Brush Strokes

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hyuge ✧, Sep 10, 2013.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Class had begun and the student all began to run around doing what they needed and started on what they called art. Sitting by a desk, Dio Brandon merely sat there observing their actions how they worked on there art. To be flat out honest he found their work to be dull and lack the necessary passion, but as a teacher's aid he really could do much about that. He noticed a pair walk out of the room and though it was tempting to mess with them, he held off it in the end.

    His job was to help, but if nobody wished for his help then he was merely free to do as he wished until that time actually came. Merely walking around and pretending to give a damn was just a mere waste of time really. His elbow rested on the desk and his cheek also rested upon his wrist. Eyes closed his brought out a piece of paper along with a pen that rested in his hand. With this time he was merely going to practice something he had been doing for a while.

    Eyes remaining shut, Dio brought his pen to the piece of paper and with that preformed a stroke, He continued to strike at the paper with his pen, making many different marks on the paper. Each stroke held some sort of precision and Dio just continued to stroke at the paper as an image began to form. If he could truly draw without the reliance of his eyes then there would truly be nothing that could stop his vision. With one final stroke the image was done.
  2. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 3 • 6:00 PM
    Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

    Renée had been working on her sculpture and occasionally shooting glances over at her Senpai. She couldn't help but watch each of them go about their businesses. They were just so interesting. However, her mind had been rather preoccupied by the paintbrush in the fancy box sitting next to her sculpture. It seemed to just gleam. She had taken it out a few times, but was too afraid of getting it covered in clay to hold it for very long.

    At one point, she glanced over and noticed Dio - senpai drawing with his eyes closed. She wiped her clay covered hands off on a rag and closed the lid on the box containing the paintbrush. Renée walked over to him and stood beside him as he drew. Not once did he open his eyes and her blue ones followed the flow of the graphite on the paper. It was interesting watching someone draw without sight. Sight seemed to be a rather crucial element to art. How would one know it's good if they couldn't see it? Renée nibbled on her lower lip in anticipation. She didn't want to disrupt him.

    When he set the pencil down, she took a good long look at it. Dio - senpai still hadn't closed his eyes and she wondered if he was sleepy. Her finger poked him in the cheek and she crouched down to eye - level. Senpai, watcha doin'? Her head was cocked to the side, strands of curly blond hair falling across her face. Renée's bright blue eyes stared at his face and her pointer finger was still pressed to his cheek. There was an amused, playful expression on her lips. Her heart fluttered and she felt her own cheeks burn.
  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    There was no need to stare at the sheet of paper that was placed before him. Already he could tell that it had met his standards and even if it didn't he did not wish to honor it with his gaze. A force his his cheek and his brow twitched, but the familiar voice caught his attention and a smile mere crept across his face.

    The newcomer had called out to him so it was only polite that he addressed her. "Surpassing my limits...If I can deny the need for sight then nothing will stop me from greatness" Dio slowly eyelids slowly open up. Curiosity had held onto him and he did stare down at the picture he had drawn. The flower he had drawn had at least kept its shape and though sloppy it still held it form. Regardless this did not please Dio and just told him he had to work further.

    With that his ruby like eyes turned away from the picture and merely turned and stared at the blue eye of Renee. Noticing how close they were, he merely smiled softly as he brushed aside her blond hair from her face "had curiosity brought you over here? how has your progression on your sculpture been treating you? would you like my assistance? I do hope you've kept my advice in mind" Dio said calmly.
  4. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 3 • 6:05 PM
    Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
    Surpassing my limits...If I can deny the need for sight then nothing will stop me from greatness. His voice was as melodious as ever and Renée fought the desire to swoon. He wanted to be able to draw blind? That was incredible. A dreamy sigh escaped her as Dio - senpai began to slowly open his eyes. Such beautiful eyelashes he had. Her gaze was trapped by those glorious golden lashes, no longer able to look at the disfigured drawing of a flower. With that his ruby like eyes turned away from the picture and merely turned and stared at the blue eye of Renee. He turned to meet her gaze with a smile on his face. She felt her body flush and suddenly her breathing was shallow and heavy. Senpai's face was within inches of her. He brushed the bangs out of her face and she felt a tingling sensation where his fingers grazed her skin. Renée felt like she might explode from the touch. She bottom lip curled inwards as she bit down on it. Dio - senpai was noticing her. Her heart was racing out of control and she felt her hands shaking at her sides. Had curiosity brought you over here?
    She nodded, unable to produce words.
    How has your progression on your sculpture been treating you? Would you like my assistance? I do hope you've kept my advice in mind. Dio said calmly.
    Renée made this sort of gasping, squeak of a noise as she continued to nod her head. Her mouth was dried and she seemed to be at a loss for words. I - I um y - yeah ... She swallowed nervously, I take everything you say to heart. Your words are like magic and they need to be bottled up so that they don't fade away. I always appreciate your opinion Senpai. It would mean the world to me if you continued to help me with my sculpture. Renée bat her thick blond lashes at him and scooted away a few inches. The closeness was so overwhelming it made her feel paralyzed by his presence.
  5. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Sasha smiled and giggled a little. "Man you talk a lot about this kind of stuff. Though that can be said the same for me as well. Ehh." She paced around a little. "Listening ear huh?'s been a while since I've heard such words to me...not since that day...thank you. It means a lot to me for someone out there willing to listen to me, young or old."
    She turned back to him and smiled. "Seeing how much I see myself in you, guess I should say the same thing. Your talks are odd at times, bu they do make sense. I like them. I'll be willing to listen to you anytime. Sounds good?"
    She looked up and frowned, seeing how much time passed. "Good god we've been out here for a while. Why don't we head back in before they start worrying about us?" Pfft. Assuming they would even notice we even left. She started to make her way back towards the classroom. "By the way, you haven't told me your name yet."
  6. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Wearing!: (x)(x) ---- Listening! (x): ---- Feeling!: A tad bored--- Just Saying: someone asked me what this is, it's just my ooc!
    Reilly had walked around and asked if any of the kids needed help, but all had replied the same way. They either looked at her and said "no thanks" or they looked at her with no idea what she was saying. Reilly was a tad upset by how she couldn't get her phone text-to-audio application working, or else it would be seriously helpful. At this point she felt like she was just being another body in the room.
    In the back of the room she pulled out her entire pallet of watercolors and decided she would start painting the classroom, with every person in the room with it. She hoped to learn a little about each of them so she could make add that personality to it. She started off with a rather rough sketch of what she wanted. In the end, her sketch never mattered, it was the paint that she believed brought it to life.
    She decided to start painting the color of the classroom first, and smiled away to herself as she mixed shades of gray watercolor together. She knew the walls were white, but she wanted to add depth and shadow to the room, and she knew grays worked best.
    When she was most of the way done, she accidentally spilled her cup of water that allowed for her to use the paints, and she quickly grabbed her work and jumped back. She quickly ran over to one of the drying racks, and then went over to the sinks and pulled out more paper towels than she actually needed, then ran back to the table and quickly started to dry it off. Her actions were over exaggerated and the look of distress on her face could be seen as humorous.
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    [OutOfChocolate//Fashion for Today: //Brain Bubble: ...//Mood: Angst//Day: 3//Day IRL: 3/4 Days]

    Again, Aiden couldn't help but to smile as he listened to Sasha. She hadn't had a listening ear since that day. The way he talked was odd, that was normal to hear. He could talk to her whenever he wanted to, assuming that someday he would have the courage to be upfront and say what was on his mind instead of using his drawings and psychology talk. For now, he was comfortable being the listening ear for anyone who needed it. She asked for his name, and he could've sworn he said it much earlier. But he wasn't going to point that out to her, not really. "I'm Aiden," he said, pushing away from the wall and followed the girl back to the classroom. "The quiet one that sits by the window all the time. It was nice talking to you Sasha..." He gave her a smile and then pushed through the door of the classroom once more.

    Before him was a scene of chaos. It seemed like one of the teacher aids split some paint water and was making lots of motions of frustration while cleaning it up. Again, his gut instinct kicked in and he grabbed a towel and even some paper towels and came over to help stop the water from spreading anywhere else. He knew who he was helping, he was helping his idol, Reilly. Aiden really liked her as a teacher's aid but really never communicated with her before. He'd always been too shy to ask for help. But he figured that the art world had critical eyes, and if he wanted to prove himself, he needed to step up to the mark, get some opinions and feedback from his mentors, and apply it to what he was doing. He did have that one question to ask her.

    When the watery mess was mostly stopped and almost cleaned up, he finally looked up and gave Reilly a wave and a smile. He then looked back to the soiled paper towels and gathered it all up and then wrapped those in more paper towels so they wouldn't drip all over the classroom before he dumped them in the nearest trashcan and came back over. Instead of moving right away to help again, he stared at the water that was swirling on the table and on the floor. It was making odd shapes, probably because of the lighting. He put his hand over the water without touching it to stop Reilly from cleaning it up right away and then said and signed, "This would be a really cool piece to paint. Paint and water mixed together on different surfaces... Or like, motor oil and water. I always thought it looked cool. Mom would get mad at me for staring at the road too long if we needed to get somewhere." Remember what Sasha told him about his speech being odd, he blushed and smiled nervously in embarrassment before he went back to finish what he was doing.

    "Um, Reilly," Aiden said and signed, his voice hesitant and quiet, much different from when he talked to Sasha. "I need some feedback on a drawing I'm working on... I need a critical eye. Can you take a look at it after we get this cleaned up?" He looked up at her, peering at his mentor from under his glasses. He was afraid, but he was trying so hard not to show it. Maybe it was the fear of rejection. Maybe it was that, or other things that were running through his mind.
  8. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    The young artist was quite absorbed in his work. The drawing was nearing completion, and he was becoming ever more and more satisfied with it. While he had been very helpful in the past, Emile decided that if he was going to finish this drawing, he wasn't going to ask Rowan for anymore advice. He needed to rely on his creativity and ingenuity to solve such problems so he could continue being a great artist later on. So he sat there thinking on how to make this aura of death thing that was supposed to go around the most terrifying of all the creatures on here, that being the hippo. He pulled out multiple pieces of scrap paper and tried out different color types of color coordinations. Trying to get a really menacing black and dark grayish mixture was proving to be difficult, especially when trying to form it around the awkwardly shaped menace.

    Eventually he just gave up on trying to make that so instead he focused on just drawing flowers instead. He started going all out with thinking of different flowers to add in his garden of warzones. Roses, violets, daisies, wolfsbane, and so many more different flowers. He tried to add as many as he could without accidently over crowding the rest of the picture with them.

    Trying his best to color in all of the other flowers, he pulled out a book with all the different flowers in them. Using them as references for color he started frivolously working on the flowers color, trying to get them all correctly shaded in. Continually looking back and forth for reference material he had gotten so much into it that he completely failed to notice the two kids walking out of the room for quite some time and even completely missed the paint spill happening.
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Wearing!: (x)(x) ---- Listening! (x): ---- Feeling!: AH!--- Just Saying:
    It wasn't long before she realized she got herself a helper. She looked up from her cleaning to see it was Aiden and she smiled, quickly signing a thank you.
    She was swirling the paper towels around on the table, and when they were all used up, she went and got new ones. As soon as she was about to clean it up a hand blocked her from doing to. She looked up and watched as the boy signed to her.
    "This would be a really cool piece to paint. Paint and water mixed together on different surfaces... Or like, motor oil and water. I always thought it looked cool. Mom would get mad at me for staring at the road too long if we needed to get somewhere."
    Reilly nodded at this, she was impressed that he knew sign language though. She didn't realize any of the kids did and it actually made her smile. Then she continued cleaning up before she noticed him sign again, but she also heard his voice too.
    "Um, Reilly, I need some feedback on a drawing I'm working on... I need a critical eye. Can you take a look at it after we get this cleaned up?"
    Reilly nodded and signed back Absolutely! I'd love to. But you don't need to sign to me though. I can hear you, and I like hearing your voice.
    She was glad that he understood sign though, it made it so much easier for her to communicate rather than pull out Mr. Talky, which she hated because words would get so ruined when she used it. It was why she liked the app. People added words to it constantly so even slang terms could be spoken properly.
    When they were all done with the cleanup, she turned towards Aiden and spoke. Okay now that that's taken care of, can I see that artwork?~
  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    She was nervous...awestruck, was she truly this easy to impress or was it that his skills were that great. Whatever the case was he didn't mind and Dio realized he would have quite fun dealing with this girl. His hand lowered from her face and as his hand went under her face he merely placed his index finger lightly underneath her chin "I am pleased to hear this" Dio said with a smiled as he rose to his feet.

    Her words of praise was what he wanted to hear and he could tell the words were not lies. "Very well then, stick by me and I shall craft you into something great" Dio said closing his eyes with a smile. If something were to happen to him, if he was to fall down into a pit of mediocrity, then he would take pride if somebody he crafted surpassed him. He had sought such a person and now it seemed that he found this person.

    Standing beside the girl he merely placed his hand on her shoulder "Well now, lets get to work on that sculpture of yours shall we?" Dio said glancing over at the girl's station. Many of the people in this class took to the classic art of working with paper, but there were still few that worked with sculpting. As the only aid in the class that dealt with sculpting it was his responsibility to deal with those who sculpted.
  11. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 3 • 6:10 PM
    Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
    Dio - senpai slid his finger under her chin and lifted her head. Renée met his fiery red gaze and squeaked. I am pleased to hear this. he told her. His voice was smooth and sultry and she felt her knees go weak. She bit down on her bottom lip and felt a chill run down her spin when his finger left the underside of her chin. He closed his eyes and she studied his profile, uninterrupted. Senpai has such great bone structure. Very well then, stick by me and I shall craft you into something great. he said with a smile.
    You can craft me into whatever you want. Mold me like the clay ...
    He set a hand down on her shoulder and he seemed to radiate throughout her body at his touch. Well now, lets get to work on that sculpture of yours shall we?
    Renée nodded and led him back to her table. She pulled the sheet off her sculpture and slid the box with the paintbrush to the side. Her feet shuffled to the left, providing enough room for the both of them. She still had the walls up to keep everyone else from being able to view the sculpture. Renée's clay crusted hands tucked her bangs behind her ears. I've been thinking about painting it after it's hardened, but I've never been very good at painting. I fixed this spot here, just like you suggested. She kept herself from looking up at her Senpai. There was no way she could contain herself.
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    After being sick for 2 days, Allen was finally feeling well enough to head to class. Though he'd still ended up showing up late due to some difficulties. Upon arrival, it didn't surprise him to see everyone else working. So instead of disturbing them, he headed towards and opened table and started to work.

    Taking out his sketchbook and a mechanical pencil he kept in his pocket, he turned to the his more class related artwork and continued working on it. Compared to his other works this was a pretty far away from being completed, but that was mainly why he worked on it at school. Most of the time he drew just about anything else he could think of.

    Since he was going with something not too elaborate, like a bird, he had to be careful about what he added. He's drawn them before, but those birds were more on the fantasy/sci-fi side oppose to the realistic one he was trying to draw. All he had done right now was the body and some of the wing. The wing was giving him some trouble, but it wasn't anything major.
  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    [OutOfChocolate: Pardons for shortest reply. My brain is pooped.//Fashion for Today: //Brain Bubble: ...//Mood: Feeling Better//Day: 3//Day IRL: 4/4 Days]

    "Oh." Seeing that Reilly didn't need anyone to really sign to communicate with her, Aiden rubbed the back of his neck. At least she didn't take any offense to him signing to her. And she liked to here his voice? Well that was something new he heard from anyone. The mess was gone, and so Aiden led Reilly over to his work table and showed his drawing to her. It was a sketch of an elaborate castle on the clouds with elaborate details; the bricks, the cracks in the bricks, the flags blowing in the wind, the gate, the vines and flowers on the vine growing up one of the castle's towers, someone looking out one of the castle windows, birds flying around, clouds in the background of the castle, and Maka's brain has reached it's limit of creativity, so she has no idea what else could be in the castle in the sky drawing.

    He looked up at Reilly, ready to take anything from her negative or not, or both. "I'm wondering if the castle looks... well, like a castle. Do you think there's too much detail? Or too little...? And I was thinking of maybe either coloring it in with colored pencil or maybe paint... What do you think?" After his talk with his father the day before, he was starting to lose a bit of faith in his creativity. Was he really cut out to be an artist like he had always envisioned? He got in this class though, that had to count as something. But his father wasn't convinced. His father needed concrete proof. Even then, Aiden wasn't sure his dad would accept him for what he wanted to do with his life. He didn't want to live under the control of his family. He loved them, but he was a different soul from the rest of them. It always made things a bit harder for him. The student was ready to learn from the teacher.
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    As the two walked on and headed over to her work station Dio merely crossed his arms and waited for her to reveal the work of art to him. She began to remove the sheet that concealed it, but a certain object caught his attention. It was a mere wooden box, nothing special, but it was enough to capture Dio's attention for even a small moment.

    Noticing the enclosed space Dio immediately noticed just how secretive Renee was when it came to her art. It was a curious thing, but what he wondered the most was why was he allowed to view this object when nobody else was allowed? Maybe already trust was already gained. It was only a bit more than a week and already he had gained such was a good sign indeed.

    Turning his attention the sculpture before him, Dio placed his hand on his chin and leaned in closer to observe the sculpture. As she said she had corrected the error that he had observed and the sculpture would turn out quite well, but the girl brought up quite an interesting point and Dio agreed with it "Yes..Though this sculpture has already shown its worth, paint would do quite well for this piece" Dio said as he straightened his posture once more and glanced back at Renee "very well then if its help with painting then I shall be of assistance then" Dio said.
  15. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Wearing!: (x)(x) ---- Listening! (x): ---- Feeling!: Hmm!--- Just Saying:
    Reilly followed Aiden back to his table and looked at his artwork. She thought it was very well done. All of the details just made it that much more interesting that she could stare at it for quite a while just admiring the details. She smiled in approval.
    "I'm wondering if the castle looks... well, like a castle. Do you think there's too much detail? Or too little...? And I was thinking of maybe either coloring it in with colored pencil or maybe paint... What do you think?"
    Reilly looked at it a second longer and lifted up her hands. I think it is just the right amount of detail. And it certainly looks like a castle.
    She put her hand up to her chin and studied just a little longer before she continued to sign As for coloring, it depends on how you want the texture to look. If you want a smoother texture, use colored pencil, but if you want a rougher looking texture...
    Reilly looked around for a moment and held up a finger to say hold on a minute, then walked to the back of the room where all her supplies were. She brought back a blank piece of paper, 2 crayons, and a smaller watercolor pallet.
    She first outlined a quick shape of a wall, then she took the white crayon and roughly drew inside the outline with the side of the crayon. Then she took the watercolor pallet and dipped it in brown and completely covered where the white crayon was, and she showed it to Aiden. Crayons and watercolors mixed provide a nice rough texture. I usually use white, but... you can use the same color as the watercolor paint to add shadow to it.
  16. Hyuge ✧ [[ Fairy Queen ]]

    Apr 13, 2009
    Camp Half-Blood
    Day 3 • 6:20 PM
    Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

    Renée waited in anticipation as Dio - senpai inspected her sculpture. He placed his hand on his chin and leaned in close. Every moment that passed by in silence was another more torture some then the last. Senpai's opinion meant a lot to her and as he absorbed the details of her work, she began to fidget in the silence.

    [COLOR=#8fbc8f][B]⦇ [/B][/COLOR]Yes... Though this sculpture has already shown its worth, paint would do quite well for this piece. [COLOR=#8fbc8f][B]⦈[/B][/COLOR] Dio said as he straightened his posture once more and glanced back at Renee. [COLOR=#8fbc8f][B]⦇ [/B][/COLOR]Very well then, if it's help with painting, then I shall be of assistance. [COLOR=#8fbc8f][B]⦈[/B][/COLOR] he added.

    Her eyes lit up with excitement. [COLOR=#8fbc8f][B]⦇ [/B][/COLOR]Really? You'll help? [COLOR=#8fbc8f][B]⦈[/B][/COLOR] She felt a bubble of joy boil over and she clapped her hands together. This was wonderful news. Not only did Senpai like her sculpture, he was also going to help her paint it. She wouldn't mind learning to paint if he was the one that taught her, especially since she had received that fancy new paintbrush yesterday. It was only a matter of time now until her senpai fully recognized her true brilliance and fell madly in love with her. Yes. Everyone should love her work and in turn love her as well.

    There was a smug, triumphant grin on her face as she stood there. [COLOR=#8fbc8f][B]⦇ [/B][/COLOR]Senpai, do you think it needs anything else before I have it dry? I wouldn't want to start painting until until it is complete in your wondrous eyes. [COLOR=#8fbc8f][B]⦈[/B][/COLOR] She cocked her head to the side and looked up at him with those bright blue eyes of hers.
  17. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Emile had been working on trying to make exactly the right flower designs and match their colors with them for quite some time now during the day. Towards the tail end of it, it had seemed like everything was coming up Milhouse. He was very happy with the way he had incorporated all of the flowers into the drawing. They didn't seem to stick out in comparison to the rest of the drawing, which they weren't supposed to, but they still seemed to add a certain something to the picture. Not to mention all the colors seemed to blend well with the background as well. He was so ecstatic about this, however externally he just looked like he had more pleasantly smiling expression on than usual. The picture was nearly done, was nearly perfect. He just needed to make the hippo look like the most menacing creature in existence and then he could be fully content and happy with the picture.

    It was quite the challenge to be done as he still hadn't fully worked out a reasonable color combination for all of it, the necessary blend of dark grays and black was just eluding the young boy's talents. Maybe he should've asked for Rowan's advice as this was proving to be pretty difficult. Then again, Emile did get strange looks, which made him feel uncomfortable at times, when he asked for assistance with things such as this. He didn't really understand it, but they always said something along the lines of not expecting it from him. Oh well, that'd be all for next class. For now, once class had finished Emile had said his goodbyes and went on home.

    Once home Emile sat down to go eat dinner. He started thinking more and more on what to actually do to finish up his drawing. That hippo seemed to be the hardest thing to draw, but that would mean it was just that much better a delight once it was actually finished. Eventually Emile had finished dinner, took care of night time stuff, and went to bed for the night.
  18. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007

    Such magnificent praise, even Dio realized now that this was not going to be good for any form of ego he had. Regardless of this he took this praise and he let out a small chuckle as he pet the girl head "truly magnificent...your proving your worth to me with each moment" Dio said to the girl before turning his attention to the sculpture "There is nothing more that needs to be is fine from when I first set eyes upon it today" Dio said

    Eyes closed he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out what seemed to be a small notepad along with a pen clipped onto it. With eyes that did not open, Dio placed the notepad on the desk while holding the pen. Without even bending over the notepad, Dio merely began to scribble on the piece of paper and once the last digit was written Dio finished with the flick of his wrist. Immediately he dropped the pen and instantly grabbed the piece of paper he wrote on and with another flick of the wrist he ripped the paper out of the notepad and held the paper up to the girl "My me when you need me" Dio said opening his eyes with a charming smile.

    With that Dio finished up his buisness as a teachers aid and head off from the school once he was not needed any more. With his return home he merely sighed as he head into his bedroom and took the time to read a book. Once that was over Dio merely walked off to bed and drifted off to sleep.
  19. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Sasha smiled, nodding. "Adian...Nice name. I'll keep that in mind the next time we chat up again. Haha the quiet one in the corner...we all find our little spots back there..."
    Returning back to the classroom, she went back to her seat. Looks like a few things happened while she was absent. Though it didn't matter as she sat back down and picked up her pencil. Right. Time to draw...something I can focus and be proud of... She nodded and started to draw on her sketchpad.
    About an hour or so, she sighed and sat back, taking a look at her work. For the first time in years, she created a piece she didn't throw away or change drastically. The picture was somewhat chaotic. One half of the picture showed a picture of sunshine, flowers, children playing in the grass. The other side showed a sinister darkness with broken glass, crumbling walls, and a girl crying blood. In the middle of the picture was a girl closing her eyes and looks like praying with herself morphed as well. The sunny side containing clothes colorful and well looking the other side shown a torn up and bleeding part of the girl. She sketched the title of the art above it.
    ~Harmony Within~
    She smiled to herself and nodded. Awesome...I did it... She picked up her piece and set it on her rack, desolate of art while others were chock full of amazing art. TO be honest, hers looks bleak and very off compared to the others, but it didn't matter. She was proud of her work...for now

    She looked out and realized it was time to leave school. She packed up her stuff and bid the teacher farewell before making her way home. It was about time she finally made a piece without discarding it. It felt...refreshing...and good.

    She entered her home, sighing as she realized her parents were working out late again. She kicked off her shoes and started to eat the sandwich her mom left her on the kitchen counter. While eating the sandwich, the phone rang. She walked over and picked up the phone. "Tayes resident. Who may this be?"

    "Hey My-Sasha. How are you? It's-"

    "How dare you call me...I thought I told you to never contact me again..." She gripped the phone tightly hearing his voice.

    "I-I know. I just wanted to ch-"

    "Shut up. Shut up...JUST SHUT UP! Why are you really calling me?! Here to torment me?! I had enough crap these days! I especially don't need one from you!"

    "Please listen...I'm sorry...I just wanted-"

    "You're 2 years too late for an apology and I'm sure as hell not gonna give you a nice polite forgiveness. Do yourself a favor and die...just die. All you brought is pain and suffering to my home. This time, I mean it. Never. Call. Us. Again."

    "Sasha please! Just-!"

    She slammed the phone down back in the dock, breathing heavily. day was going so well too...She shook her head and walked to her room and falling on her bed, not bothering to change clothes. I just wanted to put this all behind...but fate just brings it back up...She closed her eyes, falling asleep with dark thoughts.
  20. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    [OutOfChocolate: EXHAUSTION! *dies*//Fashion for Today: //Brain Bubble: ...//Mood: Feeling Better//Day: 3//Day IRL: 4/4 Days]

    The student watched in awe when the teacher showed him a new technique he really never seen before. He was really glad now that he asked Reilly for some input instead of keeping to his usual self. Crayons and water color... who knew that combination could create such magic? It was art science, and now Aiden's gears in his head were beginning to turn as he looked form the example back to his drawing. Smooth or rough texture? Smooth texture would probably fade out the details. Rough textures would probably create some kind of illusion for the viewers to see. Or maybe he should do a combo of all three? Or just a combo of rough and soft textures. So many choices, and such riches a plenty. Not a bad problem to have if you asked him. Then again it was a problem. This was the time he wished he could digitized his art work, paste it to some fancy program, see which things worked and which things didn't, and if he messed up, he could retrace his steps and try again. In this case, there really were no step backs and start back to before the mistake was made.

    Realizing that his mind almost fell into a thought coma and lost track of reality, Aiden snapped back to attention and smiled at Reilly. "Wow, thanks Reilly, this really gave me some ideas. I'll have to think about it..." Before he knew it though, class was pretty much over. He said his thank yous to Reilly once more before he put his project away, grabbed his backpack, and headed on home. He felt more upbeat and lifted than he had earlier that day and was pleased with this. Maybe he should reach out to people more; just even make small talk with them. He could learn so many new and interesting things about people if he just allowed himself to open up to them instead of being such a hermit crab... Which Aiden thought that term in itself was scientifically incorrect because hermit crabs are very sociable creatures and they don't like to be alone.

    He shook his head and grinned stupidly to himself before he walked up to his house. As soon as he got to the front door, his whole deminor changed. His smile was instantly gone, and his upbeat attitude was disappearing rapidly like soap bubbles in a bathtub that had been sitting there for too long. Swallowing hard, Aiden pushed the door open and walked inside the stale, dark house. No one was home. He looked around for any signs of life, but there was none save the fridge and other electric things that ran twenty-four seven. He found a note on the fridge. His parents were at some kind of fancy business party and wouldn't be back till late that night. There was left overs waiting for him in the fridge, and all he had to do was warm it up. There was no "I Love You" note or a smiley face at the end of it. It was just signed as "Mom and Dad".

    Sighing out, he crumpled the note up and threw it in the trashcan before going back to the front door and locked it tightly. He then pressed his forehead to the wood, listening to the hum of silence floating all around him. It was either silence or stern voices. There could never be a middle ground in this place. Maybe he could make one for himself, a middle ground that was, but it wouldn't really last for that long. Muttering to himself to tell his brain to switch off the science and psychology button for the evening, Aiden went and warmed up his leftovers and had dinner all by himself with some candlelight. After cleaning up and blowing out the candle, he headed upstairs, showered in an icy cold shower to awaken his senses for at least a bit, changed into some nightclothes, and then barricaded himself in his room. He took out scraps of paper, water color, crayons, and colored pencils and began to experiment with each combination of them. This was a good idea, Aiden just wanted to master it before he tried to apply it to the drawing he worked so hard to create. He wanted to challenge himself though. He couldn't always play it safe when it came to out. Sometimes he needed to step out of his comfort zone, he knew that. Aiden finally stopped when his eyes began to ache, and his head began to throb. It was time to call it a night. The boy let his experiments sit out to dry as he cleaned up and then flipped off the desk lamp with a switch when he was done. Turning on his fan for some white noise, he finally collasped on his bed and almost instantly fell into a deep sleep.
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