Awaiting Feedback Bring Back Rep 2017 Edition

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by 61, May 16, 2017.



  1. yes

  2. no

  1. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    ^old thread, bringing it back

    So a couple people were chatting in Discord and thought it would be cool if Rep came back.

    1. the like/dislike/creative/rude thing we have going on now is kinda redundant. I dont even know how to use the creative one, and unless youre in the art section it's basically the same thing as a like. And even then Like is sufficient, so the other positive ones dont carry any weight for the majority of the site

    2. the rep value/green bar system was infinitely more effective for giving a sense of where i stood in whatever community. because it was reputation. unlike likes, etc. which are just a collection of ever increasing of numbers, it didnt leave much to imagination when you got personalized responses and when it was going towards a single value that counted everything. Amaury rated my post "rude" one time but I had no idea what ticked him off and it didnt count against my likes so it affected my khv points basically not at all.

    4. acquiring more rep was fun and may help give incentive for activity
  2. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    What's fascinating here is how little I agree with my past self. I musta realized the benefits and positive of a likes system.

    Also, the reason that wasn't implemented wasn't because of lack of interest: that feature just straight up wouldn't work. Not metaphorically, but actually wouldn't work.

    Sidenote here, I do like the add of different kind of likes. I feel like what we need to do is expand upon the current system with counters for each stat and pins rewarding mass amounts of each type of like, rather than trying to bring back rep.