Carcass Carivan

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aelin, Jun 4, 2018.

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  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Hedgrit scoffed a laugh as he thought of Iridia trying to take out a crawler.. "It would be a sight to see, that would." He joked not actually encouraging her to do it, but enjoying the joke anyhow. Despite everything around him, Hedgrit tried to keep a light spirit, or as light of a spirit as a dwarf could have, cracking jokes every now and then. "Should we give the kids some space so they can... you know." Disregarding the fact that they were siblings. After all elves were weird, who knew what they did with family.
    [​IMG] As Zelph came over, Tellia followed him over to the door. "You're back." She said softly as she began to scan him for any signs of injury during combat. The smallest thing could mean trouble for them, so she was always careful when it came to her brother. He was checking the door, which seemed to be unlocked, a little stiff to open, getting caught as he tried, but not purposefully held shut. Tellia stood a step back just watching her brother for the time being.
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] Iridia looked disgusted at Hedgrit's implications with his sentence and just continued with the purification. She then cast a spell which caused the area to glow, and the three crawlers began to have grass grow around them and wrap around them. It pulled them gently into the ground as they disappeared into the dirt, and in place of their parts small saplings popped out of the ground. Iridia finished up the cleanup and stared and said, "Nah. But I could go for some ale right now if you're up for it." one of the useless skills in Iridia's spell list was that he could create alcohol. It wasn't amazing tasting but it got the job done. Fortunately for her, she also could summon water. Which saved water-search issues, but couldn't stop food searching. The only problem with the spell is that it made her tired if she used it too much and meant she was magically exhausted for the day. Which is why she usually summoned their water in one day and rested for the rest. But right now, she was fine with a small amount of ale. She only really needed a small amount anyway.

    [​IMG] "I am." Zelph replied not really feeling the need to elaborate. The elf showed no signs of injury except for his palm for the cut, which had no signs of blood. While it did heal quickly, it seemed to heal slower and slower each time he had to use that magic, which ever since the outbreak had been a lot more than he did before. As he got the door open, a little dust flew out and he rubbed his nose and mumbled, "Well that's nice." as he walked inside he quickly snapped his fingers to try and use a spell to get some light. It glowed briefly before disappearing again. The elf tried to hide his embarrassment and snapped his fingers again and tried to play it off like his lack of magical talent was more of an intentional quick flash and stop. He walked in quietly and looked back to Tellia to see if she was following.
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Hedgrit perked up right away as Iridia mentioned Ale. "I would love some ale. Fill me up. I knew we kept ya around for something." Hedgrit commented as he shuffled through his bag and found himself a tankard that he always carried with him, holding it up to the small fairy for her to fill it up for him.
    [​IMG] Tellia stared at the cut palm for a moment. "You know you really shouldn't do that. I mean what if you get something into one of those cuts it could be bad and I don't want to lose you." Tellia tried not to sound too upset about the idea, but she was staring at it for a moment thinking about it before finally getting over it and following her brother inside as he tried to light the room. Approaching beside him she used the little bit of innate magic she had to create a dancing light shaped like a woman that illuminated the area. Her magic was limited due to the fact the demon living in her seemed to feed off her magic and use it for himself, but she could still do the occasional small utility magic like lighting area's, starting campfires, and mending stuff. "There you go!" She said cheerfully.
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "More like I keep you around because you're a better drinking buddy than the boy." Iridia giggled as she poked the glass and it filled up with ale. She conjured up a small thimble-sized tankard for herself and scooped the smallest amount from Hedgrit's, which looked like nothing was taken out, and she started sipping away before turning her attention in the direction of the house again.

    [​IMG] "You'll never lose me over something like that, Tellia." Zelph said as assertively as he could. He couldn't promise he wasn't bit, or that she wouldn't lose him, but there wasn't really a way at this moment in time anything could get inside the wound. Though he did start wondering if he should find some gloves to put on to prevent that. It wasn't his priority right now. After Tellia lit the room, he turned his head so she couldn't see the brief look of shame he felt over not being able to do a simple cantrip, but he turned back very quickly with a smile, "Nice job. Thank you." and he started looking around the house for potential supplies. Just before he did he turned and said, "Before going into a room behind a closed door, do the three knock test, okay?"

    The three knock test was when someone knocked on a door three times and backed away from the door and waited a minute to see if a crawler broke through the door. Over hearing the three knocks they could generally tell someone living was around. He always made sure to remind Tellia since it was important and it was better to set the zombies off quietly than to alert everything a mile around from screaming.

    ooc: i haven't described anything in the house yet cause i didn't know if i was allowed : /
  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "That boy can't hold his liquor worth a damn, but hey he is just a kid. What do ya expect from him?" Hedgrit laughed as his mug was filled and Iridia took her own tiny portion out of his cup. Hedgrit started chugging his ale, finishing it rather quickly. "Another if ya would." One Ale was never enough, he was a heavy drinker, this was barely a start.
    [​IMG] "But we have seen people turned and the only sign of injury was nothing more than a scratch." Tellia pointed out to him. Those first weeks of the outbreak, before it was an all out pandemic, signs of people turning were still vague. No one thought that the small cut someone gave himself while working on his farm equipment would get infected and turn him into a crawler. Tellia's mother was gifted healer, she would go with her every now and then when she went to help this man as he slowly got sick and lost his mind. It was after he fully turned that her mother started packing her and Zelph up as the man escaped his home and attacked several people of the town already. So Tellia knew how small something had to be to turn someone and it worried her when she looked at her brothers hand.

    Taking her mind off of that Zelph reminded her of the three knock rule.
    "I know, I know. We go over this any time we go anywhere." She huffed clearly not a fan of the reminder. Given it though, she assumed that she was to help check out the house, so she walked over to the door om the left, knocking and waiting three seconds before walking into a childs bedroom.
  6. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] Iridia filled up Hedgrit's tankard once more while Zelph ended up getting focus cause of more fun stuff. Zelph noticed his sister's annoyance at him reminding but there was a part of him that felt like if he did not tell her, it would be the one time she did not do it. Zelph began to explore the abandoned house beginning his search first through the kitchen, where he ended up seeing the body of the child and jumping slightly. He approached it cautiously but noticed a small flower was growing on it and new at the very least Iridia purified the body. He quickly looked around to see if Tellia was looking before picking up the body and running outside with it and placing it by Hedgrit and Iridia awkwardly and running back inside. He started rummaging through the area to see if any food was stored. Unfortunately for him, most of the stuff they would have loved to have eaten was rotting. The vegetables were basically hopeless. But this family stored their game pretty well. The boy started stocking up quickly in his bag all the food and supplies in the kitchen he could find before he heard growling and stopped still. He paced quietly in the direction of it and it began to be loud and frantic as he saw what must have been a human pinned under something and unable to move. At this rate they were infected and trying to kill Zelph, but could only accomplish so much from how it was pinned.

    Zelph whispered a small prayer to himself before he sliced his hand a small amount again and pointed towards the woman and the blood shot out like that of an arrow and pieced through her head as she stopped still. Zelph realized after a moment of looking that this woman very well may have been the mother of the child. He stared at her a long moment as he remembered watching when his father was dead on the floor and Ilythyrra was infected and telling for him to run and protect Tellia. Probably the only responsibility those two ever gave him and trusted. He couldn't say he got along with either his father or his stepmother (though Ilythyrra would be loathed for him to refer to her as such). The only reason he ended up being taken in by him was because of his mother's own death years prior. Zelph was approaching thirteen when his mother died and he was brought in by his father out of pity. His first name sounded plenty elven, which was why he stuck to just that. But his last name was Wildfeather, his mother's last name. That was unmistakably human. Sometimes when not in the presence of them he announced himself as Zelph Daerieth, but his father caught him once and he made a point that if he did it again he would be out on the streets. And by that point, Zelph had already grown attached to his sister, whom he met when she was aged five. But even still, it hurt to see how Ilythyrra seemed to suffer, and he was the one that ended up putting her out of it and getting Tellia out of there.

    He knew he would have to tell her soon that they were dead... he just didn't know how to approach it now that it had taken him so long to get there. The half elf continued his search afterwards and noticed that the woman had a bag filled with canned goods and emergency medical supplies, like she was getting ready to escape before the attack happened. He got excited and quickly began to loot before going once again on his search for Tellia,
    "Find anything exciting?"
  7. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Hedgrit was just finishing his ale when a dead body was dropped at his feet, and Hedgrit spit out what was in his mouth. "What the bloody hell?" Before he could really ask about it, Zelph ran away back towards the house. "What are you- Oh never mind." Looking down at the body he could see that it was purified likely by Iridia. "So I suppose you want me to bury this thing?" He asked staring at the body not too fond of the work that he had to put into doing things for Iridia. That being said she gave him ale, so she supposed that he had to do her a favour too.
    [​IMG] Tellia walked out of the bedroom holding a teddy bear that she had found inside. "I found this.... Do you think I can keep it?" Tellia asked her brother. Normally she knew better than to take things from other people, but as far as she was aware everyone was gone from this house and she had lost teddy during their travels. It was one of the times the demon took over and when Zelph had caught up to her, they were far enough away and had drawn enough attention that they weren't going to go back. It wasn't that she needed a doll anymore, she had outgrown that a few years before, but in hard times especially when her friend was acting up, she found it a good thing to focus on, just nice having something to hold and care for, even if it wasn't real.
  8. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] Iridia shook her head at the dwarf and smiled, "Nah, it'll be quite alright. I just needed it outside so I could work my magic." The fairy summoned out her little staff again and began doing the same ritual she did before, but this time the fairy started slowly falling from flight and began sitting on the ground with her hands against it and taking deep breathes. She was already magically exhausted and feeling tired, but she was stubborn and didn't want to admit it. Though she was bad at pretending she was fine otherwise.

    [​IMG] Zelph looked at the bear a bit and shrugged and said, "I don't see why not. I'm sure whoever did have it would want it to have more adventures." he kept looking around the house just to eye the place and see if there was more and said, "But I'm not gonna carry it for you." it wasn't like it was atypical behavior for a kid to get sick of carrying their own stuff but with how many times he had to go back for teddy because she left it back at the site (though it wasn't too far a walk) and he had to keep an eye he didn't want to have to have that responsibility.
  9. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Good. I didn't feel like digging a hole for ya. I mean I would but I don't want to." Hedgrit was rather blunt with his thoughts. He didn't try and pretend that he was perfectly willing to do the work that she wanted tone usually. He personally had no problem leaving the body in the house and just walking away. "Where are the children we should get going. If there was two of em, I don't think it will be long before more show up." Hedgrit warned as he lifted his ax again, just in case something tried to sneak up on them.
    [​IMG] "You won't have to, I can hold my own stuff." Tellia insisted. She didn't want him to carry the bear anyways. It would be something for her to hold onto when she was fighting with her friend. He was asleep for now, but it still was nice to have something around for comfort. Turning back to the bedroom she looked at the clothes laid out on the bed, then down to her own dirty outfit. Sure they were cleaner and they would probably fit her, but it felt wrong to Tellia to wear someone else's clothing. Taking a toy was one thing, but taking their wardrobe made her squirm a little bit. Tellia tried not to think of what might have happened to the people who lived here before. Looking at the shape of the room it looked more like the people were still preparing to leave, but hadn't left yet. She knew perfectly well what happened but didn't want to admit to it. Reaching up she grabbed onto her brothers hand. "Can we leave now?" She asked wanting to stop feeling like she was invading another persons privacy even though no one was there.
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Zelph felt Tellia's hand and could tell how her discomfort was, he nodded and gave her hand a gentle squeeze before beginning to head out the the room and soon the house with her. Once outside, Iridia looked and saw they were out and she made herself fly up to Hedgrit's bag again and slid herself inside and curled up at the bottom. The color in her wings turned to an orange and she stared off a bit, she did this usually to let the others know she was resting because of her magic, but she could help if there was emergency. So far there was only one time her wings turned "red" to signal she needed complete rest and couldn't help at all, and that was the third day she joined Zelph and Tellia, when she was very weak. She knew Hedgrit was a lot more recent and she explained her coding at some point to him, knowing he probably was annoyed it had to be explained but she gave him ale so what was he to do.

    Zelph looked at the dwarf and said,
    "Family's all gone. I took what was salvageable."
  11. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Chuckling a bit Hedgrit watched Iridia snuggle into his bag. He would never say it out loud, but he found the fairy slightly addorable, especially when she decided to curl up at the bottom of his bag for some sleep. "Rest well little one." He mumbled, hopefully quiet enough Iridia wouldn't actually hear, before looking up and spotting Zelph approaching holding his little sisters hand. Well it seemed that good times were over and the trouble was back. "Ah very well. At least we got more supplies, but we shouldn't stay here. We need to find a place to stay that is a little safer before dark." Hedgrit instructed them, not liking the idea of staying in the place that crawlers just were.
    [​IMG] As they got out, Hedgrit already wanted to leave and keep moving. Tellia frowned a little at the concept of that. She was getting tired and could use a rest herself, but he was probably right that they needed to keep moving. Knowing that it wasn't likely going to happen, Tellia still tried as she batted her eyelashes and looked up at her brother. "Bwother Zelph? I'm tiwred. Can you carry me pwease?" Tellia intentionally played up a far more childish voice than usually, going as far as faking a yawn as she looked up at her brother with puppy dog eyes.
  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] When Tellia started playing up her exhaustion, he could totally see through her bullcrap and gave her a 'seriously?' look at rolled his eyes, "You're a big girl, and you got to sleep in today. You can walk a little longer." if she pushed more, he'd probably cave more out of guilt for not doing anything. He looked at Hedgrit and said, "Well, we could try and keep heading a little more west, but I think the girls are down." he knew Tellia could hear him and Iridia mumbled out from the bag, "I'm soooorry." but it was muffled.
  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    [​IMG] "I don't want to walk though." Tellia just pouted at Zelph, knowing that he was not buying her act of pouting and overplaying her tiredness. "Iridia gets to be carried." She also tried to use as a defense, more than well aware that Iridia weighed next to nothing and made no difference if she flew or was carried. Tellia knew that she would slow down Zelph if he had to carry her. She still sighed and hugged her teddy bear as she walked on, still holding on to Zelph's hand.

    "Ey. We will travel a little longer and find a place we can set up a safe watch for us. If the little ones are too tired I would assume they won't be taking a watch." Maybe Iridia when she rested more, but never Tellia. Even if they made her take watch, Hedgrit didn't trust her not to get too distracted with other things, or let her friend take over and run off. That would be a problem if she did. Not for him of course, not until Zelph made him get up and go after her, possibly running head long into danger of a crazy little girl. Hedgrit just dreamed of getting to a place where he could sleep one solid night and not have to force himself awake to watch the campsite.
  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] Zelph let out a sigh in defeat and as a twisted bit of revenge, Zelph grabbed her by the shirt and lifted her up very quickly and let her go in midair before catching her on his back and grabbing her by enough support so she wouldn't fall. He then looked at Hedgrit and held a hand out, "Okay little one are you tired too and would like to be tossed and carried?"
  15. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    [​IMG] Tellia smiled a little bit at her victory as she giggled a little bit seeing Zelph toss her up and catch her on his back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and used her new teddy bear as a pillow against Zelph's neck as she rested her head. She really was tired and her eyes were already drooping as soon as he picked her up, but she could have gone for a little longer if she wanted to.

    "There'll be no dwarf tossin here. It is disrespectful to our kind. I will kick your arse before you could get my feet off the ground. That is if you even could with those pathetic elf noodle arms of yers." Hedgrit spat back at him. "I am surprised you can carry that wee one, you elves may be pretty but you aren't built as hardy as us dwarfs." Hedgrit tried to boost his own pride as he pounded a knuckle on his chest before marching on. "Just try and keep up would ya. No complaining about carrying the little one now, not if you think ya can toss a dwarf as well." Hedgrit intentionally picked up speed to make a point.
  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "Yeah, I can carry her. My strength is an unfortunate side effect of my disease of a human side. Also elves are pretty light unlike you dwarves." Zelph mumbled the last part under his breath as he tried to walk faster than Hedgrit so he didn't have to look at him. He was a bit tired himself, and it hurt his hands to hold her because of the cut on his palm but he wouldn't let himself show it.
  17. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    "Ha, diseased. The humans are better than your sorry lot." Hedgrit laughed making fun of the elves again. He smiled though as he looked back at Zelph before he over took him and Hedgrit was legging behind a little bit. He kept quiet after that for a bit while they walked. Tellia ended up falling completely asleep on the back of Zelph after a while, seeming more peaceful than she ever was during the day.

    As they kept going, the two eventually found an abandoned barn in the middle of what seemed like they used to be fields. The barn was in okay shape and after a quick look around there seemed to be no crawlers in the area. It would make for a good place to sleep the night. The barn had one entrance to it, which was good and bad. It made it easier for the night watches, but if Crawlers found them there also was only one way in or out of the place, so they would have to fight their way out. On the positive side however there was an upper loft at the back of the barn, what seemed to be an area to take a break in the middle of a long day of work. There was a ladder up to the area loft and if they were lucky the crawlers wouldn't be coordinated enough to make it up the ladder quickly.

    "Oi! Help me find some brick and bring them up." Hedgrit over to Zelph. At least it was something to throw down at them.
  18. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "What? Is a big strong dwarf like you not able to get some bricks?" Zelph asked as they got inside and he placed Tellia down gently and said, "Well at least get a fire started then so we can cook something." he then looked around to find some bricks and got himself a few in a bag before he climb up the ladder with it. But he was struggling a bit more this time with the bricks than when he was carrying Tellia which was something Zelph was expecting Hedgrit to open his yap about.
  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "I can carry some bricks ya nitwit. I just didn't want to be movin bricks all night by myself." Hedgrit snapped back as he started to collect some bricks himself, finding some old fabric laying around to make a pouch out of the carry the bricks up in. Looking back he watched Zelph struggle a bit and chuckled. "Know what. I will move the rest, just make the fire yer self before ya hurt yerself. I don't want to be left takin' care of the young one." Hedgrit waited for Zelph to be off the ladder before he started to climb with his load of bricks. He was a bit slower than usual, getting a little tired, but he didn't find himself struggling too much as he climbed the ladder and dumped his sack of bricks before descending to find another set.
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] Zelph got a fire started up fairly quickly but he had to spend a little bit longer than he'd like looking for wood to keep it burning. Once he did he set up a surface to heat up so they could cook on it. When it was hot enough, Zelph couldn't help himself as he pulled out some of the bacon and watched Tellia as he placed it on the surface and it began to sizzle.
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