Create a Boss

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by TwilghtRoxas, Apr 14, 2007.

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  1. TwilghtRoxas Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 14, 2007
    Heres Mine
    Name XIII Striker
    HP 2500
    Diffucluty Hard
    2000 EXP
    The Great Maw After Sephorth Fight
    Gain The Shadow Bladers Keyblade 15 ST 15 MAG
    Nothing Blast - Xemness Attack That Has Reversel Comond On It
    Warp Strike - Xigabirs Attack where he is invinsible
    Dragon Wind - Xaldins Dragon Attack
    Protecting Ice - Vexens Deffensive Sheild Attacks
    Rock Blast - Lexances Rock Blast That Makes The wole plae A Mountion
    Illusion Attack - Zexions Cloneing Attack
    Besserk Mode - Siaxs Beserk Mode
    Flame Burst - Axels Fire Attack Where He Says BURNNNN
    Water Strike - Demyxs Water Clones 10 - 30 non timed
    Luckey Guss - Luxords Card Game
    Black Petel Dance - Marluxias Black Holes
    Lighting Strike - Larxenes Lighting Strikes
    Light Worlds - Sends Out Light Strikin Combos
    Anti Mode - Turns Into Anti Mode
    Valor Strike -Dose any random Valor Form Attack
    Wisdom Magic - Dose Blizzerd and Fire
    Master Mastered - Invisable Combos Hurt
    Final - Weakest Point But Strongest
  2. Xenor Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 23, 2007
    Name: The One
    Description: Riku,Roxas,Sora,and Xemnas put together
    Final Boss
    All the attacks of Riku,Roxas,Sora,and Xemnas has
  3. Kiryu Setsuna F. Seiei

    Mar 28, 2007
    The Batcave
    Name:The Eternal

    Weapon:Able to summon thousands of blades to act as a sheild or a weapon.


    Details:Able to summon the darkness to create his Eternal blades and be immune to attacks while surrounded by the Abyss of darkness

    Attacks:Saber beams
    Darkness impalement
    Darkness cloak
    Dark clones
    Darkness thunder(ultimate attack)
  4. TwilghtRoxas Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 14, 2007
    Good Good I Have Another One
    Name:Twilght Dragon/Midnight Rider
    Location:World That Never Was (Sky Scraper)
    Diffucluty:Exstremly Crittical
    Awards - 5000 EXP,Twilght Sheild,Twilight Wand,XIII Summon Ability
    Non Optinal
    Twilght - Sends Out Dragon Breat Of Greyness
    Stomp - Earthquakes Smash
    Grab - Grabs You And Throws Sora Down The Building
    Stun Great - Stuns Sora
    Twi Spear - Three Dark and Light Daggers Are Thrown at Sora
    Everey Third Stage Magic
    Every XIII Move That You Fought
    How To Fight - Attack his head (The solider holds a spear that wile do minor damage but once the dragon is at 2000 the soilder is killed
    Come Back Here after 1st Battel of Xemness Cant open Gate Untill The Dragon is killed
  5. Kiryu Setsuna F. Seiei

    Mar 28, 2007
    The Batcave
    Name: Dragoon Knight
    Weapon:Twin Fire and Ice lance
    Attacks:Twin fire and Ice combo(deals two to four attacks)
    Reduce everything to ash-summons a fire dome floor covered in magma
    Eternal Freeze-Shoots a blast of ice-use reaction to break the ice
    Dragoon Armor-Enters berserk mode and is cloaked in a dragoon armor-immune to attacks
    Hells dragon-Summons a dragon to englufs you in a fire and ice blast
    How to beat:When he summons hells dragon you reaction command knock back to send the dragon flying back. Dragoon Knight loses his armor takes damage and is stunned.
    What you get:Eternal dragoon keyblade
  6. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Boss Name:Entity
    Found:Twilight Town, in room where sora first woke up
    Impossible(Harder than Knight)
    Fight with Donald and Goofy
    Reward:Ability to wield two keyblades at once, Infinite Drive Gauge
    places timer on party that will only stop if sora lands a combo on the boss, otherwise you die in 4 seconds.
    Command menu mix-up
    Ultimate Combo attack
    Ability to KO donald and goofy at anytime
    4 cards pop up and you must press the right time or the boss will be healed
    Casts the party's HP down to 1 and magic down to 0
    Creates Clones that you must find the real boss and attack, else you HP goes down to 1
    Makes Donald and Goofy attack Sora, only stops if you land a combo on boss
    Fills Room wth flames that must cast Blizzard 3 times to put out.
    Summons any earlier boss that the party must defeat to continue the fight
    HP:18 health bars
  7. eurekingdom Moogle Assistant

    Apr 14, 2007
    In a hole
    Boss Name: Vincent Valentine
    HP: 18 000
    Fight With: Sora only
    Olympus Tournament (optional battle): Diamond Cup
    Cerberus- Six rounds from his gun, Cerberus
    Slash- Sweeps out with metal claws
    Limit Break- Transforms into one of his beast forms
    Final attack- Transforms into Chaos and flies around area, shooting and slashing Sora
    Award: Cerberus keyblade (ability to weild three keyblades at once)

    Is this good enough?

    Young Dark Soldier (Same evil guy in Secret ending, but young, and in chaser form.)
    Fight with no weapon, only magic and wooden sword
    Found: Destiny Islands
    Hp:100,000(fifty health bars)
    optional (secret boss for next kh game.
    1% chance of 99938403656027164960372947204730294038402409287528678127143767586747186613576857645764526655% that you can kill him.
    Obtain:The power of kingdom hearts
    Ultima:Explodes the battlefield killing everything.
    Chaser: Shoots 1,00,00,00,00,00 lasers, that you must reflect
    Lock of Doom: Locks your abilities, So 1 hp, one mp, and one drive until you beat him.
    Xehanort's fury: Ordinary, smashes you with random weapon.
    Light:Refills his own health gauge to full
    Dark:Kills you
    Freeze: Freezes you.
    XIII chasers: Calls org XIII in chaser mode, to fight you all at once
    Sweet memories: Turns wooden sword into sweet memories mode, so it is weaker.

    Beat that.
  9. Storrini Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 30, 2006
    Name: Jesus
    Hp: 20 bars
    Exp: Jesus cannot be measured in EXP.
    Weapon: His cheek. Oh and also the ability to regenerate.
    Difficulty: OMGWTFBBQ-IT
    Attacks: He starts off with using all four elemental spells at once (Firaga, Blizzaga, Aeroga, and some thing where he summons boulders from the ground like Lexaeus), and if you survive that he has to regain strength, so he stays still for like eight seconds. Then he moves around quickly and covers the field with a rainbow which will kill you if you're not in a limit. You can't finish combos on him, once you're at the end you just hit his cheek so that's not much use. Come on, it's Jesus.

    What you get: The Jesus Summon! :D After you summon him he rises to the center of the field and he glows a lot, then gives a friendly thumbs up. Lasers come out of said thumbs.
  10. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau

    I don't know if you were joking or what, but I just about crapped myself that was so funny. XD

    EDIT: Because that was a bit of spam, let me stay on topic. xD

    Name: The Muffin Man
    Hp: 1
    Exp: 1
    Weapon: Muffin wrapper
    Difficulty: Near impossible
    Attacks: He starts off with a massive flurry of deadly.............raisins! Then following up with a violent turbulence of cane sugar. Soon after that he will start glowing a very dark color, large rain drops will fall, IT'S CHOCOLATE! They kill you instantly, fyi.

    What you get: Three muffins. One that says "The", one that says "Muffin", and another that says "Man". All do 99 damage 99 times upon use. Side effects that may occur: Sugar poisining. You can only use each muffin one time throughout the entire game--after using them you are muffinless.
  11. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Oh, cool! Jebus in Kingdom Hearts!
  12. TwilghtRoxas Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 14, 2007
    Well i got omething else now
    its a great boss that would be stupit to put in a kingdom hearts sereis becuse these are the main charetors
    Goffy HP 2000
    Donold HP 1530
    Jack Skelington HP 1500
    C.JackSparrow HP 2300
    Simba HP2100
    Aladin HP 1400
    Best HP 1200
    Mulun HP 2100
    Aroun HP 2000
    RIKU HP 2500
    Exp in total 200,000,000,000
    Side Effects - Dissabled from your team
    Keyblade - Heartless Freindships(has a symbloy for each freind with hearts less sighns onit)
    Were - TWTNW
    Attacks - all the same when they where at LV 99
    Diffuculty - Harder than 500 Sephorth with Sweet Memories and 20HP
    How to find - First go to were the graveyard is and there will be a new stone go there and you will be in your gummi ship the go to the new world ther called ????TWTNW And fight them no save:eek:
  13. abel Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 1, 2007
    Easton, Pennsylvania
    Name:Kingdom Hearts/Dark Gardian
    Difficulty:Very,Very,VERY Difficult
    Battle Team: Sora,Riku and for the first and ONLY time Roxas.
    Rewards:Final Mix(keyblade Atk:40 Mag:40),Save the World(staff Atk:35 mag:45),
    Save the Future(shield Atk:55 Mag:0), and Twilight Realm(team attack:Sora summons Roxas and they devastate the field).
    Bosses Attacks(kingdom hearts):
    Kingdom Assault
    Kingdom Ruin
    Kingdom Devastation
    Bosses Attacks(dark gardian):
    Final Assault
    Final Fate
    Final Keyblade
    Finale of a God
    Location:Betwiks and between in Twilight Town.
  14. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Yu Yevon
    Found:Beast's Castle in BallRoom
    17 health bars (Optional fight.)
    Fight with Beast only(Donald and Goofy get separated.)
    Immune to Keyblade attacks.
    Attacks:Summons Nobodies of any kind
    Ability to take away Beast for 30 seconds maximum
    Takes away one item at at any time
    Floods room with water. use the keyblade to drill a hole through the wall before sora drowns.
    Everytime Sora tries to use the keyblade on the boss, it heals.
    Thunderstorm attack
    Meteor attack
    Massive Gravity spell attack
    Can Transform into a clone of beast that you must hit the fake or else Both sora and Beast are KOed.
    Reward:Infinite Magic
  15. OKexperience Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 10, 2007
    Just had to write in this one

    Name: Enigmatic King
    HP: 18 bars
    Difficulty: Hard
    Weapon: Keyblade
    Location: There will be a warp in Disney Castle. Inside, you will arrive in some kind of royal place. From there you're going to have to get to a building that resembles a castle. Alot of platforming. When you arrive a cutscene occurs.

    Some soldiers are desperately running inside the castle. They run up to a throne where a guy in a lion furred cape and a royal red crown sits. He will have a crown scar under his left eye.

    Soldiers: They're here!

    EK: Finally...

    He walks out of the castle and goes down some stairs. At the bottom om them, Sora, Donald and Goofy awaits. All three of them do their attack pose.

    EK: *laughs* Are you seeing me as a threat?

    Sora and co are quiet.

    EK: If so, let me test your strengh to see if you're worthy.

    Battle begins. It is just outside the castle.

    The boss is immune to all magic.

    Attacks: He stars the battle by jumping high up in the air, so high that you can't even see or lock on to him. You'll also be freezed. At some random point, the reaction command "Stop Decend" appears. This reaction command is a deceiving one. If you press triangle, Sora will stand in a defensive pose and try to stop the EK diving at you, instantly killing you. If you don't use the reaction command, another one will appear shortly after, called "Flee". Use it, and Sora will make a move that makes the EK miss him.

    After that, the EK will just stand still for a while, being invurnable. He finally does a combo that takes away your whole hp (except for one). This can be avoided.

    When you take away 3 of his hp bars, his attack pattern will change. He will randomly throw his keyblade at you, and you've got to avoid this. If you get hit, it stuns you, while the EK runs up to you and makes that 1 hp left combo.
    He will also use the jump up in the air attack, but this time, you will not get freezed, and no reaction command appears. Instead, you'll have to avoid it by dodge rolling or glide.
    He will also have an attack where he teleports his keyblade behind you and thrusts a couple of times.

    After 5 more hp bars, his attack pattern changes again. He will no longer throw the keyblade at you, but he will start to run up to you instead and do a jump attack. He will do this a couple of times in a row. At any point in the battle from here on, he will suddenly stop attacking and teleport away. He will then walk nine steps and summon a crown symbol under his feet (kind of like when Sora unlocks a new world). He will then either make a move so that his keyblade spins around him while the crown expolodes (you will die on one hit), or he will use curaga to heal 5 hp bars.

    When he's got 10 bars left, he will start going crazy and glide at you. You will have to do the same, glide away. After a while you will notice that he is gone and your commands will change. It will look like this:


    This is where it gets hard. The one command you chose, is the one you will loose for the rest of the battle. Good luck killing him if you choose attack.

    Either way, he will start going back to his normal pattern again.

    When he has 5 bars left, Donald and Goofy will disappear, and the EK will go into his version of Final Form. He will constantly glide at you while spinning his keyblades. He will also spam magic like crazy. If you manage to bring down his hp to one bar left, he will do the jump up in the air thing one more time, this time with the freeze and the reaction command. A third one will appear saying "Imitate" and Sora will do the same, jump high up and dive at the EK. After that, the EK will just stand there looking at you, and you can combo him to win.

    Cutscene after battle:

    EK: I'm sorry.

    Sora: Who are you?

    The EK creates a crown symbol under Sora's feet. It glows and Sora is ''consumed'' by the light.

    EK: Too bad you'll never experience the real pain.

    The EK starts to go back to the castle.

    Sora: Wait!

    The EK stops, turns around and smiles.

    EK: Look around when you travel new worlds.

    He then goes inside the castle and the door closes.

    Cutscene over.

    You'll recieve: Crown Mark. A blessing by a King that enhances your strengh, magic and defense by 50 no matter how high you had before.

    After that, you'll stand in front of the castle again. But there's more. You CAN walk inside and do alot of platforming there. If you manage to get past all the obstacles in the castle, you will find a chest in a treasure chamber containing the
    Royal Kingdom keyblade: the kingdom key with a much more royal look to it.

    The stats:

    Attk: 9
    Magic: 9

    Ability: Gives you the new combo finisher "Kingdom Curaga"

    Kingdom Curaga: At the end of a combo, Sora will take 9 quick steps and make a crown mark in the ground, doing massive damage to enemies while casting curaga on himself.

    OK that was alot to read I know but I've had this boss fight in my mind for some time now and.. I was bored :D
  16. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Found:Port Royal, go to ship graveyard to initiate battle
    Fight Alone
    Reward:Goofy learns "Curaga", Extreme Form
    Attacks:Swings tentacles
    Grabs boat and tilts it, attack tentacles or ship sinks and the battle is lost
    Fills ship with flames
    Covers Sora in flames, which quickly dwindles down health
    Slams tentacles to create shockwave
    Grabs and swallows Sora, Use reaction command "Escape" or battle is lost
  17. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion
    Ooo, there are a lot of great one's. Lets see...

    Nickname: BJ (stop it you perves)
    Name: Beatle Juice
    Hp: [insert sideways 8]
    Class: He's a zombie. So wait for moonlight. But if it's on the full moon, then he turns into a wareworlf. Then you're screwed... So... technically, the only way to beat him is with thunder stuffed with silver. Goodluck with trying to find some silver lying around...
    Exp: 900
    Weapon: His persuasion (ulimtate attack)

    Difficulty: However tough it would be to defeat a zombie/warewolf with silver enhanced thunder.

    Attacks: Bringing you to the underworld with no magic hockeypuck. Summoning Hades to kick your sorry- and then turning Auron against you like a... rolling stone! *shifty eyes* Auron falls where BJ drops him. (stop it you perves)

    What you gain:
    Summoning Beatle Juice by saying his name three times! That, and taxes off the next time you 'die'. Bonusly enhanced summon gauge! A level up and a thunder boost! Oh and a gun (because it's a kid's game, remember?) and it's suped up with "thunder" silver bullets.

    As a result of writing above paragraph: Why is it called thunder if you attack with a more lightning aproach?? Shouldn't it be called lightning instead? 'Tis logical... *shrug*
  18. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    Okay, This is going to be my hardest EVER!
    Old Man from the secret movie in KH2:FM
    21 health bars
    No Magic can be used(Not even Cure)
    Fight with Goofy only
    Found:Portal in Timeless River which takes you to a pitch black room
    Reward:9,999 munny, Infinite Summon gauge,Hp increases by 10
    Attacks:Charges towards you and performs sword combo
    Slows down Sora and Goofy which makes dodging very hard
    Places gadget on Sora's head which makes it so if you gets hit again in 65 seconds, he dies instantly
    Takes away Sora and Goofy's weapons for a limited time(time varies)
    Creates nearly undodgable shockwaves
    Fills room with Giant Turrets which cannot be destroyed
    Uses puzzles used in the Luxord boss fight that if lost, the Old Man gets another health bar(he won't be healed though.)
    Places Sora health to 0 if Goofy is KOed in the next 30 seconds
  19. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion
    Oh, I've got another one.

    Nickname: T-Staxnce
    Name: T-Stance of Doom
    Exp: Terrific
    HP: T Style
    MP: level T
    Difficulty: Terrible
    Class:... a no animation/expression Xemnas/heartless.
    Attacks: Pencil dive of power. The Terrorous Stance (ultimate attack, blinds you with the ultimate stance of T)
    Details: Is able to beat/own you (literally) without removing body from the dreaded T-Stance.

    How to aquire boss: by cheating

    Fight with: Tigger
    Where to find boss: Twilight Town (I wonder why...)

    What's Gained: Team Stance; where Sora and all of his party members are able to T-Stance freely/randomly.

    new one!!

    Name:Cheerleader squad
    Appearance:Sexy cheerleaders
    Where: Sora's bedroom
    Weapon: Fluffy things
    Seduces sora
    hypnotizes Sora
    dating sora

    reward: 9 months after battle, Sora will have a daughter....?
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