Help Can we...

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by ReverofEnola, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. ReverofEnola King's Apprentice

    Jul 19, 2012
    Talk about other KH websites on this one?
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    It depends on what you mean by 'talk.' If there's a piece of news on a KH site that we've missed, send it to a staff member. If you saw a discussion on another site you'd like to carry over here, then you could link the original thread, though it's not necessary. If someone is looking for information and you find it on another KH site, feel free to link it as a source.

    If, however, your sole intent is to advertise, then that can only be within your signature. Gossiping about or trashing other websites, KH related or not, is generally frowned upon. It goes against our affiliation rules, which of course only apply to our affiliates, but I think it should hold true for any site out there, really. Unless it's IGN. Or Kotaku.

    If you're not sure feel free to message me privately with whatever you were planning to post and I can explain in more specific detail.

    Also, moving this to Site Assistance.
  3. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I agree with Misty. It's not really necessary to talk about other sites here. Talk of any site should remain on that site. Whether you mean to or not, any sort of talk is going to be a form of advertising. Whether it's good or bad. I don't see a problem with it in a Personal Conversation though, as long as it's not open for public viewing. If you'd like to place a link in your signature, all you'd have to do is edit your signature and type in the name of the sites (let's say KH-Vids) highlight that with your cursor, then click on the link button. Insert your link into the box that pops up and click 'Insert' to add the link to the text. Anyone who sees your signature will now be able to view the site, of their own accord.

    I have a question now too. What about talking of non-kh related sites? I don't have the need to do so, just curious as to what the rules are regarding.
  4. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    The same for KH-related sites really, no advertising of them but if there is pertinent content to link or a source of content/information then it's fine. We do make exceptions for things like tumblr or twitter, though, when someone posts saying like "I need some people to follow," stuff like that. But if you're posting a ton of "yo follow me on twitter" threads then that's obviously a problem.