So... I was playing FFVII-Remix (The modded to death awesome hard difficulty version) for the umpteenth time, and I recalled something. In a thread that Kubo made about FFVII-Remix a while ago. Someone (I think it was Kitty) requested screen shots of Cross Dressing Cloud with the new mods on the game. So... I figure, I'm passing through this point anyway. Let's go for it. Anyway, as requested by whoever it was (and therefore I hope they see this thread) Enjoy. Spoiler Sorry for the quality, I was in a rush while playing this, so I took a few quick shots, but yeah. You can also enjoy Aerith and Tifa in their dresses. lol
oh yeah, like I haven't seen that before. I wonder if that's what it would be like if FFVII were remade to the PS3
Nah, at the moment, all the Square teams are working on other things. From what I understand though, they have said that if they ever were to do a remake, FFVII would be the first on their list. So far it's unconfirmed, but they have been thinking about it apparently.
Ironically, in the modded FFVII, the graphics are improved upon the original games... lol The battle models for Cloud and Co are pretty good anyway. Look more like something you'd get for the PS2 (well... sorta) but yeah, that's only the battle models.
Awesome, never got that far with the patches... that difficulty mod was making it really difficult for me. >_> Good job.
DO YOU ENJOY MY MISERY. DO YOU. lol yeah but i'm past that okay whatever bye we're not friends :((((((((((