Anime/Manga: Divine❃Rose

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Maka Albarn, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Based off of the Beloved Anime: Fairy Tail
    ooc here
    bank/job board here


    It's around mid-morning in the guild hall. Those who live there are just getting up, have been up, or probably sleeping in. Those who live away from the guild have either arrived early or are on their way. As one can see, the guild hall is vast. Everyone usually hangs around the "Banquet Hall" . Breakfast is cooking, hot drinks are brewing, and the pleasant smell of food wafts through the marbled hallways.

    The normal job board is posted in the Banquet Hall area, where everyone usually hangs out on a quiet day like today. One has a few options to choose from at this point:
    • Eat breakfast
    • Look and choose a job at the job board
    • Converse with other guild members
    • Do their own thing that I haven't thought about (except murdering everyone, cause that's a dark way to start off, lol)
    Everyone is free to choose what they will at this point...

    The guild master was sitting back by one of the fire places in the Banquet Hall with a teacup in her hand and Artemis sleeping on her lap. Master Midarah inhaled the scent of honey sweetened jasmine tea before drinking it slowly. She had stayed overnight at the guild hall and had been up at the crack of dawn organizing paperwork from the past that had been carelessly filed. Not that it was the previous master's fault, people were just lazy and the previous master had other important matters to deal with. Currently she was taking a break, enjoying the quiet morning thus far and readying herself for the demanding day of being a Guild Master.

    Samuel yawned and stretched, scratching at his head soon afterwards as he looked at his cabinet of herbs. Someone had went through them again without asking and arranged them all out of alphabetical order. Not that he didn't mind, it gave him something to do when there wasn't an emergency to deal with. "Let see... Ginseng goes here, turmeric goes there... Lavender here..." He was muttering to himself as he continued to sort and organize, and started to understand why Master Midarah was so particular about doing paperwork properly.

    There, all done..." He clapped his hands together and then turned around to have a look at the Healing Room. No one was here today, which was a relief. But he knew that could all changed in a matter of seconds. His stomach growled and he frowned as he looked to a plate of half-eaten toast and a cup of coffee. "Don't mind if I do." He sat down at the desk away from the beds and started to nibble on the meager breakfast he hastily grabbed for himself.

    Lakoda silently slipped into the guild hall, keeping to herself. She hadn't seen Conrad around yet, or anyone else for that matter besides Samuel while passing by the Healing Room. Now would be a great time to play some tunes that wouldn't disturb others terribly.

    The girl approached the white, grand piano in the corner of the Banquant Hall by the Job Board. She smiled to herself as she ghosted her hand over the beautiful woodwork before sitting down on the bench. It was donated by a generous client from a previous job, and it was one of Lakoda's favorite things of this place. She placed her hands on the keys, closed her eyes, and began to play a tune.

    Lakoda was becoming lost in the piece, allowing her hands to glide across the ivory keys where they needed to go. She was still smiling, enjoying the wonderful music that was coming out from the piano. This was a great way to start out the morning for her.

    Last edited: Jul 29, 2018
  2. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Conrad had been awake since sunrise but had kept to himself in his room, reading. However he figured that he ought to get breakfast before his stomach would leave him no choice. While he was fairly certain the others were already awake, he still didn't make too much noise as he walked through the hallways. It had been atleast three years since he had come to the guild and it had truly become a home for him, it was such a difference from his family home. He actually liked it more although he did miss his siblings, but he'd visit them when he could. As he got closer to the hall he was met with the sound of the piano being played by someone, it was a beautiful piece of music that was being played and Conrad couldn't help but smile.

    Within the banquet hall Conrad saw who wa playing and wasn't too surprised to see Lakoda at the keys, it definitely wasn't the first time he had walked in on her playing. He decided to leave her to playing as he assembled himself a nice breakfast consisting of two waffles, some scrambled eggs, a piece of toast and a mug of coffee. Still listening to the sweet song of the piano he found himself a seat at a table not too far from the piano, placing himself in such a manner that he could see Lakoda. He took a sip of his coffee and let the music wash over him. Listening careully for when the song seemed to end Conrad clapped in his hands in applause. "
    That was beautiful, Lakoda" Conrad said, before taking a bite out of his toast. He had learned her sign language but the one thing it couldn't really do was draw someone's attention, but otherwise it worked perfectly fine. Conrad started on his breakfast, waiting for others to join him.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Two years Thea had been living at the guild hall, after an accident left her an orphan, with the magic counsel breathing down her neck. Now, you would never had been able to tell the tragedy Thea had been through, the or the fire that burned under her skin uncontrollably. Thea was young to be part of a mages guild, at the age of twelve she was already more powerful than some adults, but the power came with a price. Thea had magic since the day she was born, but the magic was as much of a curse as it was a blessing. It was a living thing under her skin that would often hurt her, or others around her when she was upset, it was what landed her a spot in the guild. The magic counsel didn't know how to take care of a child, so passing her off seemed like the next best option.

    Now, Thea, while still prone to fits, and hurting herself or others had come a long ways. She was cheerful as ever as she emerged from her bedroom, dressed in a floor length white dress, that was once rather pretty and formal looking, now simply tattered due to wear. Unlike back home she wasn't nearly as spoiled at the guild when it came to expensive clothing and dresses, simply for the sake that they couldn't afford such things in the same way. Her family had been rich, her father often buying his daughter nice clothes, now Thea took whatever she could get and would not let go of it, even as it stopped being as pretty as it once was.

    As Thea made her way into the main hall, she could hear music filling the room. Thea didn't even have to look before knowing where that was coming from. Ignoring the fact that breakfast was being served, Thea ran over towards the piano where Lakoda played and Conrad listened. She instantly started to dance along with the music, letting her long blonde hair swirl around her as her bare feet glided over the floor. a bright smile on her face. Eventually she stopped a few seconds after the music itself had stopped. Thea ran up and tried to push herself into a place on the bench beside Lakoda.

    "Lakoda! Teach me how to do that! Please, please! Pretty please!" Thea being unusually short for her age, couldn't even reach the pedals of the piano, but still wanted to learn. She sat there looking up earnestly at the older girl next to her, hoping this time she would actually say yes.

    It was just another morning at the Divine Rose. The halls were filled with music from Lakoda's playing, Thea was doing who knows what, most of the members were eating breakfast under the watchful eye of Midarah, everything was how it should be. Everette was no different as he grabbed himself a plate of eggs and toast, making his way over to where he had hoped to find Samuel. Samuel was not there however, and if he wasn't there, Everette had a feeling he knew where the boy was.

    Food in one hand, Everette made his way out of the main room towards the healers rooms.
    "You know, too much work and no play makes for a boring day." Everette leaned against the doorway, staring into the healers room, where Samuel sat at his desk eating. "I believe you taught me that one, one of the days I was too busy trying to get my schooling done to play with you. Not everyone is quite as smart as you, you know." Everette thought back to their time as boys, Samuel had been a big help adjusting to everything after arriving here without any memories.

    "If you are going to work all the time you could put that effort into the S-class trials, you would pass in a heart beat."
    Everette continued as he welcomed himself into the room, grabbing a free chair and rolling it up beside Samuel so he could eat properly. With face half stuffed with toast he looked over, speaking with his mouth full. "So, whad are ye workin' on any-" He swallowed. "on anyways?" He asked curious what had Samuel tied up already this early in the day when he didn't even have any patients.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Lakoda's eyes opened as soon as she heard the clapping and looked up to see Conrad sitting not too far away. She sheepishly hunched her shoulders and signed 'Thank you' to him silently. Suddenly she was bumped and looked down to her right to see little Thea trying to huddle up to her on the bench. The girl grinned and covered her lips as her shoulders shook as if she was giggling. "Alright, alright," she replied to the girl, yet her lips did not move. Her charm around her neck glowed a faint yellow when she said words, emitting a feminine voice. It was not her own, yet the other guild members didn't know that save the few that knew her story. Still, it bothered her. But she did her best to tuck away her discomfort as she conversed with others.

    Let's learn an easy one really quick, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. And then we'll go have some breakfast." Lakoda beamed at Thea and then turned to look at the keyboard, slowly plucking out the first few notes of the tune with one hand. "Try it," she offered to the little girl, gesturing her hand to the piano.

    Samuel raised an eyebrow as Everette walked in and then crookedly grinned. "Yeah, but if I'm busy all the time, then I can't take the exams, can I?" He chuckled and then rubbed the back of his neck. "I was making sure everything was organized for the day. My herbs have been getting out of order lately for some reason, and that could be a problem if an emergency pops up and I can't find what I'm looking for. I mean, I could use my magic... But some can't handle it." He was meaning the youngest one of the guild, Thea. With her having fire magic, he discovered his Solar Magic was hazardous to the young one. He had been researching other ways to take care of her in times of crisis when the Master was not around. He even had a whole journal dedicated to how to take care of Thea with other ways other than magic that was sitting on his desk by the lamp.

    He took his cup of coffee in his hands and gulped down the liquid.
    "So what's the S-Class Everette going to do for today?" Samuel nonchalantly asked as he kicked back in his chair and ate the rest of his toast. "The job board seems pretty sparse today."

  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Zephyr had gotten an early start to his morning, but he had spent it still in his room for the most of it. "1...2...3" The reason being was cause of his morning workouts that were less of a ritual and more of a 'he'd do it when he actually remembered to do so.' This was about everyone other week to some extent. Sometimes it was twice a week if he really remembered to do so. "10...11...12" These exercises typically varied from the basic push ups, sit up and some basic combat techniques. Basic being hand to hand as there wasn't enough space for him to practice with his sword nor did he really want to do anything with his magic in this enclosed space. "38...39...40." Today the workout was push ups and he had finished his set. Naturally being sweaty as a result of this, he did what any sane person would do and went to shower.

    Now that he was clean and had managed to do his morning training, Zephyr headed down to the guild hall just in time to hear the piano being played. Reaching the ground floor had allowed him to see that it was Lakoda playing. Zephyr joined in on the clapping as he approached the group that had formed around the girl. From the looks of it, a lesson was about to take place for the young Thea. He took himself a seat where he would still be able to hear and watch without being a potential interruption to them.
  6. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin and Storm 2.png

    Gavin was walking back to the guild with Storm sitting on his left shoulder. He had been gone maybe a few days, three to four tops. "I don't see why we had to wait until morning to leave", the bird complained for what seemed like the hundredth time. "Beside I missed my bed", the bird continued. He sighed, "I told you last night the travailing at night is dangerous and besides it was to late to leave." He continued walk and you see the castle in the distance. "All you had to do was use some of your magic." "Yea and did you forget that we had to help that wind farm and the time before that it was a wind turbine. You know as well as I do that my energy was drained and if we got into trouble we would be in real trouble. Then we both would be in the med bay with some sort of talk coming our way."

    He was rather close to the castle at this point. "I don't think you will be resting anytime soon anyways, you slept all night and I am sure you want to talk to Artemis." "I am sure Artemis is being chanced by Thea right now." Ah Thea one of the newest members of the guild. He did not know her all that well as he always seemed to be out helping others. He reached the door to the guild hall at this point. He could hear the faint sound of music at this point. "You ready?" he asked the bird and opened the door to the guild hall before the bird could answer. He walked into the room. Lakoda, Thea, Conrad, Zephyr were all sitting by a grand piano. "You are going to eat this time?" Storm asked in a low voice. "Just go and play or do what ever you do when I am not around." He might have looked like he was talking to himself from thos that did not know him that well. He held out his left hand and Storm moved to his arm and flew all and landed on a perch. He looked at the bird as Storm liked being were he could see almost everything.

    Seeing as the four people he saw seemed to be busy and he did not want to bother them, he moved to the job board to take a look. He wondered were the others were at. The only other person in the room was the guild master and he did not want to bother her. Only three jobs this time. One jumped out at him right away and the was the one about children. He always liked helping out children but he never got the chance to help Thea because she seemed to always be around Lakoda, and Conrad. Storm he had a feeling would like the job about pets. He moved to the breakfast and took a few pieces of fruit. He was never a big breakfast person he could feel Storm glaring at him saying take more. He took a bite of a apple as he stood by watching the others waiting for a moment were he could take the job about children.
  7. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind.png
    Shawn walked into the guild hall after being gone for a few days. Latter he saw a post about cakes he wanted to go to. He went to his room to check it quickly. He then went out into the hall. He then saw a group of people, Lakoda, Thea, Conrad, Zephyr were all sitting by a grand piano. With nothing else to do he walked into the next room grabbing a random book off a shelf, sat down listing to the music in the next room, putting the book on a table next to him. Already have eaten a small bit of toast, wondering why he did that as sitting there made him hungry. He missed sitting down. He wondered if Conrad would like the book he had left on the table next to him. Perhaps he would ask him in a bit, although he didn't look at the cover the book he hoped it was interesting. A few minutes later he got up grabbing the book walked back into the room handing the random book to Conrad, he knew he liked them. "here you go".
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
  8. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    It didn't take long before others started to get into the room. First it was Thea who started to dance to the music Lakoda played on the piano and shortly after asked her to teach her that. Conrad smiled, it was amusing to watch the child think it would be so easy to reach such a level of playing the piano. The enthousiasm was admirable though, before Lakoda started teaching Thea the song twinkle twinkle little star, she signed some thanks for his applause. You're welcome, have fun. He signed back, the fun part refering to teaching Thea, it wasn't meant as a backhanded remark as he knew Lakoda enjoyed playing on the piano. Conrad noticed that Zephyr had turned up too, having joined in with his applause. They hadn't scheduled a weapon training session today, it had been Conrad's request. He wanted to make use of the day to do a job posted on the board so he had the month's rent, something he had been neglecting a little bit this month and he wanted to get it out of the way. He'd ask Lakoda whether she would join him, perhaps Zephyr would come along too or maybe Thea. He noticed Gavin near the board, looking at the jobs. When Shawn dropped a book on the table by him, only saying here you go, Conrad was a little confused. While people in the guild were aware of books this probably was the most straight forward recommendation he had had. Conrad continued on his breakfast while looking at the book. The magic of letters, a study on letter magic. The title read, Conrad thought he might have seen the tome before but wasn't too sure about it and would put it on his stack of books to read, it might prove usefull as he himself was a user of letter magic. "Thanks Shawn, I'll give it a read. It looks usefull to me. So what are you up to today, Shawn?" Conrad asked him.
  9. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Waking up from his cat nap, Yukyo, in cat form, jumped down from his bed. He stretched his furry little body before shaking his head. As he walked over to his dresser, he reverted back to his human form but kept his ears and tail. He scratched his head as he started getting dressed. He walked out of his room with his jacket over his shoulder. His tattoo peeked out from his shirt as he walked down the hallway. He walked by the healer's room as he saw two people chatting. He looked in before an idea struck in his head. He immediately went into his cat form and sneaked into the room. As the two were talking, he saw some toast just begging to be taken. "The job board seems pretty sparse today." Yukyo immediately jumped on the table. He grabbed the toast from Samuel's plate and immediately jumped off the table and out the door, reverting back to his previous form. "You know what else is sparse? Your toast, Sammy-boy. I'll see you around boys!" With that, Yukyo walked off Sam's toast and proceeded to the main hall. He looked over to see Lakota playing piano with Thea and Zephyr while Gavin was eyeing the job board and Conrad and Shawn had their noses in a book. Yukyo shrugged his shoulders as he finished the piece of toast and put his jacket on and leapt onto the window sill. He then jumped out the window and landed outside. "Alrighty! Let's see what's going on this morning."
  10. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "I am pretty sure you are busy for the sake of being busy, not because you have to be." Everette pointed out to the other boy. "You could put some of the energy towards, you know." Everette left it there, there was no use pushing it further. Everette leaned back and listened to the rest of what Samuel had to say about what he was doing. Everette shrugged. "If something went majorly wrong, you aren't the only one able to help. But I can see your point, we need to be able to deal with such things quickly before the magic council..." Trailing off, Everette couldn't finish his thought, he didn't want to think what the magic council might do if they couldn't control Thea properly, the poor child had already been through enough.

    The conversation proceeded forward to one on what he was going to do, Everette rubbed the back of his neck.
    "I don't actually- Yukyo!" As he tried to respond a small cat jumped on the table stealing Samuel's food. "I swear you are more cat than human." He mumbled before turning back to Sam. "As I was saying I don't know yet... maybe I will tag along on one of the normal missions. We will see." He then turned back to the door. He was annoyed that Yukyo took Sam's food when it could be a challenge to get Sam to leave his work long enough to get food as it was. "Shall we go help ourselves to seconds before someone eats it all?" Everette asked Sam, hoping the boy would come along and be bothered to eat.
    Thea beamed when Lakoda agreed to teach her how to play a song. She watched closely as the girl played, placing her small hands about where she thought Lakoda's were, but higher up on the keyboard. It took Lakoda moving her hand in position for her before Thea managed to get it right. She first started placing her hands at F, before moving to E before moving to B, then Lakoda picked her up and moved it to C. Finally Thea was able to try following, using her pointer fingers to hit the notes one at a time. She eventually got down the right notes, but she frowned as she did. "It sounds right, but why isn't it as pretty as when you play? Am I doing something wrong? I want to be able to play as pretty as you!" Thea argued a bit seeming upset at herself for not being able to do it properly.
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "Alright, how much sleep did you get?" A soft voice asked as Maira took a seat in the chair near their guild master. In a rare turn of events she wasn't wearing her white armor and instead was dressed in her long shirt and shorts. Usually she wore this when speaking with just Midarah or whenever she didn't feel like equipping on her armor. Yes, something that could be do at the simple flick of a wrist was something that she at times didn't feel like doing.
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    "Yukyo, whyyyy! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞" Samuel cried out as his second piece of toast was snatched away from him by his guild mate. Yukyo was new to the guild, but it didn't take much for Sam to attach to all that came into the fold. Still, the cat-like guy was proving to be somewhat troublesome. Sam reached out with grabby hands and pouty lip to his lost breakfast, and then looked up at Everette with sad, large eyes and a quivering chin. "He twook my bweakfast..." Sam sighed out and admitted defeat as he leaned back in his chair. He pinched the bridge of his nose, causing his glasses to move up his forehead. "I suppose you're not going to let me say no... Alright, fine. I haven't really eaten a full breakfast in a few days. Why not." He pushed his glasses back in place and then stood up, stretching his arms above his head. "I could use some more coffee anyways." He picked up his empty plate and mug and then led the way out of the Healing Room to the Banquet Hall. "What mission are you going to go on? There's no S-Ranked ones right now?"

    Lakoda's shoulders shook again as she smiled, giggling silently to what Thea was going on about. "It'll take time," her charm glowed and sounded out. "After many simple lessons like this, you'll be able to play like me someday. It took me years to be able to play like this." She patted Thea on the head and shrugged. "Why don't we go have some breakfast? You need to continue to grow into a beautiful young lady." Lakoda tilted her head and gestured for Thea to move before she herself stepped away from the piano bench. She then turned her attention to Zephyr, Shawn, and Conrad, seeing that they had come down for breakfast as well. "Good morning," her charm echoed. as she smiled and waved before heading over to where the cook was handing out all sorts of delicious food. She grabbed some fruit, oatmeal, and a bagel with a glass of juice and head back over to the table with her tray in hand. "So, did anyone see the mission board today?" she asked the three boys while instinctively signing the words with her charm still speaking for her. The only one at the table who seemed to understand her silent language was Conrad, but she always hoped that the others would learn about it someday too. "Do any of the quests interest you?"

    "Mm?" Midarah opened her eyes as she was addressed by one of her older guild members. "I slept, child, don't you worry your head about me," Midarah stated with a chuckle. She set her teacup down and stroked Artemis' back, nuzzling the bunny from sleep for a bit. "How about yourself, Maira? Did you sleep well?"

    It was then a hawk had flown through the window that Yukyo and circled in the guildhall. Artemis was alert by now and hunkered down flat into Midarah's lap, which Midarah instinctively covered her rabbit with the flowing sleeve of her kimono. The hawk dropped a roll of parchment paper, sealed by the Magic Council and then flew back out the window again. Seeing the seal, Midarah sighed out softly. "
    What is it now," she muttered to herself. She dug her finger under the wax, breaking it open and unrolling the message. "Oh... It's a job..." Midarah read it over and crinkled her eyebrow. "Excuse me a moment, Maira." She then carefully took Artemis in her arm and stood up, moving over to the job board. "Good morning, Gavin," she addressed the young man as she moved over to an empty spot on the board while staying out of his way.

    She posted the new one up there, glancing at it and then at the other one that seemed to match almost in the same price range. "Oh dear... New job is up, everyone!" Midarah called out to the guild members while gesturing to the board. "It seems this one is urgent too. Do what you believe you are capable of though and take your time. When you are ready to set off, come and see me." She bowed her head to everyone, and then again to Gavin before walking back over to sit down in her chair. "Now, where were we?" she asked Maira as she picked up her teacup again and took a sip.


  13. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 2 banner.png

    Not long after he arrived Shawn came in and dropped a book by Conrad. It seemed to him really random. Not long after a cat came running in and out of a window. Thea seemed a bit upset at not being able to play as well as Lakoda. Like everything else you needed practice. it was like using magic in some ways the more you used it the better you got. He was sure that Lakoda and Conrad would help her out. He just smiled at the two while they were playing. Soon a hawk had flown through the window that Yukyo had left open and circled in the guildhall. His eyes went up to Storm. Storm seemed to tense up at the sight. The bird ready to fly off at any moment to help Artemis. He smiled at the bird.

    Soon Midarah had come up to him and said good morning. It might have been one of the oddest conversation he had with her yet. "Good morning." A new job went up about sick people and he thought about it but he had made up his mind. He was sure Sam was bound to go on it. 'When you are ready to set off, come and see me' Midarah had said. That was well and good but he did not know of anyone that wanted to go with him yet. Lakoda, Conrad, Thea, and Zephyr he was sure would go on the same mission. That left Everette, Shawn, Yukyo and Maira. Seeing as he was sure Sam would go to the one with sick people he did not think of it much. He did not know were Everette and Sam were so it was not like he could ask Everette to go with him on a mission with the children.

    Tossing his apple away and putting the left over fruit away for later, he made his way to Midarah and Maira. "Do you two mind if I join You?" he asked. He turned to Midarah and said, "How is Artemis this morning?" Then stood by waiting for answer.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
  14. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind.png
    He saw the cover of the random book, well that was interesting, he wondered what other books Conrad had in his stack of books. That was when Conrad said "Thanks Shawn, I'll give it a read. It looks useful to me. So what are you up to today, Shawn?" He thought for a moment, "Nothing in particular". That was when Lakota asked "So, did anyone see the mission board today?", and "Do any of the quests interest you?" While he didn't completely understand sign language, you had to get used to some of it quickly, thanks to to her charm, it made things easier. "Cake delivery" he stated simply with that his stomach made a sound loudly. He walked over grabbing a fruit and toast from a chef, on his way back glancing at the new post about the sick people, but he still wanted to deliver some cakes. "Sick people" he said to the un-asked question on the new post. Eating the toast as he sat down back by Conrad and Lakota.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
  15. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    "No, not at all," Master Midarah answered in terms to Gavin's question if he could sit by them by the fire. "Artemis is her usually lazy self," Master Midarah said with a small smile as the rabbit twitched her ear and snuggled up on Midarah's lap. "I noticed you were interested in the job board this morning, Gavin. No one has established any teams yet," she said all-knowingly, quietly sipping the rest of her tea. She placed the empty cup on the saucer and then placed it on an end table next to her. "It may seem as if everyone has their clicks and groups already, but it is just morning... No one has made a regular team of four yet. It wouldn't hurt to ask anyone to join you on what ever job interests you. I'm sure they'll be happy to go with you."
  16. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    'No, not at all' Master Midarah answered him. He took a seat that was near the two. "Good morning Maira." 'Artemis is her usually lazy self.' "Storm was on my case the whole way back here this morning, complaining about not coming back the night before. I think he missed Artemis but he is to prideful to say so", he said with a small smile. At this moment he could feel like Storm was glaring at him almost like the bird could hear him. 'I noticed you were interested in the job board this morning, Gavin. No one has established any teams yet.' "I don't know about that", he said with a small laugh. "I was thinking about going on the one with the children."

    'It wouldn't hurt to ask anyone to join you on what ever job interests you. I'm sure they'll be happy to go with you.' He was not so sure about that. "I was thinking about asking Everette to come along but I have not seen him this morning. Do you know where he might be?" He looked at Master Midarah and said, "You know it would not hurt to get out yourself", he said with a smile. He sat back in his chair and looked up to where Storm was sitting. The bird seemed to be somewhat relaxed now that he was back at the guildhall. "The trouble I am having is knowing who else to ask to come with me." He did not have a clue who to ask.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
  17. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Conrad smiled when Thea was asking Lakoda why her playing didn't sound as well as Lakoda's, it simply came down to practicing. Something Lakoda explained to the young girl. When she greeted, Zephyr, Shawn and himself he didn't speak out loud, he simply signed Good morning he knew it was a little inconsiderate for the others to sign it, but after he had learned the sign language he generally talked to her that way. "I have yet to look at the board, although I intended to do so after breakfast, I have been neglecting the rent a little bit and hoped to rectify that today, nothing has caught my eye yet though. Want to come with?" He spoke and signed simultaneously, directing the question to Zephyr, Lakoda, Thea and Shawn. He hadn't noticed that Yukyo had walked in the room.

    It was then that the new job was posted. Shawn said it was about sick people. "
    Hmmm, urgent request to help sick people, hmm interesting. I'd like to go do that, what about all of you?" He said still signing along, eventhough it wasn't necessary as there was nothing wrong with her ears. And sure the job probably didn't need 5 people but it would have been rude to not extend the question to everyone around him. And well if they could help sick people out all the better, much better than the Cake delivery he had eyed, seeing it would seem relatively easy money to cover the rent but this seemed to be more urgent than simply delivering some cakes to someone. He finished up his breakfast while the others spoke, cleaning the crumbs of his cream coloured tunic with lace cuffs.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2018
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "I did not become a guild master to go out on missions like everyone else," Master Midarah said with a little laugh. She scratched Artemis's head, knowing that's what the rabbit liked. "Everette is there," Master Midarah stated as she nodded her head to the Guild Hall entrance where Samuel walked in with another S-Class Mage. She was honestly proud how far Everette had come over the years. First it was Samuel pushing the boy to do his best, now it reversed and it was Everette pushing Samuel to join him in the higher ranks.

    She sighed out and fluffed out Artemis's fur with her fingers. "
    Ask anyone, my dear. It doesn't hurt to approach anyone and ask if they would want to go on the same quest as you. That group of four you were looking at earlier, Conrad, Lakoda, Zephyr, and even Thea would be good to start out with. They're always willing to go with someone else. They haven't officially established a team, you know. Yukyo would be good to ask too, if you can find him that is. Samuel is not S-Ranked yet, and so he might be willing to go. But I have a feeling he will take that new mission I just posted on the board." She smiled and adjusted herself in her chair a little. "You just have to be brave and go and present your mission to them. After that, who knows. Maybe they'll join you."
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    "Yo." Zephyr simply said as he lifted his hand up for a quick wave towards Lakoda. During the small lesson she had given Thea, Zephyr had gotten himself a piece of toast before returning to their general area. He had in fact taken a look at some of the current jobs that were posted and there was really one of that truly interested him. "The enchanted flute job had my interest." Perhaps he should look at it once again given that his first look had just been to get general idea of what they were. There easily could've been some details that he missed in the process of doing that.

    An urgent mission, involving the sick no less. That truly didn't sound like a good combination.
    "I might stick with my first choice." He said said after taking another bite out of his toast.

    Maira had let out a chuckle of her own when Midarah responded. "It's hard not to know how you tend to overwork yourself." Adjusting herself, Maira glanced down towards the other members of the guild, then turned her attention back to Midarah. "I slept perfectly fine actually." They were soon joined by Gavin, who Maira waved at as her form of greeting. "Perhaps you try asking some of the others before you try Everette. I know he likes to help and all, but an S-Class is still an S-Class." To her it seemed like a bit of an shift in balance to have an S-Class tag along for certain missions. Naturally there were exceptions to this and when said exceptions arose, she would certainly no hesitate to assist.
  20. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    Gavin turned when Master Midarah said, 'I did not become a guild master to go out on missions like everyone else.' "Just don't work your self sick. Some fresh air might do some good", he said with some concern. "Maybe when I get back from the flute mission we can go to the one with pets. I am sure Artemis would like it and I can bring Storm", he said with a smile. 'Conrad, Lakoda, Zephyr, and even Thea would be good to start out with.' "It is just that is seems like they have been friends for some time and I don't want to get in the way. As for finding someone I can always ask Storm. As for Samuel I just figured like your self that he would prefer to go help the sick people."

    That was when Maira said, 'Perhaps you try asking some of the others before you try Everette. I know he likes to help and all, but an S-Class is still an S-Class.' He shrugged. "It had nothing to do with S class, he just so happened to be the first person I thought of." Midarah had said that he was in the guildhall somewhere but he had not seen him yet. There was also the fact that it was not like he was going to go up to Everette first. It was just that he thought he would ask Everette if it came down to it. He sat there for a moment thinking. "Once more people eat there breakfest I will go around and see who wants to go", he said with a smile. It was hard to decide who to ask first. Everyone seemed to be more or less together. At some point he would have to ask someone.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018