Brush Strokes

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hyuge ✧, Sep 10, 2013.

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  1. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Rowan Zachary Halstead
    DATE: January 29th, 2014 [Monday] Ø CURRENTLY: At Home Ø CONDITION: Want to sleep Ø OOC: ARI ARI ARI ARRIVEDERCI!

    After the art class had finished and he had helped clean up the class room, he left for home. Thankfully he had gotten some sleep the night before. This time around, there wasn't any swerving as he drove. Today was a rather slow day, since nobody really came up to him to ask for help. It allowed him to progress with his monster of the week art. During class, he had drawn multiple renditions of werewolves. Ones that were much more wolf-like, ones that were much more humanoid, and everything in between. It was definitely fun to draw them out, and doing those sketches helped him to improve as an artist. He thought about what he could draw during the next class, or whenever he had the time. One monster he could try to draw was Frankenstein's Creature. There were many ways to depict him for sure.

    He arrived home with different kinds of limbs on his mind. When he went to check the mail, he was met by a package. Oooh, what have we here? Rowan picked it up, grabbed his pocket knife that he always had on him, flipped out the blade, and cut through the tape sealing the box. He collapsed the blade and shoved it back into his pocket. The box was opened and he rifled through the packing peanuts that filled it to grab a sleek, wooden box. It was very ornate in its design, with floral patterns adorning the sides.

    After admiring the outside of the box, he was anxious to find out what lay inside. He opened it to reveal a red velvet lining the insides. A rather expensive-looking paintbrush lay in the box, with a dark, wooden handle and jet-black bristles. It was a well-crafted tool, that was certain. When he pulled out the paintbrush, he noticed that there was a note tied around the handle.

    Only the best deserve the best
    Art is life
    It is time to breathe life into art
    Use responsibly

    Use responsibly? That was an odd thing to write for it being a paintbrush. Mind you, it was beautifully crafted, but why would he need to use it responsibly? Very bizarre, though he appreciated receiving this. He placed the paintbrush back in the velvet-lined box and checked the package it came in. All around the packaging he looked, but no address from the sender was on it. Very bizarre indeed. Although, not using the paintbrush would be a waste of a tool, so he decided to use it sometime soon. Painting wasn't his forte, but it wouldn't hurt to dabble in it.

    After ogling the packaging, he discarded it and took the box the brush was in with him to his room. He placed it on his cluttered work desk and fell backwards onto his bed. The last line of the note was still bothering him. It floated around his mind for the rest of the night as he drifted off to sleep. To use a brush responsibly seems a little stupid, and it was weird to even say it.
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    As time went on, Allen's drawing of the bird was making progress. He'd finished up some more of the wing that he was trying to draw. Which left aside from a few background things that he wanted to add in a few small things on the bird itself. With any luck, he would be finished with this pretty soon, but that all depended on how often he actually decided to work on this throughout the week.
    When class had ended, Allen had packed up his things and headed home. The plan was to do whatever he could with his drawing later, but for right now, he wanted to get home and climb into the bed. Upon arriving home, he ate whatever eh could find in the fridge since his mom hadn't cooked anything today. Afterwards, he headed towards the bathroom where he showered and got dressed in his night wear. All that was left for him to do was to head into his room and fall asleep on his bed.
  3. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 3 • 10:30 PM
    Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
    She had Dio - senpai's phone number.
    She had Dio - senpai's phone number.
    She had Dio - senpai's phone number!!
    The moment after receiving his glorious digits, everything else turned into a blissed - out blur. Renée lie giggling in her bed in a giddy fit. Everything was falling into place. It was all just so exciting. She couldn't stop smiling or giggling or blushing the entire time. It took forever to fall asleep. She was just too happy. Tomorrow after school she would definitely be making a detour to campus to go spy on her senpai. She hadn't been giving Reilly - sempai or Rowan - senpai the same amount of attention as Dio - senpai and she needed to have them love her as much as Dio - senpai did. Maybe he would want to do something with her outside of the art class. Wouldn't that be heaven?????

    Renée sighed dreamily before falling asleep, still clutching the piece of paper with Dio's number on it.
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Wearing!: (x)(x) ---- Listening! (x): ---- Feeling!: Hmm!--- Just Saying:
    When class was over and done with, Reilly stayed for a while after to clean up all the paints and supplies left around. When she was done she left for her dorm, but before she did she stopped in the lounge because she got a notification on her phone that said something about a cancelled class and she wanted to see if it was her class.
    When she checked the list of cancelled classes, her only class for Thursday was on the list. She was a little disappointed, but then she got excited. She could work on her photography tomorrow which she hadn't done in a long time.
    When she got to her room, her roommate quickly spoke up, "Oh Reilly! Your class in cancelled tomorrow right?"
    Yeah, yours too?
    "Yup, but I need some help... the Riverton Art Gallery is taking my sculpture tomorrow and you are the only other person who I know who'd help me to get it there tomorrow."
    Sure but I want to work on photography tomorrow, so I can't stay around long after.
    "That's fine. Thank you so much!"
    Reilly smiled and got herself ready for sleep, then climbed into bed and did just that.
  5. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Place: Outside Echo's house. --- Music --- Mood: Cheery
    "Echo?" Cammy knocked, "Echo?" Knocked again, "ECHO?"

    She sighed. Echo hadn't answered the door for five minutes. She looked at the next batch of flowers she had picked. Was Echo okay? She seemed really off lately. Maybe they could go for a picnic later? Or perhaps go see other friends. Long day ahead of them both, she hoped. She needed a long day, especially after doing nothing but sleeping and cleaning lately.

    Alas, it would truly be up to Echo. Cammy wasn't much of a 'let's do what I want' person. She preferred to give everyone a chance to do what they pleased.
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ~:☠Place: Own home/frame☠Emotion: Lonely/Under the Weather☠Music: Lost ChairDay: Four {1/4}~
    The door to Echo's house gradually began to open with a low creek, making it sound like the door was in pain from just being opened. Nothing but shadows could be seen within the crack of the door, making the mood quite eerie. Then without much of a warning, something moved within the shadows to the crack and peered out. Echo's hair was in her face when she looked up, giving a frighting appearance. The tall girl reached up and tucked her hair away from her eyes, looking down to see who had knocked on her door this day. "Oh, Cammy," she said with a half-whisper, smiling a bit. "What a nice surprise." It was very rare that anyone came to see her. It was such a dearie place in her world, she didn't blame anyone if they never ventured to her swampy land. Cammy seemed to have a brave spirit about her though, and for that Echo was grateful for. "I apologize for taking so long, I have not been feeling very well. But, you can stay." She said it so quickly, she smiled timidly and took a step back, pushing the door open more for the little princess to wander in. She didn't mean to sound desperate, but she wanted some companionship. Echo was no better than an old granny living with forty cats. She always craved for love, attention, someone to talk to, or someone to just listen to. She motioned for Cammy to wander in with her long slender fingers. "Please, come in."

    Echo moved away from the door to not be so intimidating, and then slouched her shoulders as she wandered into the house towards the kitchen. Maybe she would take up Miki's offer for an operation to be shorter, she thought as she ducked to not hit her head on the doorway and went over to a whistling kettle. Grabbing a potholder she made herself, she moved the tea kettle off the stove and then turned off the fire. "Would you like some herbal tea, Cammy?" she called over her shoulder, but it sounded more like a gentle whisper. "I've also baked some cookies this morning. Would you like some with cold milk?"

    Offering cookies, tea, and milk to her visitors...

    She reached up and touched her face to make sure she did not feel any wrinkles on her skin and looked at her hands. They still looked youthful, and pale as ever. Realizing that her house was dark with all the shadows around, Echo sighed under her breath and moved to turn on the old fashion oil lamps to add some light to the eerie world. But light or no light, with one look around, Echo knew that really didn't make much of a difference. She picked at her fingers nervously before picking at her dress, waiting to see if Cammy took up her offer to stay over for a while.
  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Wearing!: (x) ---- Listening! (x): ---- Feeling!: Busy!--- Just Saying:
    Reilly woke up to her roommate nudging her and telling her they had to leave now. She smiled and got herself dressed up really quickly. Her roommate told her she needed to run out and grab her car. The sculpture was too heavy to carry to the other side of the university.
    Annie, where do you want me to carry this to exactly?
    "Just to the outside of the dorm, I'll be right back after I get the car out of the garage."
    Annie ran off ahead and Reilly carried the sculpture up and out of the dorm. Then she heard her dorm adviser yell, "McTavish! You have a package waiting for you."
    Reilly gently put down the sculpture and held a finger up to signify one minute. She pulled out Mr Talky and typed out her message.
    The adviser nodded and she picked up the sculpture again and left the dorm and waited outside for Annie to pull up. When she did, they placed it safely in the backseat and Reilly sat in the back to make sure it didn't fall.
    When they got to the Riverton Art Gallery, Annie parked in the visitor's section. The two helped each other to carry it in, and Annie stopped them in the front room. The person at the front desk smiled at them and waved Annie over. When Annie walked over to the desk Reilly noticed newer entries in the gallery and decided to walk off on her own.
    She walked through the paintings section, taking a long look at each and every one she passed. They all looked wonderful, and each gave her different emotions as she looked on them. One made her feel angry, while another made her feel sad. Then she finally came across a familiar painting and smiled at it.
    She was always proud of her artwork titled The Victorian Doll. Never did she look at it as though there was a flaw, in fact, she thought it was the most flawless work she had done. She was a little sad about giving it to the gallery, but at least she knew it would still be there. If anything happened to it she would be sad.
    "Reilly? I'm heading out now that my work made it safely. If you really want a ride I can give you one but you can live right?"
    Yeah, I'm just gonna browse for a bit. Carry on~
    Reilly looked at her the Doll for a little while longer, smiled again, and then walked away; continuing to browse the gallery.
  8. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    Status: Pretty chill Equipment Location: School

    She blinked her dry, tired eyes as she held the smooth wooden tool in between her fingers. The locks of her green hair were pinned back messily with old and childish hair clips, though some still escaped to attack her face which was incredibly annoying given her situation. It felt like all the energy of her body got warped into her brain, which was already beginning to hurt, and that was the only thing left functioning. She could feel her hands shaking slightly and her back aching as she slouched on her seat with her elbows propped forward on her drawing desk. She took in a deep breath.

    "I've been up all night - okay all early morning - trying to figure you out and know that's a big thing, mystery brush! I'm a girl who gets eight hours a day minimum but you... you've got me up all early morning, you little scum... but know this! Know this, mystery brush! You are not going to win this battle!! I am going to solve this mystery!!!"

    The dark pupils between her spring green irises glared fiercely at the paint brush she held in between her fingers. That's right. This little guy had been giving her the most complicated morning she's ever had! She had received it in the mail last night, opened it up and then went to sleep without thinking much about it - or at least she thought she did. She woke up about 4 hours after, the skies were still dark but she knew it was well past midnight, and all that she could think about was the mystery paint brush! She had spent the last few hours trying to find out who had sent her such a marvelous looking tool but there was no sender nor address that came with the classy box.

    Now, most people probably didn't bother with it and just thanked them for such a tool, but the paint brush came with these words:

    xxxxOnly the best deserve the best
    xxxxArt is life
    xxxxIt is time to breathe life into art
    xxxxUse responsibly

    It was like a riddle that was just itching to be solved! She's tried to be analytical about the four lines but nothing of any sense came to mind. It was just like how most riddles were to her: unsolvable. Though, she didn't give up! She just had to find out! Besides, Hallie was certain that she deserved to know who would give her such a thing and who was responsible for making all her used, messy and weathered tools upset.

    The bristles of the brush were absolutely heavenly. She brushed her finger tips on them a couple times. She wanted to try it. She's been dying to try it all early morning! Her ego about solving the mystery of the mysterious paint brush was much greater than her wanting to try it, hence she hadn't but now... now she was kind of tired of trying to find out. The sun was already rising and her eyes felt way too heavy. But give up...? No. No she couldn't!

    A sigh escaped her lips as her shoulders sunk and her forehead hit the table. She sat back into her chair and held the brush in her palms, looking down at it she pouted then began addressing it once more. "Okay, mystery brush. I'll let you have this round because I'm a good person like that and if I solved your mystery then that would mean you wouldn't be mystery brush no more and you would then be not-mystery brush and that is just too long a name for anyway! However, as punishment for winning, you will now have to show me just what you're made of!"

    With a determined expression despite her drowsiness, she reached for one of her canvases and pulled out some of her acrylics and transparent watercolors. She lay them out quickly, as if a bartender preparing his blades. Hallie grabbed another hair clip, this time it had a little bear on it, and pinned back a little more of her hair. She bent down her lamp to give enough light to her small canvas and poured some water into a cup from her water jug by her bed.

    "Let's do this."

    ✰ - ✰ - ✰ - ✰ - ✰ -

    The sun was gleaming outside now and Hallie could hear her mother's nagging from downstairs. Her arms were covered in paint and her hair was a complete mess. Welp. Looks like everyone in school was going to be early again. She'd need a quick change. Definitely.

    Before she got up to do so, she looked back down at her painting and the mystery brush who got the colours onto the canvas so vividly. She couldn't help but smile. She had decided to go with something a little simple, cute and fun in comparison to her mixed media and oil paintings. She had drawn a cute girl with an eyepatch who had a pooch companion. She dipped the brush one last time on the green pigment and did the final stroke that completed the tone of the entire painting. She cleaned out the brush and stood back to look at it. A grin appears on her face and she gives an energetic thumbs up to her creation and the mystery brush. She clears her throat, " I henceforth dub thee Miss Fortune and her Kokoro because I am so fortunate to have a classy brush like the mystery brush that I love so much!" she grabs the brush in her hands and holds it up, pressing it to her cheek. IT was still damp and she could feel the water on her skin, "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I lo-"


    Yelp! Okay. Mushy artgasm later. She pecks her new, mystery brush lightly before setting it down by her painting. "I'm coming mother!" She quickly jumps out of her pajamas, yanks all the pins from her hair, puts on a tee, some black shorts after stockings and her boots. She grabs a washed out denim jacket to cover up her painting evidences then grabbed her school bag, phone, and goggles on the way out.

    "HALLIE FAYE DO I HAVE TO CALL YOU ONE MO- Oh you're here. Alright let's- Is that paint on your cheek?"

    "Huh, what?" Act like you didn't know. Nope. Nothing happened. Painting? Pffft, what.

    "Right there. Green paint!"


    Her mother let out a frustrated sigh, licked her thumb and wiped the paint away. Hallie grimaced when she had. "See! You didn't even know! Hallie babe, you should really clean your room. You're going to get paint in more places than you'll want!"

    "But moooom! I'm an artist! My kind's habitat is not a clean room!"

    "No buts! Clean your room when you get home. I expect a neater room by dinner. Come on let's go."

    Hallie was ready to argue but she just crossed her arms and followed her mother to the garage. As her mother began locking up the house she bid her farewell and headed off with her bike. It was kind of sad how her mother still didn't give her a key to the house even when she was seventeen. Oh well! Not like that stopped her from late night art trips to skate parks and what not.

    As she pedaled a yawn escaped her. If she was headed to art class, she would muster up more energy but nope. That was not the case - though it didn't really put her in a bad mood. She could sleep in History and Math later, clean her room a bit since her mother did just say a neater room (she never specified how neat exactly) and the thought of the mystery paint brush only made her want to keep smiling.
  9. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    ~:☠Place: Own home/frame☠Emotion: Lonely/Under the Weather☠Music: Lost Chair/Sally's SongDay: Four {4/4}~
    The visit seemed to be very short, even though Cammy was over at her house for around two to three hours. They talked, they made cupcakes and a cake, played with Echo's puppets and dolls, dressed them up, but never did they talk once about what was bothering the strange lonely girl. Something was stirring in the air, Echo sensed. Something was about to change soon. Whether it was a good or bad thing, that's what Echo did not know and it was making her scared with each hour that would tick on by.

    She closed the door behind Cammy after saying goodbye to the princess and then leaned on it, sighing out as she hit her head gently against the wooden surface. What was going to happen now? Would she still be around to have tea with Miki and Mori? Would she be able to host tea parties with Angie and Sammy? Would she be able to see Cammy and visit the day with her? Echo lifted her head up and looked down at the end of the hallway. Mounted on a wall was a mirror, reflecting a hideous reflection that even made Echo shudder at. She wouldn't blame herself for wanting to throw her away either if that day came.She rubbed at the blackness around her eyes to try to make it go away, but it stayed put. Eventually, the girl shield her eyes from the mirror by looking down to the ground and let her hair fall in front of her face.

    "I sense there's something in the wind," she quietly sang as she walked down the hallway and took the mirror off the wall. "That feels like tragedy's at hand..." She set the mirror on the floor and turned it around so that she wouldn't see any more reflections. Looking up, she then moved to the kitchen to clean up the baking mess so her kitchen could look somewhat nice. "And though I 'd like to stand by him... Can't shake this feeling that I have..." The kitchen was all clean soon enough, the dolls and puppets were all put away, and now it was time to go back to that creepy room. "The worst is just around the bend..."

    Echo felt her eyes stinging with tears threatening to come, but she held it back. She couldn't cry after all, not with about to freeze in place and go to sleep like a good little drawing should. "And does he notice my feelings for him? And will he see, how much he means to me...?" Though she had been abandoned all this time, Echo still felt her master's life through her monochrome veins. It was as if she always knew what he felt everyday, even though she never saw him. She picked up her puppet from the floor and then looked out to the world beyond, just like she was drawn to do. She then pushed her hair back and pressed her hand over her ear, looking sad and creepy like she was supposed to do. "I think it's not to be," Echo sighed out the last lyrics, freezing in place and then fell asleep like all drawings were suppose to do.
  10. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    While it was one of the more important things in the young boys life, drawing was not the only thing he only did. What he did on his free time at home was play around with a paddle ball...because paddle balls are awesome. There was just something mesmerizing about the paddle smacking against the ball and just having it come back to get hit again in one synchronized rhythm. And when it became boring, well that's when one just added in challenges. Between using two at once, one on top of the other, doing miscellaneous things like dribbling a basketball, the possibilities were endless.

    However the day was winding down to its end and as such he stopped his paddle ball antics and instead went on to do something much more constructive. Playing horror survival video games and drawing things based on said video games. It was always fun to draw hordes after hordes of the undead just ramming forth at a lone man with nothing but a shotgun in hand and his own bravado to keep him safe. Oh how exciting these things were.

    Eventually though, the day had come to its end as it normally would and Emile was feeling tired. Eating his dinner and walking himself off to bed, he clothed himself in his magenta pajama clothing before going to drift off into the magical land of sleep.
  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Wearing!: (x) ---- Listening! (x): ---- Feeling!: Tired!--- Just Saying:
    Reilly finally got back to the dorm exhausted. After she went to the gallery and left, she came across so many distractions. She also got called into work for the first time in forever, and she translated a very motivational speaker to all of the kids. She was upset because she knew her motions would not capture the emotions the speaker had, she opened to be able to some day.
    When she got back to the dorm, she remembered she had gotten a package, and went to pick it up. She went down to the cafeteria and opened up her package as she ate a big plate of spagetti and meatballs. In the package was a box, and she looked at it for a moment, then opened up the little wooden box.
    Reilly saw the brush and her eyes widened as she picked up the brush and observed it carefully. This brush had to have been custom made, but it couldn't have been cheap. Reilly had custom brushes of her own, but not in this quality. She held up the note tied to the handle.
    Only the best deserve the best
    Art is life
    It is time to breathe life into art
    Use responsibly

    Reilly looked at the note confused for a moment and placed it back delicately into the box. When she finished eating, she brought the box back up to the dorm and looked at it a bit longer. She had the urge to try and paint with it, but the brush was a work of art on it's own... but the note didn't say "don't use it!" in fact, it said to Use Responsibly.
    Reilly decided to pull out one of her smaller canvases and pulled out her soft color pallet. She carefully dipped the brush into the blue paint, and decided she would draw a simple bluebird, only using blues and blacks. She spent quite a while on it, and in the end she completely cleaned out the paintbrush. It worked fantastically, the bristles worked very well, helping to bring out the textures of the bird's feathers. She stared at it for a little while until her roommate walked in.
    "Wow, that looks great! How long did you spend on it?"
    What time is it?
    "I don't know I'm too tired to check... but it looks amazing!"
    Reilly watched Annie go to bed, and she looked at the blue bird again and frowned. She made the right wing disproportionate, and it bugged her. She wondered what it would fly like, would it have trouble or fly normally? This bugged her but then she shook her head to dismiss it, it was just art after all.
    Reilly placed the canvas in front of the fan that was always on in that room, and she went to shower, and then got herself to bed.
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Unfortunately most of Allen's day was spent being pestered by his younger sister about the drawing he promised to paint for her. Now while he did already have the image drawn out, it was a habit that he'd prefer to paint an image if anyone was asking for it. To him that made the image truly complete.
    In the past he'd managed to delay it or find some reason to convince her to stop bugging him about it, this time however she was dead set on getting that drawing ASAP. Fortunately he managed clam her by say that she would get it in about two days.
    Now that that problem was solved, Allen went ahead and took his shower and soon went to sleep.
  13. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    It's been a stressful day for Sasha. A bit too much for her liking.
    After her unfriendly talk last night, she couldn't really enjoy the day she had today. All sorts of activities ranging from napping to even some toying around with video games never calmed her mind. How could she? He caused too much pain in her life. Too much to forget. Too much to forgive.
    Not only that, in the mail, a strange paintbrush was found in her mail. It sprung so many questions in her mind. Why was it here? Who else knew her address? Who knew she had an artistic background? She doubted it was the school since even she told them she had a bland skill in paining. The description just made the confusion even more confusing...and somewhat mysterious as well.
    Art is life? Breath life into it? Use responsibly? Sounds like a cheap catch phrase to sell off a product. But it wasn't sold. It was sent to her. She wanted to toss it away and forget about it, but she couldn't. The brush seemed to connect to her mind and she swore she could hear in her head a voice that kept telling her to give life to art. It was weird. She didn't need was getting too much.
    Without knowing, it was already night. She spent at least half of her day comprehending what happened today. It made her head ache. She needed no more of this. She tossed the brush in her bag and decide to ask the teachers where it came from and if they had any sort of lead on this. Something told her that these weren't given out to everybody besides the cheesy description about "the best deserve the best" and that sort of rubbish.
    With her parents out for the whole day, she had the whole house to herself as always...always...right? She sighed and ran her fingers along the other door before making it to her room. Nothing so special about it right? It's just a silly brush. Pfft. Bringing things to life and all that doozy...I had enough of this... She laid on her bed and stared at the art she made on her wall. "Wouldn't it be nice to bring you to life? If only...maybe things wouldn't be so bad this way..." She stayed awake for a long time before eventually dozing off, her mind alive with questions and uncertainties.
    She swore she heard the phone ring, but it was impossible. She unplugged it in case it rang ever again. She wanted no more of it...the damned ringing...
  14. Bite the Dust Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 7, 2013
    Rowan Zachary Halstead
    DATE: January 30th, 2014 [Thursday] Ø CURRENTLY: At Home Ø CONDITION: Curious Ø OOC: DO RA RA RA RA RA!

    Rowan had spent most of the day at home, studying various subjects at his own leisure. He kept leaping from subject to subject, quickly researching whatever came to his mind. The first thing he had studied about was how rotting limbs looked, to get a better idea about how to draw a version of Frankenstein's Monster. After a getting a good amount of data from his search, he decided to do some research about clothing, of all things. This was more to get a better understanding of fashion, which had next to nothing to do with rotting limbs.

    This manner of studying had continued as the day dragged on. Eventually, he stopped when he remembered the brush that sat on his desk. While it was a magnificent piece of work, he had no idea how he would go about using it. Apparently, he was supposed to use it responsibly, and that wasn't exactly something he knew how to do. He stared at it as he held it delicately between his middle finger and thumb. While painting wasn't something he did often, he did practice it every now and again just because he could.

    At the moment, there was nothing he could think of that he wanted to paint. He placed it back in the velvet lined box that it came in and shut it. There was so much to consider before he would even paint. First he had to know what he wanted to paint. At the moment, he was just practicing how to draw different monster creatures, which didn't require paint yet. Although, he could paint them once he actually does a complete artwork of a creature. Painting it would certainly bring the monster into a whole new dimension.

    Secondly, he would have to think of the color scheme he would go with. There were a wide variety of choices he could go with. He could go with a Light-on-Dark color scheme, with the creature being done in light colors and the entirety of the background is filled in with dark colors. Conversely, he could give it a Dark-on-Light color scheme, perhaps color his monster of choice as a silhouette. Another option for a color scheme would be to use complementary colors in the painting. With this color scheme, he could go crazy with his use of colors.

    Thirdly, while a seemingly a minor thing, he would need to consider where the light source is in the painting. This was a very important thing to consider to make the whole painting come together as a whole. It was very possible that there could be multiple sources of light in the picture, such as a vampire standing in a hallway filled by candlelight. With that, he would need to consider where to place all of the shadows in the painting and how many to add.

    Lastly, he would need to consider how large his canvas would be. It could be any size he wanted, really. The painting could be on a large canvas, or it could be done on a letter-sized sheet of paper. On top of the size, he would also need to consider the material his painting surface would be made of. It could be actual canvas, regular sheet paper, card stock, or construction paper. This would determine what kind of paints he would be using.

    After thinking about it for a while, he went back to arbitrarily researching things on his computer. Before he knew it, it was already night time. Not once during his research did he take a break to eat. His stomach was growling fiercely at this point. He needed to get something in his belly quickly to remedy the issue. Quickly, he made his way to the kitchen and pulled out whatever leftovers he had in the fridge. Thankfully, he had a bunch of leftover takeout from a local Chinese Restaurant.

    He reheated all of the leftovers that he had, Fried Rice, Pad Thai, Orange Chicken, Vegetable Medley with Shrimp, Fried Tofu, and some extra steamed rice. It took him almost fifteen minutes to get it all reheated, after which he chowed down on his buffet of a dinner. Some of the food was from several days prior, but it was still good going down. He was stuffing his face as if it was going to be his last meal.

    When he was done eating, he waddled back to his room with a bottle of cold water and sat down at the edge of his bed. He let out a satisfied groan as he turned on the television in his room. It was getting pretty late, judging from the programs that were on. After a while of channel surfing, he just left it on a random channel as he sipped down more of his water. The comedian on the show was actually pretty funny, getting a few laughs from Rowan as he watched. When the show was over, he turned off the lights and set the sleep timer on his TV before falling asleep.
  15. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Dio's day hadn't been anything spectacular and he managed to merely fulfil his usual daily quota. He went to his usual classes and with them done he merely went off and head off to the gym were he would work out and train himself. Though he prided his mind he knew he needed to equalize both mind and strength. In boxing he stood undefeated in the ring. He would plow down all those who stood in his way with the aggression he would use in a battle of art.

    His exercise now coming to an end, Dio merely head home where he would work on the project that he had to finish. His projects were works of art that he would work on his spare time and like the blind art he made he attempted to devise any other forms of art he could make. With that done he merely closed his eyes satisfied with the day's work and fell asleep on his bed.
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