Traditional Art Clearer View of my Drawings

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Mysty, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    So yush. I got to photocopy my drawings FINALLY and will not upload them here for you all to see my struggles with my art. Want to make a career out of this but with animation and I need a lot of improvement. So please, critique and give me pointers. I would really appreciate it. I also could not find all of my drawings sad to say so I can only show a fraction of what I have.

    The Oath to Bring Mother Back (Attempt)
    There was the point in time I had this craze for anything and everything Fullmetal Alchemist. Good times. This was my attempt at drawing the Transmutation Circle that is forbbiden. Trying to draw a perfect circle multiple times is a true pain in the rear believe me.

    Some Dude from FF:CC
    I bought this game called Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. It was not the best game I have ever played. It was just decent. The villain in the game though rose my interest. He had such a unique design I just couldn't pass it up. So, then I tried to draw him and this is the result.

    Tales of Symphonia 2 Main Male Role
    Okay. Before I start. The only Tales of. game I have ever played is Tales of the Abyss. I saw this guy (and some girl) in a Nintendo Power Magazine and thought he would be cool to draw. Really there is no other reason. behind him.

    The XIII Sisters
    Now this one is one of my favorites. My favorite Final Fantasy game is XIII and one of my favorite all time characters are these two right here: Serah and Claire "Lightning" Farron. My friend requested me to draw him this to put on a jacket and I did so and I am really proud of the results.

    The Disproportionate Twilight Darknut
    Played some Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and loved the detail on this guy. After fighting several of them in the Cave of Ordeals, I decided to attempt and draw him. He has several errors. I did draw this guy when I was in 7th grade so about 5 years ago. Just another look at the past.

    A Battle Within the Digestive Track
    While I was in my Junior year of High School (2 years ago). I stumbled across a huge drawers block. Did not draw anything for a long time. Then one day in math class when I got done with my homework really early, I took out a piece of paper and this guy popped out of my head. This is the battle between Link and the Water Dungeon Boss in Ocarina of Time. It was a quick draw so its blah.

    A Duo that is now 40% Cooler
    This is my most recent drawing. I was inspired by my girl friend at the time who was Maka/ Rainbow Dash/ Friendly Heartless/ Kim Possible. Because I met her when she was Rainbow Dash, I most commonly knew her as that. I wanted to be her counter part so Moonbow Flash was born. A moonbow is the opposite of a rainbow being only at night and reflecting off the light coming off the moon. Flash is another way of saying great speed as it is the same with Dash. I wanted to be her Moonbow Flash and that is where this drawing came from.

    The Prince of All Monkeys (attempt)
    Dragon Ball Z was a big part of my childhood. This is the anime that really wanted me to actually learn how to draw. Vegeta was always the most chalenging for me when I was younger so I attempted it once again last year and this is what came up. Still having some troubles with him. The Super Saiyan 3 transformation is just something I thought would look nice sense he doesn't have one.

    The Bubble Beast from the Mist
    A drawing from my Sophomore year in High School so 3 years ago. I was having the biggest Naruto phase. The latest episodes were those of the Jimchuriki named Utukata and the guy seriously grew on me. I thought he was just awesome. So I drew him and his beast. It turned out fairly well. I could have done better.
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Some good CNC, and some bad CNC.

    The good part, holy freaking crap with the details. Those are legit. Seriously, Roxas's and Sora's hair drove me nuts, AND their outfits when I drew them. The details in the The Disproportionate Twilight Darknut; AWESOME. Some Dude from FF:CC; pretty neat. And the FFXIII characters are alright too. I wouldn't have the patience to do all those fancy lines and shadings. Crazy anime hair already drives me bonkers with the shading and the angles, so good job! *thumbs up*

    Also, kudos with attempting with the coloring. I know a lot of newbie artists (including me) who are terrified to put color pencil to their artwork. So good job working up the courage to add some colorful life to your drawings.

    The bad stuff.

    The proportions are what really need to be worked on the most in my opinion. Some are alright, like the chibi drawing since they're chibis and a bit deformed in a sense, but the ones with the big armor and whatnot need a little more work. The legs on one of the dudes look like he would walk like a chicken and flop over.

    Also, I said kudos for coloring, but I think you can work on it a little itty bit with the shading and stuff. Like make some areas darker and some lighter, bring some more life into the art. You know what I'm saying? Kind of what you do with the shading of the pencil.

    But with the little challenge you have (and you probably know what I'm talking about), this is pretty neat coming from a guy with some eye problems. Keep up the great work my boy and don't stop now. Cause if you stop, it's hard to get it back. The more you draw and study other anime artists and how they draw and shade, the better you'll get at it. ;D