While we're all here talking about Majora's Mask, I'd like to take a moment to remind people that this amazing fanmade trailer exists:
Scientists say that it's impossible for the moon to crash into the Earth--if you guys are wondering. It IS possible, though--for a gigantic comet to crash into the Earth and terminate all civilization. When there's a solstice and the moon lines up with the Earth--wouldn't the ocean levels rise or something?
umm... I think your missing the point, It's a video game. And the theory that the moon would make the ocean levels rise, I think there's probable cause to say that. And I think that the gravitational pull of the Moon would cause incredible tsunamis and hurricanes. The rising sea levels would only be an aftermath.
Sure, there may be a small, noticeable difference in the height of the tide, if all the planets were to align, but it would be so negligible that it wouldn't even be worth mentioning in a community newspaper.
The moon is actually slowly spiraling in on the earth as we speak. Unless something horrible happens before then, it'll probably crash into the earth in a few million years. Where is your science now?