Bloody Roar the Turnament Begins

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dexnail, Jun 10, 2009.

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  1. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Bloody Roar the Turnament Begins

    People always been fascinated by animals even some wanted to be them. After years of testing on people they succesful made humen hybrids but the millitary told them to stop. After 100 years has passed an Organization called FURRY found scientific research that tell them about the experiments. They are hosting an turnament for people that has the ability the winner becomes rich beyond their dreams but the organization has an dark evil plan to use with the winner. So will you be in the turnament or will you find a way to stop the organization before its too late.

    alright you can be a person that is in the organization or in the turnament or the person that is trying to stop the evil plan from happining its your choice.

    no god moddeling
    gore and blood is accepted but do not kill your opponet
    do not powerplay even if your in beast mode
    if you got a problem with somebody do not argue about it on here instead talk to me
    BE Active
    if you are gona be gone tell me
    the poste has to be 2 sentences at least no one liners and remember give detail its realy importent
    also when people give me theire char info and i accept them i will get an roster set up
    remember socialize with the other chars

    alright i been notafied that some people may not know what bloody roar is i went into youtube to get the an video that shows you the fighting style of bloody roar and shows you what i mean by beast transformation well here it is

    Here is a page that contains information about Bloody Roar to help you out

    OC format

    the people in the organization cant have beast transformation but they run the turnament only the boss can beast transform

    side: (working the organization,a combatent, or trying to stop the organization)
    beast transformation: (you know half beast half humen)
    weapon: (this only gos for the organization members since only the leader can beast transform)
    preview post

    :) ill be the leader that will be judging :)

    username: Dexnail
    name: Yenzo Malkera
    age: 21
    side: He is the leader of the organization that is running the turnament
    appearance: but wears gray cargo pants and wears an black shirt that has nin written on it
    beast transformation:
    history: He was born with the ability he was rejected by society. Yenzo never got anything good happening to him he was ether beaten up or locked in a cage. he wanted everyone to pay when he turned 20 he found some old research papers in his house that had very detailed information of the experiments that was performed in the past. Yenzo formed the organization Furry with the money that was left to him from his rich uncle that died. Soon afterwards he began to host the turnament looking for people that had the same ability like he had. His attention is to use the winner to destroy the nations millitary then take controll of the country then use the research to make more humen hybrids to make an strong millitary.

    username: Fayt-Harkwind
    name: Steven "Stun" Goldberg
    side: a combatant
    beast transformation: roar/StunAnimal2.jpg
    history: He was a one of the men working on the experiment and ended up testing it on himself. Unfortunatly the test went wrong and he became a monster as his humanoid form but his beast form completed the transformation in a insect form. He fled from the experiments and ended up joining the tournament to see if he could find a cure.
    preview post: Stun ran through the dark streets of the night, his body hurt for a reason he did not know. Upon arriving at his hiding place, a small cut off section of an alley, he began to think of the reasons his body could be hurting. He had one conclusion, he was hungry, but he didn't know what for and it was effecting his body.[/QUOTE]

    username: Cstar7777
    name: Mizu Ocosai
    side: with the organization
    age: 17
    beast transformation:
    history: She was born with the power to slowly transform into an eagle. but when she was stuck joining the organization. she was forced to control it and she learned not to use it again but sometimes doesn't realize her wings grow when she gets in a peaceful mood. When she was about 7 her parents found out and got mad at her and kept repeatedly clipping her wings when she couldn't control it. when she turned 15 she couldn't take it anymore and killed her parents in an angry rage. when she turned 16 she was found by Yenzo who was forming the organization and she joined it.
    preview post: Mizu walked down the hall thinking on her past when she finally ran into a contender. "Sir you aren't allowed in this area please turn back"

    username: mixt
    name: Ohad
    side: a combatent
    appearance: (minus the awesome looking blades)
    beast transformation:
    history: His father had gone off to war and was never heard from again so Ohad and his mother believe him to be dead. His mother also died when he was a young teen of a disease the doctors could not figure out. It was later learned that it was a rare side effect related to having a child with beast transformations, but he would never learn that he was the cause of her death. Without parrents he had to learn to survive on his own and he did so off the street. Picpocketing, muggings, whatever it took to get by. When he heard of the tournament he just had to join, it would be enough to get him by for a while.
    preview post: As his opponent danced passed him him mockingly a bead of sweat fell to the floor. He wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing his beast form, least of all when he was in on a bet on if he could do it
  2. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    So this is basically Bloody Roar?

    username: Fayt-Harkwind
    name: Steven "Stun" Goldberg
    side: a combatant
    beast transformation: roar/StunAnimal2.jpg
    history: He was a one of the men working on the experiment and ended up testing it on himself. Unfortunatly the test went wrong and he became a monster as his humanoid form but his beast form completed the transformation in a insect form. He fled from the experiments and ended up joining the tournament to see if he could find a cure.
    preview post: Stun ran through the dark streets of the night, his body hurt for a reason he did not know. Upon arriving at his hiding place, a small cut off section of an alley, he began to think of the reasons his body could be hurting. He had one conclusion, he was hungry, but he didn't know what for and it was effecting his body.
  3. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Well I'm gonna have to move it, its technically in the wrong section since its based on a game and uses the name of the game itself.
  4. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alright i dont mind i just did not know where to put it :)
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    what exactly is bloody roar? and i can't beast transform? darn! i had a good one too

    username: Cstar7777
    name: Mizu Ocosai
    side: with the organization
    age: 17
    beast transformation:
    history: She was born with the power to slowly transform into an eagle. but when she was stuck joining the organization. she was forced to control it and she learned not to use it again but sometimes doesn't realize her wings grow when she gets in a peaceful mood. When she was about 7 her parents found out and got mad at her and kept repeatedly clipping her wings when she couldn't control it. when she turned 15 she couldn't take it anymore and killed her parents in an angry rage. when she turned 16 she was found by Yenzo who was forming the organization and she joined it.
    preview post: Mizu walked down the hall thinking on her past when she finally ran into a contender. "Sir you aren't allowed in this area please turn back"
  6. Zeonark Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 28, 2008
    Trolling Shizu-chan
    username: Zeonark
    name: Cane Trikeian
    side: Hired as a Bounty Hunter to kill any important figures. A.k.a Neutral
    appearance: Red long hair. Gray eyes with a laid-back appearance. Blue coat with a Red shirt under along with black pants and black shoes to add. Carries a Board-Sword on his back even though he never uses it.
    beast transformation: Unknown, considered somewhat dangerous.
    history: Files deleted. Only knowledge is that his family was visously(SP?) ripped from skin to bone in front of his very eyes. With this known, he plans to challenge Death on his own.
    preview post: "Hey, cool it bucko." Cane spook to a combatant trying to defuse a situation. He didn't seem interested in the arugement taking place but he knew it would be a future, major, pain in his ass. So he wanted to shut the yelling man up in any way possible.
    Personal Quote: "As long as I get my head and money, I don't give a damn."

    OOC: I have no idea what in the hell Bloody Roar IS even after I saw the video. So forgive me if I fucked up his profile. Also since I'm grounded I can't always post.
  7. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    grand Yenzo will have someone wanting to assasinate him o grand :) well basicly people got experimented on the result was they was able to tranform into their animal counterparts but not all the way so they are half humen and half beast when they transform
  8. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ooc: okay.. so why don't you want people in this organization to have beast transformation?
  9. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OCC: cause Yenzo want to see people with that ability to fight in the turnament so he can make clones of the winner so he could destroy the government and he does not trust people so he does not like it when people has a chance to kill him.
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ooc: yes but i could always give Mizu a disadvantage. after all.. who do you think would win? a fox/ human or a eagle/ human
  11. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    true alright she can transform but i think an eagle/humen would win cause they got the advantage of flight
  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ooc: did you read her history? her wings were repeatedly clipped when she was little.
    alright well i have a pic here.
    first stage.. she won't really ever go to full stage unless she has to
  13. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alright well lets start to rp so it may attract more people
  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ooc: kk you start
  15. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Yenzo looked out of the airplane window the sky was clear he smiled he used the money to buy this jet and he had an area set up for the turnament. The plan has begun now he needed to wait for time to do the rest he turned his head to one of hi trusted members."Mizu where else could you go so the organization made you able to exist since the world dont like our kind" Yenzo said to her.
  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Mizu shrugged at the question. "sadly..i don't know." she said attempting to hide something.
  17. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Yenzo smiled "you know its not healthy to hide things" he said to her. Then he looked out the window again he could see an city that was dirty and the economy went down a perfect place to find the kind of people he was looking for. "arlight this is our stop" he said smilling then the jet landed in an dirty road that looked like it was not used in centuries.
  18. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Mizu shrugged at the comment saying what she was hiding. "Most likely Hell.." she said looking out the window. "wow. and i thought where i came from looked deserted.."
  19. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    username: mixt
    name: Ohad
    side: a combatent
    appearance: (minus the awesome looking blades)
    beast transformation:
    history: His father had gone off to war and was never heard from again so Ohad and his mother believe him to be dead. His mother also died when he was a young teen of a disease the doctors could not figure out. It was later learned that it was a rare side effect related to having a child with beast transformations, but he would never learn that he was the cause of her death. Without parrents he had to learn to survive on his own and he did so off the street. Picpocketing, muggings, whatever it took to get by. When he heard of the tournament he just had to join, it would be enough to get him by for a while.
    preview post: As his opponent danced passed him him mockingly a bead of sweat fell to the floor. He wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing his beast form, least of all when he was in on a bet on if he could do it.
  20. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OCC: your accepted you can start to rp :)

    Yenzo gave an foxy grin at her compliment about the location that is exactly why he picked it. "people become disperite when they are in a horrific atmisphere so why not hold the turnament here let the turnament lure out our fighters" he said to Mizu happily. Then started to head to the abnandoned stadium he looked at the alleys he saw people but the money crises made them look disperite for a way to get out of the place he laughed to himself happily. "Mizu dont fall behind now" Yenzo said to her playfull as he continued walking.
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