deliver her goods to me. Even if they seem like they're just baked goods you can get any other day..."

    Lakoda smiled politely and then remembered something. She turned to the boys, her charm sounding off while lighting up. "Yukyo, Shawn... we were supposed to give her a message when we delivered the cakes."

    The woman of the house lifted an eyebrow. "Oh? What message?"

    Village in Peril- Conrad, Everette, Samuel

    The chief had answered the door when Everette knocked. He was already looking better himself with the rash gradually disappearing. Though the antidote wouldn't help with the dark circles under his eyes. "Of course... I cannot thank you enough for helping us. This village will forever be in your debt... Your friend Conrad is already here. He's in with Renza right now," the chief gestured to the curtains where soft voices were filtering through.


    "I feel better already," Renza answered Conrad honestly as she smiled at him. She then shuddered as the after taste got a hold of her taste buds. "The taste was bad, but I'm better." She grinned from ear to ear and then sat up a little more in bed when she heard Everette's voice. "You all came to see me?" she asked Conrad with big, shining eyes. She hadn't felt this special in a long time and felt she had gotten close to the boys in the short time they spent together.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Thea didn't know if Midarah believed her or just was following along, but Thea was happy anyways to be able to go along with things right away. "Okay Master Midarah, I will be right down." First she would need to change. Her dress was essentially ruined in the fight and being submerged in the water. Perhaps it could be cleaned and fixed, but Thea wanted to make sure that she was presentable to go visit the magic council. Even if she believed them her friends, Thea knew that she had to be on her best behavior and if she looked like a drowned rat, that wasn't going to help.

    Getting out of bed, Thea dragged herself to her room, still a little sluggishly. She was not feeling great still, but she was doing better and there was no risk of another breakdown, so given that she felt okay to travel. Sitting down at her ottoman in her room, Thea picked up her hair brush and spent the majority of the fifteen minutes brushing out her hair, only spending the last couple minutes slipping on a purple dress and running downstairs to meet Midarah.
    "Alright I am here, lets go!"
    "We aren't in your debt, we are happy to help, just rest up and feel better and call it even." Everette told the Chief putting a hand on his shoulder. "You look awful, you need to get some sleep." Never mind the fact that he wasn't looking too much better. Everette then moved past him towards where he motioned that Renza was. "Of course we came to see you. We wouldn't miss saying goodbye to the most brave child in the entire town, maybe even in this entire country." He encouraged her. It would be a tough call comparing her to Thea, but Renza was amazing and he figured she could use the boost. "It seems that you are doing better. I am glad to see that." Everette then used a small amount of magic to make a mirror, taking the magic that was lingering to push it to make the mirror more than just a trick that would break but permanent. It was a fine design and made of silver and sat nicely on the table. "That is for you. Every time you look into it you can see a strong brave survivor smiling back, and maybe think of us every once and a while." Everette said softly setting it beside her.
  3. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    Storm watched Master Midarah leave the med bay. He looked at Thea and Zephyr and flew out of the room. On his way to the med bay he ran into Master Midarah. She then said, 'Your friends want to head to the Magic Council to try to appeal for the release of those who were taken into custody. They will meet me downstairs in about fifteen minutes. I'm sure they will want you to go with them.' He was sure as anything that release was not going to happen without a fight. He then watched Master Midarah go. On his way down to Master Midarah he ran into Storom and started talking to him. After the conversation was done he headed down to where Master Midarah was only to see Thea already there. He walked to the two. "You are alright." There was a sound of relief in his voice. Being knocked out for more then the past hour had worried him. He could not protect Thea and Zephyr and it worried him to no end what he could have done.
  4. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 3.png
    He was about to agree with meeting lady Erin as they had a message for her. They were hurried into the large building, he only see his masters house that seemed to be as large as this one. They ended up walking up to Lady Erin. "Yes, the message: look for the power with in, does that mean something to you?" He wounded if lady Erin knew about the artifact and maybe that had something to do with the power with in. "If you don't mind me asking where is your husband?" He kept thinking Madam Madeleine had a thought that Lady baby was magical also, so maybe that had something to do with the power with in instead.
  5. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Conrad smiled when Renza said she was feeling better, the antidote worked really well he had experienced it first-hand including it's not too great taste. It really was working and her condition improved even sitting up now as she heard the others coming into the house and talking to the Chief. She turned to him and asked whether they had come to see her specificly and Conrad smiled and nodded at her as Everette spoke up and explained it was indeed the case. "Yeah we did, Renza, you helped us a lot in our job and we wanted to say goodbye before we leave." Conrad said, he watched Everette make his mirror, his own magic didn't really allow for that sort of thing and he didn't really have anything to give her. He could however always write her or perhaps during down time visit her, maybe she could even come visit them some day and Conrad gave it some thought. It was about time to go home "You can always come visit us in Elinpyre... and if you want we can stay in touch, Renza."
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Zephyr nodded with Midarah's decision and walked off back to his room to spend some of the fifteen minutes before they left. The first thing that he did was to collapse right onto his bed, conscious still mind you, but just lying down in more comfort. He could still move his limbs which given what he did was a good thing. Cera's magic helped of course, though at worse his limbs could go numb for at the most a few hours. A huge inconvenience depending on if it occurred during a battle. He needed to get better at controlling his magic output or get stronger to a point where it wouldn't be an issue no longer. He wouldn't allow this to make him a burden onto anyone else.

    Zephyr laid on his bed for what was a least ten minutes, lost in his thoughts, before finally getting up. While there probably was some time before they were going to leave, he might as well go ahead and head down there before he's late. First Zephyr sat up, then stretched and finally ventured downstairs, spotting Gavin alongside the waiting Midarah and Thea. "I'm ready."
  7. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Yukyo flashed Vestele one of his charming smiles as the maid led them through the mansion. Once the maid led them to the living room, Yukyo was definitely surprised but he tried to maintain his composure. "This baby definitely will be set for life." He looked around the room until he spotted the expecting mother. He walked over to her along with the others. Lady Erin had welcomed the three into her home. "I wanted to thank you for bringing the wonderful treats. I hope it wasn't too much trouble. Madam Madeleine is a dear friend of mine and it means so much to me someone would help her deliver her goods to me. Even if they seem like they're just baked goods you can get any other day..." Yukyo smiled as he bowed toward Lady Erin. "The pleasure is all ours milady." He stood back up before Lakoda had turned to Yukyo and Shawn. She had reminded the two about a message Madam Madeleine had asked to be delivered as well. Shawn had then spoke up, delivering the message to Lady Erin. "Yeah something like that. I'm sure she's just wishing good health and a beautiful life for your precious bundle of joy." Yukyo had spoke up right after Shawn. It seemed he was trying to ask about any knowledge about the rumored artifact tough Yukyo has his doubts about it so he tried to gloss over it, trying not to stress out Lady Erin and the baby.
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Midarah nodded to the three of them. "Right then, let's go."

    ~Timeskip to Arrival at the Magic Council~

    The ride to Era was uneventful to say the least. Midarah urged the others to rest on their way there since they returned from a tough mission. An hour nap could do wonders to bring the strength back.

    "We're here," Master Midarah announced as they arrived at the gates of the Magic Council's building.

    They pulled up to the place and were escorted by one of the many frog-like employees of the place to inside of the building. As they walked to the Council Room, Master Midarah looked over her shoulder to her guild mates, her eyes serious yet kind. "Be on your best behavior while you're here. Anything we say can tip the scale to whether or not we free your new friends..."

    Delivery of Cakes- Shawn, Yukyo, Lakoda

    "My husband is out on a trip. He should be back soon," she answered Shawn. She then thought over the saying and then looked to the cakes at the table. "Vestele, could you look at the cakes? See if there's a symbol of the sun on one of them..."
    The maid did as she was told, examining the cakes carefully. Towards the back on one of them, there was a small design of a sun done in pink frosting. "There's one here."

    "Could you slice me a piece of that cake, please?" Lady Erin asked with a kind smile. As the maid cut into the cake and pulled the slice out, there was a small golden envelop in the middle of the cake. The maid's eyebrows widened and looked to her mistress. "It's alright," Lady Erin urged. "Let me see..." The piece of cake was delivered to her and carefully pulled the envelop out of the cake crumbs. She then set the plate aside and opened the small envelope, glancing inside to see what she expected. Her fingers carefully curled around the contents and she then revealed what it was to the others.

    "This pendant was made by my elder brother, now gone... He made it with an enchantment to protect others. He had it on him when he..." She choked up and the corner of her eyes. "Madam Madeline used to train him long ago... Before he became a mage in the Divine Rose." Lady Erin's eyes teared up as she held the pendant in her hands, smiling down at it as she traced the outlines of the sun. "Thank you so much for bringing this to me." She held it to her heart and looked to them with grateful eyes. "My little brother, he's there in the guild if I remember. Samuel? Could you let him know how proud of him I am and how much I miss him...?"


    Lakoda was taken aback from the connection. This lady was Samuel's older sister? And Samuel had an older brother? There were so many things that she was learning that she didn't know about her guild before. She knew there was a time before hers within the guild, but she didn't realize how small this world really was.

    Village in Peril- Conrad, Everette, Samuel


    Renza looked at the mirror that Everette made with wonder and then she teared up when Conrad mentioned that she could see them in the town where they were at. "I don't want you go!" she exclaimed. She scrambled to her feet and hugged Everette first who was by her bed, wrapping her arms around her neck. "You did so much for us... I don't want you to go..." Tears were coming down her cheeks as she hugged Everette a little tighter before letting go and hugging Conrad. "I'm going to miss you too much..."


    Samuel rubbed the back of his head and glanced over his shoulder. The chief was standing in the doorway, smiling as he was looking on to what was going on. Samuel looked back at Renza and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey... Maybe we can stop by once in a while or something. And maybe when you get old enough, you can come join us at the Divine Rose." He grinned goofily from ear to ear with a tilt of his head. "I'm sure we'll still be around there."
  9. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 4.png
    He stood there waiting for something more unexpected to happen. He wondered if this pendent was the thing the people were looking for. He looked around waiting for the bird thing and the shadow mage to pop up out of nowhere. "Now what do we do"? He had some question for someone when ever they got back to the guild hall for now He decided to wait for whatever came next.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2018
  10. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Don't worry Master Midarah, I will behave! Besides it will be fun, they like me!" She insisted as she looked around. It had been a long time since she had last stepped foot inside this building. She had been back a couple times since they gave her over to the Divine Rose Guild, to check up on her and such. They worried for the first year how things were going, and now they didn't seem to care as much. That being said they showed up that day at her mission and Thea wasn't sure if that had anything to do with her. She wished she had been awake for that, but at least she could figure things out now, and Master Midarah was there just in case she had done something wrong, and on the off chance they were mad at her.

    Everette gave a sad smile as he hugged Renza back. "We will visit I promise." But he wasn't so convinced that he wanted her to join the guild. While he enjoyed the guild life it could get dangerous and he didn't like the idea of young people joining unless they had to. He was one of the situations that didn't have a choice when joining young, like many of the people who were in the guild, but he wouldn't encourage it. After all Renza had a family here, people to take care of her, she had a life waiting for her here, why would he want that to be taken away from her to live a life of working on sometimes dangerous tasks because it offered the jewels needed to pay rent the following week. He wouldn't speak up against anyone however. "But in the meantime I think your help is needed here. People are still recovering and need someone strong to support them." He told her patting her head.
  11. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Conrad smiled when Renza hugged him, he wrapped his arms around the girl and hugged her back. He saw the Chief in the doorway and smiled at the man for a moment. "You are needed here Renza, it's like Everette said, they need a cheerful soul like you to help them rebuild and forget this dark time. And we're needed elsewhere so we can help people in need just like we helped you out." Conrad explained simply, before turning to Samuel. "I like that idea, we'll come back to visit when we have some time. I'll miss you too Renza, but because of this..." He showed the duck feather. "I'll always remember you and I promise I'll come visit you if I have the chance." Conrad then realized he had the empty vial that her dose of antidote had been in and held it out to her. "Let this be your reminder of that promise. Just like I promised I would come and bring you this, I promise to come back." Conrad said in a kind tone, it wasn't much to remember them by but it was a symbol of his promise, when he came back he'd bring her something better but there wasn't really much he had with him for that purpose..
  12. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Yukyo listened as Lady Erin answer about her husband's whereabouts. He nodded his head as she answered. Lady Erin had then requested Vestele to retrieve one of the cakes. Yukyo was quite curious as to what exactly she was planning. Vestele had then cut a piece from the cake and handed it to Lady Erin. To Yukyo's surprise, an envelope was hidden in the cake. Erin had then pulled out a pendant from it. "Well I was not expecting that." The pendant, according to Lady Erin, was made by her elder brother who had sadly passed. Apparently, Madam Madeleine had taught him the ways of the mage before he had joined Divine Rose. "I'm sure he was a great mage." Yukyo took off his hat as he placed it over his heart. Lady Erin had then revealed another little tidbit that really surprised the young man. Samuel is the youngest brother of Lady Erin?! "I knew Sammy was something different. Well, now I just have more teasing ammo but that's another topic for another day." Yukyo put his hat back on as a slight smirk graced his face.

    Shawn had then asked about their current plans. Yukyo sighed a bit before turning to the boy. "
    It's simple. Have some cake, relax, head back to Madam ?Madeleine, claim our reward and head back home. Don't start getting preoccupied with other matters." Yukyo smacked his hat over Shawn's head as he gave the boy his response. He put his hat back on before bowing to Lady Erin. "Would it be rude of me to ask milady if we were to have some these delicious pastries?" Yukyo smiled as he asked his questions.
  13. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    The ride to Era was more or less uneventful. Midarah had said something about resting that said he did not really feel like he needed it. He was never really able to fall asleep on something that was moving so he just relaxed a bit. A hour latter they arrived. They pulled up to the place and were escorted by something. 'Be on your best behavior while you're here. Anything we say can tip the scale to whether or not we free your new friends...' "That has never stopped the Council before. I will do my best unless something happens." They did what they wanted and it really did not matter what they did. That was when Thea Said that the Council liked her. He did not think the council liked anything. It was more like they put up with what they could and hid the rest.
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Zephyr had actually made an attempt to get some rest during the ride to Era and did manage to get in 30 minutes worth of rest. From that point on though rest was turned to a foreign concept to him, resulting in Zephyr being awake for the rest of the trip. With his being his first time here, Zephyr found himself looking around and taking in everything that he saw. From the architecture of the building to the frog guards that were escorting them. "I will don't worry." He had no reason not to after all. His misgivings on how they handled the situation still stood, but that alone wasn't enough for him to cause a scene.
  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Master Midarah couldn't help but to smile at Thea's enthusiasm. The girl was still so innocent to the harsh realities of the world. "Thank you... Not a word unless you are spoken to, and try to keep your emotions in check," she said as she looked to Gavin, and then to Zephyr. "We're here for them, not us..."


    The group was soon led down the marble hallways to a Court Room of sorts. It looked like a grand court with black and white checked, marble floors and stunning architecture with a humongous portrait of the land of Era mounted on the wall above the main stand. Two frog-like staff members were seated underneath a raised stand facing each other and typing on type writers while eight Council members sat on one row with guards standing on either side of them, and then a man who seemed to be cloaked in shadows sitting above them.

    Master Midarah showed a hint of perplex on her eyes before she placed her arms in the sleeve of her kimono and continued to hold her head up. She and her small group were escorted to railings made out of wood and shaped to be an open box, sort of reminding her of where those accused of crimes stood on trial.

    A staff was thudded twice, echoing around the court room while demanding attention. The one in the shadows lifted his gaze to reveal his face and stared at the group with cold eyes. "Order. Today's topic is Divine Rose's involvement with the Murgate Village."

    Master Midarah pressed her lips in a thin line and held her ground
    . "I do not want to seem to be rude, Chairman Gran Doma, but I feel like we are on trial."

    "You're not," he stated frankly. "The ones you've come to testify for are though. State your business."

    The young woman sighed.
    "Very well. I appreciate all of you meeting with us on a short notice. We are here because my students and I are concerned with the treatment of those involved with the incident at the Murgate Village. My students here reported that those that have been taken into custody were the ones that helped foil the sinister plot that was going on behind the scenes; sacrificing young children to a spider demon. We understand that all who committed such heinous crimes at Mugrate Village need to be brought to justice, but those you have in your custody should not be the ones standing trial."

    "Are you questioning our authority?" One of the council members spoke out.

    Master Midarah scoffed.
    "Of course not. Laws need to be upheld to protect both realms of magic and non-magic. We are here to stand as a witness to those who valiantly did all that they could on their own to save and change the lives of those around them."

    "Have your students reported to you that the ones originally from the village were working along side Ex-Governor Nudgav? The one named Maliel was his sectretary, another named Kyo was serving as his butler, and Jack-"

    "Jack delivered goods throughout the village, yes I am well aware. But what would have you done if the Magic Council ignored your cries the first few times you sent for help?" Master Midarah's eyebrows were furrowed as the argument was beginning to become more heated. "If they would have left the village to get help, they would have been hunted down and killed. Or would have been at the mercy of the wastelands of the swamps and that Spider Demon. They did what they had to do to survive, but they didn't kill any child. Nor did they condone the sacrifices in the first place!"

    The staff was slammed on the floor twice, sounding like a gavel throughout the room. "That's enough." Gran Doma looked down on Master Midarah with a hard gaze. "Those you have spoke of will receive a fair trial. We must look over all evidence before we are sure they are as innocent as you and your guild members claim they are. You have brought the reports we requested?"

    "I have," Midarah said with a frown as she pulled out legal papers from her kimono sleeve and handed them to a staff member who bowed and took it aside.

    "We will look over those then and determine their fate then... As for Izra Tekuse, known as the infamous 'Necos', that is a different story." He shifted on his chair and leaned forward. "Her last name is actually Shirozin. We have found that she was once a member of a Dark Guild that goes by the name of Hydra's Claw..."

    Master Midarah seemed confused.
    "Hydra's Claw...?"

    "It has been forming in the shadows for quite some time. As far as we're aware, their activity has been quiet. But they still cannot be trusted. Though Izra Shirozin claims she had defected from the guild and is now an independent mage, we don't know her true intentions in Murgate Village. She will be thoroughly interrogated until we are sure she can be trusted to be out in the magic world again."

    (Feel free to speak or not speak up at this time)
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2018
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Even after Midarah gave her instructions, Thea still fidgetted anxiously. She was a bit excited to see some of the council members, it had been a long time. She had not thought as she walked down the hall that getting upset would be an issue in the slightest. It was just going to be a friendly chat, right? Wrong. Walking in the room the air was heavy with tension, even Thea as young and innocent as she was felt that. She stepped back as all eyes turned to her and their group. This wasn't nearly the welcome she had expected, or how serious the conversation was off the bat.

    Thea listened to the back and forth between the two parties as they spoke of Izra making her sound bad. This wasn't right, they didn't know what they were talking about. There was no way that Izra belonged to a dark guild.

    "But Izra saved me! She did everything she could to keep me out of danger. If she was bad then why would she do such things? Please listen to me. Maliel did what she had to, to protect her sister. She was trying to protect me when we first met the mayor but I couldn't see it!" Thea was being to get a bit upset with them. She crossed her arms and stared at them with stern eyes. "You know me. Please listen to me, please believe me. They aren't bad. If you don't like them running around on their own, then do with them as you did with me and let them come to Divine Rose guild." It wasn't her place to accept new members but she was sure master Midarah wouldn't mind.
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Delivery of Cakes- Shawn, Yukyo, Lakoda

    Lady Erin chuckled. "Of course not! Help yourself to some treats."

    ~Smallish Time Skip~

    The mission was a success, and the group was able to go back to the guild in peace. Everyone was satisfied and happy in the end, and the guild mates who went on this mission would receive their payments soon. Everyone was free to do as they chose now they were back at the guild.


    Lakoda stretched her arms above her head as she walked into the Guild. She was rather pleased this mission was successful for all the trouble they had gone through. "That went well in the end," Lakoda commented to the others as she headed towards the Main Hall to get some food. "I'm going to go grab something to eat. Would you like to join me?" she asked the two boys.

    Village in Peril- Conrad, Everette, Samuel


    Renza held the vial protectively to her chest, holding it like it was treasure. She then set it by the mirror and looked at them fondly. "I'll do my best to help out around here. I'll be the best helper ever. You stay safe on the road, okay? Write to me when you get home."


    The chief chuckled as he walked in through the door and placed his hands on Conrad's and Everette's shoulders.
    "At your own leisure, of course. You boys saved us all and deserve good rest. Thank you for all of your help... Until we meet again, be safe."

    ~Small Time Skip~

    The boys were able to hit the road without much of a problem. The village was bustling with life when they left, and cleaning up was already being done. The large snake that was slain by the river had mysteriously disappeared. There were no tracks to indicate it had left, nor did its body end up down stream. It was gone, as if it never existed. The water was all clear of poison by this point, and the village was safe.

    One the way home, Samuel offered the boys an energy potion to sustain them until they got home. Despite having one himself, Samuel ended up passing out for most of the journey. He could barely keep his eyes opened as they arrived at the guild.


    Samuel exited the wagon, wobbling a bit as he carried his hefty backpack. "Finally... home..." He yawned loudly and nearly fell asleep standing up. He shook his head and looked over at the other two. "I'm gonna head to my room... take a nap or something," he said sleepily. He then trudged up the steps into the Guild and disappeared behind the doors, going towards the boy's dorms.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2018
  18. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    We'll stay safe Renza." Conrad assured her before they left. "Glad we could help, Chief Yolvun, good luck with the recovery of the village." As they left it was good to see more people going about their days in the village, the only hint of the dark period this village had gone through were the buildings that had sufferd damage from the storm but there were already people working to make repairs on them. The journey home was rather quiet and went off without a hitch and Conrad having rested a little in the village didn't necessarily need the energy potion that Samuel had offered him, but took it anyway just to help him restore some energy.

    When they got back to the Guild Hall Conrad was feeling relatively alright still and could probably make it until the evening before needing rest. He had taken a nap on the train as well. "
    Yeah, it's nice to be back. Sleep well, Samuel." Conrad said before making his way to the main hall, he saw Lakoda with Shawn and Yukyo. Conrad waved at them with a friendly smile, before getting himself a plate and grabbing some food before sitting down at an empty table next to one of the windows looking out at the Rose Garden, it was among his favourite spots, the other was the table close to the piano, he had grown quite fond of this spot over the years. Conrad made an inviting gesture to Lakoda, Shawn and Yukyo to come join him.
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Zephyr had done well to listen to Midarah's instruction when they had first entered the courtroom. He couldn't help but agree with Midarah, it did kinda feel like they were the ones on trial. Midarah went ahead with explaining their case and even though he was doing his best to keep his mouth shut, he wasn't happy with what was being said about Maliel and the other which was evident by how tight his fists were clenched. Were they just going to ignore the fact that they did because they had little choice?

    The topic had been changed to Izra and what was said had made it so Zephyr couldn't keep quiet. "Her true intentions were as clear as could be, she wanted to stop the mayor from sacrifices any more kids. What about that is hard to understand? Had it not been for her, we would've had a much harder time stopping the mayor!" If she really had any ill intentions then why would she purposely lead him no only to his friends when he was chasing after her, but to the kids as well. She even tried contacting the council herself.
  20. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    Master Midarah had said not to speak unless spoken to but he did not think that it would be that simple. They are soon lead down the marble hallways to a Court Room of sorts. They arrived were they should be. A older man stood there saying
    'Today's topic is Divine Rose's involvement with the Murgate Village.' Master Midarah then explained what had happened at the village. 'But what would have you done if the Magic Council ignored your cries the first few times you sent for help?' This was not the first time something like this happened. The old man then said something about them getting a fair trial but he did not think that was going to happen. The Council then talked about a guild called Hydra's Claw. Thea then explained that Izra had saved them. While this was true. He could not rule out the possibility that this could be an act to gain there trust but it seems like a lot of trouble to do so. He could tell that Thea was getting a bit upset. He wanted to tell her it would be alright but he could not without the council thinking he was up to something. "I said back at the village that Izra should come to Divine Rose." The council did not seem to pay attention back then so he did not think now would be any different. "Without Izra's help some of us may very well not be here today." He said continuing off what Zephyr had said.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2018