Bush isn't SOOOO Bad of a President...

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Advent, Oct 8, 2007.

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  1. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    You can't say that earth is the only inhabitable planet in the universe, considering how little of it we know of. Not to mention that Mars is theorized to have frozen water beneath the surface.
  2. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Ummm... I know this isn't the place but:

    You do realize that the universe is infinitely large, and therefore has trillions of galaxies and even more planets, correct? There are currently over 200 known extrasolar planets. Most are very close and in this side of the galaxy. That'd be about 500 planets per galaxy, times 1,000,000,000,000 galaxies and that equates to... 5e+17 planets in the seeable universe alone... That's 5 with 17 0's behind it. The odds are we are not alone. I doubt aliens come to Earth, though.
  3. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I think you should read up on the Fermi Paradox, you should find it interesting ^^

    Yes, the chance of there not being another inhabitable planet in the universe is so remote there is more chance of me suffering a Total Existance Failure *disappears* ugh -____-.
  4. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006

    I saw another Bush video. He just acts like an idiot. In a press conference he mentioned pig roast over 5 times. >_> And later on attempted to rub the German's presidents back (who is female) apart from the fact that german's don't like to be touched she was one of the only female world leaders there....you do the math.

    The things he does is just shocking.

    Edit: And in another conference he said Intersexual relations.....when he was ment to say intersectional or something like that.
  5. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    ... Oh God. America is screwed.

    ^ Yeah, I'm aware of the Fermi Paradox. I kind of agree with it, at least in this galaxy. Though elsewhere, probably.

    EDIT: Darkandroid-sama, where are those videos?
  6. FUZZY SWEATER Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 27, 2007
    always in your heart...no not really
    i think bush is an *** for even saying the date the troops were coming home
    he should have kept it private so the iraqs wouldnt find out
  7. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
  8. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
  9. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    ....Bush is an *** for plenty other of reasons.

    He's an idiot. A complete idiot.

    I have a countdown calender until he is out of office. In 2004, he made a speech stating that the World Trade Centers were attacked on September fourth, 2001...

    I've got plenty more arguments about this guy, but seeing as the entire thread is basically blasting him, I don't see them needed.


  10. Repliku Chaser

    Bush and Clinton both sucked. Both lied and Hillary is an even bigger liar.

    Clinton and Hillary were both involved in a scandal where people were murdered and others were imprisoned but not those two. It's called Whitewater and people should learn about it and get familiar with it. Sadly, the controversy of Bill's stupid relationships seemed more important than investigating a serious corporate issue of fraud where it led to deaths. I am very disappointed because I can see Bill might not have been as involved, but Hillary was. I suppose the 'heart ache' of her man cheating on her made people feel bad so she was never charged and is now a senator in my state and going for the presidency. Clinton also ordered a strike on civilian targets in Iraq rather than hitting military ones. He also cut our military back a lot and though it saved some money, if those places had been kept operational better, things wouldn't have been so expensive with this whole thing either.

    Bush should have gone to war, but waited on Iraq and dealt with Al Quaeda and the Taliban scenario. They are -still- fighting in Afghanistan and until we could actually verify what Saddam was doing, we should have stuck to one place and cleaned it up before even considering moving on. I see Bush as a good ol' boy that took things too far. I am annoyed at the cowboy politics done in the name of God etc and we are not justified anymore than those wacky zealots are over there who are willing to behead civilians because they are cowards. Bush made us look like idiots and I am glad to see that there are people in this country and Canada who are looking into producing ethanol from wood chips and other materials than just corn so that perhaps we can become less dependent on oil. Oil companies are very corrupt and it would be nice to move away from them, but that won't happen with the Bush's in power.

    So in the end, I wish we would have no more Bushes or Clintons running for office ever. They've both ignored clear signs that we were in for some harsher terms, had funding for their campaigns from sources they should not have, and just led this country into the crapper, despite the minimal good I've seen come from either. What we really need, in my thoughts, is to move away from the traditional old ways and thoughts and start getting some people in there with ambition. Of course, having said this, I realize the presidents are only responsible for so much and that their people on staff, the cabinet, senators etc are also responsible, whether they try to squirm out of it or not and point fingers merely at the chief. Presidents are nearly a few steps from being figureheads at the rate we are going and it's sad to think a lot of those people in power are also big business corporate sorts.

  11. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I just remembered a saying, those in politics are the ones least suited to lead. Many people go into politics with good intentions. They want to change the world and make a difference. They want to make the world safer and fairer. But when they actually get into the race, they see nothing is what they thought. They get caught up in the corruption and stagnation that is in EVERY government around the world.

    Is it true that some of the senators are there by birth? That tradition has even been removed from the House of Lords in the UK (or is on the way out). People should earn their position for who they are, not by who their parents were (nepotism much?).
  12. redlion Moogle Assistant

    Oct 9, 2007
    San Diego, CA.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    haha. I have a whole bunch of quotes from Bush. He really does seem to have a problem with speaking without a script being in front of him. My favorite one recently was he was around a bunch of kids promoting his 'no kids get left behind' thing and he speaks into the microphone and says "Childrens can learn!" That just killed me of laughter. Why am I here...I don't know. I think I revived after putting food on my family.

  14. Number13Roxas King's Apprentice

    May 11, 2007
    Why do you care?
    Personally if you compare President Clinton being impeached and his little Military experience President Bush doesn't seem as bad. Bush wanted to get Sadaam out of power and also Iraq really needs the help right now.
  15. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    well....he's not THAT bad i guess. i know i wouldn't want to have to make teh descions he does
  16. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    I've never been to America... so yeah
  17. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    Yes Jesus, we're all very sorry that Clinton broke the Ten Commandments. You even took time out of your busy schedule and came down from the heavens and warned us of his unholy opinions and massive baby slaughter. Those poor babies could've lived such promising lives in orphanages filled with hundreds of people that they could relate to, but no, we didn't listen. Why couldn't Clinton be honest to you and to God, like President Bush? Yes Bush, now there's a fine fellow. He collects taxes from all the unfaithful sinners of America, and with that money, eliminates those demons in Iraq. Did you know that Iraq's population consists entirely of terrorists? Good will always prevail over evil! If only Bush could be President for his entire lifetime. Clearly he is the only one with rational judgement on this earth. I'd love to talk more, Jesus, but now I have to go ignore the First Amendment by treating my religion as if it's the governing law of American society.
  18. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    And thank you Little Baby Jesus for showing him those weapons of mass destruction and then quickly making them vanish from reality so that the evil Iraqi demons wouldn't be able to use them.

    Anyway, if you support the logic for attacking a country under false pretenses for its resources then you might as well support the slaughtering of fetuses for stem cell research. But wait, isn't that something Bush is strongly against? The man's made himself as guilty and blood drenched as most of the terrorists he's spending America's economy on to "bring to justice".

    Meanwhile everyone sees Clinton as a satin worship evil man just because he lied about a blowjob.
  19. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    That made me laugh! Blunt, but very true. Why does the world care so much about this, I mean, yeah, it's a bit immoral, but it's nothing compared to what Bush has done.

    Somehow, people still support him with the war even though it's pointless, and it's been pointless since the beginning. Osama Bin Ladin attacks the World Trade Towers and then Bush randomly decides to go after Sadam Hossain. Well guess what? He's dead now! So even if Hossain hiding in Iraq were justified enough to invade it, there's absolutely no reason to still be there now.

    But Iraq is still occupied by soldiers, all because Bush likes slaughtering innocent people. I say "slaughtering innocent people" (as opposed to "war") because this has gotten so ridiculus, I'm beginning to suspect he's after a second holocaust, no better than Hitler. The only difference is that he's labeling it as "war" to cover his a** and make it look like he's only doing "what's bestfor the country."

    Okay, so maybe those last few sentences were a bit below the belt and based to much on assumption, but the underlying message is that there is no point for this war, or whatever it is. I also agree about how he's guiltier than the terrorists he's chasing. About 7,000 innocent people were killed in the World Trade Center attacks, while about 655,000 innocent Iraqi civilians were killed in the war. That's not best for our country and certainly not theirs. This is why the rest of the world hates us so much.
  20. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    ok what you have highlighted in red is SO true
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